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January 25, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-25

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more Weekend


Ninety-five Years Lit4Drifter
E i oafreeduyody, and colder with
Editorial Freedom pg 9,e gnyA rr highs in the teens.
Vol. XCV, No. 95 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 25, 1985, Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

Time found
not guilty
in Sharon
libel case
From AP and UPI
NEW YORK - Former Israeli def-
fense minister Ariel Sharon lost his $50
million libel suit against Time Inc.
yesterday when a jury found the
magazine acted without malice in
publishing a false account of Sharon's
role in the 1982 massacre of
Palestinians in Beirut s
In two earlier verdicts in the case, the
jury found that a paragraph in the 1983
Time magazine cover story about the
massacre was untrue and defamed
Sharon. But .since the jury found no
malice, Sharon lost his overall libel
case and any chance to collect money
from Time in his suit.
THE FINAL verdict by the six-
member jury brought to an end the two-
mopth trial in U.S. District Court in
Manhattan. "We were able to prove
that Time magazine did lie and that
they were negligent and careless,"
Sharon said. "We hope it will prevent
Time Magazine from libeling in the
Sharon, now Israel's minister of
trade and commerce, said he was going
back to Isreal, where, he said, "I have
plenty of things to do." He has a
parallel suit against Time pending in
IN ITS final verdict, the four women
and two men found Time employees ac-
ted in good faith in reporting and
publishing the article, even though it
included false information about the
controyersial general.
Jurors determined Time employees
believed the information to be true
when they reported, edited, and
published it. But in an unusual move,
jury foreman Richard Peter Zug read
an "amplifying statement" to the
packed courtroom. 11-
Jurors found that "certain Time em-
ployees . . . acted negligently and
carelessly" in reporting and verifying
the paragraph in Time's Feb. 21, 1983,
article, which was entitled, "The Ver-
dict is Guilty," the statement said.
THE JURY singled out Time
Jerusalem correspondent David
Halevy for its criticism. Halevy's
dispatch - based on his confidential
sources - prompted Sharon's lawsuit.
To win a libel suit, a public figure
such as Sharon must prove not only that
a published statement was false and
defamed him. He must also prove it was
published with malice - meaning the
defendants knew it was false or doubted
its accuracy.
The jury found yesterday that Time
did not knowingly or recklessly publish
See SHARON, Page 3




By CHARLES SEWELL authority to read the act.
Three members of the Progressive KOSTER SAID he may also appeal a
Student Network arrested last March decision District Court Judge S.J.
for blockading a University Elden handed down in August of last
engineering laboratory were convicted year which excluded the use of defenses
of trespassing yesterday in the 15th Koster' had planned to present on the
District Court. grounds that they did not apply to this
After less than an hour of case.
deliberation, the six-member jury In April 1984, Koster submitted to the
returned its unanimous decision that court a brief description of the defenses
the defendants were guilty. he planned to present at the trial. The
LINWOOD NOAH, the prosecuting prosecution followed with a motion to
attorney, said the guilty verdict did not exclude those defenses, saying they
surprise him. were inapplicable in this case.
Donald Koster, the defense attorney, After reading briefs prepared by both
said he was "disappointed, but not sur- sides and listening to oral arguments as
prised" by the jury's verdict and plans to the applicability of the defenses,
to appeal the case. Elden granted the prosecution's
He said he would appeal on the motion.
grounds that engineering Prof. George KOSTER SAID he was not able tc
Haddad, whose research the PSN was present the case he wanted to present
protesting, read the trespass act to the as a result of this ruling. He said that if
demonstrators prior to their arrest the ruling on defenses can be overtur-
without the proper authority. The ned, he will be allowed to present
trespass act must be read.to all demon- evidence to substantiate his defenses at
strators before they can be arrested. a.new trial.
Haddad acknowledged during cross-
examination yesterday that he had no See PSN, Page 5
Faculty straiUns tighten
communication dept.




Dailv Photo by MATT P
Richard Rellford leaps to put up a shot against Michigan State center Ken Johnson who blocked the shot. Rellford an
the rest of the Wolverines ultimately had the last word however, rejecting the Spartans, 86-75.


'M' smashes Spartans, 86-75

It was the guards that made the difference in Michigan's
86-75 basketball win over Michigan State last night, but not
quite the way you would have expected.
You would have expected Scott Skiles to toss in 19 for the
Spartans on fast-break layups and pull-up jumpers.
YOU WOULD have been only mildly surprised to learn that
State's Sam Vincent filled it up and spilled some, finishing
with a game high 29 points.
But the Wolverine Leslie Rockymore's eight of nine
shooting for 16 points caught just about everyone, including
Michigan State, off guard.
"I don't think you can single out anyone for Michigan
because everyone played well, unless it was Rockymore,"
said Spartan head coach Jud Heathcote, "because
everything he threw up went in."
"THE KEY to the game for us was not letting their guards
take over," said Michigan head coach Bill Frieder. "When

the game was on the line early, they didn't do that."
Skiles did score 12 in the first half and Vincent 10, but most
of those 10 were on free throws late in the period. I
In the meantime, Michigan was more or less maintaining
the nine-point lead it earned seven minutes into the game and
carried into the locker room at halftime.
TRAILING 16-10 with 6:20 gone, the Wolverines scored
eight straight, were tied once more at 18 and then went on a
14-2 tear that put them up 32-20 about ten minutes later.
Roy Tarpley and Rockymore scored on jumpers,
Rockymore twice. Gary Grant also had five points during the
run, three coming on a three-point play in which Vincent,
called for blocking on the play, got to sniff the tops of Grant's
Nikes before the freshman layed it in.
"I wanted to jam it. . . ," said Grant, "but he kept me off.
I thought they were going to call a charge."
FRIEDER SAID he feared his team would lose another kind
See GRANT, Page 10

