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March 16, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-16

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


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Cloudy with possible snow
flurries. Highs near 40.

Vol. XCV, 'No. 130 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, March 16, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

University students may face a
tuition increase of at least five percent
next fallif the University fails to trim
its bare-boned budget even further,
said Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and University
"(I am) certain students will have to
face some sort of tuition increase next
fall," Frye said.
FRYE WOULD not speculate on
exactly how much the increase would
be. But in addressing the University's
Board of Regents at the second half of
their two-day meeting yesterday, Frye
released figures which indicate that
students will have to face at least a five
percent increase if no further cuts take
A trade-off will have to be made bet-
ween increasing tuition or cutting ex-
penditures, Frye said.
"The expenditures we now have
planned are the lowest I can tolerate,"
he said.
FRYE POINTED out that the
OUniversity is currently "well into a
rather extensive plan of budget cut-
tihg." In 1982, the University began its
five-year plan to reallocate and
redirect $40 million of its general fund
budget monies into "high priority"
areas: The plan is expected to even-
tually cut spending by 8 to 10 percent.
Frye said the next year's pared down
budget plan also includes a 1 percent
cut in each school of the University.
Frye announced at February's regents
meeting that he had written letters to
all of the University's deans advising
them to be prepared for a 1 percent cut
in their school's budgets In order to
redirect their funds for priority needs.
Frye also said that the projected ex-
penditures did not include many
necessary items, such as $5 million
requestedto the state to help make up
the one third difference in faculty
salaries here and at private in-
Shapiro echoed Frye's thoughts, sayihg
that "balancing a budget is an easy
game, but that's not the game we're
playing. We're fighting - to remain
something different, to sustain our
See REGENTS, Page 2

Faireh scary
'M' nips FDU, 59-=55

Special to the Daily
DAYTON - Everybody was
chuckling at Fairleigh Dickinson ever
since the Knights were named
Michigan's first round opponent in the
NCAA basketball tournament.
But the Wolverines found out that
FDU was no joke before getting the last
laugh in last night's 59-55 win.
"(ESPN commentator Dick) Vitale
put us in the same breath as Lehigh,
and that's an insult," said Fairleigh
Dickinson forward Gary Wilson, who
scored a team high 12 points.
The Knights took a six-point halftime
lead and built it to 10 before Michigan's
defense tightened and FDU coach Tom
Green's well-crafted game plan began
to unravel.
"I thought we had them at that
point," said Fairleigh's Larry Ham-
pton. "They came up with some steals
and beat us."
THE WOLVERINES could not cut
Fairleigh Dickinson's lead below five
until Michigan center Roy Tarpley
picked off a pass at half court, drove to
the basket and rebounded his own
missed layup to get , the Wolverines
within three points, 37-34, with 8:07 to
FDU guard Fred Collins double drib-
bled on the following possession, and
Leslie Rockymore converted a 17-footer
on the other end to make it 37-36.
A Fairleigh Dickinson basket and two
Richard Rellford free throws later,
Rock came throngh again, this time

with one free throw to tie the game
at 39.
TARPLEY answered a Fairleigh
Dickinson basket to tie the game at 41,
and Rockymore gave Michigan its first
lead since late in the first half, sinking
both ends of a one-and-one at 4:26.
Then the roof caved in on the Knights.
Michigan's full court press trapped
freshman Damarie Riddick, who threw
the ball out of bounds.

AFTER GREEN called a time out,
Rockymore took an Antoine Joubert
pass on the right side, converting a
three point play.
Hampton's fifth foul on that play
made him the first of three FDU start-
ers to foul out in the next minute and a
"I thought we got a little out of sync,"
said Green. "Our younger kids mal1e
See MICHIGAN, Page 8

Students turn down
trip to Dayton tourney

Some Wolverine fans will pay any
price, make any concession, and travel
any distance to cheer on the basketball
team, but many more are staying away
from the games in Dayton this
"It was too much of a hassle to try to
get tickets," said would-be fan Howard
Cooperstein, an LSA senior.
Others felt the same.
against the trip to Dayton Was purely a
question of economics. The base price
for tickets to the NCAA tournament is
$10.50, and those were sold out early
Sunday evening in Dayton, leaving
students to look for alternative ways to
get their hands on tickets.
Enter the scalpers. One scalper, who

asked to remain anonymous, was
asking $25 for yesterday's session of
games and a whopping $40 for Sunday's
doubleheader-and the price was not
negotiable, Should the University of
Dayton face Michigan in its own
building Sunday, the scalper said he
could envision the price of the tickets
climbing to $50, easily.
"The phone has been ringing off the
wall," he said despite his steep prices.
"The price won't keep the die hard fans
away but it will keep the fans who just
want to see a basketball gaipe away."
THOUGH DEMAND was high for this
particular scalper's tickets, he had only
18 to sell. That's all, he could get.
"Tickets were really hard to come by
because in both afternoon and evening
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Antoine Joubert looks for an outside shot as FDU senior Larry 11am pton
towers over him. Joubert scored three points as the Wolverines edged out
FDU in the first round.

