Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
:43 ttiLI
Sunny with a high in the 50s.
Vol. XCV, No. 125 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 10, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Ferris St.
Officials at Ferris State College in
Big Rapids, Mich. voted unanimously
yesterday to freeze tuition for the next
school year, but it is too early to know
whether the University of Michigan and
other state schools will follow suit.
Ferris State's decision comes more
than three months before the State
Legislature is likely to approve funding
for public colleges and universities.
Most state institutions wait until it is
clear how large a slice of the budget pie
they will get before setting tuition..
IN ANN ARBOR, administrators said
the Board of Regents will probably wait
until May or June to set tuition.
Robert Sauve, assistant to the vice
president for academic affairs, said the
University would like to let students
know what tuition will be before they go
home at the end of winter term, but the
See STATE, Page 2
East Quad
Three cases confirmed
Three cases of measles have been
confirmed at East Quad, following an
outbreak of the disease on the medical
campus before spring break, health and
dorm officials said yesterday. Two of
the three cases were confirmed Friday.
The third person contracted the virus
last month.
Assistant Director of Health Ser-
vices, Doctor Robert Winfield, the
physician who treated the cases at East
Quad, said that he suspects the two out-
breaks may be linked.
According to Winfield, one of the vic-
tims may have contracted the disease
when he was visiting University Health
Services before spring break while one
of the medical campus cases was being
treated. Winfield suspects this student
then infected his roommate and friend
in the dorm.
IN AN EFFORT to contain the
diseaseKurt Weigle and Barry Mac
Dougall, the two students still afflicted
with measles, have been confined to
their dorm rooms until Monday or
Tuesday. Meals are brought to them
and special stalls have been set up for
them in the bathrooms, they said.
Mac Dougall said that he and Weigle
have been told to drink lots of fluids and
to take aspirin for the fever symptoms.
"There's not much else you can do for
measles," Mac Dougall said.
Winfield said that the students are
being treated for rubeola, which is to be
distinguised from rubella, or German
IN RESPONSE to the outbreak,
Health Services gave students the op-
portunity to get free immunizations at
East Quad yesterday. Sherrie Gorelick,
coordinator of patient and public
relations at health services, said free
measles shots will be offered Monday in
the Anderson Room- of the Union from
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for students who
See MEASLES, Page 3
Rock roundthe c ockaily Photo by DAN HABIB
Rockar oundte clock
Art school senior Sherry Letavis and LSA senior Philip Mazarkis (center) lead the remaining couples yesterday in the
final hours of a 24-hour dance'marathon in the Michigan Union's Pendleton Room. The event was expected to raise over
$2,000 for tfe Millions Against Multiple Sclerosis campaign.
Williams protesters released from prison
By DEBORAH HAUSLER they had filed similar appeals. pamphlets there for two years," said Foltz. "They haven't people in jail for a few minutes in the driveway of a cruise
As~ th lt fti wr rm But all five were released Friday, apparently at the phased me. I haven't changed my views." Foltz said missile factory."
ntye last mem uers uo ier gruup were rewaseu rom
prison this weekend, the demonstrators arrested at a firm.
involved in nuclear weapon production vowed to continue
their protests.
Thirteen protesters were sentenced to indefinite jail ter-
ms after the protest which would end only if they promised
not to repeat the protests at Williams International Corp. in
Walled Lake, Mich. The firm is a major manufacturer of
engines for cruise missiles.
ONE PROTESTER opted to perform community service
rather than face jail. Seven others were released when they
appealed the constitutionality of the indefinite terms, and
three of the remaining five were to be-released Friday after
request of Williams. Among those released were University
students Brian Larkin and Ken Jannot.
Carfon Foltz, a 78-year-old resident of Pontiac who ser-
ved 92 days in jail, said the sentence "accomplished what
we set out to accomplish." r
"THE LONGER we stayed in jail the more the issue
heated up,'' he said, adding that the protesters had been
released because of public pressure applied to Williams.
Officicals at Williams could not be reached for comment
The 92-day sentence has not dimmed the enthusiasm of
Foltz and the other protesters. "I'll be out there vigilanting
at Williams again. We've been praying-and passing out
protesting is necessary in order to change the path of
nuclear build-up.
ANOTHER PROTEST against Williams is already plan-
ned for Monday, April 8. Foltz will be there but first wants
to "take a little vacation and charge my batteries for a
Another protester, Mike O'Neill, a Residential College
junior, jailed for 28 days, said the jail terms served by the
protesters have "only made certain people's commitments
a lot stronger."
Foltz said, "The fact that we were released is a recognition
by Williams Corp. that indefinite sentences are
questionable." He expects a favorable ruling on the appeal.
"I do think we focused attention on the injustice of holding
Carter Cortelyou, an LSA junior released through the ap-
peal, said "I think Williams has learned they're not going to
influence people through the use of indefinite sentence."
"If we change Williams' mind about the use of the legal
system in actions, I believe in time we can change their
minds about the actions themselves," Cortelyou said.
The protesters said nuclear weapons should be abolished
and vowed not to be influenced by legal threats. "To those
who feel what we are doing is hopeless, the decision Friday
by Williams to release those in jail shows their suscep-
tibility to public pressure;" Cortelyou said.
Couple mixes dorm
life with marriage
Residents nominate
most offensive ads
If you hear a man singing opera while
wandering through the corridors of
Betsy Barbour residence hall, take
note: it's live, not Memorex.
From the first floor shower or Room
108, his rich falsetto resonates down the
hall to the cafeteria and living room of
this all women's dormitory.
THOUGH the opera singer lives in Betsy
Barbour with 120 women, he's in-
terested only in one, according to the
d6rm's resident director, Trish Hof-
And that one woman is her.