A lack of faculty may force the
Department of Communication to
eliminate one of its main introductory
Interpersonal Communication
(Communication 101) may have to be
dropped despite the rising enrollment
in communication courses, department
Chairman John Stevens said in a
meeting with doctoral candidates.
"WE ARE shifting," Stevens said,
"to do other things to save money and
reallocate our teaching effort." He ex-
plained that the course elimination is
necessary because the department has
lost an average of five faculty members
in its five years of existence.
During that same period, the number
of students enrolled in communication
courses has left the department
"bulging at the seams," he said.
"We've got twice as many (students) as

we can handle," he said.
Since 1979, the number of concen-
trators has grown 40 percent and the
number of students taking classes has
ballooned between 40 and 50 percent,
according to Helen Uete, an ad-
ministrative associate.
DESPITE THE growth in
enrollment, the department was not
allowed to increase the size of its
faculty. The LSA Executive Commit-
tee, however, let the department
replace three outgoing faculty mem-
The department's requests for ad-
ditional faculty have been denied each
year with a decision on this fall's
request for a replacement faculty
member being postponed, said Uete.
"They haven't been very responsive
at the college level to our request," said
Stevens. "Student demand does not im-

. . . .......

may demand
full tuition

A full tuition waiver may head the list of
demands teaching assistants will present when
they begin negotiations with the University
next month.
Members of the Graduate Employees
Organization, the union representing 1,500 TAs
and staff assistants, are considering asking for
the waiver as part of an improved economic
package they hope to win at the bargaining
table, according to GEO President Matt
NEITHER Schaefer nor Jane Holzka, chief
negotiator for GEO, would discuss the
details of the full waiver proposal. TAE
presently pay 40 percent of the in-state tuition

It is "impossible to know how the University
will take GEO proposals," said Colleen Dolan-
Greene, assistant personnel director for the
University. "The University does the
bargaining at the table. We will look at the
proposals and see what is acceptable and what
isn't. Then we will comment on them," she
Many of GEO's demands will be similar to
those the University refused to include in the
last contract. Schaefer said the University will
be more receptive this year because "we have
a more powerful union than before and we
represent more people now."
THE UNION'S demands will include an im-
proved salary and benefits package and new
guidelines for tuition waivers.
"Our primary concern is to make sure any

salary increases aren't offset by tuition in-
creases or future problems," Holzka said. "We
want to clarify and redefine the contract by
getting a better economic package and a
working tax waiver."
The tax waiver is a federal regulation exem-
pting TAs from withholding tax. When it ex-
pired last year, the University began
withholding tax from the TAs' salaries. The
money was returned later in the year when the
law was renewed.
HOLZKA SAID GEO wants to prevent such a
situation from occurring in the future. She said
the University did not take the issue seriously.
"At best, the University was grossly insen-
sitive," she said. "At worst, it was testing us to
see how many cuts they could make us take in

GEO will probably ask that the tuition waiver
be granted to all TAs who do classroom
teaching, according to Holzka. Currently only
those who spend at least 25 percent of their
class time teaching receive the waiver.
Holzka said the 25 percent limit is unfair
because TAs in some departments are assigned
more teaching responsibilities than their
counterparts in other departments.
GEO will have its prospective proposals
examined by a lawyer this week. The current
contract expires March 15, and GEO hopes to
have a new contract in place by then, although
dates for the negotiations have not been set.
Dolan-Greene said the University is also
preparing for the talks and has yet to select the
members of its bargaining team.


.. . .

Carton awareness
THE NEXT TIME you pour yourself a glass of milk
check the side label on the carton - you could
help to locate a missing child. In a program
started, in part, by the McDonald Dairy Co. of
Flint, the pictures and vital statistics of missing children
from around the country will be printed on the company's
half-gallon milk cartons. McDonald Dairy, which primarily
serves the Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois area, is just
one of the dairies participating in the project coordinated
by the National Child Safety Council. "If only one child is

in suburban Rochester, claiming he was overcharged 34
cents for a dozen and a half assorted doughnuts. Brian Dod-
ds, 38, has already spent $6.10 to prosecute the 34 cent case
against James Ehmann, but he says it's the principle of the
whole thing: "I just felt it was unfair." Ark heard 27
minutes of arguments Wednesday night and announced
that he would reserve his decision for later. "I've never
seen a case that small," he said beforehand. When Dodds
ordered his dozen and a half doughnuts Dec. 13, he said, he
expected to pay exactly 1%/2 times the price for a dozen. In-
stead, he had to pay the price for a dozen plus the price for
half a dozen, which cost him an extra 34 cents. He said he

billed fowl delicately marinated in Worcestershire and soy
sauce, then lightly grilled. "Actually, it was jolly good,"
said Dr. Clive Elliott, 39, a British ornithologist. The sam-
pling to determine its culinary merits was part of the aim of
a Jan. 13-22 conference to explore new uses for the sparrow-
sized pest. A million-strong flock of the birds can destroy 10
metric tons of sorghum, wheat, rice or millet in a day. They
eat a small part of the grain but the big flocks destroy far
more by knocking it down. "The red-billed quelea is
reputed to be the most numerous and destructive bird in the
world," said Kenyan Agriculture Minister William
Omamo. It strikes semi-arid areas of Africa, exacerbating
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