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November 20, 1984 - Image 1

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ry list


Ninetyfive YearsertttaigCrystal
of CI IC Clear today with highs in the
Editorial Freedom mid-thirties.
Vol. XCV, No.65 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, November 20, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten pages


Faculty salaries trail

peer schools

Despite regular increases, University
faculty salaries are significantly
behind those at peer institutions around
the country, the faculty's Senate
Assembly was told yesterday.
"If the salary levels continue to slip..
we will have serious consequences...
in recruiting and retaining faculty,"
said Prof. Phil Howrey, former chair-
man of the Committee on the Economic
Status of the Faculty.
IN ITS ANNUAL report to the
faculty, CESF outlined its goal of
restoring salary levels to a point where
they would be competitive with in-
stitutions such as Harvard and Stanford
Universities and Massachusetts In-
stititue of Technology.
Last year CESF called for continued
salary increases and an effort to
establish parity with salaries at peer

According to Economics Prof. John
Cross, salaries increased about the
same amount as the other schools last
year, but parity was not restored.
"THE CATCH-up did not take place.
There was no money," Cross said.
With budget reductions at all levels,
the problem of salaries falling behind
has taken on less importance,
especially in the face of cuts that could
eliminate many tenured faculty at the
Most faculty and adminstration of-
ficials say the blame for the money
woes lies with the state, which has
decreased the level of support for
universities by as much as 25 percent,
CESF said.
"WE'VE ALWAYS depended on the
state for a big chunk of our budget,"
said Sociology Prof. Beth Reed, the
current chairperson of CESF.
Declining state support has made
salaries somewhat less of a priority,

she added.
"If you can't heat the buildings, you
can't raise salaries.
One result of the decrease in state aid
has been skyrocketing tuition costs that
have made the University the most ex-
pensive public institution in the nation.
But most agree that tuition increases
won't solve the problem.

"THERE IS no way tuition can make
up for this difference," said Cross. The
University will have to look for dif-
ferent funding, he said.
That alternate funding must come
from private sources. Over the past
year, the University has embarked on a
campaign to generate $80 million in
private donations, $40 million of which

is earmarked for faculty salary im-
Though most public universities are
not strangers to the search for alternate
funding, private schools have the advantage
tage of having always relied ex-
clusively on the private sources.
"PEOPLE THINK U-M has an exten-
See 'U,' Page 2

32 get si~x-figure salaries at 'U'

... joins six-figure gang

212 killed
in blast at.
gas plant
From AP and UPI
MEXICO CITY - A string of earth-
shaking explosions yesterday at a
natural gas plant on the outskirts of
Mexico City turned a nearby slum
community of wooden shacks into an in-
ferno, killing at least 212 people, the
coroner's office reported.
Red Cross and police officials said at
least 500 people were seriously injured
by the explosions and flames that
devastated the area around the fuel
storage tanks.
DR. LUIS Sanchez Guerra, the
Mexico state coroner, told reporters at
the blast site that 212 people were
known to have perished.
Other authorities said they expected
the death toll to rise as search teams
dug through the smoking rubble.
A spokesman for the government-run
petroleum monopoly Pemex said a
gas truck apparently exploded,
touching off subsequent explosions, first
at Unigas Co. natural gas holding tanks
and then at Pemex gas storage
ONE tremendous blast shook the
crowded suburb of Tlalnepantla at 6:42
a.m. EST, followed by perhaps a dozen
more explosions, residents said. Balls
of fire shot into the air and rained fiery
debris on homes and businesses.
See BLAZE, Page 3

Who says academia doesn't pay? Certainly not the 32
University faculty and staff members who take home six-
figure paychecks.
The most notable entry into this elite cadre is University
President Harold Shapiro. Though his salary is listed as
$96,500 - the same as last year - in this year's faculty salary
directory, the regents decided Friday to increase that figure
Riegle V
more NH
"If you thought the crunch on federal spending for
education was tight in President Reagan's first term, you
ain't seen nothing yet," Sen. Donald Riegle told a gathering
of the state's top educators yesterday at the Michigan
Riegle, who said he has been "one of the nation's most con-
sistent supporters of public education" during his 18 years in
University cut out of grant in-
creases. See Page 5.
the Senate, predicted that "the real crunch is coming" and
pledged to lead the congressional fight against further
Reagan budget cuts.
RIEGLE AND several other speakers addressed about 75
administrators from colleges and universities throughout
Michigan. The program was hosted by University President
Harold Shapiro to assess the problems currently facing the
state's higher education institutions.
Congressional staff member Thomas Wolanin agreed that
the president will continue to propose cuts in higher
education in his annual budget next January. To fight this
trend, he outlined his "Dunkirk scenario," named after the
famous World War II battle, in which "we'll retreat into an
island bastion and wait for better days." Or, he said, "we'll
fight off the budget cuts, and then retreat into a sort of status
quo, with politics as usual" - what he called the "trench
warfare strategy."
Robert Clodius, the President of the National Association
of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, said the
possibility of huge budget cuts in Reagan's second term
"scares the hell out of me."
"BUT," HE added, "maybe things won't all be bad," since
some economic growth might lead the president to modify his
"After all, we haven't died from the present cuts," he
One University of Michigan representative preferred to

