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March 12, 1985 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-12

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 12, 1985 - Page 3
State can disregard local pot law

Authorities may prosecute Michigan residents un-
der state law for marijuana possession and disregard
local ordinances, according to a recent Michigan
State Court of Appeals ruling.
In the case decided by the court last week, Lee Kay,
a resident of Grass Lake, was arrested by state police
within Ann Arbor city limits and was subsequently
prosecuted by Washtenaw County authorities. State
and county law carries a stiffer penalty than Ann Ar-
bor law and includes a jail sentence.
IN THE OPINION of the court, individuals charged
with possession of marijuana within Ann Arbor city
limits are not immune from prosecution under state

law, even though the city has a $5 pot law.
Assistant Washtenaw County Prosecutor Dave
King, who served as public prosecutor in this case,
said the court's decision does not affect Ann Arbor's
ordinance. Once an arrest is made in the city, police
must request prosecution under state law, and all
final decisions on whether to prosecute under state or
local law are made by the prosecutors.
In Kay's case, concerned parents notified officials
that the defendant allegedly sold drugs to children in
Gallup Park in February of 1983, according to King.
COURT RECORDS show that Kay also had
previously been arrested and sentenced to two years
of probation for delivering LSD to an undercover
police officer in 1980. When he was released from

probation, records show he was labeled as a
"discharge without improvement."
After his arraignment in 1983 for possession of
marijuana; Kay appealed to the court, charging en-
trapment. But the court unanimously denied his ap-
peal. Kay could appeal the decision to the State
Supreme Court, but his attorney said yesterday that
he has not made plans to appeal.
King said that "only on very, very rare occasions,"
such as in Kay's case, is a city ordinance disregarded
so that a defendant can be prosecuted under the stif-
fer state marijuana law.
Daily staff member Mark Reiss contributed to
this story.

Gorbachev the first of a new generation, experts say

Associated Press
A staff member of the Soviet Embassy prepares to raise the Russian flag to
half staff yesterday in Washington. The death of Soviet President Konstantin
Chernenko was announced yesterday. Chernenko died Sunday.
eagan won't attend funeral
(Continued from Pagel) ternational policy and domestic
quare near the Kremlin and stood priorities for a vast country of 276
ilently under blue skies with sunlight million people.
eflecting off the golden domes of the Gorbachev is said to epitomize a new
Kremlin churches to watch officials generation of Soviet leaders - un-
repare the grounds for Chernenko's marked by party service under Stalin's
urial in the select Kremlin cemetery. iron rule, well-educated, and reared in
THE COUNTRY'S leaders, many of the postwar years that saw major ad-
hem in their 70s, acted swiftly to select vances in Soviet living standards.
orbachev. Because of his age, the Gorbachev, who is balding and wears
Kremlin rulers might normally expect glasses, is considered highly intelligent
that Gorbachev could lead the country and during several trips abroad char-
until the end of the century, setting in- med his hosts with a polished manner.
Eclipse Jazz will be sponsoring the appearance of the Aboriginal Per-
cussion Choir under the direction of, Roy Brooks at the Michigan League
Ballroom, at 8 p.m. A free workshop will also be held at 5 p.m., in the league.
Cinema Guild & Dramatic Arts Center - 23rd Annual Ann Arbor Film
Festival, 7, 9, & 11 p.m., Michigan Theater.
Jewish Law Students Union - The Frisco Kid, 8:30 p.m., 1429 Hill Street.
Ark -New Talent Night, Bob Franke, 2 for 1 admission, 8 p.m., 637 Main
School of Music - New World String Quartet, 8 p.m., Rackham
Auditorium; University Choir, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
PTP - Hot'l Baltimore, 8 p.m., Trueblood Theater.
Computing Center - Kari Gluski, "Text Formatting with TeX, Part I,"
9:30 a.m., Room 3046, East Engineering Building; "Chalk Talk," "Exam-
ples, of Tell-A-Graf Bar Charts," 12:10 p.m., Room 1011 NUBS; Forrest Har-
tman, "The Macintosh PC as an MTS Terminal," 1:30 & 3:30 p.m., UNYN
Terminal Room.
Psychology - Martin Mayman, "Triptych of Current Conflicts in
Psychoanalysis," 8p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Chemistry - Bertram Fraser-Reid, "Carbohydrate Versus Carbocyclic
Alpha-Enones," 4 p.m., Room 1200 Chemistry Building.
Chinese Studies - Vern Terpstra, "Chinese International Marketing,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons room.
English - Deborah Shuger, "The Grand Style in Renaissance Rhetoric,"
8p.m., Rackham East conference Room.
Germanic Language & Literature - Bernhard Greiner, "Mit der Er-
zahlung gehe ich in den od: Kontinuitat und Wandel des Erzahlens im Schaf-
fen von Christa Wolf," 8 p.m., Rackham West Conference Room.
Law School - Melvin Eisenberg, "Social Propositions in Judicial
Reasoning," 4p.m., Room 120 Hutchins Hall.
Russian & East European Studies - Glenn Palmer, "U.S.-Soviet
Strategic Interactions," 8p.m., Room 25 Angell Hall.
Ann Arbor Public Library - Dr. Richmond-Abott, 12:10 D.m.. Meeting
Room 343 South Fifth Avenue.
Engineering - J. Liv, "C-Net A Cost-Effective Mutistage Interconnection
Network," 10:30 a.m., Room 1084, East Engineering Building.
University Alanon - noon, Room 3200, Union.
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., Room 1433 Mason Hall.
Michigan Student Assembly - 7:30 p.m., Assembly -Chambers, Room
3909, Union.
AIESEC - International Bisiness Management Club, 5:15 p.m., Room 131
Business Administration Building.
Unicef -7:30 p.m., Founders Room of the First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Center for Eating Disorders - 7:30 p.m. Human Growth Center, 2002
Hogback, Suite 13.
His House Christian Fellowship - Bible Study - 7:30 p.m., 925 East Ann
Program in American Institutions - Workshop, 3 p.m., Pond Room A & B,
CRLT - Workshop, Alfred Storey, "Speaking Skills," 3:30 p.m., Rackham
East Conference Room; Workshop, Wilbert McKeachie, "Improving
Classroom Lectures," 7 p.m., 109 East Madison.
HRD - Workshop, Catherine Lilly, "Improving Your Listening Skills," 1
p.m., Room 130 B LSA Building.
English Language & Literature - Fiction Readings, William Holinger, 4
p.m., Rackham West Conference Room.
Art B'eak - George Morland, 'ypsy Encampment with Seared Man
Breaking Firewood," 12:10 p.m., Museum of Art.
Microcomputer Education Center - Workshop, "Orientation to the

