Page 2-TheMichigan Daily-Sunday, March 17, 1985
U.S. missiles arrive in Bel1gium
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Sixteen
U.S.-made cruise missiles arrived at
Florennes air base less than three
hours after Parliament was told they
would be deployed, and the defense
minister said yesterday they are now
"All I can say is that, in the spirit of
the Belgian government's decision to
deploy 16 cruises on Belgian soil, the
United States can proceed as soon as
they are technically ready to do so," a
government spokesman said.
The U.S. mission at the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization headquarters
at Brussels refused comment.
The newspaper said the 16 cruise
missiles, the first of 48 to be deployed on
Belgian territory, arrived late Friday
at the base in Florennes, about 40 miles
south of Brussels.
"Friday, at 6:26 p.m., a first tran-
sport plane landed with the nuclear
warheads on board," Defense Minister
Freddy Vreven said in a radio interv-
iew. A second cargo plane landed four
hours lager with "the engines, which
means the missiles, on board," he ad-
Vreven was asked if the medium
range missiles had already been
deployed, and he said they are
Both planes, the first of which arrived
less than three hours after Prone
Minister Wilfried Martens told
Parliament that Belgium would deploy
the missiles, "arrived directly from the
United States," the minister said.
, The Florennes air base is 40 miles
south of Brussels.
Martens announced his government
decided to deploy the first 16 missiles
"in solidarity with the NATO allies,"
but the government had delayed a final
decision on the action for five years.
The prime minister said the remaining
32 rockets scheduled to be placed in
Belgium would be deployed in late 1987
if the U.S.-Soviet arms talks that
resumed last week in Geneva do not
bear fruit.
Martens defended the decision,
saying the Soviet Union "had continued
its deployments of both medium-range
nuclear SS-20s as well as other short-
range missiles that also threaten
Western Europe."
He, later said the execution of the
government agreement was "in the
hands of NATO."
"And because U.S. missiles are in-
volved, it is of course the U.S. gover-
nment that has to carry out the
deployment within the framework of
the alliance."
In Washington, White House
spokesman Larry Speaks noted "the
steadfastness of the Belgians in keeping
with NATO plans despite strong
domestic opposition." He said the
decision "could have a considerable ef-
fect on the arms discussions at
The missiles arrived two days before
an anti-nuclear demonstration was
planned in Brussels. Organizers said
they expect tens of thousands to march
against nuclear arms in Europe. The
protest was scheduled well before the
government announed it would deploy
the missiles.-
Belgium's deployment leaves the
Netherlands as the only one of the five
selected North Atlantic Treaty
Organization countries yet to accept the
missiles. The alliance agreed in 1979 to
deploy 572 cruise and Pershing-2 missiles
to Britain, West Germany, Italy,
Belgium and the Netherlands to balan-
ce the buildup of Soviet SS-20 rockets,,
which NATO says now totals 414.
The first of the missiles arrived in
Britain, Italy and West Germany in late
The Dutch government is to decide on
the deployment of 48 cruise missiles on
Nov. 1. NATO officials expect the
Belgian decision will help sway the
Dutch vote.
Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
U S reporter abducted in Beirut
BEIRUT, Lebanon - As fears of fighting between the rebel Christian
militia and Syria grew, an American journalist was kidnapped in mostly-
Moslem west Beirut and 11 more officials were airlifted from the U.S. Em-
bassy and taken to Cyprus. Eighteen officials were flown out on Thursday.
Three gunmen dragged an American reporter from his car, shoved him
into the back seat of another vehicle and sped away yesterday in the third
abduction of a foreigner in as many days.
Terry Anderson, chief Middle East correspondent and Beirut Bureau chief:
for the Associated Press, was taken from his car at gunpoint when he drop-
ped off AP photographer Don Nell at his apartment after an early morning
tennis game.
No group immediately claimed responsibility for kidnapping Anderson,
37, a former U.S. Marine from Loraine, Ohio.
Lebanese Shiite Moslems had warned of attacks on Americans if the United
States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning
Israel raids on southern Lebanon villages. The United States vetoed the
resolution Thursday.
Reagan flies to Quebec today
WASHINGTON - President Reagan flies today to Quebec for two days of
talks with Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in a personal effort to
forge a more harmonious partnership with America's northern neighbor.
Disputes that have festered in the past over trade, superpower relations.
and acid rain will be dealt with, but are expected to be overshadowed by ex-
pressions of hearty goodwilland cooperation between the allies, the world's'
two largest trading partners.
Reagan, giving an upbeat preview of the visit in his Saturday radio ad-.
dress, said he and his wife Nancy were going to Canada "for one simple
reason - no other country is more important to the United States."
Thetalks between the two men - who share an Irish heritage - have been
dubbed "the Shamrock summmit," since they begin on St. Patrick's Day.
U.S. officials hint that the harmony may even extend to a vocal note with.
the leaders participating in a fendition of Irish tunes at a gala tonight.
Quebec City, the capital of Mulroney's home province, is the site of three
sessions today and tomorrow between the two leaders.
Blacks boycott work and shops
RealIrishmen don't
drink green beer
(Continued from Page 1)
a holy day and that's what we were
taught. We still go to Mass.
Daily: Do the Irish make a bigger
deal out of the celebration?
F : The Irish don't make a big deal,
about it. It's a holy day.
P: The Americans make a bigger
deal about it. Remember, it's a big
country. We make a small hoopla out of
it because we're a small country. We
only wear the shamrock and a badge.
