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March 14, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-14

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Page 2-- The Michigan Daily- thursday, March 14, 1985
Comnmssion okays sorority house

Despite protests from area residents,
the Ann Arbor Planning Commission
voted 5-2 early yesterday to allow the
Collegiate Sorosis sorority to buy a new
Although the plan to purchase and
expand a home at 903 Lincoln was ap-
proved, commission members said
they wanted to clarify the zoning laws
which were the subject of heated
disagreement at the "meeting. The
debate began Tuesday evening and en-
ded with the board's vote at 12:30 a.m.
"THE ZONING LAW calls for diver-

sity in that area. We have the obligation
to house University students. But we
must look closely at the zoning laws,"
said commission and City Council
member Doris Preston (D-Fifth ward).
The commission also said the effect
of having a fraternity or sorority as a
neighbor should be evaluated.
"Everybody who lives next door to a
sorority or fraternity thinks it's won-
derful," said com mission member
Sharon Herrmann. "However, the im-
pact is greater if you live across the
Early in the hearing neighbors
testified that having fraternities and

sororities on the block lower the value
of the other houses in the block and
make them harder to sell.
Donna Richter said the decision to
allow a house to be used for group
housing changes it from residential to
commercial property, increasing the
burden on other residential
Neighborhood resident Andrea Van
Houweling said yesterday that the
neighbors would be "very interested in
talking with the commission about
rezoning the area," although the neigh-
bors have not yet had a chance to

discuss the latest vote.
Jane Bednis, president of the
sorority's Michigan alumni group, said
the sorority has no ill feelings toward
the protesting neighbors. "We think we
would make nice neighbors and we
hope the neighborhood will agree," she
Collegiate Sorosis plans to add 4,400
square feet to their new house, which
will house 39 members and the house
director, said Bednis.
The proposal must also be reviewed
by the city's Historic District Com-
mission because the neighborhood is a
proposed historical district.

An ti-weatherization group renews license

A citizens group which two years ago
opposed a ballot proposal on
weatherization of rental units returned
to life yesterday.
The Citizens for Rational Energy
Policy filed papers yesterday which
allow them to campaign against
Proposal A on next month's city ballot.
CREP Treasurer James Morris said it
was unlikely the group would mount
substantial oppositon to the
weatherization proposal.
MORRIS SAID Proposal A, which
calls for basic insulation, weatherstrip-
ping, and caulking in certain housing
units, will probably pass because it ap-
with a
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plies only to the 45 percent of Ann Arbor
tenants who pay directly for heat. It
does not apply to fraternities,
sororities, co-op houses, or single-
family homes.
CREP, a diverse group of citizens
concerned with conserving energy,
began in 1983 in opposition to a
somewhat different weatherization
proposal that was defeated on the 1983
Although the current proposal is less
restrictive to landlords than the old one,
it jeopardizes a city energy program
that endorses voluntary, rather than
legal measures for energy conser-
vation, said Morris.
The program is "based on perfor-
mance, not a list of standards," and the
only mandatory provision is a projected
heat cost disclosure that landlords must

provide with the lease, Morris said.
The committee's concern, Morris
said, is that "once you open the man-
date box, you don't know what they're

going to do next." He said the city
might eventually start mandating
things like thermostats and other costly

Attorneys discuss code

(Continued from Page 1)
particular, Shaner stressed that giving
input to police, prosecutors, and judges
can make a difference.
Shaner noted that if a student has
been charged with a crime, members 61f
the University community can ask the
judge to protect the victim by setting
bond with conditions.
"The judge "in setting bond has an
enormous amount of flexibility,"
Shaner said. For example, a judge can
order psychiatric counseling as a con-
dition of being released, Shaner said.
GOLDMAN said the University can
use the civil courts to have a.dangerous
student involuntarily committed to a
mental hospital, but he noted that there
are strict criteria that must be met to
have someone involuntarily commit-

