Teens ask
to address
hige defiit
teenagers from Illinois and Michigan,
concerned about the size of the federal
deficit, had a message for the gover-
nment yesterday: stop spending our
The students said they each would
have to pay $10,000 in taxes to pay the
interest on this year's budget deficit.
"OUR government is using all this
money and someday somebody is sure
to have to pay it back. That somebody,
we now realize, is us," they said in a
"Our parents won't let us run up a bill
on their credit cards. So why should we
sit quietly while our government runs
up a huge bill on ours?'
The students made a larger splash
with their opinions than many groups
get. They arranged a news conference
in the Capitol.
AS PART of it, they gave a northern
Illinois congressman a petition, signed
by 244 participants in the Presidential
Classroom program, asking the
a president and Congress "to pay more
attention to the long-term economic in-
terests of young people (and) bring the
federal budget deficits under control."
"The first step is awareness," said
Nancy Lataif of Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
The statement by the students urged
other high school students to become
active in trying to get deficits reduced
and to vote, "as we will, in 1986 ... for
candidates who are as concerned about
the future as you are."
Michelle Mitzenmacher, of Mount
Prospect, Ill., said she had not an-
ticipated the trip to Washington would
include setting up a news conference.
"The people who talked to us, they
showed it was worse than we thought,"
she said.
Also taking part were Chris Blan-
chard of Lake Forest, Ill., Kristen
Koeppen, of Buffalo Grove, Ill., Lisa
Lehnert, of Lincolnshire, Ill., Cecilia
Michaelis of Kenilworth, Ill., and Kir-
sten Peterson, of Buffalo Grove, Ill.
The Michigan Daily - Saturday, February 2, 1985 - Page 3
Interior post
nominee shuns
Watt's policies
Secretary Donald Hodel, President
Reagan's choice to head the Interior
Department, told lawmakers yesterday
he would not try to revive a controver-
sial proposal to allow strip mining in
national parks.
"If confirmed as secretary of the in-
terior, I will not consider, I will not sup-
port, and I will not permit development
activities such as mining, drilling, or
timber harvesting in the national
park," Hodel said in his confirmation
hearing before the Senate Energy and
Natural Resources Committee.
THE PROPOSAL to allow strip
mining on 3.7 million acres of private
land within national parks was advan-
ced several years ago by former In-
terior Secretary James Watt, who also
suggested leasing oil and gas ex-
ploration rights on up to 1 million acres
of land in national wildlife refuges.
Hodel, as Watt's undersecretary for
21 months, was responsible for the day-
to-day operations of the Interior Depart-
ment until his move to the Energy
Department late in 1982.
His critics testified thaey cannot
forget his role in what Sen. Howard
Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) described as
"the cynical and destructive reign of
Jim Watt."
WE HAVE to take all your
background - your relationship with
Jim Watt - into consideration as well,"
Metzenbaum said.
But Metzenbaum agreed with com-
mittee Chairman James McClure, (R-
Idaho) that Hodel is certain to win
Senate confirmation.
"It is obvious that his sound record
qualified him to be secretary of the in-.
terior," McClure said.
Hodel, 49, a native of Portland, Ore.,
told the committee he would work with
lawmakers and environmentalists to
"build a national consensus on the
broad policy matters within the
jurisdiction of the department."
He referred in part to development of
energy sources on some lands under the
department's jurisdiction, including of-
fshore oil and gas exploration.
Hodel told the committee he thinks
Reagan's 1980 campaign pledge to
dismantle the Energy Department by
transferring its duties to other agen-
cies "made a lot of sense."
Learn to live with someone
who's living with cancer.
Call us.
Where's Orville?
LSA freshman Marc Lewis and sophomore Stacey Schiff munch popcorn on State Street yesterday.
Compufair draws 1,500 to Union
(Continued from Page 1)
community," said Alan Taetle,
chairman of the event and vice
president of the IFC. "It lets people
see what's available on the market."
For the companies involved, the fair
offers an opportunity to sell and
promote their goods. Some had
representatives on hand to take orders
from customers and dealers.
But the primary purpose of the show
was to publicize new products, accor-
ding to Barbara Merritt of the Epson
Company. "The public is seeing newer
products on the market."
THE IFC has been working on the
fair since September. Phone calls to
area businesses were followed up by
news letters designed to generate local
support for the fair, Taetle said.
Some companies at the fair said ad-
vertising before the event should have
been aimed more at local businesses
and less at the University. "There was
too much emphasis on the students, not
enough on the geographic region," said
Scott Wiener of Ann Arbor Softworks.
But most participants were happy
with the turnout. The crowd included
students and faculty and many area
businessmen, according to IFC mem-
ber Bob Nederlander. Many of those
who attended were already familiar
with computers.
BUT FOR those who know little about
them, Taetle said the fair offers a chan-
ce to learn what computers can do
because "it's not that technically orien-
LSA sophomore Andrew Farah said
he visited the fair specifically to learn
morerabout the Apple Macintosh com-
puter. The Apple company offers
student special prices on the Macintosh
under a deal with the University.
