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January 09, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday - January 9, 1985
No union actor
NEW YORK (AP) - The Screen seeking 200 "clean-cut, al
Guild and Actors Equity asked types" and that union mem
President Reagan yesterday to reverse not be considered.
the decision to use 200 non-union perfor- A spokesman for the comm
mers without pay at his inaugural Buckley, said its $12 millionI
celebration. not sufficient to pay the perfo
Equity's executive council also "I DON'T doubt that
authorized the use of emergency funds
to mount a demonstration in J3
Washington before and on Inauguration a an
Day on Jan.21 if Reagan does not inter-
cede, said Dick Moore, the union's (Continued from Page 1)
spokesman. would wish, each would w~
IN WASHINGTON, White House opportunity to assume n
spokesman Larry Speakes said sibilities and new challenge
Reagan, a former guild president, said. "After four grueling ye
"certainly supports the union" and had current positions, their(
been unaware of the inaugural commit- change is completely unders
tee's call for singers and dancers to In a statement released
perform for free in Washington from Regan said, "Since each of u
Jan. 19-21. great deal of exposure tot
Advertisements published under the work, the transition s
seal of the 50th American Presidential smoothly."
Inaugural said that the committee was Most reaction on Capitc

's allowed at this party


bers would
.ittee, John
budget was

Reagan wasn't aware of this," said ac;
tor Ed Asner, the guild president.
"But I think it's scandalous that
representatives of his would act with
such stupidity and callousness.... And
since the buck stops at the White House,
it's up to him to do something about it."

The American Federation of
Television and Radio Performers said
it may file an unfair labor practice suit
against the White House and the com-
mittee if non-union singers and dancers
appeared on televised proceedings.

left in the dark on job switch

relcome an
ew respon-
s," Reagan
ears in their
desire for
by aides,
us has had a
the other's
should go
il Hill was

favorable. House Speaker Thomas
O'Neill Jr., (D-Mass.) said in a
statement: "Jim Baker and Donald
Regan are very able and talented
public servants who always do a job
well. I am looking forward to working
just as constructively with them in their
new positions as I have in their previous
Senate Republican leader Robert

Dole called it "a good switch" with "no
But Rep. Bill Alexander, (D-Ark.) a
deputy House Democratic whip, said,
"God help us! Don Regan, the lion of
Wall Street, has already fleeced the
lambs of Main Street, and now that he is
managing the presidents, he will be in a
more formidable position to favor big

Council to review rules

Write On!

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(Continued from Page 1)
three faculty members, and three ad-
ministrators who serve two year terms.
In June, 1982, Shapiro charged the
council with revising the non-academic
conduct rules. But since last March,
revision of the conduct rules has been
conducted the administration alone.
Students and faculty served only as ad-
THE BYLAW also says that the
Michigan Student Assembly and the
faculty Senate assembly must approve
any conduct rules written by the council
before they can be placed on the
University's books. But Winkelman
charged that the previous council
recommended that the bylaw be


amended to take away those rights. The
recommendation was included in a
report sent to the administration but
was deleted from the copy of the report
which was publicly released.
Winkelman also said the previous
council did not keep accurate minutes,
failed to publicize open meetings, and
sometimes did not notify student mem-
bers of the meetings.
Colburn last night declined to com-
ment on the charges.
The administrators and faculty
members on the new council agreed
that they should investigate.
Winkelman's charges. But they were
adamant in their intent to keep the
council's focus on developing a set of
non-academic conduct rules which can
be acceptable to students, faculty, and
the administration.
They said they preferred to work
from the administration's revision of
the code, which was released on Nov.
14, rather than writing a new code from


