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January 13, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-13

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Cloudy and windy with a high in
the low 30s.

Vol. XCV, No. 851

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 13, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

Tarp ley
'end Purdue
jinx, 81-65
Special to the Daily
coach Bill Frieder denied that his club's
1 81-65 victory over Purdue at Mackey
Arena yesterday was any more
significant to him than any other win on
the road. Even if it was his first victory
ever over the Boilermakers.
"I never look at the personal side of it
and I don't believe in jinxes," said
Frieder, referring to Michigan's 0-8
record against Purdue since he took
over the Wolverine helm in 1980.
DON'T BELIEVE a word of it.
"(Frieder) said he wanted this one.
He really wanted it," said Garde
Thompson, who had a career-high 13
points. "We more or less won it for
The 16-point margin of victory did not
reflect how tight the contest was for 28
minutes. Michigan led by no more than
six during that period as the teams
traded baskets and the Boilermakers
did a good job in the rebounding depar-
THE FIRST sign that the roof was
going to cave in on Purdue was when

PEKING - China's top military of-
ficer yesterday welcomed his
American counterpart with a pledge to
work for peace and a warning that
Washington should treat seriously "ob-
stacles" to better relations such as
In a glittering banquet for Gen. John
Vessey, chairman of the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Chinese Chief of
General Staff Yang Dezhi said he
looked forward to talks that would ex-
pand relations between the two armed
In addition to Yang, the Chinese side
included Deputy Chief of General Staff
Zhang Zhewg, who greeted Vessey with
a warm hug, and representatives of the
navy, army, and air force.
Vessey, who arrived for a one-week
visit early today, stood at attention with
Yang atop a red-carpeted podium,
saluting while the national anthems of
both countries were played.
Vessey, 63, the first chairman of the
Joint Chiefs to visit China since the
communist revolution in 1949, arrived
in Peking yesterday for a one-week
familiarization tour that aides said
could include talks on an unpreceden-.
ted port call by an American warship.

a welcomes
Chinese military chief
wants better relations

The Washington Post quoted Reagan
administration officials as saying
China has agreed to buy submarine-
hunting sonars, Mark-46 torpedoes, gas
turbine engines, and the Phalanx rapid-
fire gun designed to down anti-ship,
Neither Chinese nor American of-
ficials would confirm a report that
three U.S. Navy destroyers would make
a port call in Shanghai in April. It would
be the first such call by an American
warship in more than 35 years.
Without mentioning Taiwan by name,
Yang said in a banquet toast that ob-
stacles remained in the way of stronger
Sino-U.S. ties.

"Naturally, as it is known to all, there
are still difficulties and obstacles on the
way of developing the relations bet-
ween our two countries," said the 76-
year-old Yang, who commanded
Chinese forces against U.S.-led U.N.
troops in the Korean War.
"This should be treated seriously. We
believe that so long as we all abide by
the principles of every Sino-U.S. joint
communique, work hard and sound,
and solve concrete problems conscien-
tiously, we'll be able to overcome dif-
ficulties gradually, eliminate obstacles,
and the relations between our two coun-
tries will develop soundly, thus bringing
about the growth of relations between
our two armed forces."

Associated Press
Michigan forward Butch Wade snags one of his five rebounds in yesterday's
game as Purdue's Todd Mitchell tries to avoid a foul. Michigan rolled to an
81-65 victory over the Boilermakers.

Reagan 1o,
WASHINGTON (UPI) - President
Reagan is losing the battle to hold
together his Cabinet and staff for his
second team with the inroads of official
life taking their toll.
Unlike President Nixon, who called
for resignations from his entire Cabinet
after he won re-election in 1972, Reagan
passed the word that he wanted all
members to stay on deck. At the time,
he also told Treasury Secretary Donald
Regan, who is moving on to be White
House chief of staff, that he wanted to
"shackle" him to his desk.
BUT WHETHER he wanted it or not,
Reagan's closely knit team is suffering
the same fate as Nixon's second-term

sing in Cab
Cabinet with big changes in the works.
Nixon's chief of staff H.R. Haldeman
told the Cabinet the morning after the
election in 1972 "you're all a bunch of
burned out volcanos" and demanded
their resignations, much to the shock of
several of them who had been Nixon's
surrogates on the re-election campaign
trail for many months. Several were
kept on, however.
By the time Nixon was forced to
resign from office in August 1974 due to
the Watergate scandal, there were only
two officials who had been in his
original Cabinet Interior Secretary
Rogers C.B. Morton and Agriculture
Secretary Earl Butz.

imet shuffle
SOME OF THE familiar faces stayed
on with Henry Kissinger, who had been
national security affairs adviser,
becoming secretary of state in Nixon's
short-lived second term.
George Shultz, currently secretary of.
state, served in two Cabinet posts
during the Nixon years, starting as
labor secretary, and moving on to be
Treasury secretary when John Con-
nally vacated the job.
The speed of the dramatic turnover of
the Reagan Cabinet in the past few
weeks has stunned Washington. There
are indications more shoes will be

King to be honored in
local march, talks

Local civil rights activists will narch
from the County Building to the Second
Baptist Church today to commemorate
the Jan. 15 birthdate of the late Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr.
King's ability to mobilize blacks and
his understanding of the vast potential
of the black church will be the focus of
University sociology Prof. Aldon
Morris's speech to follow the Third An-
nual Martin Luther King Unity Walk
sponsored by the Second Baptist Chur-
ch of Ann Arbor.

