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December 09, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-12-09

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, December 9, 1984
Indian technical team enters

BHOPAL, India (AP) - The official death toll from
a poison gas leak at a Union Carbide pesticide plant
rose to about 1,900 yesterday, and company officials
said a technical team was allowed inside the plant to
begin an investigation into the disaster.
R.N. Tandon, the chief medical officer of the city of
Bhopal, said 300 more survivors of the gas leak were
treated yesterday -at Hamidia Hospital, the main
facility in Bhopal.
SOME fetuses had died in the wombs of their
mothers, while other victims were treated for eye
irritations, epileptic-like fits and vomiting, he said.
The official death toll was about 1,900, he said.
Officials earlier had said 1,600 people had died from
the poison gas. Indian news agencies have placed the
death toll from the gas leak at 2,500.
Warren Anderson, the Union Carbide chairman
who was arrested by police in a day earlier, met with
the Indian foreign minister, Maharaja Krishna
Rasgotra, in New Delhi, the U.S. Embassy said. Of-
ficials said Anderson was expected to return to the

United States today.
Kurt Mazurosky, a spokesman at Union Carbide
headquarters in Danbury, Conn., said Anderson in-
dicated in a telephone conversation with company of-
ficials that the technical team had been allowed in-
side the plant to investigate last Monday's leak of
methyl isocyanate gas from an underground storage
There was no immediate confirmation of the report
from Indian officials.
The Danbury News Times, quoting an unidentified
company official, reported earlier that Indian of-
ficials had agreed to allow crews back into the plant
to finish processing the lethal gas into pesticides.
But Mazurosky said yesterday he could not confirm
that report. "As far as we know, we have not received
reports that India is allowing workers into the plant,"
he said.
AN ESTIMATED 150,000 to 200,000 people were af-
fected by the leak.
Hamidia has only 1,000 beds, and officials set up

gas plant
makeshift clinics under tents around the hospital. A
number of social organizations also set up relief
camps near the hospital, and they supplied free
medicine to victims.
The United News of India reported that Union Car-
bide had appealed to Nobel Peace Prize winner
Mother Teresa to adopt children orphaned in the gas
tragedy. Mother Teresa runs a Calcutta-based
missionary organization. There was no immediate
response from her.
Two executives of Union Carbide's Indian affiliate,
who were arrested with Anderson on Friday,
remained under house arrest at the company guest
house overlooking Bhopal. The two were identified as
Keshub Mahindra, the chairman, and V.P. Gokhale,
managing director.
Police arrested Anderson and the two Indian
executives on a series of preliminary charges that in-
cluded negligence and corporate liability for the gas
leak. In the Indian legal system, formal charges may
follow the preliminary Charges and an investigation.


China still
has Marxist
goal, say

PEKING (AP)-Communist China's
retreat from orthodox Marxism is a
means of justifying profound economic
reforms begun six years ago, but the
nation has not shelved Marx's ultimate
goals, diplomatic analysts say.
The Communist Party newspaper
People's Daily said Friday that while it
is useful to study the works of 19th-
century philosopher Karl Marx, con-
sidered the founder of communism,
China must look elsewhere for guidance
in the 1980s.

condition that they not be

spoke on

said they considered the statement a
significant one underpinning China's
shift toward a mixed economy and
away from unbending devotion to any
one school of thought.
"They are trying to develop an
evolving ideology," one diplomat said.
"This is not to deny Marx's goals, but
it's time to stop going back to Marx to
solve problems he saw last century."
Quoting the late Chairman Mao Tse-

Tung, the revolutionary who led the
1949 communist takeover, the
newspaper editorial said the party
must mold itself to suit Chinese con-
But in the six years since Chairman
Deng Xiaoping took over, he has done
away with many of Mao's policies and
buried Mao's exhortations of class
struggle and egalitarianism.
While claiming loyalty to Mao, Deng
has nevertheless declared Mao's 1966-
76 Cultural Revolution a disaster.