Macintosh,"1 p.m., Room 3113, School of Education Building.
Progressive Student Network - film and discussion, 7 p.m., Bursley Hall,
R n_ MiTf arkldeu INal

(Continued from Page 1)
defense plan to human rights in the
Soviet Union.
Gorbachev, who will be the youngest
Soviet leader since Vladimir Lenin, is ,.
expected to gain favor with the Soviet
people because of his relatively young
BUT MORE importantly, the change
in Soviet leadership reflects the begin-
ning of a new generation taking power
in the Kremlin, said University political
science Prof. Charles Bright.
"The most significant thing was not
that Gorbachev was born after the
revolution, but that he rose (in the
ranks of the Communist party) after
Stalin. Gorbachev is of the generation
that has come along since Stalin died,"
Bright said. "I don't think the leader-
ship changes are the crucial issue. The
generational shift is the most important
"If he consolidates his power, he'll be
in power for the next 20 years," he said.
BRIGHT SAID the long-term align-
ments within the Soviet system among
various interests such as the military
and educational bureaucracies will be
more important.
"The namehmatters in the sense that
his cronies have the inside track,"
Bright said. How much power Gor-
bachev's political allies have will

determine how much control they
will have over the Communist party.
"It's the same when you elect a
president - it's not necessarily the
name, but the people he brings with
him,' ,'he said.
FORMER Secretaries of the State
Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig
both agreed that there would be a shift
to a new generation for leadership.
Kissinger said Gorbachev will need
two to four years to consolidate his
"In the Soviet system, when a new
man takes over, he has to establish his
position first, and it is not automatic
that he can just give orders," Kissinger
said in New Orleans. "He has to get his
own people in."
GORBACHEV'S relative youth will
eventually lead to a realignment of
power in the Soviet Unioin, Kissinger
said, but that does not mean the
younger generation of Soviet leaders
will be easier for American leaders to
deal with.
"Nobody really knows what the
younger generation thinks in the Soviet
Union," Kissinger said. "We don't have
any contact with them."
Former Secretary of State Alexander
Haig said the rise of Gorbachev means
the older leadership will be moved

