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March 09, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-09

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom




Sunny, calm, and mild with a
high near 50.

Vol. XCV, No. 124 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 9, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

In a report obtained yesterday by the
Daily, two University committees
outline seven recommendations for
dealing with sexual assault on campus,
including the establishment of a sexual
assault hotline and the creation of a
central University office to deal with
the problem.
The Campus Safety Committee and
the Student Relations Subcommittee of
the University Sexual Harassment
Committee submitted the report to
Henry Johnson, University vice
president for student services, on Feb.
27. Johnson's office is currently
reviewing the report and is expected to
comment on it next week.
MARVIN PARNES, assistant direc-
tor of University housing, and a mem-
ber of one of the committees, said that
the object of the report is to "address
the concerns of the problems of sexual
assault." He said the report stayed
away from making specific suggestions
for carrying out the recommendations
because that should be done "by the
people responsible for implementing
them ."
The report addresses several of the
concerns expressed by University
protesters who sat-in at Johnson's of-
fice in January to protest his comments
on the University's sexual assault
policy which appeared in a Detroit
These include recommendations for
blue lights to be installed above
emergency phone lines over the next
year which would directly connect the
user to the University's Department of
Public Safety. The report calls for bet-
ter use and maintainance of campus
lighting fixtures.
Centralization of services to deal with
sexual assault is another way the
University can improve the way it deals
with the issue, according to the report.
establish a single, visible office to serve
as a central focus and coordination
point for sexual assault services," the
report said. "One weakness of the
University community is the lack of
coordination and centralization of ser-
vices," which results in confusion "as
See REPORT, Page 3



hung jur y

Graphic graffiti Daily Photo by ANDI SCHREIBER
A passerby glances at the Main Street graffiti of Jennifer Akfirst, an LSA senior, and Mary Jane Emanoil, a 21-year-old
Ann Arbor woman. The two, who were arrested and charged with malicious destruction of property, will go to a pre-
trial hearing on April 9th. Although they wouldn't give the reason for their handiwork, it appears to be a reaction to the
billboard's sexist advertisement.
Memo reveals cost for
minority recrutment p

District Court Judge George Alexan-
der declared a mistrial yesterday in the
case of seven members of the
Progressive Student Network arrested
last March for trespassing on Univer-
sity property.
A new trial date, May 9, was set after
the jury was unable to reach "a
unanimous decision. But if a recently
established ruling governing jury selec-
tion cannot be overturned before the
new trial, the case may be dropped, ac-
cording to Lynwood Noah, the
prosecuting attorney.
ON MARCH 6, 1984 members of the
PSN were arrested for trespassing
when they blockaded the research
laboratory of electrical engineering
Prof. George Haddad to protest campus
military research. The research Had-
dad is conducting in his 'East
Engineering laboratory is sponsored by

the Department of Defense and has
military applications, according to the
project's contract.
After both attorneys presented their
cases Thursday, the jury deliberated
for 31/z hours that afternoon and again
for one hour yesterday morning before
concluding that they could not reach a
unanimous decision.
Juror Gilbert Lee, a University op-
tomology researcher, said the six-
member jury was split four to two in
favor of a guilty verdict.
LEE, HOWEVER, sympathized with
the demonostrators. He said the
protesters did not commit a crime by
holding the fit-in, but rather an act of
social responsibility. "The trespass
statute was a cop-out" in this case Lee
Lee said the issue of nuclear weapons
is very significant, and the University

Recommendations for improving the recruitment and
retention of minority students made by Associate Vice
President for Academic affairs Niara Sudarkasa will cost the
University $427,000 during the first year of implementation
and will ultimately cost $2.28 million annually, according to a
memo obtained by the Daily yesterday. The recommen-
dations were part of a 57-page report authored by Sudarkasa
in October.
The memo contains the financial costs of these recommen-
dations. It was written by Sudarkasa. It calls for funding of
four new office positions, expanded minority recruitment,
and enlargement of financial aid offers.
BUT ACCORDING TO MSA president Scott Page, the
budget outlined in the memo will change. He said the budget
has been altered because "there was a problem with the
budget according to (University President Harold) Shapiro."
Page said he does not know why the budget has been
changed. It could be anything, from an adding mistake to
figuring the number of students effected incorrectly. Page
said MSA dies not have any details on the revised budget.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and University
Provost Billy Frye, refused to comment on the report.
THE NEW budget is expected to be released as early as
Monday, along with the official release of Sudarkasa's report
and the University's annual affirmative action report, and
executive officers' recommendations on Sudarkasa's plan.
In order for all minorities to be fully represented at the
University, Sudarkasa recommends in the report that all
qualified in-state minority students receive financial aid
awards of $5,500 a year.
The first year costs discussed in the memo represent how
much is needed to implement Sudarkasa's recommen-
dations. The ultimate costs are based on the assumption that
these funds will have to be paid out for four years and that 90
percent of the students involved will graduate and 80 percent
will continue to show need for aid.
SUDARKASA'S memo states that $292,000 will-be needed
during the first year of this financial aid program. It will
ultimately expand to $2.14 million annually.
See MINORITY, Page 2

