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March 09, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, March 9, 1985
By Dan Habib

"Do you think the University is known more for its athletics or its

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports

Lynne Green, LSA junior: "I
think U of M is known more for
its academics, because
everybody isn't into sports,
but everyone knows what
makes the front headlines."

Frank Dale, LSA sophomore:
"I think its (U of M) known for
its athletics. If you travel
around the country most will
know Michigan for its basket-
ball and football teams."

Dana Schimmel, LSA fresh-
man: "I think Michigan is
well-known for both its
academics and athletics, but
the athletics receive more at-
tention. I don't think this
causes too many problems
because those that attend the
school in order to receive a
good education, receive an ex-
cellent one. "

Byron Roberts, LSA fresh-
man: "We have the best of
both worlds. The influence of
television over the written
word probably makes the
athletic program slightly
more visable. But, what other
school can compete so suc-
cessfully on both fronts?"

Alan Wolfson, LSA freshman:
"I feel that Michigan is known
for both. As a person gets
closer to college age, he
notices the school more for its
education than for its

State unemployment rate falls
DETROIT-The head of the Michigan Employment Security Commission
said yesterday the state's jobless rate in February was the lowest in 5 years
and he called the 1.8 percent decline "encouraging."
Michigan's adjusted unemployment rate dropped from 11 percent in
January to 9.2 percent last month. In February 1984, the jobless level in the
state was 11.5 percent.
Even with the decline, Michigan still had the highest level of any state.
Illinois was second at 8.8 percent while Ohio followed at 8.7 percent.
The nation's unemployment rate dropped a notch to 7.3 percent in
February from 7.4 percent in January as women and teenagers found more
jobs in the service industries, the Labor Department said.
But factory workers-particularly those in auto plants-suffered major
setbacks, as did black workers.
Of the 115.1 million people in the work force in February, 8.4 million were
looking for jobs, the department said.
Military counters MX critics
WASHINGTON-The Reagan administration and the Air Force, coun-
tering critics who say the controversial MX missile would be wiped out by a
Soviet nuclear strike, told Congress yesterday that missile silos have a bet-
ter chance than previously believed of withstanding attack.
"It is more survivable than we thought it was," Gen. Bennie Davis, chief
of the Strategic Air Command, told the Senate Appropriations defense sub-
Paul Nitze, President Reagan's special adviser on arms control, agreed
with Davis and renewed the administration's argument that congress should
support the weapon because it would strengthen America's hand in the U.S.
Soviet nuclear arms control talks opening next week.
Asked if the negotiations will be successful if the MX is killed, Nitze said,
"I cannot see how it would be done. We could try, but I don't think it would be
Still, he was uncertain about whether the talks will succeed in achieving
Reagan's goal of "deep reductions" in the ever-growing number of nuclear
Falling bucket delays shuttle
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-A falling metal work bucket broxe a work-
man's leg and imbedded itself in the top of space shuttle Discovery yester-
day causing damage that forced a fifth delay of Sen. Jake Garn's trip into
space, NASA officials said.
The space agency said it was too early to assess the extent of damage to a
cargo bay door or just how long it will postpone the flight. Launching had
been scheduled for march 28 or 29.
Officials said they did not know what caused the fall of the heavy bucket,
which is large enough to hold two people, but experts were inspecting the
device's hydraulic hoist. A board of specialists began an investigation which
NASA spokesman Dick Young said could take several days.
The accident happened about 8 a.m. in a hangar where Discovery was
being groomed to be moved later yesterday into an assembly building where
it was to have been mated with its two booster rockets and external fuel
tank. That move was scrubbed indefinitely until damage is repaired.
Beirut car bomb kills 40
BEIRUT, Lebanon-A car packed.with explosives blew up in a Shiite
Moslem neighborhood yesterday, destroying an eight-story apartment
building and damaging a mosque filled with worshippers gathering for Sab-
bath prayers.
Police said 40 people were killed and more than 150 wounded.
Police estimated the bomb contained more than 200 pounds of explosives,
and it spread fire and destruction in the densely populated area. Butane gas
cannisters stored in a nearby apartment blew up in series of explosions after
the initial blast, police said.
It was the most destructive bombing in Beirut since the truck bombings of
American and French peacekeeping headquarters on Oct. 23, 1983, which
killed 241 U.S. servicemen and 58 French soldiers.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the bomb, which went
off as worshippers gathered for dusk prayers.
Decrease in bank mone may
threaten home mortgage oans
WASHINGTON-America's bankers are running out of money to lend
home buyers and homes could become less affordable as a result, the
president of the nation's largest single source of home mortgage money said
Mark Riedy, president of the Federal National Mortgage Association, said
lenders must raise more money or.ask bigger down payments from home
buyers "many of whom-especially first-timers-may not be in a position to
meet those demands."
If builders or lenders can't find money, borrowers may have to find their
own, perhaps asking parents to help with a big down payment, he said.
His remarks, released in Washington, were prepared for the Mortgage
Bankers Association's secondary mortgage conference in Los Angeles.
High inflation is no longer able to "bail everybody out," he said.
"We all thought inflation was terrible, but it sure helped out the housing
industry for a long time," he said in a telephone interview. If a big monthly
payment left a buyer temporarily short of cash, the next jump in inflation
was likely to give the borrower a pay raise and increase the value of the





