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December 05, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-12-05

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Litwi 3a


Increasing cloudiness with a
chance for light snow in the af-
ternoon. High around 30.

Vol. XCV, No. 74 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, December 5, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages


fights for
The Michigan Student Assembly last
night voted unanimously to send a let-
ter asking the dental school to retain a
minority admissions officer.
" The letter, written by MSA's black
student researcher Roderick Linzie,
condemns the school for eliminating the
position of Lee Jones, program
recruiter, counselor, and admissions
officer, who is responsible for recruit-
ment of minority students in the school
and assuring that financial aid is
available to these students.
* THE POSITION is being eliminated
due to budget cuts, Jones said.
a Jones' position, which also includes
academic counseling for minority
students, was created in 1970 as a result
of the Black Action Movement and the
Equal Opportunity Program. At that
time, the University set a goal of 10
percent black enrollment.
See MSA, Page 2

Court finds
protesters in

Frozen faces
Engineering sophomores Eliot DeWit and Ann Dwyer use different tactics to shield their face and ears from the bitter
cold yesterday, when temperatures stayed stubbornly below the freezing mark.

Special to the Daily
PONTIAC - The 13 demonstrators
arrested Monday at Williams Inter-
national Corp. in Walled Lake were
found in civil contempt of court yester-
day for blocking the plant's entrance.
The protesters were released until
Friday morning, when they will be
formally sentenced. Under civil con-
tempt charges, they can be sent to jail
indefinitely until they agree to obey a
year-old court injunction which
prohibits blocking the firm's front gate.
said they might return to Williams in
the future in order to protest the firm's
production of cruise missile engines.
Dawn Phillips, an attorney for
Williams, asked Oakland County Cir-
cuit Court Judge Francis O'Brien for
the civil contempt sentence rather than
a maximum 30-day criminal sentence.
"We are not here to punish. We are
here to gain cooperation and observan-
ce of this injunction," Phillips said.
THE JUDGE'S decision came after
an emotional 90-minute trial during
which the protesters explained why
they could not promise to obey the in-
"My actions . .. came as a result of
what I feltwas a calling of the Holy
Spirit," said LSA junior Carter Cor-
telyou, one of the five University
students arrested on Monday.
"To promise that I would not violate
the injunction would be saying that if
the Holy Spirit called me again, I would-

State can't control 'U'


... might demonstrate again

University officials are currently violating a state
legislature appropriations bill, but because of
previous court decisions, the state can do little to en-
force the rule.
Over the years, the number of out-of-state students
accepted into the University has steadily increased
as officials try to compensate for an expected drop in
the number of qualified in-state students.
THE LAW, passed in the 1970s, stipulates that no
public state university with less than 20 percent of its
students coming from out-of-state could exceed that
percentage in the future.

Universities which had already surpassed the 20
percent figure can't exceed the percentage of out-of-
state students they enrolled in 1974.
In the year the law was passed, the University's
three campuses enrolled just under 20 percent out-of-
state students. This fall, the ratio of out-of-state
students enrolled by the University has increased to
25 percent.
Despite the apparent violation, the law is not enfor-
ced because the courts have ruled that such man-
dates are a violation of the universities' autonomy.
"IF IT IS expressed as a mandate, it is uncon-

stitutional because the legislature" cannot tell the
University how many non-Michigan students they
may enroll, said Roderick Daane, the University's
general counsel.
The state can, however, tell the public universities
how many students it will fund. The legislature can
say that it's going to base appropriations on a certain
amount of students and that they will fund the
University only for those students, said Gary
Selanger, a higher education fiscal analyst in Lan-
sing. And, although the University is technically not
in violation of the law, they may still incur the wrath
of the legislature.
SSee ST ATE, Page 2

have to violate that calling," he said,
adding he is a candidate for the
O'BRIEN repeatedly questioned
Cortelyou and the other demon-
strators who gave similar responses. In
regard to Residential College junior
Ken Jannot's remarks, the judge asked,
"Is the Holy Spirit talking to you too?
Or is something else?"
O'Brien asked the protesters why
they chose to block Williams' em-
ployees from going to work instead of

Colleges strive for new images

From the Associated Press
Quick: What pops into your mind
when someone says "University of
Miami? Berkeley? Bennington?
Brooklyn College? Rose-Hulman In-
stitute of Technology?"
Schools' images can sometimes make
or break them, say some higher
education administrators, especially if
the image is negative, misleading or
outdated and thus stigmatizes the
school and repells potential students.
TRUE OR NOT, many high school
students and their parents regard the
University of Miami as "Suntan U,"
Berkeley as a hotbed of radicalism,
Bennington as a pricey haven for ar-
tists in the Vermont woods, and
Brooklyn College as a once glorious but
now downtrodden city school.
Image is a growing concern at
colleges and universities as com-
petition intensifies to attract able high
school graduates and as the quality and
direction of higher education comes
under attack in federal studies.

