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January 13, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-13

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Sunday, January 13, 1985

_ ..

Refugee to IN BRIEF
stand trial Compiled from Associated Press and

Associated Press
Janey the fairway furry
Janey, a furry pet of Jack Salvado, tours the links of the local golf course in Cranbourne, Australia, sitting among
her master's clubs. Salvado feeds his furry friend every four hours-before the first tee and after the last.
Activities honor slain civil rights activist

in slaying
of prof
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A Vietnamese
refugee goes on trial tomorrow in the
slaying of a university professor, a case
complicated by allegations the victim
had engaged in illegal high-tech trade
with Vietnam and had received death
threats for his frequent contacts with
that country's communist government.
Physics professor Edward Cooper-
man, 48, was shot to death in October in
his office at California State University-
Fullerton. Minh Van Lam, 21, one of a
number of Vietnamese students
Cooperman befriended, is charged with
murder in the case, which is scheduled
to be tried in Orange County Superior
FRIENDS AND colleagues say
Cooperman, an outspoken opponent of
the Vietnam War who had visited that
country at least a dozen times since
1977, received death threats. They
suspect he was assassinated because he
supported Vietnam.
However, Lam, described by his at-
torney as a staunch anti-communist,
says the shooting occurred as the two
were horsing around with a gun.
Deputy District Attorney Mel Jensen
has declined all comment on the case.
Defense attorney Alan May said his
investigations have revealed a portrait
of Cooperman as a man who felt caught
between U.S. authorities and Viet-
namese officials, who bought guns for
the first time in his life as his situation
began to frighten him.
ACCORDING TO May, the Viet-
namese felt that Cooperman, head of
the Foundation for Scientific
Cooperation with Vietnam, misled
them over the quality of computers he
imported there, possibly illegally, and
were unhappy over his meetings with
State Department officials after his
trips to Vietnam.
On the morning of his death, Cooper-
man received a call from a Vietnamese
official at the United Nations sum-
moning him to a meeting with Viet-
nam's foreign minister, May said.
"His wife said he was upset and
didn't want to go. I have her taped
statement to police," said May.
closely knit

(Continued from Page 1)
the black conmmunity in last year's
"The media thought he was some sort
of fly-by-nighter, but he really is the
embodiment of the continuation of an
existing movement," Morris said, ad-
ding that Jackson has been instrumen-
tal in organizing the support of the
black church.

THOUGH Jackson's candidacy did
much to boost the hopes of the black
community, the current economic
situation for blacks in this country is far
from King's ideal, Morris said.
"While the Civil Rights Movement of
the 1960s, as led by King, was suc-
cessful in overthrowing segregation, it
was unsuccessful in changing the
economic inequalities," Morris said.

The Psychological Space of Religious Experience
Clinical Psychologist Jeff Last, Ph.D., will discuss the growth
of the religious sensibility from the point of view of the
stages of human psychological development. Where do our
religious feelings come from? Are they, as Freud believed,
simply illusions, or is religion expressive of the individuation
process? What is meant by the idea that the function of re-
ligion is to bring people close to God, but not too close?

"For every dollar a white family
makes, a black family is making 50 cen-
Earnest Wilson, a University political
science professor, will also speak on
"Martin Luther King - His Personal
Vision for World Peace." both Morris
and Wilson said they are committed to
remembering the life of King, who
Morris refers to as "the one who
epitomized the Civil Rights
Although President Reagan last year
singed legislation making King's birth-
day a national holiday, the official ob-
servance will not begin until next year.
And approval of the legislation did not
just slide through Congress. Concerned
that the establishment of another non-
working day might pose a threat to the
economy, Sen. Jesse Helms (R-North
Carolina) and other Senate
Republicans attempted to block the bill
declaring the holiday.
But civil rights activists, such as
Corretta Scott King, the civil rights
leader's widow, musician Stevie Won
der, and House Speaker Tip O'Neill
succeeded in convincing their
colleagues and President Reagan that
the holiday was vital to memorialize
King's ac hievements.