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Both attorneys agreed that an inter-
nal code would be legal, but Shaner said
administrative hearings can easily
become unfair.
"All too often the hearing officer is
just a rubber stamp for whoever is
bringing the charges," he said.
Goldman said a code might be the
best way to deal with some tran-
sgressions that are often overlooked by
the courts.
"There's that whole realm of cases
that the civil commitment laws and the
criminal code are not set up to deal
with," he said. These cases include
emotionally unstable students who
disrupt classes and students who
harass other people but don't take any
concrete action.
Backpack missing
A backpack containing a wallet and
textbooks valued at $173 was reported
missing from the West Quad cafeteria
early Tuesday evening.
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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Israeli warplanes blow up
suspected Palestinian base
BEIRUT, Lebanon-Israeli warplanes streaked across eastern Lebanon
and blew up a suspected Palestinian guerrilla base yesterday, three days af-
ter 12 Israeli soldiers died in a suicide bomb attack in southern Lebanon.
The raid came as the U.S. Embassy in a Christian east Beirut suburb
tightened security following the American veto Tuesday of a U.N. resolution
condemning Israel for "barbaric policies" in Lebanon.
"We tightened security," an embassy official said. "But with those bom-
bings, the troubles in the south and a whole air of tension, all on top of the
veto, the embassy feels anything can happen."
In the Bekaa Valley, a police spokesman said Israeli warplanes attacked a
target around noon about a mile west of the village of Bar Elias, 22 miles
east of Beirut. Casualty figures were not immediately available.
In Israel, the military said its planes scored "accurate hits" on a two-story
building serving as a base for Saiga, a Palestinian dissident faction, before
returning safely to their base in Israel.
Army 'copter crashes, kills '12
FORT BRAGG, N.C.- A Blackhawk helicopter, built to ferry weapons and
soldiers to combat zones, crashed yesterday while flying in a 100-mph
training formation at this Army base, killing all 12 people aboard, officials
Col. James Strachan, a Fort Bragg spokesman at the crash scene said
there were four crew and eight passengers in the $4.8 million helicopter,
which was one of three in a formation flying at 100 mph some 75 to 100 feet
above the ground.
The Army said the last crash of such a helicopter, a new-model UH-60
Blackhawk, occurred Feb. 26 at Fort Campbell, Ky. No one was -killed in
that accident.
The Blackhawk is a twin-engine, single-rotor helicopter designed as a
highly maneuverable, heavy-lift aircraft for ferrying troops or weapons to a
combat zone. The helicopter's prime contractor is Sikorsky Aircraft of Con-
Bush meets with Gorbachev
MOSCOW- Vice President George Bush had a long meeting yesterday
with Mikhail Gorbachev and said President Reagan will meet with the new
Soviet leader whenever the Kremlin is ready.
"If there ever was a time when we could move forward with progress in
the last few years, I'd say that this is a good time for that," Bush told
reporters after a session with Gorbachev that lasted nearly 1: hours.
The vice president said he had brought a letter from 'Reagan to Gor-
bachev, but would not say whether it included an invitation to a summit
meeting in the United States, as had been reported by U.S. officials in
Mikhail Gorbachev, the new Communist Party chief, presided over the
Red Square funeral of his predecessor yesterday before meeting with Vice
President George Bush and other Western leaders who attended the
the first Kremlin leader of the Soviet Union's younger generation paid
homage to the 73-year-old President Konstantin Chernenko, buried in a
hero's grave at the Kremlin wall.
Senate Budget Committee votes
to reject Reagan budget proposal
WASHINGTON- The Senate Budget Committee after days of chipping
away at President Reagan's 1986 budget, voted outright yesterday to kill the
entire plan.
The vote in a showdown engineered by the Democratic minority was 16-4.
Reagan anticipated the defeat, telling a group of businessmen beforehand
he was disappointed in the committee's action.
He added, "I have my veto pen drawn" for any legislation raising taxes
and challenged Congress to "go ahead, make my day."
What the committee is drafting, however, is a budget to serve as a target
when specific appropriation and revenue bills come up. As such, it would not
go to the president for his approval.
The vote dramatized the widespread lack of support in Congress for the
Reagan plan, with its $30 billion in proposed increased military spending and
$40 billion in domestic spending cuts.
The vote came after the panel in six days of work was still far short of its
target of reducing the $200 billion federal deficit by $50 billion to $60 billion
next year.
Witness says Goetz was 'calm'
NEW YORK- A mystery witness claims to have watched Bernhard Goetz
act with "total calm" as he shot four teenagers on a subway train, but the
gunman's lawyer said yesterday that Goetz will be found innocent "no mat-
ter how many grand juries are called."
The witness' account is believed to be the new evidence that prompted a
judge Tuesday to authorize Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgen-
thau to resubmit the case of the confessed subway gunman to a second
grand jury.
The new panel will begin hearing testimony next week.
District Attorney Robert Morgenthau also said he had offered to protect

and relocate the family of one of the wounded youths if he would testify
before the panel, but the offer was refused.








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Vol. XVC - No. 128
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967-X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
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