Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
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Cloudy with a chance of snow and
a high near 30.
n - Sunday, February 10, 1985
Fifteen Cents
Eight Pages
of the
Roy-al Blue tops Illini, 57-45
Let's bring on the Hawkeyes!
Michigan took a big step, or make
that a bounding leap, toward capturing
its first Big Ten title since 1977 yester-
day when it downed Illinois, 57-45, at
Crisler Arena.
THE WIN PUTS the eighth-ranked
Woverines, now 9-3 in the conference,
(18-3 overall) a half game up on Iowa
(8 -2 in the Big Ten, 19-4 overall) and
sets the stage for Thursday's showdown
with the Hawkeyes in Iowa City. It also
dimmed title aspirations for the Illini,
(now 6-5 in Big Ten, 18-7 overall) who
were league favorites in many pre-
season polls.
The story of the contest was the
second half. After playing a poor first
half and trailing at the intermission, 26-
24, Michigan came storming back to
dominate the second stanza and out-
score the Illini, 33-19.
"We were forced to play good basket-
ball in the second half and we did," said
Michigan head coach Bill Grieder,
"and for that, I'm proud of my team."
THE WOLVERINES got off to a
somewhat shakey start prior to the in-
termission shooting only 40.7 percent
from the field and missing many key
chances. They mostly traded buckets
with the Illini before putting together a
run that put them up 20-14, with 7:27 left
in the half. Illinois followed with a
surge of its own, highlighted by backup
center Scott Meents' nine points, to take
the lead into the locker room.
And Frieder was worried.
"I was concerned at the half because
we looked sluggish," he said. "Yet
even though we didn't play well in the
first half, we were only two points
down, so I think that's what I had to
build on at half time.
See TARPLEY, Page 8
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Roy Tarpley and Antoine Joubert celebrate with enthusiastic Michigan fans after yesterday's 57-45 over Illinois. Tar-
pley scored 17 points while Joubert added 10 points and 6 assists to lead Michigan into first-place in the Big Ten with a 9-
2 record (18-3 overall).
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Gary Grant demonstrates his now patented tongue-wagging style of play in
yesterday's 57-45 win over the Fighting Illini. Grant contributed 14 points
and 3 steals for the victorious Blue, winners of nine straight.
Do-mestic violence
German travels
the world with
guitar, .top hat
reports rise at 'U'
More and more cases of domestic
violence against married University
students are being reported to Student
Legal Services, according to a law
student who works in the legal office.
The rise in reports is due largely to
increased awareness of verbal and
physical harassment, law student Ann
Parker told a small group at East Quad
"ALTHOUGH we see lower-income
families, we do know that domestic
violence affects all classes and races,"
she said.
Parker was one of three speakers in a
session on women's legal issues, part of
the four-day Women's Weekend Con-
ference. The conference ends today
with a presentation on men in the
women's movement and a speech by
Psychology Prof. Elizabeth Douvan.
Until a decade ago, police refused to
intervene in marriage disputes.
"IN A 17TH or 18th century law case
where a woman sued her husband for
abuse, she lost because it was okay for
a husband to keep his wife in line,"
Parker said.
The law at that time allowed a man to
beat his wife with a stick no longer than
his -thumb- - the so-called "rule of
Student Legal Services will help a
victimized woman get a restraining or-
der forbidding her husband to beat her.
But many women fail to take advantage
of the service because they feel com-
pelled to save their marriages.
"FOR VARIOUS economic,
psychological, and social reasons, a
woman believes her mission is to
redeem the victimizer," said Helen
Gallagher,ha local attorney and former
intern at Student Legal Services.
See HELP, Page 2
Hey Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me;
I'm not sleepy and
there ain't no place Iam going to...
As students scurry by, he sits in the
Engineering Arch strumming an
rcoustic guitar and singing Bob Dylan
tunes. His voice resonates a curious
blend of Dylan, Luciano Pavarotti; and.
the Irish Rovers. When someone drops
a bill or a few coins into an upturned top
hat, he smiles in a way that is warm yet
"With his worn clothes, fuzzy shoulder-
length hair, and wide-brimmed hat - a
cross between Father Guido Sarducci's
and Clint Eastwood's - he looks like a
seedy vagrant forced to live on the
ordinary street person. Rather he is a
traveling entertainer from Heidelberg,
Germany. "Suminnen," the surname
he gave hiself a few years back, is
derived from the German word for
Since 1969, the 37-year-old musician
has traveled the world playing the
guitar, harmonica, violin, dulcimer,
and piano. His repertoire includes
classical music, hits from the 1960s, and
folk songs he has picked up on four con-
Money tossed into Suminnen's top hat
allows him to support himself and his
mother in Heidelberg, and to pay for
plane fare back to Germany at least on-
ce every two months. He also owns a
house and recording studio equipment
in Heidelberg.