House passes health, prison bills

LANSING, (UPI)-Lawmakers approved major
legislation regarding health care costs and prison over-
crowding during a marathon meeting that completed the
main action of the 1984 session.
The meeting-stretching from Friday morning until about
2:30 a.m. yesterday-was the second grueling endurance test
in a row for lawmakers who did much the same thing Thur-
A MAJOR accomplishment was adoption of the final bill in
a package designed to curb health care costs by authorizing
creation of so-called preferred provider agreements.

The state house has also completed a modification of the
controversial early prisoner release law and approved spen-
ding about $16 million to begin work on several new prisons.
The bill changing the state's so-called Emergency Powers
Act-under which the minumum sentences of most inmates
are slashed by 90 days when the prisons are jammed beyond
capacity for more than a month-was approved 92-0 by the
House and sent to Gov. James G. Blanchard.
The House vote early yesterday came as representatives
finished their 1984 session. The Senate, however, must still
complete work on the prison financing next week.

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Huck Finn turns 100

(Continued from Page 1)
ITS ABILITY to stir controversy is
another measure of the vitality of the
book first published Dec. 10, 1884, in
Britain and Canada, a few months
ahead of its U.S. appearance on Feb. 18,
It was condemned as "trash" and
pulled from school library shelves
almost as soon as it was published, and
it's avoided as a text even now in many
schools-including Hannibal High.
Detractors first wanted it banned as
"vulgar," later as "racist."
THE PLOT OF the novel that Ernest
Hemingway said "all modern
American literature comes from" is
simple: a boy's escape from his
father's beatings and his guardian's
"sivilizing," his alliance with a
runaway slave, Jim, and their adven-
tures while floating down the river on a

But the book's rich themes, the frien-
dship between the black man and the
white boy in a pre-Civil War setting, the
graphic portrayal of Huck's brutal Pap,
Huck's humor and his salty vernacular
made it more than a children's story.
"Ityrequires adult objectivity," said
Betty Anders, whose junior high
English class in Hannibal studies the
more nostalgic "Tom Sawyer."
represent some sort of idyllic society,"
said Justin Kaplan, who has written
and edited critiques of Twain. "The
society Huck sees makes him sick."
At one point, the rafters pass a back-
water town where the disgusted boy-
narrator says the local "loafers" set
dogs on fire and "laugh at the fun and
look grateful for the noise.'
Huck learns lessons in virtue from
Jim, and his river experiences force
him to reassess the values he was
WHEN HE'S confronted by men
searching the river for runaway slaves,
Huck faces a moral struggle. Taught to
value property-including slaves-the
boy reasons that helping a runaway and
flouting the rules he's learned is not just
wrong, but ungrateful.
Still, he's the "only fren' ole Jim's got
now," and he resolves not to turn him
in. "All right, then," Huck says later,
settling the dilemma, "I'll go to hell."
"The whole business of right and
wrong is the paradox and humor of the
book," Kaplan said in an interview
from Cambridge, Mass. "It has a kind
of powerful moral passion that you find
in other great works of literature. But
it's not preachy."
threaten to
kill more
(Continued from Page 1)
the earlier victims.
In Tehran, Mustafa Mirsalim, an ad-
viser to Iranian President Ali
Khamenei, told Tehran radio the
hostages were "in serious danger" and
said President Reagan's criticism of
Iran's handling of the hijacking was
based on "either faulty information or
the prejudice of the American president
in this crisis."
Mirsalim also said Iran had planned
to storm the plane with "crack" gover-
nment troops, but said Kuwait
overruled the idea because "any kind of
provocation should be avoided."

