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January 16, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-16

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom



Cloudy and cold with highs near

Vol. XCV, No. 87 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 16, 1985 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages





with wire reports
The Supreme Court yesterday made it easier for public
school officials to search students for drugs and weapons. By
a 6-3 vote, the court said school teachers and administrators
do not need court warrants nor the same justification police
officers need before searching a student.
Searches of students are justified "when there are
reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn
up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either
the law or the rules of the school," Justice Byron White wrote
for the court.
THE COURT'S decision was handed down in a case which
stems from the search of a student's purse at a Piscataway,
New Jersey high school.
University officials said yesterday that the ruling will ap-
ply only to public high schools and middle schools and will
have no effect on students at the University.
John Heidke, associate director for housing, said the
supreme court decision will have "absolutely no impact"
upon the University's dormitory system. According to
Heidke students living in dormitories have a binding
agreement which allows the opening of dorm rooms by
university employees only in the cases of safety hazards like

"I CAN'T see at all how the decision would effect the
University right now," said Walt Stevens, director of Safety.
"We never had any difficulty with this kind of situation."
Jean King, chairperson of the Washtenaw County ACLU,
said the decision was another attempt to make students
second class citizens. Though King admitted that yesterday's
decision would not effect university students, she did say it
lowered the due process rights of students.
"The decision fits into a pattern which makes students less
than full citizens," said King.
ANN ARBOR School Superintendent, Richard Benjamin,
refused to comment on how the Supreme Court ruling would
alter the city school's policy about searching students.
The New Jersey controversy arose when, on March 7, 1980,
a 14-year-old girl was caught smoking in a restroom at
Piscatway High School.
The girl, identified in court records only as T.L.O., was
taken by a teacher to a vice principal's office because
smoking in non-designated areas was against school rules.
THE GIRL, questioned by assistant Vice Principal
Theodore choplick, denied that she had been smoking and
said she never smoked.
See COURT, Page 3

Associated Press

Capitol idea
The stand for President Reagan's Jan. 21st inauguration takes shape on the west front of the U.S. Capitol yesterday.
Security precautions are also in the works. See story, Page 2.

Sex experts hit surve


CHICAGO (AP) - Cuddling and gentle touching
may be terrific and even sweeter than sex, as an Ann
Landers sampling of American women suggests, but
it could harm relationships and lead people "to be
boring," some sex experts said yesterday.
"I think this...will get us back into the Victorian
age,"said New York sex therapist Ruth Westheimer.
"It's dangerous to say a high percentage of women do
not expect sexual activity but expect only caressing.
Caressing has to be a part of the sexual experience."
THE POLL results could give people permission
"to be boring, to just roll over in bed and go to sleep,"
said Jim Petersen, who writes the Playboy Advisor
for Chicago-based Playboy magazine.
"That's unfortunate," he said. "Lust is an
honorable condition. Sex is a wonderful pastime. It is

not something men foist upon women."
Landers reported in her column yesterday that, in
a sampling of more than 90,000 American women, 72
percent of the respondents said they would be content
to be held and cuddled and forgo the sex act. Of those,
40 percent were under 40 years of age.
AMONG those responding was a Columbus, Ohio,
woman quoted in Tuesday's column as saying, "I am
under 40 and would be delighted to settle for tender
words and warm caresses. The rest of it is a bore and
can be exhausting."
But a woman from Helena, Mont., said in the
column, "To say that touching and tender words are
sufficient is like settling for the smell of freshly baked
bread and ignoring the nourishment it provides. Such
people must be crazy."
Landers said in an interview on NBC's "Today"

show that her mail shows "there are a lot of angry,
unfulfilled women out there."
LANDERS also said that from previous letters she
anticipated the direction of the reader reac-
tion-which generated the second-largest volume of
mail she has received to any of her columns. She said
it was second only to the time she asked her 70 million
readers worldwide to clip a column about nuclear
war, sign it and send it to President Reagan.
Critics said the method of Miss Landers' research
as well as the results present problems.
Landers asked her 70 million readers worldwide to
respond to only one question: "Would you be content
to be held close and treated tenderly, and forget
about 'the act?' Answer YES or NO and please add
one sentence:~I am over or under 40 years of age."
See LANDERS, Page 2

...women are 'unfulfilled'

drop. in.
retail sales
WASHINGTON (AP) - Retail sales
slipped slightly in December, buttthe
nation's factories were humming to a
sharply faster beat and analysts said
the two government reports together
spell more relief for the economy.
Except for sagging business in new-
car showrooms, the December decline
of 0.1 percent in retail sales reported
yesterday by the Commerce Depar-
tment would have been a 0.5 percent in-
crease -- even after the raw figures
were adjusted downward to account for
the Christmas shopping season.
FOR all of 1984, retail sales were up
10.4 percent over the previous year.
The Federal Reserve's industrial
production report, meanwhile, showed
that output at the nation's factories,
mines and utilities shot up 0.6 percent in
December, the biggest increase in five
"The two pieces together are just
confirmation for our view that the
economy did touch bottom in October
and has been growing at a pretty
healthy rate since then," said Robert
Wescott of Wharton Econometrics in
WHILE the government was
plugging two more pieces into the
economic puzzle, the nation's largest
See RETAIL, Page 2