S. Quad student watched for measles

A male resident of South Quad with a skin rash
is being kept under observation for a possible case
of the measles, a doctor from University Health
Service said yesterday.
The student is in precautionary isolation and
cannot leave his room except to use the bathroom.
Meals are being brought up from the cafeteria,
said Dr. Robert Winfield, an assistant director of
health services.
"(THE RESIDENT) doesn't appear to have
measles, but there's enough question in my mind
to think it would be wise to keep .him isolated rather

than take a chance," Winfield said.
The precautionary measure comes on the heels
of a measles outbreak that struck 11 people on the
medical campus and in East Quad. All of those
people hav'e recovmred
TIough Winfield wouldn't divulge the full details
about the resident, he pointed out that the student,
"didn't fit the criteria for measles, which include
a 103-degree temperature, three days of skin rash,
and one of the following: a cough, irritated eyes,
or an irritated nose,"
BUT SINCE the rash appeared Wednesday, and
a rash typically appears three to four days after a

person has been infected, the resident will be kept
in isolation until tomorrow morning, Winfield
About 360 people were inoculated for measles
at free clinics located in South Quad and West
Quad yesterday as part of a campus-wide drive to
innoculate students against the disease. The
clinics began Thursday and will continue through
Friday of next week. Students are encouraged to
be re-inoculated or to check with clinicians to
determine whether the vaccinations they received
in the past are still effective.

Clinics held on Thursday in the Law Club and
Fletcher and Martha Cook dormitories drew 211
dorm residents, according to health service of-
ficials. Those residents were both checking the
status of their vaccinations and getting new in-
Health services officials next week will attempt
to determine the level of measles immunity
among those living in the residence halls by
assessing the number of residents who have
received effective vaccinations and the number
who have had a confirmed case of the measles.


Parties abound as
campus celebrates

Hands clasped behind their backs,
bibs tied around their necks, and no
spoons in sight, four finalists in
yesterday's Michigras ice cream
eating contest bit into melty mounds
of vanilla and chocolate mix.
The beer-chugging crowd at the
University Club Bar screamed "Suck
it in!" and other cheers of en-
Dailey was the clear victor of the con-
test, which together with a special
happy hour at the U-Club kicked off
the weekend Michigan-style Mardi
Gras celebration.
After accepting a free pass to
tomorrow night's mock casino, Dailey
revealed his key to success.
"I've been training for weeks"' on
soft serve ice cream in the West Quad
cafeteria, said the engineering
freshman, smiling through a veneer
of chocolate ice cream.
LSA freshman Dan Dretler, a
finalist who finished just behind

Dailey, said he was disappointed that.
there wasn't an "assortment of
mixins and waffle cones. But it was
fun," he had to admit.
couldn't get into gulping ice cream or
gulping brew, yesterday's events also
included a t-shirt decorating contest.
For $1, a student received a plain
white t-shirt and paint and glitter
supplied by the University Activities
Center. Susie Weiner, an LSA
sophomore, won that contest with a
colorful design with "MICHIGRAS"
emblazoned on the front.
Weiner dashed out the door, but
second-place winner LSA junior Alan
Harkavy said, "I'm so excited. This is
the first contest Iever won."
Winning may be in the air tonight as
well when the Union hosts casino
night in the second day of Michigras.
The announcement of the top three
"Rock-a-like" entries, the semi-finals
of the Battle of the Bands, and a jazz
club, are also featured. on tonight's

mm., wag9e,
administration is campaigning hard for
support among minorities and other
groups for legislation to cut the
minimum wage for youth by 25 percent
during summer vacation, a move the
Labor Department says would create
400,000 jobs.
Identical legislation introduced last
May failed to come to a vote in either
the Senate or the House before the 98th
Congress expired at year's end. But
President Reagan gave the idea
prominent notice in his State of the
Union address Feb. 6 and the legislation
will be introduced within the next mon-
th, Bruce Navarro, the Labor Depar-
tment's acting chief of legislative af-
fairs, said yesterday.
The three-year test program would
institute a subminimum wage of $2.50
an hour, down from the minimum wage
of $3.35 an hour, from May 1 to Sept 30
See REAGAN, Page 3

Jobert Abueva, an LSA junior, gulped his way to the finals in the Michigras ice cream eating-contest last night.

Start your engines
nstead of spending your Saturday locked up in the
library, why not spend it on the open road? If you have
a car or know someone who does, enter the Tau Beta
Pi road rally this afternoon. A road rally, for those un-
familiar with the concept, is not an auto race. Rally par-
ticipants receive clues that direct them to checkpoints

candidate in civil engineering. Prize money for the winners
will total at least $100. There is a $6 entry fee per car and $1
per person. Participants should register at the Chrysler
Center Auditorium at noon. The event scheduled to begin at
1 p.m., and last three or four hours. After the contest, the
teams, will adjourn to Charlie's for happy hour to announce,
the winners.
Happy hour

apply for the licenses. Business school Dean Gilbert
Whitaker said the license will just be used to serve a couple
drinks with dinner, and he denied that he was planning to
throw wild parties. With the regents, however, the plan is
not so clear. Everyone knows what party animals the
regents can be-there have even been reports that the
regents have been guzzling without the benefit of a liquor
license. So if you hear loud music and general carousing on
the north side of campus, be careful, remember, these

a "pain" to walk through, the residents could smell the
chemical's odor, said Sarah Donmeyer, an engineering
sophomore. Joan Karcheskia, an engineering freshman,
said the biggest problem came when the students tracked
the white stuff down the stairs. Housing security has two-
male suspects, who will be forced to pay for cleaning up the
mess. Mary Antieau, building director, said she thought the
dorm policy, which threatens residents who abuse the fire
equipment with lease termination, would have deterred the





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