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March 12, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-12

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, March 12, 1985
Arms talks to start a

From AP and UPI
GENEVA, Switzerland - The
United States and the Soviet Union
agreed yesterday that arms control
talks will start today as planned despite
the death of Soviet President Konstan-
tin Chernenko.
Ambassador Max Kampleman,
leader of the U.S. delegation, said
Chernenko's death Sunday would not
delay the start of the talks in Geneva.
Kampelman's spokesman said,
however, the United States had offered
to consider a delay if the Soviets
to make sure we made it clear to the
Soviets that their needs in respect to
these times would certainly be accom-
modated," said spokesman Joseph
Lehman added that the United States
had not formally suggested a post-
ponement, but had left it to the Soviets
to make their desires clear.
There was no direct word from the
Soviet mission, where telephones were
either busy or went unanswered
throughout much of theday.
BUT Kampleman's statement, plus
details given by Lehman, indicated

there was no change in previous expec-
tations for the initial meeting.
Lehman told a news conference the
framework for today's session was
worked out in an hour-long meeting
between delegation aides yesterday at
Geneva offices of the U.S. Arms Control
and Disarmament Agency.
Lehman said a second meeting would
be held on Thursday and that this
session, expected to be held in the U.S.
arms control offices, "will probably
move on to more direct negotiations."
PRESIDENT Reagan, skillfully
using the strategy forced on him last
fall, has tied support for the 10-warhead
intercontinental weapon he calls
Peacekeeper to the success of the U.S.-
Soviet arms talks.
"Without the Peacekeeper, our chan-
ces of reaching an equitable agreement
with the Soviet Union to reduce
significantly the size of our nuclear ar-
senals are substantially lowered," he
told Congress in a report last week.
Last fall, opponents of the MX missile
came up with a strategy they thought
finally would mean the end of the giant
new nuclear weapon, but now the plan
has boomeranged and MX supporters
say another narrow victory is likely..
DURING negotiations in September

s planned
to reach a compromise, MX opponents
agreed to go ahead with $1.5* billion for
21 missiles this year, but only after
March 1. Reagan was required to sub-
mit a report restating U.S. need for the
weapon and then the House and Senate
would each have to vote twice on
whether to release the money.
Reagan accepted the compromise
only reluctantly and House Speaker
Thomas O'Neill exulted that it meant
"MX will never be deployed . .. the
defeat of the MX is well at hand."
But in the intervening six months, the
United States and the Soviet Union
agreed to startntalking again about
ways to reduce the ever-growing num-
ber of nuclear weapons.
LEHMAN SAID "we have a body of
negotiating history" on the missile
negotiations. The Soviets abandoned
the talks in late 1983 after NATO began
deploying the first of 572 cruise and
Pershing 2 missiles in Western Europe
to counter a buildup of Soviet SS-20
Lehman said "in the space area
we're starting somewhat from
President Reagan has launched a
space research program, the Strategic
Defense Initiative - popularly known

...opposes "Star Wars"

as Star Wars - with the ultimate goal
of making nuclear missiles "impotent
and obsolete."
Mikhail Gorbachev, who was named
yesterday to succeed Chernenko as
general secretary of the Soviet Com-
munist Party, made clear objection to
Star Wars during a visit to Britain Dec.

'We are the world' takes stores by storm,

NEW YORK (AP)-"We Are the
World"-the song, the cause and the
guessing game-was selling off the
racks in record stores and getting
heavy airtime on radio stations, disc
jockeys and stores reported yesterday.
The debut of the video version was set
for last night on MTV.
Written by Michael Jackson and
Lionel Richie to raise money for

African hunger relief, the song has
audiences listening intently to identify
the voices of the 46 pop artists-a
veritable Who's Who of the American
music industry-who recorded it after
the American Music Awards in
THE SINGE OF "We Are the World"
was released in New York on -Wed-
nesday and nationally on Thursday,

and record stores reported that their
shipments were quickly depleted.
"This is one of those cases that no
matter how much they press, it's never
enough," said Jim Hale, a buyer for
Tower Records in New York. Tower's
initial allotment of 600 arrived Thur-
sday and was sold out by Friday night.,
British rock stars, uniting under the
name Band Aid, recorded "Do They

Know It's Christmas?" last year to
raise money for Ethiopian famine vic-
tims. The American group calls itself
USA for Africa.
Amy Grosser, music coordinator for
WNEW-FM in New York, said some
callers have criticized "We Are the
World" as imitative.
"Personally I don't agree," Ms.
Grosser said.

Economists say a recession is possible

WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's economy,
which just completed a year of the strongest growth
in three decades, could very well be in a recession
next year, economists say, but the downturn will be
less severe than the last recession.
That is the forecast of many of the nation's top
economists. Even those who are not calling for an
outright recession believe the country will be in a
hybrid known as a "growth recession" next year.
Lawrence Chimerine, chief economist at Chase
Econometrics, said his firm expects a growth'
recession to begin in late 1985 and continue into the
first half of 1986.