Violence in Lebanon possible after Israeli withdrawal

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel said
yesterday that the withdrawal of its
troops from Lebanon could provoke a
wave of violence and appealed to the
United Nations and the Beirut gover-
nment .to move into vacated areas
before fighting starts.
"There is indeed a danger of
massacres in Lebanon," said Prime
Minister Shimon Peres. He told high
school students in the northern town of
Yoqnam that Israel wanted to avoid
bloodshed, but "I don't know if we will
THE ISRAELI Cabinet approved a
three-phase withdrawal plan Monday
that will begin in five weeks.
Israeli troops have occupied southern
Lebanon since the invasion of 1982 and
Peres said Monday the last Israeli

'There is indeed a danger of massacres in Lebanon.'
- Shimon Peres
Israeli prime minister

transferring authority in the south.
THE U.N. Security Council dispat-
ched 6,000 peacekeepers to southern
Lebanon after a 90-day Israeli invasion
in 1978 and it would have to approve any
redeployment of U.N. forces north of
the Litani River.
The Security Council can act only on
a request by the Lebanese government
and any decision would require the ap-
proval of the Soviet Union, which is
Syria's main political and military
Beirut has rejected previous Israeli
proposals to expand the U.N. force's
role, saying its own army should have
sole authority and that the Israeli plan
would partition the country.
THE FIRST planned withdrawal of
See ISRAEL, Page 3

troops should leave Lebanon "by the
summer." But other sources said the
pullback may stretch into the autumn.
Some Israeli officials said the phased
withdrawal could also lead to a confron-
tation with Damascus if Syrian forces
in eastern Lebanon move into areas
evacuated by Israel in the second stage
of the withdrawal.
"IF THE Syrians move south this will

cause a dangerous escalation. They
know that," said a senior official, who
spoke on condition he not be identified.
"It's not a warning or a threat or
anything like that. It's a statement of
Israeli troops will leave the
Mediterranean port city of Sidon in the
first stage of the pullback, and Israelis
feel-Shiite and Sunni Moslem militias as

well as Palestinians could fight for con-
trol of the city.
Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin met
U.N. Undersecretary General Brian
Urquhart to outline the withdrawal
plan. He also urged that U.N.
peacekeeping forces and the Lebanese
army take control of areas Israel
evacuates. Urquhart later flew to
Beirut to explore the prospects for

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to review,
objectives of'
conduct code,

The University Council will meet today to
look at some of the problems of past councils
and will attempt to outline its goals for the
The council is charged with revising the
rules of the University community - the out-
of-classroom rules of conduct which govern
faculty and students.
PROF. C. WILLIAM Colburn, former chair
of the council, and Affirmative Action Director
Virginia Nordby, former councilmember and
adviser, will answer questions about the policy
making panel's past as well as discuss goals for
the new council.
"What I'm personally interested in hearing,
particularly from Nordby, but also from
Colburn, is what are the (discipline) problems"
the revised rules would address, said Lee

Winkelman, one of three students on the panel
and acting chairman.
Some students have insisted that many of the
discipline problems such a conduct code could
address - such as arson, theft, and assault -
are better handled through the criminal courts.
ADMINISTRATION officials, on the other
hand, say that an internal judicial system
would be more expeditious than trying a
student through the legal system.
Donald Rucknagel, one of two faculty mem-
bers on the board, said he also wanted to
discuss the goals of the council.
"Basically, what we're trying to find out is
'what's the problem?"' he said. "'What are we
trying to cure? What are we trying to fix?"'
THE COUNCIL should first determine
whether a conduct code is the appropriate
See 'U' COUNCIL, Page 5

7:00 p.m. tonight
The Michigan Daily
420 Maynard

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Recycle me
Ann Arbor's Ecology Center is rapidly expanding
its recycling program and plans to have curbside
pickups once a month throughout the city by
April. The free program collects string-tied
newspapers in five-inch think bundles, glass bottles sorted
by color, tin and aluminum cans, and used motor oil. Mon-

Hello, Coke?
A city building in Fayetteville, N.C. was supposed to be
closed and empty at nights and on weekends, but swit-
chboard computer records showed that hundreds of calls,
some within seconds of each other, were being placed from
two telephone extensions.It wasn't a burglar. It was just two
computerized Coke machines trying to phone home. City of-
ficials couldn't figure out how anyone was getting into the
city Sanitation and Fleet Maintenance building after hours
to place the hundreds of local calls, all to the same number
according to the compute printout. "It was on a Saturday,

a computer system that automatically called another com-
puter at the company each day, reporting how many bottles
of soda had been sold. This allowed the distributor to know
when the machines needed to be refilled without making
unnecessary stops. From midnight until early in the mor-
ning the two machines tried to report their inventory, but if
they were answered by a busy signal they would disconnect
and call again-and again. Johnson said the system was-
discontinued last week, after it was discovered that the
machines had a "manufacturer's flaw."
T -ln rnIr

1, "terrorized a 15-foot section around the table. We needed
a snow shovel to clean up the mess," Gary Cochran, owner
of the Beau Jacks restaurant, said in a Detroit Free Press
report published Sunday. The amount of food that landed on
the floor is in dispute. "Certainly they threw some cracker
crumbs and some pieces of (peanut-butter- and jelly) san-
dwich on the floor," Scharg said. Jim Horn, spokesman for
the Civil Rights Commission, said the case was under in-
vestigation and confirmed Scharg and Surnow filed a com-
plaint Wednesday.




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