Another student, LSA senior George
Patterson, said the fair was directed
too much at businesses and didn't offer
what he hoped to find - information
about how to expand his personal com-
puter system.
Fair coordinators said the event's fir-
st day was quite successful. Each par-
ticipating company paid a fee to rent its
display space, and the proceeds from
the event will go to several charities in-
cluding the Children's Defense Fund, a
group fighting child abuse, and the
Hospice of Washtenaw, an organization
helpling the terminally ill.
The first annual fair continues all day
today at the Union, and Taetle said
future fairs may be expanded to include
educational seminars.
Daily staff writer D a vid Bard
contributed to this report.
Educational and support staff positions available
DATE: February 4, 1985
TIME: 12:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
WHERE: Hillel - 1429 Hill St.
Call'Hillel (663-3336) for an appointment
Democratic mayoral candidates debate
(Continued from Page 1)
students to serve on various committees," Bryant said. "I
want to integrate the University of Michigan and the Ann Ar-
bor community."
Pierce said that while student involvement is a necessary
ingredient in city politics, it is often extremely difficult to
organize student support.
"IT'S VERY hard to get strong student support," said
Pierce. "The students live in a different world."
Even with an ordinance proposed last year which attem-
pted to stiffen the penalties for use of marijuana, Pierce said
he had a difficult time mobilizing students.
On the issue of efficiency, Bryant stressed teamwork while
Pierce suggested audits.
"I would have operational audits to make sure that the
departments run efficiently," Pierce said. "We can save
money that way."
"I am not looking so much to be a strong mayor," Bryant
said, "as much as working as a tem with various components
of city government."
New engin.
(Continued from Page 1)
BUT THE Research Excellence
Fund, a new 25 million dollar state ap-
propriation proposed by the Governor's
Commission on the Future of Higher
Education, may come to the depar-
tment's rescue.
Duderstadt said he expects to receive
"2 or 3 million" dollars for equipment if
A dance marathon for African fam
Student Chapel Gabriel Richard Cen
sponsored by Bread for the World.
AAFC-Rear Window, 7. p.m., The
Natural Science.
MTF-The Big Chill, 7 p.m., Michiga
MED-Romancing the Stone, 7:30 p
Hill St.-A Clockwork Orange, 7 p.m.
Cinema 2-Deep End, 7 p.m., Sunda
Religion & Ethics-Listen to the City
lab needs more funding
the proposed fund is established proved by the state legislature, Univer-
because the engineering building "is .sity and state officials are optimistic
such a high priority with the state." about its chances.
Molin called the proposed fund a "There's always a potential problem
"ready-made vehicle" for the college. if the legislature doesn't want to.
"In this particular case we got lucky," provide (for the fund)," said Jaeger,
he added. "but I would call that a very low
ALTHOUGH THERE is still the possibility in this particular case."
chance that the new fund will not be ap- "It's a high priority building. There's
no question about it," Jaeger said.
PHILIP POWER, a member of the
Sgovernor's commission, said he has a
- "very great hope" that the legislature
1NI will approve the fund. He is cautious to
temper this sentiment with a caveat:
"Dealing with the legislature is always
a complicated process."
"If it doesn't go through we are in big
nine relief will be held at St. Mary's trouble," Power said.
iter. Starting at 9 p.m., the dance is Dean Duderstadt echoed that fear. If
the funding is not approved, we have a
big problem on our hands," he said. "If
we don't get the equipment, then that
part of the building stays empty until
Man Who Knew Too Much, 9 p.m., we get the equipment.
an Theater. plans to pursue private donations from
.m., MLB 4. industry in the event that the
1. Hill St. legislature fails to grant the funding,
ays and Cybele, 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell but Duderstadt realizes that raising
y, 7 p.m., MLB 3. such a large amount of money is quite a
~, 7pm., MB 3.challenge.
"We'll have to do something," if the
fund is not approved, Duderstadt said.
Molin promises that "the building
M. Van Tassel, 8 p.m., Recital Hall. will be equipped-although it may take
ue Symphony Orchestra & Festival a week, a month, or two months longer
l. than we'd like."
"I'll go out and get the money myself
if the state doesn't come up with it,"
said electrical engineering Prof. Ken-
sall Wise.
on Hall Wise lited the Fnrd Mntor Cmnanv
The University of Michigan Housing Division
The Housing Division is looking for well-qualified candidates to serve as resident staff
members in Residence Halls. We specifically are looking for students interested in:
-Serving as positive academic and group living role models
-Fostering a spirit of community
-Developing and strengthening leadership, communication and group skills and
-Developing programs for a diverse student population.
Sunday, February 3, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 5, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Representatives from the Housing Division will be there to provide information on
the different buildings and answer questions regarding candidate qualifications,
selection processes and job expectations. Applications are available only at these
An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer
a --
School of Music-Trombone recital,
University Musical Society-Prag
Chorus, Jiri Belohlavek, 8:30 p.m., Hil
Ark-Sukay, 8 p.m., 637 S. Main.
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