Asheet Bhan, LSA freshman:
"It's known for its athletics in
sports circles but, academics
in educational circles."

Bob Lavin, LSA freshman: "I
feel that Michigan is known
more for its athletics. I don't
see this as a problem because
the more successful each
athletic team is the more in-
terest people will generate in
the school."

Kirk Dailey, engineering
freshman: "I think we are
known more for athletics to
common people, but for the
college age people our
academic reputation is more
well known."

Mark Mahanes, LSA fresh-
man: "I think that most
people in the state of Michigan
realize it is a highly academic
school but, people out of state,
on the whole, only know about
its athletics."

Lonnie Clifton, LSA junior:
"It depends on who you ask.
Typical individuals who have
very little educational
background would discuss the
athletics, but on the other
hand, Michigan's academic
proudness is known
throughout the nation."

Gov. Blanchard signs seatbelt law at 'U'


(Continued from Page 1)
occupant deaths by more than one half.
"It-stands at the most important traffic
safety measure ever adopted by this
state," he said. a
Blanchard acknowledged the 20 years
of study that UMTRI has devoted to
seatbelt safety research as well as the
contributions by Rep. David Hollister
* (D-Lansing) and Sen. Doug Druce (R-
Troy), co-sponsors of the bill.
-'Voluntary efforts to make people
buckle-up don't work. Seatbelt laws
dramatically increase seatbelt use ...
inacting this law would save lives and
dollars," Hollister said.
AND TO those who oppose seatbelt
legislation, he said: "Your death is not
something onto your self only, we lose
as a society also."

Sen. Lana Pollack was on hand to
award three University students with
the seatbelt coalition's safety award.
As LSA seniors Marta Stein, Debbie
Schrayer, and Gayl Marans and
business school senior Jane Caplan
were on their way to Chicago the car
they were driving hit a patch of ice,
skidded off the road, and rolled over. As
Pollack gave the awards to three of the
women who had their seatbelts on, she
mentioned how lucky Marans had been
since she was spared injury even
though she wasn't wearing her seatbelt.
"I think for the few seconds it takes to
put them on it's well worth it," Stein
LT. JACK Warder of the state police
said, "Well, we're definitely still going

to have accidents out there, though on-
ce people start wearing seatbelts, we
should see a great reduction in fatality
as well as injury."
"If enough states pass seatbelt laws
before 1989, such that two-thirds of the
population are covered by those laws,
the secretary of transportation said
that she would nullify the passive
restraint requirement, which will be
fully inacted in 1990," said Terry Hor-
ne, a General Motors automobile safety
When Horne was asked if GM would
benefit financially from the new law he
said, "We're doing development and
testing just as if we have to meet that
requirement in 1990. The signing of this
law, while we're much in favor of it, is

not going to dissuade us from further
development of passive restraints."
AFTER THE bill signing, Blanchard
answered questions, during which time
he reiterated his stand on abortion
saying, "One reason why I think it's
important that we win is that if we
should ever let a single issue be pushed
around by a special interest group - I
will think it's very bad for our
"The bill I vetoed would force an 11-
year-old girl that was raped to have a
baby - that's extremism," he said.
At the close of his speech, Blanchard
said, "And please, wear your seatbelts
on the way home everyone."