..honored today

fix for cult

MORRIS, WHO has recently
published a book on the origins of the
Civil Rights Movement, will trace the
history of the movement in what he
called a series of "vivid images
describing conditions of the black
people, especially in the South, prior to
the mid 1950s."
Morris said he will address recent
developments, such as the candidacy
of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the built-
in support base Jackson used to his
benefit in campaigning and mobilizing
give up
backlash against the sexual revolution
has been a driving force behind the new
conservatism that has swept the count-
ry as women grow disillusioned with
their sexual freedom of the past 20
years, sex researchers Shere Hite said
The continuing double standard that
accepts sexual freedom for men but
stigmatizes women as tramps, has
caused many women to look back to the
"good old days," Hite told the Society
for the Scientific Study of Sex.
"THE DIRECTION (of the 1980s) I
see is people rushing back to past roles
because of the current situation," Hite
"And I can sympathize with that
See SEX, Page 3

For the cult film junkie, Ann Arbo
with its myriad of movie theatres an
cinema organizations, presents
unique opportunity to view many film
from Hollywood's past.
And of the movies the cinema buff
flock to see, Casablanca always draw
a sizable crowd from within the Univej
sity and the surrounding community.
AT LAST NIGHT'S 7 p.m. showing c
the film over 450 people came to th
Michigan Theatre to see Bogie an
Bergman in the 1942 classic.
Most of the movie goers had alread
seen Casablanca at least once, some u
to "a couple of dozen times."
Craig Shere, an LSA freshman, co

)r fessed to seeing the film over 20 times
d thanks to his video recorder. Shere's
a favorite line is "Louis, I think this is
Is going to be the beginning of a beautiful
fs HELEN MOSER, who had seen the
vs film only once about 40 years ago, said
r- she was seeing it for the second time
because of "the song, you know. A kiss
of is just a kiss," she said as she continued
he to hum the tune.
id Moser hurried off saying, "I've
waited forty years to see it, I wouldn't
y want to be late."
,ip Eastern Michigan University
graduate student David Kelley entered
n- See CASABLANCA, Page 3

Associated Press
A splash of champagne
Catherine Stevens is splashed with champagne while christening the Trident submarine Alaska in Groton, Conn.
yesterday. At right is her husband, Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), the main speaker at the event.

S ENIOR CHIEF Petty Officer Fletcher Tucker ran
his fingertips along his cleanshaven cheeks and
said, "My wife and two kids back East have never
seen me without it." Tucker's beard of 17 years had
a close encounter with a sharp razor recently. Since Jan. 1,
naval personnel have been getting shipshape by shaving
their beards-although they can keep their mustaches-to
comply with new regulations. Tucker, a 24-year Navy man
attached to the chaplain's office at North Island Naval Air
Station in San Diego, spoke of his late beard like a lost
friend. "It was well kept," he said. "It met all uniform
regulations. It complied with grooming standards. I miss it.
"I feel like I'm being punished for something and I don't
know what." Many Navy people say the new grooming


"But the men never really went along with that." Zumwalt
is now retired. Not only are beards disappearing but Navy
personnel now eat in a "mess hall" again-not a "dining
facility." It's all part of a return to earlier traditions. Navy
barbers used to do a brisk business keeping beards trim-
med to conform with grooming code. "We lost a lot of
business when Zumwalt sent out his Z-gram back in the
1970s permitting long hair. Now we'll lose the beard-
trimming business," said Art Giverson, one of 21 civilian
barbers in three post exchanges at the 32nd Street Naval
Base, where many of San Diego's 85,000 active duty sailors
are based. "But haircuts are back in. I like that."
Lucky maid
T HE FIRST Family has a dirty little secret: Lucky, the
popular little puppy Nancy Reagan gave her husband
before Christmas, still isn't White House-broken. "That,"
sniffed spokeswoman Sheila Tate, "is an unauthorized
leak." Mrs. Reagan's press secretary refused to discuss the

Pooper Scooper" and sample packs of "Puppy Piddle
Pads." Ralson-Purina has informed the White House the
feed manufacturer plans to bring out a new line of Lucky
dog food in honor of the presidential pooch. Officials said
the Reagans turned down an offer of a free lifetime supply
of the dog food but agreed to let Lucky do the official
tasting. The White House always has been hush-hush about
its Auto-Pens, the machines that sign the president's and
first lady's names to routine correspondence. But it was
learned that Lucky, too, has an automated signature. In
response to a virtual avalanche of mail addressed to the
dog, one source said, Lucky was taken over to the
correspondence unit last week to have her paw print copied.
Now, when the White House receives mail addressed to the
dog from the nation's school children, it sends back a signed
photograph of the black French sheep dog.
On the inside...

insisting on anonymity for fear of invoking the Reagans'
wrath, said the president isn't trying to sweep the problem
under the rug. "We have a professional trainer coming in
once a week," the informant whispered. Lucky reportedly
is not a chronic violator; she simply isn't very reliable yet.
"It was a problem at Camp David over the weekend," one
source said. "The dog messed up the rug in Aspen Lodge."

I .



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