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November 20, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-20

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 20, 1984


., Nicaraguan officials meet

MEXICO CITY (UPI}-Diplomats from the United States
and Nicaragua yesterday opened an eighth round of talks
aimed at easing tensions enflamed by U.S. charges of large-
scale Soviet bloc arms shipments to Managua.
U.S. special envoy Harry Shlaudeman and Nicaraguan
Deputy Foreign Minister Victor Hued Tinoco held the first of
two days of meetings at the Pacific resort of Manzanillo, 325
miles northwest of Mexico City.
A U.S. EMBASSY spokekman in Mexico City said they
would discuss how to reduce tensions recently heightened
when Reagan administration officials said they believed a
Soviet freighter that arrived nearly two weeks ago in
Nicaragua may have been carrying Soviet-made MiG-21 jet-
The officials warned the administration would not tolerate
introduction into the region of the sophisticated aircraft and
later charged Nicaragua was stockpiling high levels of Soviet
bloc arms that exceeded its defensive needs.

Nicarguan Defense Minister Miguel D'Escoto has denied
the freighter was carrying MiGs, but said the Sandinista
government received helicopters and had the right to obtain
"whatever means necessary to defend ourselves against im-
perialist agression."
WASHINGTON, which has supported "contra" rebels
fighting to topple the Marxist government in Managua, has
never produced any proof that Nicaragua received MiGs.
Managua said the Reagan administration had leveled the
charges as a pretext for an invasion and declared a full-scale
military alert, which is still in effect.
Lee Johnson, the spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in
Mexico City, said the Manzanillo talks "have not failed" to
produce progress toward improved U.S.-Nicaraguan
relations "though they are proceeding very slowly."
He said U.S. officials in Manzanillo planned to warn the
Nicaraguans about the dangers of buying Soviet-made MiGs
and other sophisticated weapons.

to visit
DALLAS (AP) - The Rev. Jesse
Jackson says he is planning to travel
to Nicaragua next month at the in-
vitation of President Daniel Ortega in
hopes of convincing the Reagan ad-
ministration "to turn its attention to
peace rather than to war." During a
news conference following an ap-
pearance at a local church Sunday,
Jackson also said he intends to urge
the Central American country's leftist
Sandinista government "to assume a
strong posture for peace." Jackson
said he was invited to organize the
mission by Ortega.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports




(Continued from Page 1)
sive (capital) program, but it's nothing
compared to private schools," Cross
Public institutions could have a more
difficult time generating private funds,
Cross said, because many of the
organizations that support universities
"discriminate against public in-
stitutions because they have their own
funding sources (the state), but private
schools don't. In this day and age
that makes a difference."
Many believe the University could
become a successful fundraiser if it ex-
ploits its large pool of alumni - more
alumni than any other school in the
WHILE THE CESF report pointed
out the growing disparity between the

ehind in faculty salary levels

University and its private peers, the
difference hasn't caused a problem of
epidemic proportions yet, some faculty
members said.
Mathematics Prof. Wilfred Kaplan,
president of the University chapter of
the American Association of University
Professors, said the problem is
significant, but hasn't caused a mass
migration of faculty out of the
"It's important to have certain stan-
dards, but keeping up with Berkeley or
Harvard is not a number one priority,"
Kaplan said. "People are not going
around making salary comparisons all
the time."
"ONCE (faculty) are here, they tend
not to leave for small differences,

unless they get a tremendous offer," he
But in order to lure qualified faculty,
the University has to make its starting
salaries competitive with other schools
at the expense of not increasing the
salaries of current faculty.
"We've paid whatever we have to to
get new faculty," said Jack Walker,
associate dean for academic appoin-
tments in LSA. "The salary differences
between new and old faculty will even-
tually cause ill will."
"WE'RE BUILDING a problem that
could hurt in the long run. It can't go on
forever. We need some relief," Walker
Gilbert Whitaker, dean of the School
of Business Administration, also ex-

Time Schedule Listings for Division
250 CI.C.E. were printed in error.
These courses or their successors may be
elected under Division 252 E.E.C.S.

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pressed his concern over the growing
"compression" of senior and junior
"Everybody is under pressure to pay
market value," Whitaker said. "This
creates compression of salaries bet-
ween the new people and the people
who've been here for a while."
WALKER SAID that right now the
University has been able to keep many
faculty from accepting higher paying
offers at other schools because of other
benefits such as atmosphere and
quality of the student body.
But schools like the College of
Engineering have had problems attrac-
ting faculty.
"Three years ago, this was a terrible
problem," said associate engineering
dean Charles Vest. "At the present
time, I consider us to be competitive."
Though the college has become more
successful at attracting junior faculty,
salary levels for senior faculty are still
low, Vest said.
5.3 percent
(Continued from Page 1)
Averaging only a 5.5 percent increase
over last year, the six vice presidents
didn't fare quite as well as Shapiro.
Last year, they received an average in-
crease of 10 percent.
Vice President for Develop-
ment and University Relations, Jon
Cosovich came closest to Shapiro's
salary, collecting $99,750, just short of
the elusive six-figure crowd.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
and Provost Billy Frye upped his
paycheck from $88,500 to $95,000, a 7.3
percent gain, placing him third among
the executive officers.
The lowest paid vice president again
this year was Vice President for
Student Services, Henry Johnson, who
received a $3,000 raise bringing his an-
nual salary to $63,000.
Of the "over $100,000 club," 29 of the
32 posts related to the University's
medical school. The exceptions are
Shapiro; law school Dean Terrence
Sandalow; who was boosted into six
figures with an eight percent raise to
$105,952; and dental school Dean
Richard Christiansen, who earns
The second highest paid University
employee is Prof. Paul Lichter, chair-
man of the opthamology department,
who earns $136,196. Running a close
third is Chairman of Surgery Jeremiah
Turcotte, drawing a salary of $133,226.
There are no women among the six-
figure earners at the University.
The University's deans averaged a
five percent increase in overall salaries
this year, with two (Sandalow and
Christiansen) reaching over the
$100,000 mark.
The lowest paid dean is newly hired
art Dean Wendell Heers, who earns
For the second year in a row, the
dean who received the greatest salary
increase was the engineering school's
James Duderstadt, who got an 18 per-
cent raise, giving him a salary of
$90,000. Duderstadt received a 12 per-
cent increase last year.
LSA Dean Peter Steiner picked up an
eight percent hike, putting him at
$92,753, third among deans.
The average salary for University
deans is about $78,000.
Faculty salaries increased this year
about 5.3 percent, according to Robert

