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December 09, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-12-09

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Judge scores





See s t ory,
page 8

Ninety-five Years Lo1aChromatic
o f 7pg 9 , Mostly to partly sunny today with
Editorial Freedom a high in the mid-4s
Vol. XCV, No. 78 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan -Sunday, December 9, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

Huck Finn
enters its
2nd century
HANNIBAL, Mo. (AP)-In this town
where Mark Twain passed his boyhood, his
statue sternly scans the busy Mississippi,
passing bargemen still shout greetings to
shore and, on Monday, Huckleberry Finn
glides into a second century.
"There warn't no home like a raft," the
young runaway said in the classic novel
published 100 years ago. "Other places do
seem so cramped up and smothery, but a
raft don't. You feel might free and easy and
comfortable on a raft."
THE STORY STILL enlivens the town,
which remembers Huck with summertime
raft races on the river. Readers from
around the world visit Hannibal, many
beckoned by Twain's hero.
At the Twain museum, the curator
bragged a bit to show how the story remains
alive. "I was given a copy of 'Huckleberry
Finn' just this afternoon translated into
Faroese," Henry Sweets said. "You know,
from the Faroe Islands? They're between
Europe and Iceland."
The book would go on the shelf with
editions in Russian, Urdu, Arabic and
dozens of other languages.
HUCK FINN LIVES, too, in the talk of
boatmen who figure the story might help in-
fluence others to choose lives on the river.
"It may bring some of the younger boys
out," allowed W.R. Holloway, chief
engineer of the barge tow North Bend,
which churned in the river.
Huck's vitality showed perhaps most
clearly in a discussion of the novel's cen-
tenary at Hannibal High School.
"The things he did, going down the river. .
. It's things you dream about," said Devon
McClain, a 17-year-old student whose affec-
tion for fishing in the rivers Huck knew is
not the only thing the boys have in common.
"I don't like to wear shoes," he volunteered.

Hijackers threaten
to resume killing

BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI)-Hijackers who have killed at
least four hostages aboard a Kuwaiti airliner in Tehran
beat an American hostage yesterday and threatened to
resume killing U.S. citizens found "guilty" by their cap-
tors, Iran said.
The hijackers, believed to number four or five, released
39 passengers in two groups less than two hours after they
said they would free the "innocent" and start killing the
"guilty" because Kuwait had rejected their demands,
Iran said.
ABOUT 16 people, including two U.S. officials, were
believed to be still aboard the aircraft at press time.
The U.S. officials and at least two other passengers
have been slain by the hijackers since the ordeal began
Tuesday, including one American who was forced to plead
for his life before he was shot.
An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman quoted by the
official Islamic Republic News Agency said the hijackers
told officials at Tehran's Mehrabad airport yesterday af-
ternoon that they would "in a few minutes time put on
trial all Americans on board the plane."
"PLEASE meet their demands because they are
serious," an American who identified himself as Charles
Kipper pleaded over the plane's radio. "Please prevent

further killing."
The official Islamic Republic News Agency said the
hijackers began beating a passenger and then asked for
an ambulance because "an American was bleeding."
When two medical attendants approached with a stret-
cher, the Arabic-speaking hijackers beat them and grab-
bed the stretcher, declaring that "the idea was not to hand
over the punished person" but to "show that they were
serious in their threats," IRNA said.
AUTHORITIES in the control tower "tried to dissuade
the hijackers for 20 minutes" after they threatened to put
the Americans and Kuwaitis on trial, telling them that
"God's blessing would be upon them" if they released
their hostages.
The hijackers, who are demanding that Kuwait release
at least 17 comrades convicted of bombing the U.S. and
French embassies and other targets in Kuwait last year,
Friday singled out an American and three Kuwaiti of-
ficials as their next victims.
IRNA said Kipper, a "CIA member" of the Agency for
International Development, was the American. Two
Americans identified as employees of AID were among

