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January 25, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-25

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 25, 1985
Constraints tighten comm. dept.

(Continued from Page 1)
press them...it is not the only factor."
"THE EXECUTIVE Committee has
decided other needs and demands are
greater than ours," said Stevens.
"They are not the only department

that has enrollment pressures. They
are not unique," said Geology Prof.
William Kelly, an executive committee
"You just don't go by the enrollment,
but the whole situation," he added.

PROF. STEPHEN Withey, director
of the department's doctoral program,
said he understood the Executive
Committee's position as the final word
on faculty appointments. "In these
hard times I sympathize like hell with
the Executive Committee," he said.
Withey said the department must
"build a little empire" and gain greater
recognition within the University.
When recognition is gained, the
department will be able to get the new
faculty that is needed, Withey ex-

. The formation of the department,
which was created by combining the
journalism and speech departments in
1979, may be the cause of the problem,
according to Herbert Hildebrandt, a
communication professor and former
chairman of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
"I suppose the communication depar-
tment as now constituted has less of an
impact by combining (journalism and
speech)" he said. "There is less atten-
tion given. By merging the two, you
have weakened them," he said.

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Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Senate approves seat belt law
LANSING - The Senate yesterday voted 25-9 to require Michigan
automobile drivers and front seat passengers to wear their seat belts or face
a fine.
Sen. Doug Cruce, the Troy Republican sponsoring the bill, said he is op-
timistic the House - particularly in light of the large Senate margin - will
follow suit.
Cruce's bill requires automobile drivers and front-seat passengers to
buckle up or face a fine of $10 this year and $25 next year.
Much of the support for the measure is being generated by a federal man-
date that two-thirds of the nation's population be covered by mandatory seat
belt laws, or automobile companies will be ordered to install air bags or
similar safety devices in cars.
Backers said the measure will save lives and money, but opponents
argued it should not be imposed on the public without a popular vote.
Court throws out asbestos suit
LANSING - The families of four insulation workers who allegedly died of :
asbestos-related diseases are barred by the state's current statute of
limitations from suing the manufacturers of the product, the Michigan Court
of Appeals ruled yesterday.
The appeals court said the Wayne County suits were barred becaue the
men did not file for damages within three years after discovering they had
asbestosis, a non-cancerous lung disease linked to asbestos exposure.
Even those who said they later discovered long-latent cancers related to
asbestos exposure, but not to asbestosis, are covered by the bar, the court
The court conceded that the present trend in the law favors expanding the
rights of injured persons in such cases.
But, it said, "We believe that if a change in judicial policy of this
magnitude is to occur, such a policy change should come from the
(Michigan) Supreme Court or the Legislature."
26 charged in Aquino murder
MANILA, Philippines - A judge issued warrants yesterday for the arrest
of Gen. Fabian Ver, chief of the armed forces, and 25 other men charged
with the murder of opposition leader Benigno Aquino.
Ver, a loyal ally of President Ferdinand Marcos, and Maj. Gen. Prospero
Olivas each posted bail equivalent to $1,666, the Philippine News Agency
said. It quoted unidentified sources and said the two generals posted their
bail before a suburban court. The reporter could not immediately be con-
A sheriff and two aides were sent to serve the arrest warrants. There was
no word by day's end that the officers had taken any of the defendents into,
Most of the accused were part of the airport security operation assigned to
protect Aquino, a former senator who was shot as he stepped off the airliner
that brought him back to the Philippines after three years in exile in
the United States. Gallman, alleged by the military to be a communist agent,
was gunned down by security agents moments after Aquino was shot.
After signing the warrants, the head of the three-judge ombudsman court
that will try the case told the reporters the law would be applied equally to
everyone "no matter what his stature."
Relief worker cleared of illegal
transport of Salvadoran aliens
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas - A sanctuary movement worker was acquitted
yesterday illegally transporting Salvadoran aliens in a case that pitted
Reagan administration policy on Central America against a growing chur-
ch-led relief effort.
"It is a relief. I'm anxious to get back to Casa Romero. I've been confident
all along," said Jack Elder, who silently bowed his head as the verdict was
The seven-man, five-woman federal court jury deliberated less than two
hours before acquitting Elder, the director of Casa Oscar Romero, a halfway
house for Central Americans in San Benito.
Jurors leaving the courtroom said the government did not prove that
Elder was trying to further the illegal journey of the Salvadorans by taking
them to a bus station in Harlingen so they could to to Houston.
Elder, 41, faced up to 15 years in prison and fines totaling $6,000 in convic-
He has maintained that he was acting out of his religious convictions and
was being singled out by the government for prosecution.
EPA seeks toxic waste penalty
CHICAGO - The Evironmental Protection Agency announced yesterday
it is seeking the largest toxic waste penalty in its history, $6.8 million, again-
st Chemical Waste Management Inc. of suburban Oak Brook.
The agency filed a civil administrative complaint with EPA's regional
hearing clerk yesterday, alleging that the toxic waste-handler violated
federal regulations governing the "use, recordkeeping and marking of PCBs
between 1980 and 1983" in storing the material.
The complaint is the culmination of an 18-month federal investigation into
PCB-handling practices at the company's Vickery, Ohio, facility, she said.
We believe that the collection of a substantial civil fine is justified given

the history of serious violations at this facility," said William Sanders. direc-
tor of Region 5 Environmental Services Division, which includes Ohio.
Company officials could not be reached immediately for comment.
1ihe AMidhigan Batig
Vol. XCV -No. 95
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.






Editor in Chief .................... BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors .............. CHERYL BAACKE
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