She and Ray-the shower singer-are
married and are spending their first
year together in the dorm. It hasn't
been easy, but it's Trish en-
joys and her husband tolerates.
KNOCKS ON THE DOOR of their tiny
apartment, countless phone calls, and
the small problems any RD must con-
tend with every day intrude upon their
Trishysaid she doesn't mind the in-
terruptions, but admits that
"sometimes it cuts into the 'Oh yeah, I
remember who I married' time."
"If anyone feels the strain it's Ray,"
she said. "I'm used to living here now
because I was here last year.
TRISH, 26, WORKED as Barbour's
RD last year and decided to reapply for
the position after discussing the matter
with Ray. The University's housing of-
fice permits the spouses of an RD to
stay in the dorm, but besides Trish only
two other RDs have tied the knot-and
ohly she supervises a single sex dorm.
Yet the couple opted for the living
arrangement, deciding that the finan-
cial advantages of free room and board
were just too good to pass up while they
are enrolled in the University's School
of Music.
"It's not the most ideal way to start
off a marriage, but it's helpful to them
economically, and they have a real sen-
se of humor about the whole thing,"
siad Leslie Ford, a resident adviser in
Betsy Barbour.
tember fell on the same day students
moved into the dorm. Ford and the
other staff members redoubled efforts
to give Trish two weeks off for a
honeymoon. But Trish said that she
and her 23-year-old husband felt as if
they had acquired a family of 119
children overnight when they returned.
Some of the residents even call the
couple "Mom and Dad."
And the women of Betsy Barbour say
they enjoy having a man about the
"He's a Mr. RD-he has to put up
with everything his wife has to put up
with," said Mary Miller, the other RA
Local residents have nominated a movie
theater, a billboard, several adult bookstores, a
restaurant, and a bridal shop as prime examples
of advertising used by businesses to "depict
women and/or children in a negative or victimized
The nominations are part of a contest sponsored
by the Citizen's Advisory Council on Rape Preven-
tion (CACORP) that encourages citizens to pick
out instances of exploitive and suggestive adver-
tising in an attempt to "further the understanding
that advertisements to which we are exposed on a
daily basis contribute to the sexual victimization
of women."
EXHIBITS OF the advertisements nominated
will be on display in the Fishbowl and the Union
between March 11 and 18, where the public is in-
vited to cast their ballot for the ad they believe to
be the most offensive.
The contest winner will be announced at a
banquet at the Ark on March 17.
CACORP members say they also wish to
recognize city residents who have made
significant contributions to ending violence
against women and children. It also recognizes
area organizations which have furthered this goal.
Among the nominees for this aspect of the con-
test is a University School of Social Work
professor, Beth Red, who plays an active role in
agencies concerned with violence against women.
The Family Law Project, another, nominee, is an
organization of lawyers and law students who
volunteer time to help sexual abuse or rape vic-
OF THE LOCAL advertisements nominated,
two are no longer in existence. The State Theater
received the most nominations for their displays
of posters promoting X-rated midnight movies
which were hung in plain view of young children
attending other movies in the theater. But since
Kerasotes has taken over the theater, the X-rated
movies have been discontinued along with their
Another ad nominated, one displayed by Conlin
Brides' Showcase on Washtenaw Ave., was only
run on a one-time basis and will not be used in the
future, according to Kitty Randall, manager of the
store. The ad said that when a woman puts on a
wedding dress, "You know she means business."
"That ad was saying other things in a woman's
life are not serious," said Cheryl Stevens, coor-
dinator of CACORP. She said she felt the ad im-
plied that "the only time a woman means business
in when she gets married and raises a family."
"I'M SURE Doris (Conlin, the owner of the
shop) didn't mean that ad offensively," Randall
said. "She's very conscious of women's rights."
"I think it's just one of those things that no one
realized would be considered offensive," Randall
A third nominated ad, the logo of the Oyster Bar
and Spaghetti Machine restaurant on Huron St.,
was actually drawn by a woman, according to
owner Greg Fenerli. Although he realizes the ad
has generated some bad publicity for his business,
Fenerli said he isn't going to find a replacement.
"It's been around for 12 years and I'm not about
to change it," he said.
Betsy Barbour RD Trish Hoffman-Ahrens finds
married life in a dormitory difficult but enjoyable as
she juggles time between her husband and her residen-
Prositi tute safetyD
O NE OF NEW YORK'S newest laws has been
used to discourage the world's oldest profession.
Police in Manhattan said Friday they have issued
tickets in recent weeks to scores of "johns"-men
who pick up prostitutes-who fail to buckle their seatbelts.
The state's seat belt law. which went into effect in Januarv.
stop the car and charge the prostitute with loitering for the
purpose of prostitution. If the driver does not have his belt
on-as is amost always the case-the driver is issued a
summons for violating the new state seat belt law.
Jaws III
it's like Jaws, only with large snapping turtles," Huston
said. "He wants small-city scenes and shots of a small-town
courthouse." Although Brouhard said he would not have
more details about the movie until the end of April, "he
sounded like he thought it was really ready to go," she said.
Kissing bandit
IA22-year-old woman was being held in Atlantic City,
New Jersey on charges she robbed men after slipping a
kissing bandit was seen about a block from a Boardwalk
casino. A search warrant was issued for her apartment and
an unknown quantity of drugs were seized, police said. The
drugs were to be analyzed by the state police laboratory, of-
ficials said. Detective Sgt. Richard Andrews said victims of
the knock-out drugs have reported $52,000 worth of jewelry
and cash missing. Santos was charged in one incident in-
volving three Greensboro, N.C., men who met a woman in a
casino hotel's lounge, brought her back to their room and