Sauve, assistant to Vice President
Frye. Sauve said the figure was in the
ballpark, with the actual figure
"varying from unit to unit."
Despite a disappointing season,
Michigan football coach Bo Schem-
bechler's salary was upped to $96,030,
$6,000 more than last year. His
colleague, Athletic Director Don

Accident in N.C. kills three
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C.-Fire broke out aboard a military helicopter as if lif-
ted a heavy piece of artillery during a training mission yesterday, killing
three people and injuring at least 12 others, officials said.
Capt. Norma Stewart of New River Air Station estimated that 20 to 25 people
were aboard the $22 million CH-53E helicopter, the Marines' newest and
largest, which can carry 55 troops or 32,200 pounds.
Rescuers were combing the area in search of other victims, said Stewart.
The helicopter was lifting a 155 mm howitzer when the craft caught fire,
said Capt. Craig Fisher of Camp Lejeune's public affiars office, but he said
he did not know if the copter had crashed or landed normally.
Anthony Rothfork, spokesman for the Marine Corps in Washington, D.C., said
the helicopter did crash, but Lance Cpl. Greg Fedorev of New River Air
Station just south of Camp Lejeune, where the craft was based, said he could
not confirm that report.
Australians blame homosexuals
for blood bank contamination
SYDNEY, Australia. - Homosexuals blamed by angry Australians for the
AIDS contamination of the nation's only blood bank are being threatened
with dismissal from their jobs and violently beaten, officials said yesterday,
Thirteen of the 18 people who received transfusions of blood contaminated
with the deadly Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome virus have died, in-
cluding two babies, officials said.
The crisis erupted last week when health offials discovered the nation's
only blood bank was contaiminated with AIDS, which destroys the body's;
immune system and is almost always fatal.
Medical experts suspect AIDS is transferred through blood products. A
majority of the cases have been found in homosexuals. Hemophiliacs also
are a high-risk group.
Terrorist kills Turkish official
VIENNA-A suspected Armenian terrorist bent on avenging a 1915
massacre of his countrymen shot and killed a Turkist U.N. official yesterday
as the diplomat stopped his red Mercedes at a busy intersections on his way
to work.
A white scarf bearing the words "Armenian Revolutionary Army ARA"
was found next to the body of the slain diplomat, Evrin Erguw.
The killing was the second assassination of a Turkish official in Vienna in
six months.
Witnesses said a dark-haired, moustached man in blue jeans and a denim
jacket ran up to Ergun's red Mercedes and pumped six shots through the
driver's window.
Ergun, 52, deputy directory of the Vienna-based United Nations Center fo'r.
Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, died instantly from a 9 mm
bullet wound to the head, police said.

Bombs damage abortion clinic
WHEATON, Md-Twin bomb blasts yesterday damaged a Planned
Parenthood office and an abortion clinic that was the scene of a weekend
demonstration in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.
There were no injuries and no arrests.
"This is obviously an act of terrorism," said Gail Frances, owner of the;
Metro Medical and Women's Center. "We won't close."
The explosions, reported only minutes apart at about 6:15 a.m., blew out:
the rear of the abortion clinic and seriously damaged Planned Parenthood's
tiny office at the Randolph Medical Building in nearby Rockville.
Clinic administrator Penny Smith said the office is sometimes guarded at
night, and added: "Thank God no one was in there. There's always some ex-:
tremist who calls himself pro-life."
Consumer &spend : ingdopslgty
WASHINGTON-Americans' personal income rose 0.6 percent in October.
but consumer spending slipped 0.1 percent, the government said yester-
day-the first drop since last February and a further indication of a:
slowdown in economic growth.
While one private economist said the downturn was just the "lull before
the holiday buying season," others predicted that economic growth is likely:
to remain stagnant for some months to come.
The Commerce Department report said personal consumption spending,:
which includes virtually everything except interest payments on debt, drop-,
ped 0.1 percent in October. It was the first decline since a 0.9-percent setback
in February.
It followed a revised 1.7-percent spending increase in September. The in-:
crease, which was originally reported at 1.4 percent, had raised hopes that:
consumer spending, which has been one of the key forces driving the'
recovery, was taking off again after a weak summer.
The October decline reinforced the view that consumer spending is likely:
to be flat in coming months, throwing into doubt how good a Christmas:
season retailers will have.




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Vol. XCV -No. 65
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub,
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi;
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.






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Editor in Chief .................BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors ............CHERYL BAACKE
Associate News Editors .......LAURIE DELATER
Personnel Editor .....................SUE BARTO
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akami, Arona Pearlstein, Lisa Powers, Charles Sewell,
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SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Andy Arvidson, Mark
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