"WE DON't think we will have a serious recession,
but by no means are we forecasting buoyant growth,"
he said.
As a result, Chimerine and many other economists
have an equally bleak outlook for unemployment,
predicting virtually no improvement in the jobless
rate over the next two years.
Even the Reagan administration is predicting
unemployment will be down only slightly to 7 percent
by the end of the year.
The administration, however, is more optimistic
about the economy's overall performance,
forecasting growth of 4 percent annually for the next
four years with no recession in sight through the end

of this decade.
ONE REASON many economists believe the next
recession will be milder than the steep 1981-82 down-
turn is that some of the problems that plagued the
economy through the 1970s - soaring oil prices and
high inflation -are no longer present. ,
Uniformly, economists cite huge federal budget
deficits as the reason they believe this recovery will
not last as long as the average expansion.
The budget deficit, economists believe, gobbles up
the money the private sector needs to expand and
drives up interest rates.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Israelis storm Lebanese town
ZRARIYE, Lebanon - Israeli troops and armor stormed this south
Lebanon town outside their occupation zone yesterday, overpowering the
small Lebanese army garrison and killing at least 25 people the Israeli
command said were guerrillas.
The dawn assault on the Shiite Moslem town followed a night-long artillery
bombardment. Residents said the shelling began a few hours after a suicide
bomber in a pickup truck filled with explosives killed 12 Israeli soldiers and
wounded 14 near the Israeli border.
Zrariye's assistant police chief, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said
an Israeli force of as many as 300 vehicles and about 1,000 soldiers invaded
the town and took away enough prisoners to fill two buses and a truck.
The Israelis pulled out just before sundown, covering their withdrawal
with smoke grenades, permitting the entry of reporters and Red Cross
teams who had been waiting in nearby villages.
A message sprayed in black paint on the walls of the town's main square
read: "This is the revenge of the Israeli defense forces."
The Israeli command said its troops killed 24 guerrillas and took 10 '
Lebanese soldiers prisoner in Zrariye because they ignored an Israeli war-
ning not to resist. "Many guerrilla suspects and weapons in great quan-
tities" also were captured, the command added.
Iran, Iraq raid civilian areas
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iran and Iraq sent their warplanes deep inside each
other's territory yesterday in attacks on the outskirts of Baghdad and
destructive raids on two Iranian cities and a port. At least 100 people were
killed and hundreds more were wounded, war communiques and witnesses
The Iranians said two Iraqi warplanes flew over Tehran in the eighth day
of attacks on civilian targets by both sides, but were chased away. Both
capitals were attacked several times in the early days of the war, which
began in September 1980, but such deep penetration has been rare since.
Iranian jets strafed the streets in Kasra and Atash, about seven miles east
of Baghdad, wounding "scores" of people, and killed 13 people in a rocket at-
tack on Saddam City, a low-income residential community of about 1 million
people a mile closer to the capital, witnesses said.
Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency, monitored in Nicosia, said
the city of Tabriz came under Iraqi air attack later yesterday. It said the
planes fired rockets at four residential neighborhoods of the city, killing 10i
people and wounding 46.
Mubarak to meet with Reagan
WASHINGTON - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met with top U.S.
leaders yesterday, but his pleas for more aid and a dramatic shift in
American Middle East Policy have little chance of success, a senior ad-
ministration official said.
Mubarak, who meets with President Reagan today, began three days of in-
tense lobbying for $870 million more in aid for his economically beleaguered
nation, and to convince Washington to meet with members of the Palestine
Liberation Organization.
But even while Mubarak was presenting his case to the first of many ad-
ministration officials - Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger - one senior
administration adviser'was declaring the Egyptian leader's cause virtually
The official said Reagan intends to tell Mubarak that "while his economic
needs are compelling, we must consider our own budget," which is running a
deficit of around $200 billion a year.
U.S., Mexico discuss drug trade
WASHINGTON - Secretary of State George Shultz and Mexican Foreign
Secretary Bernardo Sepulveda met yesterday and both sides indicated af-
terward a desire to tone down their differences over cross-border drug traf-
ficking and other issues.
"The two sides are most interested in ensuring that all issues are dealt
with in a friendly and cordial manner and that a solution can be found to
every single issue," Sepulveda said.
A senior U.S. official, who briefed reporters on condition he not be iden-
tified, said Shultz expressed no dissatisfaction to Sepulveda over Mexico's
handling of its investigation into the kidnapping and murder of a U.S. Drug
Enforcement Agency official in Guadalajara.
"We're past that point," the official said, adding that he does not believe
the incident has damaged U.S.-Mexican relations.
UAW leaders continue talks
DETROIT - United Auto Workers leaders from the United States and
Canada began a second round of discussions yesterday on how to split up
$670 million worth of assets when 112,000 Canadian auto workers leave the in-
ternational union.
UAW spokesman Peter Laarman said that talks between UAW President
Owen Bieber and Canadian director Bob White could occur during the
UAW's four-day long international executive board meeting in Detroit this
week, although no definite agenda has been slated.
"The subject of the split may come up intermittently," Laarman added.
Analysts have said that the pending divorce between the United States and
Canada, which was prompted by interference from U.S. union officials
during a 13-day strike against General Motors of Canada last fall, could cost
the UAW an estimated $15 million in lost union dues.
The Canadian auto workers make up about 10 percent of the 1.15 million
UAW members.

