S Vol. XCV, No. 81
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, January 9, 1985
Twelve Pages
Baker and Regan
to swap
(AP) - President
Reagan was kept in the dark for days as
three leaders of his administration
secretly engineered a deal for a job
sway between White House chief of
staff James Baker III and Treasury
Secretary Donald Regan.
With Baker on his right, grinning
broadly, and Regan on his left, Reagan
announced the switch at a hastily
called, nationally televised meeting of
White House reporters.
THE JOB change, which must await
Senate confirmation of Baker's
nomination to the Treasury post, would
involve expanded responsibilities for
both men, giving Cabinet rank and
membership on the top-secret National
Security Council to each.
Baker, a wealthy Houston lawyer,
also would become the administration's
chief economic spokesman, supplan-
ting the chairman of the President's
Council on Economic Advisors, a post
which has been vacant since the depar-
ture of Martin Feldstein. And Regan, a
66-year-old former Wall Street broker,
would retain his seat at the Cabinet
table, a privilege rarely accorded
White House staff members.
The switch means that none of the
"Big Three" aides who guided White
House operations and policy for most of
the president's first term will be
staying on in their present positions.
Sussman o
Alfred Sussman, interim vice-
president for research, approved a
proposal to renew a classified research
project despite the recommendation
from a student and faculty committee
that he reject the proposal.
Sussman approved renewal of
Professor Theodore Birdsall's project
which has been sponsored by the U.S.-
Navy's Office of Naval Research
(ONR) for the past 24 years.
IN DECEMBER the Research
Policies Committee (RPC) voted 6-6 to
reject the renewal proposal. Under the
rules of the committee, a tie vote is con-
sidered a rejection. Committee chair-
They are trading places in the White House. Donald Regan, left, is leaving
the Treasury to head the White House staff, while James Baker is taking
over the Treasury position after heading the White House staff during
Reagan's first term.
ONLY A WEEK ago Baker, once.the
top outsider in the president's inner cir-
cle, appeared to have emerged as the
senior assistant closest to Reagan
following the announcement that
deputy chief of staff and longtime
Reagan aide Michael Deaver plans to
leave government, probably to take a
high-paying public relations job.
The other member of the triumvirate,
presidential counselor Edwin Meese
III, has been renominated for attorney
general to succeed William French
Smith, another old friend of Reagan's
who wants to return to private life in
White House spokesman Larry
Speakes said Reagan first approached
Baker with the idea. But the president,
who first heard of it on Monday, said
both men, whom he described as "ex-
traordinarily talented individuals',"
were anxious for a change.
"EACH HAS indicated that while
willing to serve in whatever capacity I
see REAGAN, Page 2
kays classified
man William Williams speculated that peratures
the Navy's sponsorship of the project could impr
may have been a factor in the commit- Sussmai
tee's decision to reject the proposal. cy of the w
Piers Lewis, a student member of the experimen
RPC, said he objected to the project those used
because it may have military ap- "Even i
plications. that (the
Sussman said he approved the plications
renewal "because I do not believe that because it
there is a demonstrable, strong connec- Lewis.
tion between the results that will be ob- THE
tained throught this work and the guidelines
destruction and incapacitation of plications
human beings." life shall n
BIRDSALL'S PROJECT involves Oppositi
using sound waves to study tem- Se
changes in the ocean, which
rove weather forecasting.
n explained that the frequen-
Navelengths used in Birdsall's
nt are very different from
by the Navy.
f there is a 1 percent chince
research) has military ap-
I would vote against it ...
violates the guidelines," said
state that research with ap-
for the destruction of human
ot be conducted on campus.
ion to this project began with
e BIRDSALL, Page 3 .
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Bitn the dust
United States Naval personnel drop in on Holiday Bowl VII. The descending parachutists were a part of the lavish pre-
game festivities at San Diego's Jack Murphy stadium last December 21. Michigan dropped the game to eventual
national champion Brigham Young, 24-17. Full coverage of the Holiday Bowl begins on page 10.
New 'U' council to outlne
*duies and procedures
Graceland mobbed for
Elvis' birthday homage
The new members of the University
Council, the group responsible for
developing conduct rules for members
of the University community, made an
about-face at their first meeting last
The eight new members were appoin-
ted to two-year terms on the council last
month after University President
Harold Shapiro requested that the
panel review the administration's
revision of the Rules of the University
Community. One faculty member is yet
to be appointed.
THE PROFESSORS and administr-
ators on the council first rejected the
proposals made by two student
members. Those proposals called for
a public statement outlining the coun-
cil's duties and a review of the
procedures of the previous University
Council. That council spent 19 months.
revising the Rules of the University
Community into what has been dubbed
the "proposed student code for nond-
academic conduct."