"IT'S WELL to remember, here is a
fellow who is 54 years old and his in-
cumbency would probably spell some
very important changes in the older
hierarchy - (Foreign Minister Andrei)
Gromyko, (Politburo member Viktor)
Grishin and others that stand way
above him in age terms," Haig said in
one of a series of television appearan-
Though the U.S. and the Soviet Union
have arms reduction talks. scheduled
for today, political science Prof.
Raymond Tanter said Chernenko's
death will probably not jeopardize the
"For the Soviets, the main reason for
the talks is to influence the democratic
public," Tanter said. Reduction of ar-
ms, he said, was not the Soviets' main
"THE PRIMARY audience for the
Soviet Union is the peace movement in
Western Europe. The reason why the
Soviets would want to stay in the talks
is to slow down the scheduled
deployment of U.S. missiles in five
NATO countries," he said.
One man in the Soviet government
who is expected to gain clout through
the latest leadership change is foreign
minister Andrei Gromyko.
"Gromyko's power in foreign policy

will be enhanced even more than it is
now," he said. "His power has grown
because he is a survivor who has dealt
with foreign policy over a long period of
BUT IF Gorbachev manages to
secure a strong hold on the Soviet
hierarchy, political science Prof.
William Zimmerman said he expects
Gromyko will eventually be forced out.
"I think Gromyko likes running
foreign affiars, and I think he will con-
tinue on it," Zimmerman said, "Later
on, perhaps, Gromyko will be older,
and I will not be surprised if Gorbachev
asks Gromyko to retire."
However, Zbigniew Brezezinski, who
served as national security advisor to
President Carter, sees a darker side of
"We shouldn't look so much at the
suit, or the way he conducts himself, or
at whether he waves to Western
correspondents, or his wife carries a
Gucci handbag," Brzezinski said. "One
hs to look at what the man stands for,
what his career was. In that respect, I
expect a more skillful, energetic, but in
many respects more dangerous sort of

/ v

Aid hike set for minorities

(Continued from Page1)'
SEVERAL student leaders said they
feared that valuable input from
University community members out-
side of the vice president's office was
lost because the administration refused
to make the minority report public.
Originally, Frye had proposed to
create a University commission com-
posed of faculty, students and ad-
ministrators, to discuss the contents of
Sudarkasa's minority report. But that
commission has not yet been set up.
Roderick Linzie, the Michigan
Student Assembly's black student
researcher who met with Frye yester-
;day, said that Frye is now considering
forming the commission.
"HE INDICATED that as soon as he
talks with Sudarkasa and (University
President Harold) Shaprio that they
would address the issue of the com-
mission as outlined in the October 1983
memo to the regents," Linzie said.

Students say the advantage of con-
sulting students is their first hand ex-
perience with the problems the Univer-
sity is attempting to address.
- "Wehear the complaints freshmen
have," said Ronald Kirland, ex-
president of Bursley's Minority Coun-
cil. He said his own view is that the at-
mosphere at the University is a
minority student's biggest problem, not
financial aid or lack of familiarity with
the University.
"This is such a cold place as far as
the clasroom is concerned," Kirland
said. "Everyone is so cutthroat."
Kirkland recommends that students
be better prepared for the rigors of
University life.
The University's office of Affirmative
Action's 1984-85 annual report, also
released yesterday, reported overall
minority enrollment at 11.3 percent.
Black enrollment showed its first gain
in 10 years as it climbed to 5.1 percent
from 4.9 percent.

Free shots fight measles

(Continued from Page 1)
cold symptoms, according to Winfield.
He said fatigue and pain when looking
at bright lights are also common.
Three or four days after a person is
infected with the disease, Winfield said,
a rash starts at the back of the neck and
spreads gradually to the rest of the
body. Five days after the rash appears,
the persot usually recovers, he said.
THE MEASLES VIRUS is contagious
four days before and four days after the
rash occurs.
People born between 1957 and 1968
have a higher risk of contracting the
disease because the vaccinations used
then were not widely distributed and
were often ineffective. Those who have
already had the disease are not suscep-
Last year, a similar outbreak of

measles in Markley dormitory spurred
an intense innoculation drive in all of
the dorms. This year's outbreak
resulted in fewer inoculations because
many dorm residents received vac-
cinations last year.
"This is the season for measles,"
Winfield said. "No one knows why the
virus strikes at this time - it just




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