'We plan to become smaller, but better.'
- Dwight Smith
University of Denver president

In some cases, college images are
simply outmoded. Berkeley is a long
way from its 1960s radical past. Most
students are still politically liberal.
About 70 percent voted Democratic, ac-
cording to spokesman Ray Colvig. But
there is now a sizable conservative
presence on campus. The "Berkeley
Barb," the prototype for underground
student newspapers a generation ago,
died four years ago, replaced by a con-
servative weekly, the "Berkeley
BENNINGTON is still exceptionally
expensive - about $16,000 a year total

cost - and still appeals to the ar-
tistically inclined. But president
Michael Hooker has introduced com-
puters into the curriculum to broaden
the school's appeal.
"We always had a certain smugness.
We were sometimes misperceived as
being a luxury that students could ill af-
ford," he said.
Likewise, land grant schools like
Michigan State University have
outgrown condescending imagery like
"Cow College," or "Moo U." Most
remain committed to agricultural
research, but many have also taken the

lead in such areas as biogenetic
OCCASIONALLY a school's image
problem is lack of image. Rose-Hulman
Tech, one of the nation's better
technical schools, is virtually unknown
outside Terre Haute, Ind. Its anonymity
is due partly to a name change in 1972,
after being known as Rose Polytechnic
for 100 years, and partly to a lack of
athletic teams to get the school's name
on television.
Self-effacing humor has helped solve
the problem, said Rose-Hulman
president Sam Hulbert. He recently
started "Operation Catapult" as an at-
tention-getter - a tongue-in-cheek
mailer to prospective students that in-
cludes a "Ski Terre Haute" poster and
boasts that a major campus activity is
"going to the local truck stop and wat-
ching gas tanks rust."
Apparently it's working. This fall,
there were 2,809 applications for 350
See IMAGES, Page 3

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Teenage computer hackers
seeking electronic revenge against a Newsweek
reporter who cracked their secret network and wrote
about their abuses, have threatened his life, stolen
his credit card numbers, and put him on "teletrial,"
he said yesterday. "The hardest part about this is
remembering how significant what they've done is,"
said Richard Sandza. "Calling me up and harassing
me is one thing. But going into my credit reports got
my attention. That really ticked me off."
THE HARASSMENT began after the magazine's
Nov. 12 issue described what Sandza found when he
infiltrated the electronic underground, a network of
young hackers who routinely outwit official computer
security systems and post their findings on com-
puterized bulletin boards nationwide.

"Most of these people traffic in illegal information
- credit card numbers, dial-up access numbers for
long-distance phone service, how to do this or that:
everything from picking locks to making
nitroglycerin," Sandza said.
Access to the bulletin boards is not automatic, he
"You have to tell them why you deserve it. I took
the name 'Montana Wildhack' and began dialing in
and establishing myself through messages. I had the
lingo down and could tell them why I should get in,"
said Sandza, who described himself to other hackers
as "knowing a lot about computer security and
having a lot of contacts."
WITHIN WEEKS, he had infiltrated some of the
See HACKERS, Page 3

Associated Press
Peace on earth
Residents of Lake City, Mich. pose with a greeting card they made yester-
day which will be sent along with a 25-year-old blue spruce tree to the White
House Blue Room.

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Charity brain trust
n most marathons, participants flex their muscles not
their brains. This Saturday, students at Pennsylvania
State University will do the opposite in a five-hour
"study-a-thon" to help charity. Participants in the
study-a-thon, sponsored by the Penn State Undergraduate
Student Government Senate, will study to benefit Big
Brothers and Big Sisters and a local home for wayward
boys, John Ross, a student government senator, said
yesterday. According to Ross, the study-a-thon is the direct

Penn State's Hetzel Ballroom will be transformed into a
study room, complete with long tables and comfortable
chairs. The participants are expected to undergo five hours
of quiet study time with five short intervals of rest. Penn
State did not say whether doctors have been contacted in
case of any immediate dangers of stress. However, TAs
will be stationed in separate rooms for student tutoring.
Ross admits that a study-a-thon is a unique way to earn
money for charities. However, he said, "If people weren't
interested, we never would have started it."
Bourgeois denim

from American-style denim trousers to Chinese-designed
"Apples" and "Teleweebs," the report said. Western-style
clothing was unheard of in China until a few years ago,
because the Communist Party's 1966-76 Cultural Revolution
accused those who did not wear loose-fitting trousers and
jackets of bourgeois vanity, foreigner worship, and in-
dividualism. But when the jeans came under official attack
last year, the movement was quickly squelched because it
was so unpopular. "When I first tried on a pair of jeans, I
felt I was doing something bad and was uneasy," the paper
quoted an unidentified 16-year-old as saying. "But the jeans
were so attractive that I just could not resist them."

associated with the prison, so they requested the name
chang. Opponents of the switch suggested a few other
possible labels such as "Lily of the Valley" and
"Daisyville." A contest was held to come up with the new
name, with the Cedar Junction idea winning final approval.
The name was taken from an old railroad station formerly
located on the site of the corrections facility.
On the inside...




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