But by the end of the 90-minute
meeting, the professors and ad-
ministrators agreed to review the past
council by asking Prof. C. William
Colburn, chair of the previous council,
and University President Harold
Shapiro to attend their meeting this
month answer questions. They also
elected s acting chairperson LSA
senior Lee Winkelman, who is one of th
three students on the council and who in
the past has been an outspoken critic of
the code.
Social Work Prof. Ann Hartman
argued against an administrator's
request that one of the two faculty
members chair the council. She said
neither she nor Medical School Prof.
Donald Rucknagel had the time and
that a student chairperson would
restore student trust in the council
which the student members said had
been lost.
WINKELMAN said some students
have lost faith in the University Council
because it has not followed regental
bylaw 7.02.
The bylaw says that students and
faculty should have equal say in the
formulation of rules which govern them
through the University Council. The
council is composed of three students,
See COUNCIL, Page 2
From AP and UPI
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Elvis Presley
look-a-likes and fans from as far away
as Australia, England, Germany, and
Japan thronged to the late superstar's
mansion yesterday, as people around
the country remembered the "king of
rock 'n' roll" on what would have been
his 50th birthday.
Approximately 500 Elvis fans came to
offer birthday wishes to the rock 'n' roll
king born in Tupelo, Miss., Jan. 8, 1935.
Presley died in his Memphis Mansion
Aug. 16, 1977, of a suspected drug over-
IN ST. LOUIS, hundreds who flocked
to Blueberry Hill, a '50s night club filled
with Elvis memorabilia, filed past a
"Happy Birthday Elvis" cake, Elvis
dolls and valuable first-pressing Elvis
"There will never be another 50th and
we had to be here," said Carol Ann Der,
who was among 43 people who made an
18-hour bus ride from Baltimore for the
celebration. "I come here twice a year,
and this is the biggest crowd I've seen
in January."
Fans lined up as early as 6 a.m. CST
despite temperatures in the 30s to hear
proclamations read declaring Jan. 8
Elvis Presley Day in Tennessee.
"I LOVE HIM," said Kiyoshi Ito, of
Tokyo, Japan, who performs as an
Elvis impersonator. "When he died, I
thought about suicide. He was an
original. His heart has got com-
munication with the audience, and
that's why he's loved by so many
. Elizabeth Woznick, 74, said her first
visit to Graceland was the culmination
of a dream.
"I liked the way he was sweet and
friendly, and his music. I always wanted
to come, and my family told me I could
go on his 50th birthday."
The perfect legislative aide made its bow
in the California Legislature - incapable of leaking:
information or making a speech and too short
to be threatening. The 3-foot-high robot rolled down
the aisle of the Senate chamber Monday, banging into desks
occasionally, following an introduction by Sen. William
Campbell, a Republican. Democrats remarked that the!
robot, like some Republicans, seemed to veer toward the
right. The inflated-plastic robot wore a black top hat and a
black T-shirt with a tuxedo painted on for its appearance at
the opening session of the 1985 legislature. "He's going to
bring things onto the floor," Campbell said, explaining a tray
strapped to the robot's chest. "When I'm thirsty, he'll bring
Cabbage fan
arrie's 71-year-old foster
grandfather, Grant
Trigger, munched chipsi
and a hot dog at a tailgate
picnic before a football
game this fall. The true- <y
blue Michigan fan and,
Cabbage Patch doll set y
beside Trigger in a direc-
tor's chair. Carrie was y'-,
decked out in a blue-and
gold 'M' dress with mat-
ching shoelaces and pen-
nant. Her clothes were
made by Trigger's w
daughter, Peggy Teoh, a.
resident of Lansing.°
the 1930s, touted Carrie before the fans, many of whom asked
if he was selling the Cabbage Patch outfit. Sorry, Peggy
said, the suit is custon-made.
Show your stuff
I f you're talented, here's your chance to make it big. Cedar
Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio and Walt Disney
World in Florida are looking for musicians, singers, dancers,
magicians, and other performers. Cedar Point recruiters
will be interviewing at the Michigan Union on Jan. 25.
Registration is between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.; audtions
begin at 10 a.m. For more information write: CN. 5006, San-
dusky, Ohio 44870. Walt Disnmey World will be interviewing
at Ohio State University on Jan. 29. For more information
Paper planes
TWO OF THE nation's leading aviation museums issued
a challenge to would-be aeronautical engineers yes-
terday : build the world's best paper airplane and win the
Second Great International Paper Airplane Contest.
"Imagination will be the key," said Walter Boyne, director
of the National Air and Space Museum, where the new
event was announced. Boyne's museum is joining forces
with the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Wash., and Science 85
magazine to renew the challenge first issued 18 years ago by
Scientific American magazine. Allen Hammond, editor of
Science 85, said the organizers hope to receive as many as
20,000 entries from around the world, nearly double the
11,851.entered from 28 countries in the first such contest.
On the inside...
The Opinion Page outlines the failures of liberalism... Arts
goes live with Bob Dylan... Sports takes a look at Michigan's
Holiday Bowl loss.