DURING THE LAST two years,
Suminnen has followed the tours of
University Music Prof. Ruggiera Ricci,
an internationally-recognized violinist.
According to Suminnen, Ricci is the
only violinist alive who can play the
works of Niccolo Paganini, an 18th cen-
tury musician reknowned for his dif-
ficly compositions.
"(Ricci) was my ideal since I was 14,"
says Suminnen. He first met the
professor when he sat in on violin
classes Ricci was teaching in Germany
two years ago. But Suminnen never in-
troduced himself until Ricci saw him
strumming his guitar on a street cor-
Now a personal friend of Ricci's,
Suminnen stays in the professor's home
during his visits to Ann Arbor and oc-
casionally in the same hotel when he
meets up with the violinist on tour.
BEFORE HE BEGAN his travels,
Suminnen held a steady job as a
bookkeeper in a Heidelberg courthouse.
The position, he says, was "to live like
a slave."
So at the age of 21, Suminnen
gathered his money and his guitar, and
took to the road in search of a lifestyle
he could call "meaningful."
Careers, A'
look ahead.,.
February is the month under-
classmen start panicking about sum-
mer jobs and seniors feverishly step
up job interviews. Careers seem to be
on everyone's mind.
In light of this situation, The Daily
this week will feature a five-part
series on careers. We will take a hard
look at trends in the most popular
professions among University studen-
ts and job opportunities in a variety of
fields. We hope the stories will
provide insight in thinking about
What follows is a short rundown on
the series:
*Tuesday: A national study con-
ducted by Michigan State University
charts hiring prospects and average
salaries for various professions and
geographical regions that are curren-
tly job "hot spots."
" Wednesday: Law school advisers
and placement officers discuss
changes in the legal profession, ad-
vantages and disadvantages of dif-
ferent law schools, and job oppor-
tunities for young law school
* Thursday: Medical school ad-
visers and professionals in the field
tell how the medical field is changing
and what it could mean for medical
students and new doctors.
* Friday: "What can I do with a
degree in liberal arts?" To answer
that question The Daily spoke with of-
ficials at the University's Office of
Career Planning and Placement as
well as advisers at national groups on
education and the humanities.
* Saturday: Business and en-
trepeneurialism is becoming more
and more popular. Job opportunities
for both bachelor's and master's
graduates in business administration,
as well as extra-curricular activities
in the field, are plentiful and varied.
Josef Suminnen, a minstrel from Heidelberg, Germany, stums his guitar in
the Engineering Arch. He says he plans to have business cards printed which
read: "Happy-go-lucky, free-wheeling, high-flying, singing kind of guy."
He has found that lifestyle, he says.
"I have developed my skill, and I
have met so many people," Suminnen
says. Though the master of several in-
struments, he claims his most
developed musical asset is his voice.
HE SPEAKS IN gentle wisps that hint
of accents of the dozen foreign
languages he knows. His singing voice
is as soothing as his speaking voice, and
surprisingly wide-ranging.
"I was trained by opera singers," he
explains. "I was singing, and an opera
singer, said 'You have an interesting
voice,' and so I had training from them
See IN ANN ARBOR, Page 2
MSA Pharmacy
"But they make a nice wall" said Jen Faigel, MSA News
Editor. "We have a lot of fun playing with them" she said,
demonstrating one of the joys of shaving cream by spraying
'NO CODE' on the wall. If you've been planning on going
over to meet your MSA representative, the time is now.
MSA is giving away these valuable gifts on a first-come-fir-
st-serve basis, so run, don't walk to the third floor of the
Michigan Union.
Wanted: Mayor
nexation to another town. "We'll have to study this fur-
ther," Liles said. "We've been incorporated since 1954. I
was surprised that no one qualified. It's just that it costs
$37.50 to qualify and the town's officials don't get paid. It's a
constant grind, a real headache."
Zero for Bolero
- nominated Bolero for the worst picture, worst actress,
worst screenplay, and worst direction amont other "wor-
sts." Tied for second with eight nominations each were
Cannonball II Run and Rhinestone. Brooke Shields was
named in two categories for her performance in Sahara.
On the inside ...
The Opinion Page looks at The Week