MSA delays filing

suit over r,
After meeting with lawyers from the
Ann Arbor chapter of the American
Civil Liberties Union yesterday, the
Michigan Student Assembly postponed
a decision to file suit against the
University, which has refused to
publicly release documents concerning
minority affairs.
The Michigan Daily, which had also
considered suing the University under
the state Freedom of Information Act to
obtainrthe minority affairs report, also
put off a decision after speaking with
ACLU officials.
report, prepared by Niara Sudarkasa,

an associate vice president for
academic affairs, analyzes the Univer-
sity's problems with undergraduate
minority recruitment and retention. It
also suggests several remedies to the
problems, including a proposal to sup-
ply all qualified in-state minority
students with financial aid awards of
$5,500 per year.
The University has denied several
requests by MSA and the Daily to make
the report public' contending that the
information ir the report is preliminary
and would be misunderstood by the
public. Under state law, a document
can be kept from the public if it is
See MSA, Page 5


'U'officials fear
rejection of fund
By JERRY MARKON grant proposals from almost all of the
University officials believe the nation's top engineering schools. Ap-
National Science Foundation will reject proximately $10 million will be made
available for fiscal 1985, he said.
the engineering college's request for a NSF spokesman Dr. William
$26.1 million grant to study robots and SFurg oesh nDr iliam
perform research for automotive com- Spurgeon said the foundation has made
no official announcement and he
paries.srefused to comment on the University's
however, maintain that the Univer status while the proposals are still
sity's request hasn't been turned down being reviewed.
HE ADDED that the foundation will
yet and that no decisions on the grant announce the winners of the grant
ENGINEERING Assistant Dean for sometime in the middle of April.
Engineering School Associate Dean
iesearch, Daniel Atkinis and other of- Charles Vest said he believes the depar-
icials involved in the project say they tment's proposal directly addressed the
aven't received an official rejection concerns laid out by the NSF.
rom the NSF. However, Prof. Kan "The NSF was looking for a research
;hen, one of the proposal's supporters, proposal that would promote strong in-
aid the fact that the NSF has not yet terdepartmental ties, would involve at
isited the University's present least 10 percent of the college's faculty,
acilities is a bad sign. and that would encourage strong
"(It is) the strongest indication that academic ties to industry," Vest said.
we won't get the grant," he said. HE ADDED that he thought the
Purdue University, Northwestern engineering college's proposal
University, University of Florida, and provided for all of these elements.
The University of Delaware, all But Martin Tobin, associate director
eceived visits from the NSF, Atkins for academic affairs in the University's
said. Office of Research, said a lack of
IT IS believed schools which receive private funding to supplement the grant
4SF visits become finalists in grant may have weakened the package.
ompetition, Atkins said. "We just couldn't match the kinds of
According to Chen, an electrical dollars. other schools were coming up
ngineering and computer science prof.
he NSF has received 142 research See SCIENCE, Page 3

signs new
state seat
belt law
at 'U'
Michigan became the nation's fourth
state to enact a mandatory seatbelt law
yesterday when Gov. James Blanchard
signed the law into effect at the
University's Transportation Research
"With the signing of this bill,
Michigan takes a giant step towards
reducing the terrible toll taken by traf-
fic accidents on our roads and high-
ways," Blanchard said.
THE LAW, effective July 1, will im-
pose fines of $10 for drivers and front
seat automobile passengers who fail to
wear seatbelts. The fine will jump to $25
Jan. 1.
The law includes a measure to
prevent police from stopping a motorist
solely for failing to wear seatbelts.
No points are added to drivers'
records for failure to wear seatbelts.
BLANCHARD quoted experts as
saying that the law could reduce car
See GOV, Page 2


LSA senior Marta Stein shakes hands with Gov. Blanchard at yesterday's signing of the state bill mandating use of
seatbelts in the University's Transportation Research Institute. To the left is LSA senior Debbie Schrayer, and to the
right are Business Administration senior Jane Caplan and LSA senior Gayl Marans. The four girls were involved in an
accident when their cars turned over on I-95 en route to Chicago. They received awards for wearing their seatbelts.

Bye-bye birdie
FITTV OiFT AT in Tumln Mi sare hnning thev can say

will start their northward migration a bit early. City Plan-
ning Officer Larry McLendon said Monday the ground ap-
parently is dry enough to begin cutting the trees. He plans
to cut five, 50-foot wide swaths through the grove in the
hope that will remove the wind protection the birds seek.
McLendon hopes that will send the birds heading north on
their annual migration, although he's cautious about the
outcome. He said if it did not work, he would move to
"phase two" but did not define what that would be.

Burning up
Residents of Yuba City, California ranked lowest in
Rand McNally's "Places Rated Almanac," burned 400
to 500 Rand McNally maps in a bonfire, but kept its protest
upbeat. "We intend to have as much fun with this as we
can," said Don McCullough, president of the co-sponsoring
Yuba City New Car Dealers Association, as the bonfire got

ranked the Yuba City area 329th among 329 urban areas
nationwide of 100,000 or more population. The survey,
which called Pittsburgh the most desirable city in the
nation, ranked cities in nine categories: climate, crime,
economy, housing costs, transportation, health care
facilities, education, arts and recreation.





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