10.8 percent to $107,000.
The University's Board of Regents called the raise
"necessary" in part because many college presidents are
earning more than Shapiro.
For the fifth straight year, the University's highest paid
faculty member is Herbert Sloan, chief of clinical affairs in
the medical school. Sloan is also a thoracic surgeon. He
receives a salary of $146,156, a 12 percent gain over last year.
See FACULTY, Page 2
arns of
idget, cuts

Associated Press

Rescue workers remove a body from the remains of a house demolished in a
series of explosions at a natural gas processing complex in a suburb of
Mexico City yesterday. Reports have as many as 212 killed in the explosion
and fire that followed.

' S 0uici e pi
The group of students seeking to ha
Health Service stockpile suicide pills for opti
in the event of a nuclear war have changed
their proposal because they don't want to al
porting suicide, a group member said yesterd
The phrase, "This request does not, in an
suicide except in a post nuclear war situation
the text of the proposal's latest revision, ac
Harvey; a group member.
HARVEY, AN LSA freshman, said his
Against Nuclear Suicide (SANS), added th
proposal "just as a means of clarification.'
had encountered some misunderstandings ft
thought that the group was actually ma
statement in support of suicide.
Last week, several members of the Mi

1 - -' - - - - A

group ciariiies texr
Assembly said that they were concerned because the
ve University proposal seemed to advocate suicide. In light of these misun-
derstandings, changing the language of the proposal
onal student use "seemed like a necessary thing to do," Harvey said. "We just
I the wording of wanted to clear things up," he said. "We didn't want to ad-
ayr vocate suicide before a nuclear war."
ny way, endorse SANS member Kevin Cosgrove, an LSA sophomore, said
," was added to MSA was partially responsible for the change. "They were a
cording to Roy big part of it, although I think we could take their responses
as being a big part of what the student body might feel,"
group, Students Cosgrove said.
e phrase to the MSA LAST week vetoed the proposal because members did
'He said SANS not agree with its language.
rom people who But according to Andrew Hartman, a peer counselor at the
king a blanket 76-GUIDE, a counseling hotline, the change SANS made isn't
ichigan Student "I think that's sort of a step in the right direction," said
See PILL, Page 5

Sen. Donald Riegle (D-Mich.) describes the poten-
tial effects of renewed Reagan administration cuts in
educational funding yesterday at the Michigan
League. The Senator addressed a group of 75 key
educators from throughout the state.
take a wait-and-see approach. Thomas Butts, the Univer-
sity's Washington lobbyist, said "we'll have to see where
they (the Ras'in administration) set their priorities."

See RIEGLE, Page 5

wins state

LANSING (UPI) - What does one
do with a $10 million prize? A
Kalamazoo woman may have the an-
swer to that question, but she wasn't
quite ready to share it with the
general public yesterday.
The mystery woman won a record
$10,397,771 jackpot in the Michigan
Lotto by matching the six winning
numbers drawn Saturday night -
5,6,12,19 and 39. She'll get $521,571 this
week and $518,800 each year thereaf-

ter through 2003.
Lottery Commissioner Michael
Carr said yesterday the woman is a
subscription player who asked that
her name be withheld until she has
had a chance to discuss her windfall
with her husband.
"We will honor her request, but
hope to stage a news conference this
week in which we can present the
$521,571 first installment of her 20-
year prize," Carr said.


Stress busters

business, considers the school his test market. If it's suc-
cessful, he wants to expand the business to other schools
across the country. He believes money shouldn't be a
problem for most Yale students, who pay about $13,000 a
year in tuition, room and board. "Besides, you're never too
poor for a $20 massage," Douglas said. The Yale ad-
ministration has no plans to interfere with the business said
Yale spokesman Walter Littell. "We'll see what happens
with it," he said. "If it's all above board ... then there's no

something besides doughnuts and chocolate milk for break-
fast. They also want to see less potato chips, french fries
and sugared drinks at lunch. "A lot of the food you are ser-
ving is junk food," wrote one student, Jake Gallagher.
"Plus, school kids are getting bigger, and it's not muscles
either. It is just plain old Fat." Paul James, food service
director for Columbus schools, said he applauds the studen-
ts' goal but gdoesn't plan any immediate changes. "The
question is, is it better to have food available and have them
eat it or have food and not have them eat it?" he said. "I
don't think that simply restricting what we offer youngsters

families can visit. "You know, you can go visit your
manatee any time you want at Blue Springs, and hang out
and eat a burger and throw him a head of lettuce," said
Buffett, who directs the Save The Manatee Committee.
The committee, based in Maitland, will use the money to
support public education of the manatee's plight, said
Renee Priest, administrator of the Save the Manatee
Club. Florida waters hold the last known herd of
manatees, which are on the federal list of endangered
species. During the winter months,. they are attracted by
the warm waters found near power plants and boat





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