Compiled from Associated Press and.
United Press International reports
Mine collapse death toil hits 44
TRIPEI, Taiwan - Rescuers digging through tons of fallen rock in a
collapsed coal mine found the bodies of seven miners yesterday, bringing the
number of workers confirmed killed in the disaster to 44.
Fifty more miners are trapped 7,500-foot underground at the Hai Swan'
coal mine, 22 miles southwest of Taipei.
Rescuers said the 44 bodies found showed signs of decomposition, in-
dicating they had died soon after the mine collapsed Wednesday and held out
little hope for the survival of the miners still trapped after four days in the
mine shaft filled with poison gas.
The rescue center said a series of newly found cave-ins made it impossible
to estimate how long it will take to reach the trapped miners.
A total of 96 miners were working in the mine when it first collapsed. Only
two escaped death - one has minor injuries and the other has remained un-
conscious and in critical condition.
Philippine president bares chest
MANILA, The Philippines - A jovial President Ferdinand Marcos,
bereating aides who doubted his health and baring his chest to show he never
had heart surgery, ended a 25-day silence yesterday and presided over a
Cabinet meeting.
"Is this how a heart bypass looks? Is this how?" A grinning Marcos, 67,
asked as he sat at a desk in his study and lifted his formal white shirt in a
spectacle broadcast on state-run television last night.
"Go ahead," Marcos told photographers. "Take a shot."
Cabinet members burst into laughter. Then Marcos asked his appointment
secretary Marian Ruiz, who had undergone heart surgery, to bare his shirt
and show his scars.
The shirt-raising recalled a similar incident after the Aug. 21, 1983, mur-
der of Benigno Aquino, when Marcos, amid similar rumors he had un-
dergone surgery, lifted his shirt to showhis scarless belly.
Broken bridge blocks seaway
MONTREAL-The clogged St. Lawrence Seaway may not reopen until
Tuesday, or even later, despite round-the-clock efforts to repair a broken
shaft that disabled a lift bridge hanging in the way of shipping, a
spokeswoman said yesterday.
"It's not good. There's trouble with the repairs at the shop," seaway in-
formation officer Gay Hemsley said in a telephone interview from Ottawa.
The broken 24-inch shaft, needed to lift the bridge over the Beauharnois
Canal at Valleyfield, Quebec, has stalled shipping since Nov. 21 on the 2,342-
mile waterway linking central Canada and the U.S. Midwest to the Atlantic
The bridge is stuck part-way up, blocking road and rail traffic as well as
the ships, although a detour is available for cars and trucks.
The standstill is estimated to be costing shippers with vessels anchored in
the seaway about $1.5 million a day.
New foreign relations committee
chair plans major policy review
WASHINGTON-The incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee says he plans a sweeping review of "all aspects" of President
Reagan's foreign policies, including a fresh look at human rights violations
in South Africa and other nations.
Republican' Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana said he wants to restore the
committee as an active, forceful influence in examining U.S. relationships
with other countries.
"I am prepared to head into a full-scale set of hearings on all aspects, the
full totality of our foreign policy, sort of lay it out over the first few weeks of
this nexttsession, and make some judgments on what our role as a commit-
tee might be," he said in an interview.
In addition to top administration officials like Secretary of State George
Shultz, administration critics will be also be asked to testify at the hearings
shortly after the new Congress convenes in January.
"We will have some give and take with those who are responsible and
others who are pre-eminent in American foreign policy," he said.
Lugar said he plans no flashy confrontations with the Reagan admin-
stration whosepolicies he generally supports. Just by having the hearings,
however, Lugar will open the administration to critical questioning from
Democratic members of the committee.
FAA revokes airline's license
KANSAS CITY, Mo.-The Federal Aviation Administration yesterday
grounded American Central airline for violations ranging from falsifying
flight crew training records to exceeding weight limitations, a spokesman
John Shaw, deputy director for the FAA's central region in Kansas City,
said the agency issued an "emergency revocation" of American Central's
license effective yesterday. The airline was fined for similar violations
several months ago.
Airline officials, in the company's Waterloo, Iowa headquarters were the
revocation papers were delivered, had no comment yesterday. A news con-
ference was scheduled for tomorrow.
An airline spokeswoman did say that other major airlines were honoring
American Central tickets.
The airline operated 38 flights a day from Chicago's O'Hare and Midway
airports and serves Chicago and 23 other cities in the Midwest.

Sbe Lirbiigan a -iI
Vol. XCV -No.78
The Micbigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) ispublished Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan. Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.


Editor in Chief..................BILL SPINDLE
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