Vol. XVC - N6.126
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates:, through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate, and College Press Service.

Protest and politicize,,
(Continued fromPage1) After illustrating the destructive
can't die more than once. There's such capacity of one Trident submarine
a redundancy of weapons. Like Chur- equipped with the equivalent of 100,00
chill said, it will just make the rubble tons of TNT packaged in 24 missle
bounce." each carrying 10 bombs, Caldicott said
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Open 7 days a week/Mon.-Thur. till midnight.
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Corner of Maynard and Liberty

Caldicott urges crowd

Account Executives
for the Spring and Summer.
Applicants must be available to work full time
both Spring and Summer terms.
contact Mary Anne Hogan at
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e "You've already got six of these, and
Reagan wants 30. These submarines
0 alone could destroy every major city in
s the hemisphere."
, Caldicott, a former Harvard medical
college fellow in pediatrics and cystic
fibrosis, came to the United States from
Australia in 1970 to advance her resear-
Deliveryman robbed
An armed robber held up a pizza
delivery man on the loading dock of
Couzens Hall early Saturday morning,
according to Sgt. Jan Suomala of the
Ann Arbor police. The victim was not
injured, but the thief got away with a
small amount of cash.
Cab held up
An armed gunman held up a Yellow
Cab. near the 1400 block of East Ann
early yesterday morning and fled with
a small amount of cash.
Tools, camera
equipment stolen
Two cars were broken into over the
past weekend. Tools valued at $532
were taken from a van parked in the
Fletcher Street parking structure early
Sunday morning, and camera equip-
ment worth $300 was taken from a car
at the North Campus Recreation
Building last Saturday afternoon.
Campus thefts
Two wallets valued at $58 and $13
were taken from the Central Campus
Recreation Building on Friday. A purse
valued at $89 was taken from a female
student at the Law Library on Saturday
night, and a flight bag with contents
worth $103 was taken Sunday afternoon
from the men's locker room at the In-
tramural Sports Building.
- Thomas Hrach

ch and has since abandoned her
medical career to educate the public on
the facts and threat of nuclear
proliferation and war.
"I GIVE A TALK and people say
'Yuck! I feel awful!' Like that's un-
American or something. It's all 'Have a
nice day,' and 'Enjoy.' You call AT&T
and they say thank you for calling, and
you know they're about to blow up the
world. ITT, Digital, IBM, just name
them," said Caldicott.
She was answered by a voice in the
crowd shouting "Williams!" in refer-
ence to the engineering firm in Walled
Lake where several community mem-
bers were arrested as they, protested
outside the plant facility, which
produces military hardware.
"I was talking to a friend of mine
recently. A fellow who retired from the
Pentagon, and he told me his colleagues
believe nuclear war is certain within
the next ten years, because of the
weapons we have now," Calidcott said.
"But where is the noise? Where's the
noise? Everyogp's so frightfully nice.
I'll get a hot tub. I'll buy a car. It's
psychic numbing. Just like in Ger-
many. What's happened to the human
survival instinct?" Caldicott asked.
Caldicott admonished the crowd by
relaying the fact that the office of
congressional Rep. Carl Purcell told
her recently that he received only 20
postcards in opposition to the MX
"Well, learnra few facts," said,
Caldicott. "Your legislators are not
your leaders, they're your represen-
tatives. And if you don't pressure them
they'll respond to the lobbyists. If
everyone of you here tonight wrote a
letter to Purcell, he'd vote against the
"And don't just go out in the streets
and hollar, although the media loves
that. Put on your pearls and three piece
suits and run for Congress; become
Americans," Caldicott said. "Use your
intelligence and your creativity.
Because when we die, it's all going to
go. We'll take Mozart. and Picasso,
Renoir and Rembrandt, and Rousseau
and gothic cathedrals. So if the bombs
start dropping, be able to look at your
children and say 'I tried."'

The University Activities Center
is now accepting applications
for positions for:
for all committees.

Editor in Chief...................NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors........... JOSEPH KRAUS
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chel Gottlieb, Jim Grant, Bill Hahn, Thomas Hrach,
Sean Jackson, Elyse Kimmelman, David Klapman,
Debbie Ladestro, Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Levine, Jerry
Markon, Jennifer Matuja, Eric Mattson, Amy Min.
dell, Kery Murakami, Joel Ombry, Arona Pearlstein,
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Wilcox, Andrea Williams.
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Nash, Jeanne Perkins, Gail Rabinowitz, Judy Ruben-

. .
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Applications are due
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