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February 02, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-02-02

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, February 2, 1985

By Carol L. Francavilla

Do you think that new arms negotiations will lessen the chan-
ce of nuclear war?

Steve Barsh, LSA sophomore:
"I think that it's important to
have talks. In this society it's
certainly one way to reduce

Gretta Forrester, LSA junior:
"Has it done anything yet? No.
I think it has sto do with the at-
titudes of the people at that
moment, because of cause and
effect relationships."

Ken Hill, LSA sophomore:
"Yes, of course. The only way
to reduce the threat of nuclear
war is to reduce arms, and the
only way to do that is through

Amy Folkoff, LSA
sophomore: "Not until
someone makes a huge con-
cession. I don't see what they
can talk about to make
changes. "

Josh Berg, LSA sophomore:
"It seems like they spend so
much time laying the ground
work for talks, that they never
get around to any pivotal con-
cerns. So, no."


Complied from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Unemployment rises to 7.4%
WASHINGTON - The nation's unemployment rate rose to 7.4 percent in
January, the Labor Department reported yesterday, but analysts said
the underlying strength of the economy was evident in the creation of 350,000
new jobs.
The civilian unemployment rate was up two-tenths of a percentage point
as the ranks of the jobless grew by 300,000 to a record 8.5 million, the depar-
tment's Bureau of labor Statistics said.
Many of the 300,000 were laid-off Christmas workers who failed to find new
jobs. That was reflected in an increase in the jobless rate for women from 6.4
percent to 6.8 percent.
However, the number of Americans holding jobs rose about 120,000 to a
record 106.4 million and a separate survey of business establishments
showed that there actually were 350,000 new jobs created last month,
almost entirely in the service area of the economy.
"The increase in jobs growth was well above what had been expected,"
said Allen Sinai, chief economist and managing director of Shearson Leh-
man-American Express.
Congress nears farm aid bill
WASHINGTON - Help is on the way for farmers caught in the most
severe credit crunch in decades, Reagan administration and congressional
leaders said yesterday as they pieced together an aid package that includes
at least $650 million in farm loan guarantees.
But even Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole (R-Kan.) who was a central
figure in working out the compromise plan, said it was "a band-aid, it's not
a solution. There's no way the federal government is going to go out and
rescue everyone who may be in difficulty, in agriculture or in any other
Farmers' financial problems, highlighted by protests and foreclosure auc-
tions in the farm belt and by escalating pressure and rhetoric in Washington,
are the worst since the depression.
The aid program is aimed at alleviating the most immediate needs: credit
to buy fertilizer, fuel and seed to plant spring crops, and interest-rate relief
for farmers having trouble making scheduled loan payments.
After weeks of pressure by farm-state members of Congress, the ad-
ministration first advanced its latest relief plan in meetings Thursday night
with House and Senate Republicans. More details fell into place at a bipar-
tisan meeting with senators yesterday.
Democrats elect new chairman
WASHINGTON - Paul Kirk, fending off a last-minute challenge by rivals,
was elected Democratic national chairman yesterday and promptly vowed
to regain the "respect of mainstream Americans" for the party.
The Democratic National Committee, ending a three-day meeting, chose
Kirk over the consensus candidate of his opponents, former North Carolina
Gov. Terry Sanford.
Kirk, a former senior aide to Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and party
treasurer for the past two years, received 203.07 votes to 150.93 for Sanford.
Kirk acknowledged the lopsided defeat in the 1984 presidential election
has plunged the party into "a period of hand-wringing, of soul searching, of
questioning who we are and what we stand for" and challenged party
regulars to go out and "earn the right to govern."
Firefighters tame Florida blaze
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Hundreds of firefighters aided by bulldozers
struggled yesterday to contain a 4,000-acre brush fire in southwest Florida
that destroyed 12 homes and forced evacuation of 200 people. Across the
state a second major fire raged on in the Everglades.
"Right now, we have everything contained inside the fire lines," he said
after a briefing with Long. "We spent last night widening the lines. If we can
keep it where we've got it, today we can maybe think of mop-up work. It's too
early to say."
The more serious fire was burning in tinder-dry vegetation in the
sprawling Golden Gate subdivision of Naples in southwest Florida. A
firelane of plowed earth was widened to 100 feet by midday, giving forest
rangers a better chance to contain the blaze, said Mike Long, chief of the
Division of Forestry's Fire Control Bureau.
That inferno had killed one ranger and helped prompt Gov. Bob Graham to
declare a state of emergency and send in the National Guard.
Car bomb kills 12 in Tripoli
TRIPOLI, Lebanon - A booby-trapped car blew up yesterday outside a
mosque packed with hundreds of Moslem worshippers at noon prayers,
killing at least 12 people and wounding 58 others, police said.
The estimated 176 pounds of TNT in the car detonated at 12:17 p.m. as the
faithful filed into the Imam Ali mosque and streets were crowded with shop-
pers and children going home for lunch.
"The explosion brought the whole front of the mosque down and damaged
nearby buildings," a witness said. "Most of the dead and wounded were
trapped under the rubble. It was a big bomb."
A total of 10 dead and 60 wounded were taken to Tripoli hospitals and police
sources and official Beirut radio said two of the wounded later died.
Residents said the Imam Ali mosque was a center for the powerful Islamic

extremist Tawheed, or unity, militia that controls most of Lebanon's second
largest city despite a government security crackdown last month.