United Press International reports
8 Walled Lake protesters acquited
WALLED Lake, Mich.-A district court jury has acquitted eight people of
charges of conspiracy to tresspass but convicted them of tresspassing in
1983 protests at a company that manufactures cruise missile engines.
The jury in the Detroit suburb of Walled Lake deliberated two hours late
yesterday before handing down its verdict following a week-long trial.
The eight, each fined $50 by Judge Michael Bathick, were: Margaret
Garrigues and Sister Barbara Beasley, both of Ann Arbor; and Detroiters
Sisters Shelia Gainey and Kit Concannom, the Rev. Tom Limpkin and Bill
Kellermann, Jeanie Wylie and Maryann Arborgast.
They were among 53 people arrested at Williams International Corp. in
Walled Lake during a week of demonstrations in late 1983.
Williams International has been the scene of numerous demonstrations by
such groups as the Detroit Peace Community and the Ann Arbor Peace
A spokesman for the Detroit Peace Community said Saturday more than
30 arrests have been made in four demonstrations at the defense contractor
during 1984.
French troops sent to calm riot
NOUMEA, New Caledonia-French Premier Laurent Fabius said in Paris
yesterday he was immediately sending 1,000 additional troops to this Fren-
ch-ruled South Pacific territory to help break the "cycle of violence" that
left three dead and dozens injured in two days of rioting.
New Caledonia's territorial government declared a state of emergency
earlier in the day after police killed two Melanesian pro-independence
leaders in a gunfight in an isolated area on the west coast about 55 miles
from here.
Police enforced a dusk-to-dawn curfew imposed in Noumea after 24 hours
of street battles between security forces and anti-independence European
residents. By evening, calm had returned to the streets of the capital.
Officials said 33 people-29 police and four civilians-were hurt and 48
people were arrested. The rioters hurled rocks, bottles and gasoline bombs
at police, set fire to seven buildings and dozens of cars, and looted stores,
police said.
Army investigates nssile accident
HEILBROWN, West Germany-U.S. Army experts yesterday began their
investigation of how the motor of an unarmed Pershing 2 missile ignited,
killing three American soldiers and sparking anew political furor over the
rocket deployment.
Two groups of American investigators-a 15-person team from the army's
U.S.-based Missile Command and another from the U.S. Army Safety Center
at Fort Rucker, Ala.-arrived in Germany to study Friday's accident. U.S.
authorities based in West Germany began a separate enquiry.
Three U.S. soldiers were killed and 16 others injured-three
critically-when the solid fuel in the first-stage motor of a two-stage Per-
shing 2 missile ignited at the Waldheide U.S. missile training ground, near
Heilbrown, 50 miles north of Stuttgart, army officials said.
Army spokesmen stressed the missile was unarmed at the time of the ac- s
cident, which officials said occurred during a "routine operation" in a tent at
the training ground.
Nine of the 16 men injured remained hospitalized yesterday, an army
spokesman said.
Heart trmisplant patient improving
ANN ARBOR, Mich.-Doctors at University Hospitals said yesterday a
Detroit man was in serious but stable condition less than two days after .
receiving a new heart during a 5-hour operation.
LaVerne Hill, 39, was "doing very well under the circumstances," a
hospital spokesman said.
He said Dr. Marvin Kirsh, who headed the surgery Thursday night, was
'very pleased' with the patient's condition.
"This is the first heart transplant patient that we've had at this period of
time immediately following surgery that wasn't in critical but stable con-
dition," the spokesman said.
Hill was the fifth heart transplant patient in a year at the hospital.
He suffers from cardiomyopathy, a degeneration of the heart, and was ad-
mitted to the hospital a week ago.
Jackson to try to free priest
CHICAGO-The Rev. Jesse Jackson met with the family of a priest kid-
napped in Lebanon, and said he would issue a "moral appeal" for the release
of the priest and three other Americans who disappeared in Beirut.
Jackson said he was exploring religious and political channels to free the
Rev. Lawrence Martin Jenco, who was abducted Tuesday, the other
Americans and a Saudi Arabian diplomat held in Lebanon.
In addition to Jenco, the missing Americans are Cable News Network's
Beirut bureau chief, Jeremy Levin; U.S. Embassy political officer William
Buckley; and the Rev. Benjamin Weir, a Presbyterian minister. The
missing Saudi diplomat is Hussein Farrash.
"We know people in Lebanon, Syria and Iran who would tend to have ac-
cess to various organizations and groups in the area," said Jackson. He said
he would make a "moral appeal for a new level of dialogue and com-
Though he did not commit himself to a Lebanon trip on their behalf, he
said, "When it is feasible to go, we are going to go."
"We do not have any government portfolio," he said. "We can only make
the moral appeal."





1429 Hill Street

Jan. 14
7:30 p.m.


n reply .. .

S passive smoking more
than a minor nuisance
or real annoyance.
That's a broad and vague statement being made in a nation-wide, multi-
million dollar campaign by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
For those who are fortunate not to have a chronic lung or heart disease,
who don't suffer from allergies, or who may not have an acute respiratory
illness that may be true. However, medical evidence is conclusive: passive
smoking is injurious to a large number of individuals - young and old, rich
and poor, and from any ethnic group.

Cabinet team
(Continued from Page 1)
falling as the second term changes
shake down.
REAGAN HAS moved equally prom-
ptly to fill most of the vacancies with
the exception of the position of
Secretary of Education vacated by
Terrel Bell last fall.
The president approved a trade of
jobs between Regan and chief of staff
James Baker. He also tapped gnergy
Secretary Donald Hodell to be Interior
Secretary replacing William Clark,
who is returning to California. In other
changes, he moved John Herrington,
director of the White House personnel
office, into Hodell's job.
Another Cabinet appointee is William
Bennett, chairman of the National En-
dowment on Humanities, who will
replace Bell as head of the Department
of Education.
White HouseCbunselor Edwin Meese,
another of Reagan's California ad-
visers, has been nominated to be at-
torney general succeeding William
French Smith, who is returning to
private life. Labor Secretary Raymond
Donovan, indicted in a mass transit
scandal in New York, is on a leave of
More changes apparently are in the
wind with Regan expected to shake up
the White House staff now that the
California contingent will soon be gone.


5M~OK1I 1301 - SioKI1N'
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' DKS- u DtiRAr D uv4AT 'VDU EL
COC PA ! NB ADt/" 1AM tN {

Smoking is legal, no question about that.
But who has the right in a public place to
give some innocent bystander what the to-
bacco industry down plays as a "minor nui-
sance" or "real annoyance"?
According to the tobacco industry, smok-
ing is a personal decision made by adults.
Unfortunately the sidestream smoke from a
cigarette, pipe or cigar becomes public, af-
fecting everyone around, and therefore
should be subject to certain rules, controls
and laws to protect people in public places.
If we can have laws to protect us from
outdoor air pollution, why not for indoor
pollution from toxic tobacco smoke?

017be AtcIrbian BatIt
Vol. XCV - No.85
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.


The tobacco industry complains about nonsmokers: "Total strangers feel
free to abuse us verbally in public without warning." That's usually the re-
sult when someone assaults another, and being forced to breathe another's-
tobacco smoke is considered assault.
The majority of Americans are nonsmokers. There's something wrong
with the system when those in the minority can have such a drastic effect
on the majority. . . and that's what so often happens when smokers' sides-

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Editor in Chief..................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors...............CHERYL BAACKE
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