Prosecutor may drop case

10 b A
(Continued from Pale 1)

120 S. State
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Serice 9:30
and 11:00.
March 10: "Isaiah: the prophet as
statesman," given by Dr. Donald B.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Gerald Wachterhauser
Education' Director, Rose McLean
Wesley Foundation Campus Min-
istry, Wayne T. Large, Director.
Chancel Choir
Broadcast Sundays 9:30a.m. - WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00p. m. - Cable Channel 9

502 East Huron, 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship, 9:55 a.m.
March 10: "The Big Lie" Sermon
given by Robert B. Wallace.
Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m.,
Lenten fellowship dinner and classes.
Pastor, Robert B. Wallace
Assistant in Ministry,
Madelyn Johnson
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Worship and Church School at 9:30
and 11:00
Jamie Schultz, Campus Ministry
Broadcast of Service:
11:00 a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM
* *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
9:15 a.m. Communion service
10:30 a.m. Service of the Word
Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m.: Midweek
Lenten Service

should not arrest students for
protesting on campus.
Under Michigan law, if the jury is
unable to reach a unanimous decision, a
mistrial is declared and the prosecution
has the right to retry the case at a later
date before a new jury.
NOAH SAID because of the recent
ruling that limits a lawyer's option to
remove prospective jurors during jury
selection, he was unable to exclude two
jurors he thought were biased. He said
if these two jurors had been removed a
guilty verdict would have been retur-
The new ruling grants the defense at-
torney three challenges for each defen-
dant being tried, while limiting the
prosecution to a total of three, regar-
dless of the number of defendants.
Noah said the county prosecutor's of-
fice is in the process of appealing the
new ruling.
IF THIS ruling cannot be overturned
before May 9, there is "a very definite
possibility" that the case against the
PSN members will be dropped, Noah
said. Before the prosecutor drops the

case against the demonostrators, of-
ficials from the University will be con-
sulted, Noah added.
Donald Kester, the defense attorney,
said he considers the hung jury to be a
THE DEFENDANTS also considered
the juror's indecision a victory.
"This hung jury is a victory in the
struggle to rid the campus of arms
research," they said in a joint
statement released yesterday.
They said the dangers of military
research and the arms race take
precedence over the legality of their ac-
tions, and that two of the jurors realized
"We persuaded (the jury) that there
are higher laws," the defendants said.
In January three other members of
the PSN were tried and convicted of
trespassing for the same incident. Two,.
Nancy Aronoff, an LSA senior, and
Ingrid Kock, who is taking the semester
off, served twelve-day jail terms. The
third,Amy Ann Angelastro, paid a $60
fine and is doing 56 hours of community





U~jr3Michian Baig
Vol. XVC - No. 124
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate, and College Press Service.

Minority plan to be costly


Account Executives

(Continued from Page 1)
Sudarkasa calls for more non-resident
Michigan Achievement Awards for
academic talented students, at a cost of
$40,000 initially, and ultimately
Further expansion would cost $56,000,
a growth of $19,000 over the current 88
awards. It ultimately increases the
award by $390,000 over the current
Expansion of the number of Oppor-
tunity Program students is budgeted

ride" fellowship programs to attract
top outstanding students. $40,000 is
initally outlayed with $160,000 in
ultimate annual costs.
In the memo Sudarkasa calls for the
creation of four new positions. A new
administrative assistant and counselor
for the admissions office, a new finan-
cial aid officer, and a faculty liason
should be hired.
The cost of the four new officials
would be $87,000.
Sudarkasa recommends in her report

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