Marc Klyman, LSA senior:
"It's certainly an advance
over Reagan's joking that he
is going to bomb the

Geri Donenberg, LSA senior:
"No. I think that the talks are
a bunch of 'Let's decide when
we are going to talk.' There
are much more deep seeded
problems than anyone is
acknowledging. Mutual trust
is necessary that is not there."

Gregg Walker, LSA junior:
"My feeling on the subject is
that even though talks will
resume, there will never be
any reduction of arms. So I
don't think anything will come
of it."

Jennifer Billingsley, business
senior: "I think that any
communication will help, but
to actually lessen the chance
of nuclear war, all nuclear
powers should be involved."

Ghazwan Shimoun, phar-
macy: "It's definitely better
having them than not having
them. To lesson tension you
have to talk about it."

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Phone 764-0558
( lurdc R nsiip ,rruiten

Reagan seeks domestic cuts

502 East Huron, 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship, 9:55 a.m.
February 3: "Covenant: The New
Holy Communion.
Midweek Study and- Dinner for
Students: Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.
Pastor, Robert B. Wallace
Assistant in Ministry,
Madelyn Johnson
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
9:15 Communion Service
10:30 Service of the Word
Wednesday night, February'6, 6:30
7:30 Hand Bells and Bible Study.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Worship and Church School at 9:30
and 11:00.
Jamie Schultz, Campus Ministry
Broadcast of Service:
1 1:00 a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM

1917 Washtenaw
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
The Celebration of Life Service will
be held at 10:30a.m.
February 3: The sermon, preached
by the Rev. Dr. Kenneth E. Phifer will
explore the issue of "sanctuary."
Adult Forum: held from 9:20 to 10:20
a.m. will feature guest speaker Dr.
Kenneth Land, Psychotherapist, who
will discuss "Erickson's Way: Com-
munication, Hypnosis, Therapy."
Religious Education classes at 9:30
A co-operative nursery available at
10:30 a.m.
* * *
120 S. State
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service 9:30
and 11:00.
February 3: Sermon, "Religious
Jargon" given by Dr. Gerald R.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director, Rose McLean
Wesley Foundation Campus Min-
istry, Wayne T. Large, Director.
Chancel Choir
Broadcast Sundays 9:30 a.m.- WNRS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00p.m.-Cable Channel 9.

(Continued from Page 1)
The $973.7 billion figure would
represent an increase of only 1.5 per-
cent over the current year, the smallest
rise in years. The administration
currently estimates total spending for
the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 at $959.1
THE PRESIDENT'S decision to raise
Pentagon spending by nearly $30 billion
within the context of a near-freeze
overall means a reduction of an
estimated $38.8 billion in domestic
costs, including a freeze in numerous
domestic programs and outright cuts
and cancellations in others.
The proposals, which run through 26
pages of program listings are expected
to include denial of cost-of-living in-
creases next year in federal pension
programs. Food stamps and SSI, which
provides aid to the very poor, would not
be affected. Nor would Social Security
benefits be frozen, although Reagan

has said he would "look" at a recom-
mendation to cancel that increase, as
well, if Congress recommends it.
The budget proposals are certain to
set off a confrontation between the
White House and Congress, where many
Senate Republicans have taken the lead
in urging the president to accept less
spending for defense than he wants as a
way of winning support for some of the
more controversial cuts he is proposing
in domestic programs.
In the House, where Democrats are in
the majority, there has been less vocal
opposition to the president's budget,
with the party's leaders preferring to
wait for Reagan's formal recommen-
dations before fashioning a response.
To make even the less ambitious
deficit target, Reagan's plan calls for
reductions totaling between $205 billion
to $210 billion over the next three years.
Daily staff writer Kery Murakami
filed a report for this story.

New rape shield law upheld
(Continued from Page 1)

the vast majority of cases, evidence of
a rape victim's prior sexual conduct
with others, and sexual reputation,
when offered to prove that the conduct
at issue was consensual or for general
impeachment purposes is inad-
missible," the court majority said.
Sexual conduct evidence offered to
show the victim's bias or ulterior
motive probably would be admissible,
the court said, as would evidence that
the victim had made false rape ac-

cusations in the past.
In a dissent, Justice Charles Levin
said the evidence should have been
admitted in the Hackett and Paquette
In neither case, Levin wrote, was the
evidence going to be presented through
cross-examination of the victim.
In both cases, Levin wrote, the
evidence was relevant to counter a
possible assumption by jurors that the
victims would not have consented to the
acts described.

~Te Stc n za ig
Vol. XCV -'o. 102
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-;
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

Group fights porn ban


(Continued from Page 1)
porn," and offered a $1 discount for
moviegoers bringing picket signs or a
copy of the Constitution.
Independent movie groups contacted


Need some? FIND IT AT MSA.

yesterday in Ann Arbor said that the
University of Michigan has not attem-
pted to control what they decide to show
to campus audiences.
"The University has never made any
type of restriction on the films that we
show," said Greg Prokopowicz, a
spokesman for Alternative Action
Filsm. He added that, "what movies
are shown are entirely up to the film
According to Prokopowicz, Ann arbor
boasts an impressive reputation as one
of the best Midwestern campuses for
film viewing because of its quality
A spokesman for another local film
group, Cinema Two, said that the
University should never have the
authority to control what movies such
groups show.
"I don't think it's the University's
role to interfere with the film groups,"

Editor in Chief .....................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors .............CHERYL BAACKE
Associate News Editors..........LAURIE DELATER
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