Free South Africa
Movement 'flourishes

Associated rress
The Tom and Huck statue stands at the foot of Cardiff Hill in Hannibal,
Missouri as a tribute to Mark Twain. The statue, sculpted by Frederick Hib-
bard of Chicago, Ill.,was dedicated in 1926 and was the first to depict the fic-
tional characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

Brown finds protesters guilty

Brown University's Council on Student
Affairs yesterday decided to punish 58
students who participated in a CIA
protest by noting the students' in-
volvement on their permanent transcrip-
ts, notifying their parents, and placing
them on probation until the end of next
The council said the students would be
expelled if they participated in similar
protests while they are on probation.
The students disrupted a CIA
recruiting meeting on Nov. 26 by blowing
a whistle and attempting to make a
citizen's arrest of the two recruiters.
They accused the recruiters of soliciting
students to commit international crimes.

In a press conference yesterday the
protestors read a statement which said
the decision was aimed at "Squelching
political activity at Brown."
"THEY HAVE TOLD 60 of the most
active students on campus that they now
face dismissal if they stand up to raise
legitimate and appropriate concerns."
One protester said the sanctions are
designed to "pick us off one by one."
Protesters also attacked the council
for bowing to pressure form university
administrators to punish the protesters.
"THE (COUNCIL), being fair-minded
people, really wanted to find us innocent
but the university wanted to save face,"
said protester Alicia Svigals. "It would
have been very embarrassing to find us

innocent after they (administrators) had
made such a big deal about threatening
us with suspension or expulsion."
She said that administrators wanted
the students to receive the harshest
possible sentence, but also wanted to
"avoid the bad public relations a mass
expulsion of students would cause."
As a result, she said the council settle
on a "whimpy, middle-of-the-road san-
NEIL DONAHUE, a senior and
another protester, said that the univer-
sity is very "PR oriented right now" due
to a nationally publicized drive by
several students to force the school
See BROWN, Page 3

WASHINGTON (AP) - Borrowing tactics from the
civil rights movement of the 1960's, activists have turned
their opposition to white-ruled South Africa into a post-
election issue enveloping President Reagan and Congress.
The "Free South Africa Movement," which started with
a small demonstration outside the South African Embassy
on Nov. 21, has spread to more than half a dozen U.S.
cities and attracted members of Congress, celebrities,
labor officials and black leaders.
AT THE HEART of the movement are demands that the
Reagan administration reshape its policy toward South
Randall Robinson, a principal movement organizer,
said yesterday he and others will have a strategy session
over the weekend to discuss ways of keeping the momen-
tum growing.
"We'll make some tactical decisions on strategy and
expansion," said Robinson, pledging that demonstrations
will continue around the country "for months."
ALSO on the agenda for the meeting is how to push
through Congress some type of legislation banning new
investment in South Africa, Robinson said. Such a
measure passed the House last year but died in a con-
ference committee.
Disinvestment legislation is opposed by many U.S.
businesses with ties to South Africa, where American in-
vestments totals more than $2 billion.
The Washington Post reported yesterday that a broad
range of business groups, including officials from the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of

Manufacturers, have agreed to lobby against proposals
that would bar U.S. investment or make other restric-
SINCE President Reagan took office in 1981, his aides
have followed a course of "constructive engagement" - a
policy of behind-the-scenes diplomacy, negotiation and
friendly persuasion - to prod the 5 million white South
Africans into allowing 22 million blacks more political and
social rights.
Although Reagan says South Africa's apartheid laws
are repugnant, he opposes economic or diplomatic san-
citions against the strategically located ally which fur-
nishes the United States with important minerals.
Responding to critics, Reagan defended his policy after
a meeting Friday with Nobel Peace Prize winner Bishop
Desmond Tutu, a black cleric with an articulate, strong
anti-apartheid message.
REAGAN said the United States has made "solid
progress" with its policy, and complained opponents are
"ignorant" of the gains that have been made by blacks.
That view is disputed by many on Capitol Hill, including
35 conservative House members, who have promised to
seek sanctions against the white minority government
unless it takes swift steps to eliminate some racial
Critics of administration policy contend it amounts to
collaboration with the whites in power, and that the
situation for blacks has deteriorated over the past four