We don't wear the hats, the green
clothes, or all the plastic. And our
shamrocks are real. We don't use all
the noisemakers either. . . And by the
way, I hate green. I'd never wear
green. My wife won't wear it because it
gets me upset. She once bought a green
sweater and hasn't worn it since. I'll
wear green tonight (for a party at
Marrion Inn), but only for a little while.
I just can't stand it.
Daily: It seems like everyone in the
United States joins in the celebration
regardless of heritage. How do you feel
about this?
F: I think it's great. The party would
probably run short without everyone. I
was at a party at the Sheridan the other
night and everyone was there-all dif-
ferent races and religions. On St.
Patrick's Day, everyone's Irish.
Daily: Does the tone of the
celebrations here bother you? Are you
disturbed by the fact that tlere's a lot of
emphasis on drinking and partying?
F: Not at all. I think it's a great
time. I think they've toned down a
great deal since I was a kid in New
York. The drinking age was 18 then and
lots of kids had a lot to drink.
P: No, it's to each his own. If theyr
want to drink and celebrate, that's fine.
But I think there's a misconception
about how the real Irish celebrate
it-and by real Irish, I mean those born
in Ireland. We drink and eat but we
don't get drunk. And we sweat it off
with all the dancing.
Daily: How do you feel about the
stereotypes about Irishmen that say
they're drinkers and very stubborn?
F: There's nothing worse than a
stubborn Irishman. Irish people will
not agree with me, of course. They also
like to get together and have a good
time. They like to drink. During the
prohibition at the wakes, they used to
hide a bottle in the casket. Then, when
they knelt down to the casket, they
could take a swig.
P: People will play that up. I think
the American Irish play that up them-
selves. I don't really agree with them.
Daily: How cohesive is the Irish
community in Ann Arbor? 4
F: There's basically no Irish com-
munity here. There are four Irish
parishes here, but even there, there's
little cohesiveness,
P: As far as I know, I'm the only one I
can think of. I've never met a real
Irishman in Ann Arbor.
Daily: How do Irish-Americans dif-
fer from the Irish?
F: They're not as jovial as they are
here. The Irish are more somber. You
can hear it in their music, for instance:
"Too ra loo ra loo, ra loo ra, too ra loo,
ra li" and then there's "Oooooooh Dan-
ny Boy." It's a sad sound. But this
whole thing is only a guess. It's just
based upon a sad sound. But this whole
thing is only a guess. It's just based
upon my experience in meeting Irish
people in New York 25 years ago.
Daily: Do you agree with this?
P: Not at all. These people (like
Foley) don't meet the right people.
They don't go to the villages, and the
pubs in Ireland-there are the real
Rock Alike Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Will Carlson, an LSA Sophomore and member of the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity
lip sings as David Bowie Friday night at the Union. The Rock alike com-
petition is sponsored by Millions Against Multiple Sclerosis and is part
of Michigras.
20oz. $1.99
From ground chuck $1.79 ib.
to protest bus and gas prices
PORT ELIZABETH, South Africa-Tens of thousands of blacks boycotted
work and shops yesterday at the start of a three-day "stayaway" to protest
increases in bus bares and gasoline prices.
Police spokesman Lt. Cecil Vermaak said there were minor incidents of
stone throwing and arson, but no major violence in the work stoppage by
residents of Port Elizabeth's black townships.
At the main entrances to New Brighton, the largest of this Indian Ocean
port city's segregated townships, almost no traffic passed through police
roadblocks. The few buses that emerged were all but empty. Police barred
whites from entering the township.
Sipo Hashe, secretary of the Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organization,
which called the boycott, said it was "100 percent successful so far." He and
others said it was the first time a protest strike had succeeded on such a
scale in industrial, eastern Cape Province.
The protest left the downtown white retail area deserted. Hashe said it
had given notice to whites "of what we are.going through, that the people are
The stayayay reflected the increasing degree of organizational muscle
and skill by black opponents of white-minority rule.
Bush arrives in Honduras
PALMEROLA, Monduras-Vice President George Bush arrived yester-
day for talks with Honduran and U.S. officials pivotal to the Reagan ad-
ministration's strategy of countering the threat of communism in Central
President Roberto Suazo Cordova greeted Bush on arrival with an
"abrazo," the traditional Latin American hug, and said, "Honduras shows
solidarity with the United States at this dramatic hour to choose between
totalitarianism and freedom."
Bush and Suazo Cordova, who met during Suazo Cordova's three visits to
Washington, are expected to discuss ongoing negotiations for increased U.S.
military and economic aid to Honduras and the perceived threat of leftist
revolution spreading from Sandonista-ruled Nicaragua.
Officials discuss runs on banks
CLEVELAND-Gov. Richard Celeste met, with banking officials at
Federal Reserve offices yesterday as he and the state's financial leaders
sought a way to prevent runs on deposits at state-chartered savings and loan
The 71 thrift institutions remained closed yesterday under an executive
order declaring a three-day holiday that was issued Friday morning by
The governor said he acted to give the financial community time to
develop a plan to restore confidence in the institutions. Among the
possibilities are providing state-chartered institutions with federal deposit
insurance or having Ohio's major commercial banks consider taking over
the affected S&Ls.
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Mir nrnnram in rnhntirc alreadv ha- had innificant imnact on the I S annli-
Customers, alarmed by the March 9 closing of the Cincinnati-based Home
State Savings Association, had camped overnight last week outside at least
two other Cincinnati thrift institutions to withdraw their money.
Vbl. XVC - No. 131
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through.Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms gnd Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
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Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
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