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March 10, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-10

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, March 10, 1985
Federalspecto crack
down on phone abuse

vestigators will monitor telephone bills
from government offices in an effort to
cut down on millions of dollars in
unauthorized personal calls by federal
workers, an official said yesterday.
Critics, however, are concerned the
program smacks of Big Brother gover-
nment interfering with employees'
Benjamin Friedman, acting deputy
inspector general of the General Ser-

vices Administration, which watches
over the government's telephones, said
the investigation will be aimed at cut-
ting out expense, unauthorized personal
calls, not in monitoring what employees
are doing.
The telephone audits will be looking
for repeated long distance calls by em-
ployees to friends and relatives, to
resorts, and to "Dail-a-Porn," "Dial-a-
Joke," and sports highlights numbers.

State holds key to tuition

See a Josten's representative on Monday, March 11-
Friday, March 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

(Continued from Page 1)
uncertainty of the legislature's ap-
propriation makes an early decision
improbable. -
"We would like to move along so we
can tell the students in April what their
tuition is going to be," Sauve said. But
until University officials know ap-
proximately how much money the state
will set aside for higher education, a
final decision won't be made.
FERRIS STATE based its early
decision on a "best guess," according
to college President William Wenrich.
Wenrich said Gov. James Blan-
chard's proposed increase in funding
for education was enough to convince
the college's board of control to hold
tuition at this year's level.
Ferris State students who are
Michigan residents currently pay about
$1,500 per year for tuition. Unlike the
University of Michigan's in-state
tuition freeze last year, Ferris State's


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decision holds tuition steady for out-of-
state and graduate students as well.
LAST YEAR, the regents froze tuition
for Michigan undergraduates at $1,086
per term, while tuition for out-of-state
students jumped 7 percent to $3,366.
Increases in graduate tuition ranged
from 7 to 9.7 percent.
Wenrich acknowledged that Ferris
State could face some tough times if the
legislature doesn't come through with a
healthy increase in education funding.
However, he added, "That's a chance
our board is willing to take in the in-
terests of letting our students plan
RICHARD Kennedy, the University's
vice president for government
relations, said he was surprised that
Ferris State made its decision so soon.
Kennedy agreed that the regents will
probably wait until May or June to ap-
prove tuition rates because the
legislature usually doesn't formally
adopt a budget until early July.
One of the keys to holding down
tuition is Blanchard's proposed $25
million research excellence fund, which
would be distributed among the state's
three large research institutions.
If the University gets a substantial
chunk of that fund, it would help reduce
the need for a tuition increase, Kennedy
said. It could have an impact on any
decision we might make on tuition," he
Political pressure could also play a
role in the annual tuition decision. Last
year, Blanchard called for all state
colleges and universities to freeze
tuition, and nearly all of them agreed to
do so.
Blanchard even tried to tie colleges
and universities' appropriations to
their tuition levels, but the legislature
decided not to go along with the idea.
Kennedy said he isn't- sure if the
legislature and Blanchard will apply
similar pressure this year. "They
haven't started out that way, but again,
it's very early in the process."
Yesterday's Inquiring Photographer
was written and photographed by
Darrian Smith. It was incorrectly at-

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Toxic waste clean-up may take
$100 billion, new report says
WASHINGTON-Cleaning up the nation's abondoned toxic waste dumps is
likely to take 50 years and cost $100 billion, far more than any previous
estimate, according to a new report to Congress.
The estimates are so large that the report from the Office of Technology
Assessment says the "Superfund" cleanup program in the Environmental
Protection Agency should not even try to make permanent cleanups at about
90 percent of the sites on its priority list.
Instead, said the technology report, for about the next 15 years the agency
should concentrate on making sure those sites do not get worse while it
builds technical expertise, explores new technologies and gathers environ-
mental and health data.
The EPA's most recent estimates call for about $11.7 billion in federal
money to be spent eliminating up to 2,000 hazardous waste sites. But the'
agency acknowledged the cost could reach $33.3 billion.
The EPA said it "is confident its approach to identifying, assessing and
cleaning up hazardous sites under Superfund is the correct one."
Nicaragua accuses opposition
of aiding U.S.-sponsored plot
MANAGUA, Nicaragua - Ten Nicaraguan opposition and business leaders
were summoned to state security headquarters yesterday to answer charges
they were participating in a U.S.-sponsored plot to overthrow the Sandinista
Among those summoned by the State Security Directorate were the editor
of La Plensa newspaper, Jaime Coldenal, and Enrique Bolgnos, president
of the Private Enterprise Council.
Bolanos said the director-general of state security, Lenin Serna, accused
the opposition and business leaders of participating in the U.S.-sponsored
plot to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.
All those summoned were among the signatories of a document by the op-
position Nicaraguan Democratic Coordinating Council last year calling for a
national dialogue that would include the U.S.-backed rebels fighting to over-
throw the government.
Bolanos quoted Serna as saying that the coup plotters planned a meeting in
the Costa Rican capital of San Jose. Balanos said he responded that he has
no knowledge of any such meeting.
Reagan urges MX approval
WASHINGTON-President Reagan pressed his lobbying campaign for
continued funding of the MX missile yesterday, saying America's existing
land-based missiles are "sorta like a 1963 jalopy with some new parts."
Using his weekly noontime radio address to urge Americans to put
pressure on Congress, Reagan said the MX vote, which is still about 10 days
off, "could be the real key to a successful outcome" of a new round of U.S.-
Soviet arms talks beginning in Geneva on Tuesday.
The Soviets, Reagan said, view the upcoming House and Senate votes on
MX funding as a key test of American resolve.
"The time is now to send a signal loud and clear that a united and resolute
America backs our negotiators in Geneva," Reagan said.
"And that could be the real key to a successful outcome."
But Sen. Gary Hart, responding to Reagan on behalf of the Democrats,
said, "The Soviets already know we're strong and determined."
Walesa confined to hometown
WARSAW, Poland-Solidarity leader Lech Walesa was banned yesterday
from leaving his hometown of Gdansk without permission in the toughtest
action against the Nobel peace prize winner since his release from prison in
Walesa, contacted by telephone Saturday, said he was told by the Gdansk
state prosecutor that he was suspected of inciting public unrest for calling a
15-minute general strike to protest food price hikes. The strike was called off
after the government agreed to a phased price increase.
But, immediately after the restrictons against Walesa were announced,
Solidarity urged workers to stage protest rallies April 1, when the revised
price hikes are introduced. The outlawed trade union said it will consider
calling a national strike in June if its demands are not met.
Iran bombs Iraqi refinery
NICOSIA, Cyprus-Iran and Iraq struck at each other's cities from the air
and ground yesterday and both said they caused heavy casualties and
damage on the sixth day of new border combat. Iraq claimed it downed an
Iranian jet.
A communique carried by Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency,
monitored in Nicosia, said 10 Iranian jet fighters bombed an oil refinery and
an army camp at Khanaqin, about 80 miles northeast of the Iraqi capital of
Baghdad on the Iran-Iraq border.
The communique said the jets scored "decisive hits" in early morning
strike setting sections of the refinery on fire and inflicting heavy losses on
Iraqi troops in the camp.
It also said fighter-bombers attacked "important installations" in the twin
garrisontowns of Ali al-Gharbi and Ali al-Sharqi on the banks of the
Euphrates River southeast of Baghdad. Losses in the towns "were said to be

} Iraq did not confirm the attack.

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ie 3tic gan Bati
Vol. XVC - No. 125
The lIichigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
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The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
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