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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
U.S., Soviets agree to negotiate
GENEVA, Switzerland - Secretary of State George Shultz announced last '
night that an agreement had been reached with the Soviet Union to begin
negotiations on nuclear missiles and space weapons.
Shultz told a news conference following two days of talks with Soviet.
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko that the date and place of the negotiations
will be decided through diplomatic channels within one month.
He said he and Gromyko agreed that the talks should ultimately lead to
"the complete elimination of nuclear arms everywhere."
A joint statement released before the news conference said, "The sides
agree that the subject of the negotiations will be a complex of questions con-
cerning space and nuclear arms, both strategic and intermediate range,
with all the questions considered and resolved in their inter-relationship."
On outer space "defensive" weapons, the United States is determined to
move ahead with "Star Wars" research under President Reagan's Strategic
Defense Initiative, claiming the Soviet Union has advanced in a similar
The United States also has plans to test a satellite killer weapon in March.
U.S. priest abducted in Beirut
BEIRUT, Lebanon - At least six gunmen armed with pistols and assault
rifles abducted an American priest yesterday as he was driven to his job as
head of the Catholic Relief Services in Lebanon.
The Rev. Lawrence Martin Jenco, 50, of Joliet, Ill., was kidnapped as he
headed to work from his home near the American University of Beirut in his
chauffeur-driven Pontiac at about 7:30 a.m., local time. olice said
The gray-haired, bespectacled Jenco, a member of the Roman Catholic-
Servite Order, has headed the Catholic Relief Services program in Lebanon
since last October. He served in Thailand before coming to Beirut.
In Joliet, his brother, John Jenco, said the priest knew "it wasn't an easy
"HE always said that if he were to die, he'd like to die as a missionary,"
said his brother. "I hope that isn't the truth, but if that's the way it's to be, I
guess God knows best."
Westmoreland lawyers rest case
NEW YORK-The lawyer for retired Gen. William Westmoreland rested
his $120 million libel case against CBS on Tuesday, stressing the support the
general has received from some of the nation's former top officials.
After U.S. District Judge Pierre Leval cautioned the jurors to "keep an
open mind," the network's lawyer, David Boies, opened the defense by
submitting excerpts from pretrial papers. He is to call his first witness, ex-
CIA analyst Sam Adams, later this week.
Westmoreland, commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam from 1964 to 1968,
says he was defamed by a 1982 documentary that said he tried in 1967 to hide
the true enemy strength from the public, Congress and possibly President
Lyndon Johnson.
Ignoringthe broadcast's charge that the pulic and Congress were misled,.
attorney Dan Burt has focused the case on the question of whether West-
moreland deceived Johnson, and others in the military.
"Eighteen men came from all over this country... to testify that they
believed that Gen. Westmoreland did not deceive his superiors," Burt told
jurors during an "interim summation." "These men were willing to appear
so that you could learn firsthand what had taken place."
Cambodian guerimlas stand firm
BAN SA-NGAE, Thailand - Bloody fighting raged along the Thai-
Cambodian border yesterday as Cambodian guerrillas, stubbornly ignoring
an order to retreat, tried to retake the major non-communist rebel base of
Ampil after Vietnamese troops had overrun it.
In what military analysts called a serious escalation of tension along the
Thai-Cambodian border, Vietnamese gunners shot down a Thai Air Force jet
fighter, killing one of its pilots.
Some 4,500 guerrillas loyal to ousted Cambodian Prince Norodom
Sihanouk were fighting their way toward Ampil to support rebels of the Kh-
mer National Peoples Liberation Front, (KPNLF) who are trying to recap-,
ture their base from Vietnamese troops.
Thai military sources said at least 20 Cambodian rebels had been killed
and 50 wounded during the second day of the battle for the KPNLF base,
overrun by the Vietnamese earlier Tuesday.
Three rebel groups - Sihanouk's forces, the KPNLF and the communist
Khmer Rouge-are fighting 160,000 Vietnamese troops that have occupied
Cambodia for the last six years.
High court rules for aged pilots
WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court, ruling in a key age bias case, held
9-0 yesterday that airline pilots over 60 have the right to transfer to a lower
paying cockpit job regardless of age.
The ruling involves Trans World Airlines pilot transfer policy, but also af-
fects several other airlines with similar lawsuits pending. Employers
generally will examine the ruling for guidelines on handling the growing
number of age discrimination lawsuits filed by an increasingly older work-
Although the court said TWA was guilty of bias, it denied the pilots double
back wages awarded by a federal appeals court on grounds the airline had
willfully or purposely, discriminated.
The ruling, written by Justice Lewis Powell, who is now hospitalized after
surgery Friday for prostate cancer, said the airline did not willfully
discriminate because it made efforts to see if its policy violated the federal
law that bars forced retirement of people under 70 years of age.


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0b .4. Urigan 13atly
Vol. XCV - No.81
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
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city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
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- 1


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Editor in Chief...................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors...............CHERYL BAACKE
Associate News Editors .. ......LAURIE DELATER
Personnel Editor....................SUE BARTO
Opinion Page Editors...............JAMES BOYD
NEWS STAFF: Laura Bischoff. Dov Cohen, Stephanie
DeGroote, Nancy Dolinko, Lily Eng, Rachel Gottlieb,
Thomas Hrach, Gregory Hutton. Bruce Jackson, Sean
Jackson, Vibeke Laroi, Carrie Levine, Jerry Markon,
Eric Mattson, Molly Melby, Tracey Miller, Kery Mur-
akami, Arona Pearlstein, Lisa Powers, Charles Sewell,
Stacey Shonk, Dan Swanson, Allison Zousmer.
Magazine Editor................JOSEPH KRAUS
Associate Magazine Editors .....PAULA DOHRING
Arts Editors................FANNIE WEINSTEIN
Associate Arts Editors...........BYRON L. BULL

Sports Editor...................MIKE McGRAW
Associate Sports Editors........... JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Andy Arvidson, Mark
Borowsky, Emily Bridgham, Debbie deFrances. Joe
Devyak, Joe Ewing, Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin, Skip
Goodman, Jon Hartman, Steve Herz, Rick Kaplan,
Tom Keaney, Mark Kovinsky, Tim Makinen, Adam
Martin, Scott McKinlay, Barb McQuade,AScott Miller,
Brad Morgan, Jerry Muth, Phil Nussel, Adam Ochlis,
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Business Manager ............... STEVEN BLOOM
Advertising Manager...............LIZ CARSON
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Marketing Manager..............KELLY SODEN
Classified Manager............ JANICE BOLOGNA
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Ass't. Finance Manager...........JANE CAPLAN
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Beisman, Mark Bookman, Steve Casiani, Peter Gian-
greco, Seth Grossman, Mary Ann Hogan, Mark Stobbs,
Dawn WilItcker.




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