calls for

Special to the Daily
Salvadoran President Jose Napolean
Duarte called on left and right wing fac-
tions in his war torn country to approve
a Christmas cease-fire and "incor-
porate themselves into the democratic
trend so that the whole country can
move toward democracy."
Flanked by San Antonio Mayor
Henry Cisneros U.S. Ambassador to El
Salvador Thomas Pickering, and the
president of El Salvador's Supreme
Court - a former oppostion candidate
- Duarte urged all sides to "forget the
arms, the killings, the past, and start
from scratch."
Duarte clutched the rostrum at Trinity

University and in a voice heavy with
emotion appealed for Salvadorans to
"stop the war against the people and
humanize the war" by stopping attacks
on civilian targets.
Duarte also assailed the U.S. for
"historically exporting dictatorships."
"I would recommend the U.S. to
begin exporting democracy," he said.
AT THE SAME, however, he praised
presidents Carter and Reagan for
"starting a new policy to defend
Outside the auditorium, both left and
right-wing anti-Duarte activists cir-
cled, chanting anti-government

Duarte, a moderate Christian
Democrat, was elected last May in a
run-off election with right wing conser-
vative Roberto DuAubission.
DUARTE'S appearance before the
American public follows a recent round
of unsuccessful negotiations with left-
wing guerrilla insurgents who have
waged a five-year civil war to gain con-
trol of the country.
Guerilla leaders rejected Duarte's
most recent offer of amnesty and
political recognition, charging that the
current government, army, and con-
stitution must be reorganized before
they will participate in new, popular
Duarte said the guerrillas do not
really want peace but are buying time

to engage in a military build-up.
times to illustrate his historical ex-
planations for why El Salvador is mired
in the bloody five-year-old civil war, he
said the conflict has already claimed an
estimated 50,000 lives in a country of 5
During a brief question and answer
session following the lecture, Duarte
told the audience of more than 3,000 to
support the peace process by pur-
chasing El Salvadoran exports such as
"I'll keep on fighting. I've been
fighting for 23 years to keep my country
moving toward democracy . . .I kneel
and start to pick up the pieces to join
them and that is difficult."



... calls for end of war

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Christmas card
T'S CHRISTMAS IN Christmas. Cards and packages
are flowing into the post office, lines are forming and
-.«,..,.... -------- l.nnv . mssn.n. fxx nk v o

Florida city to visit the post office each December to mail
their cards and packages for one reason: The Christmas
postmark. "With all the crowds we have and the long lines,
we very, very rarely have anybody grumble or complain,"
Chittum said. "They come here in the right frame of
mind." The town as such street names as Reindeer Road,
St. Nicholas Street, and Antler Street. A 40-foot "per-
manent" Christmas tree stays decorated year-round across
the street from the postoffice. 'Tis the season.
More merriment

and was released on a $300 signature bond. Police said they
became aware of the alleged videotaping after a 16-year-old
told her high school counselor about it. Police said she also
reported Stewart's alleged plan to try to persuade the 14-
year-old to pose.
Video violence
N OT EVERYONE IS thrilled by Michael Jackson. Accord-
i~rton trv ndteedb he pNational Coalitionn

girlfriend to kill her (and) brutally kills her off-screen," is,
surprisingly enough, the worst. "Yes, it surprises me
because the Jacksons say they donate things to charity.
Tihey don't intend maybe to put this kind of theme there.We


just put it out for them to think about it and what they are
doing," said Saleem Handel, managing director of the
coalition. His coalition reported 27 acts of violence in the
"Thriller" video, more than any other video monitored.




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