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November 03, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-03

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, November 3, 1984

(Continued from Page 1).
David Kaufman, editor of the Journal
of Political Science.
And their audience wasn't exactly as
attentive as American television
viewers. Happy hour drinkers carried
on their private conversations and
Leachman even had to ask the audience
to "please, shut up."
Those who did listen, however,
thought the student politicians imitated
the real presidential debate. Jami
DeBona, LSA junior, said "They soun-
ded too much like the candidates. All it
was was superficial bullshit."
THE MOCK debate followed the
script of the presidential and vice-
presidential debates last month as the
Democrats attacked Reagan's policies,
and the Republicans defended them.
Hartman, president of the college
Democrats, said "Democrats stand for
women's rights, minority's rights,
human rights. There isn't much I can
disagree with them on."
Collins, secretary of College
Republicans, had to admit that she
disagreed with President Reagan's an-
ti-abortion policies. And Hartman
criticized the Republican platform
which favors the appointment of only

those Supreme Court justices who are
against abortion.
GOLDFARB, vice-president of
college Democrats, went on to attack
the president's affirmative action
programs, saying Reagan has 'the
fewest number of women in his ad-
ministration in modern times."
Collins rebutted, claiming that those
small numbers mean more women and
minorities can be moved up into the up-
per echelon of Reagan's second ad-
The Mondale administration would
not support big business or big
religion, Hartman told the crowd. In-
stead, Mondale's administration would
support the little people.
MOREOVER, Hartman said "Mon-
dale doesn't believe in an overly
militaristic society. He would probably
see no need for the selective service,"
Hartman said. Reagan, on the other
hand, promised in 1980 to abolish the
draft, but then signed the Solomon
Amendment, which denies federal
financial aid to college students who
fail to register for the draft.
Leachman countered that there is
nothing wrong with asking those who
received financial aid to "defend the
country that gave them their

mock debate


The biggest issue of the event,
however, was the recent terrorist at-
tacks in Lebanon.
HARTMAN attacked Reagan's con-
tradiction in chastising Carter for 50
hostages in Iran, while 400 Marines lie
dead on the shores of Lebanon."
"How many more dead will we have
if Ronald Reagan is elected for another
four years?" he asked.
Leachman defended Reagan's peace-
keeping force in Lebanon. "We tried to
bring peace to that nation, but we
failed," he said.
THE REAGAN administration can't
deal with terrorists abroad, Leachman
said, because the nation's leaders can-
not "put a finger on who is responsible.
"Andrew (Hartman) would like us to
believe that we should go around poin-
ting our finger and shooting people," he
But Hartman reminded Leachman of
Secretary of State George Shultz's
recent vow to retaliate against inter-
national terrorism. Leachman said
Shult's statements were policy issues
that should be kept behind closed doors.
On the economy, Leachman said the
country's record high deficits aren't the
only cause of climbing interest rates.

But Goldfarb, after a heightened pause,
pulled out a Mondale issue sheet which
says high interest rates have killed the
dreams of young Americans who can no
longer afford a home or a college
Leachman denied that Reagan's
restructuring of the federal financial
aid program have hurt the middle
American family, offering himself as
an example of one who could still afford
a college education.
Break-in reported
Jewelry valued at approximately
$475 was stolen from a residence on the
1300 block of Geddes, according to Ann
Arbor Police Sgt. Jan Suomala.
The break-in occurred between 7:45
and 9:40 p.m. on Wednesday. The in-
truder entered through an unlocked
door, Suomala said.
-Molly Melby

(JUurb # 1rsbip 8truitn Students oppose code

in belief, not in action

1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Rev. Don Postema, Pastor
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
11:15 a.m.; Refreshments
6:00 p.m. Evening Worshop.


* * *

at Lord of Light
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Pastor: Galen Hora
Sunday Worship; 10:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.; Supper.
Sunday Evenings: 7:00 p.m., Inclusive
Community Study.
Wednesday Evening Worship, 9:30
p.m. Choir; Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.
Thursday Evenings; 7:30 p.m., Cen-
tral American Study.
* * *
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Sunday Post Lude recital at 12:05
Worship Services at 9:30 and 11:00.
Church School, including nurseries.
Broadcast of Service:
11:00 a.m. - WPAG, 10.50 AM

120S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service
9:30 and 11:00.
November 4: "Amos: The Prophet of
Righteousness" by Dr. Donald B. Strobe.
Ministers: Rev. Wayne T. Large
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director, Rose McLean
Bmadast Sundays 9:30 a.m. - WRNS, 1290 AM
Televised Mondays 8:00p.m. - Cable Channel 9.
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday Services at 9:15 and 10:30.
Thursday: Bible Study at 7:30; Vocal
Choir at 8:30 and Handbell Choir at 9:30.
502 East Huron, 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship, 9:55 a.m.
November 4: "The Gifts of the Spirit."
Midweek Study and Dinner for
Students: Thursday, 5:15 p.m.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Staln's daughter returns home
MOSCOW-Svetlana Alliluyeva, the daughter of Soviet dictator
Josef Stalin who denounced her father as a "moral and spiritual monster"
when she defected to the West in 1967, has returned to Moscow, Tass said
The official Soviet news agency said the Soviet parliament had restored the
58-year-old Svetlana's Soviet citizenship and granted citizenship to her
American-born daughter Olga, 13, who returned with her from Britain.
The announcement came hours after the principal of Olag's private
Quaker school in England said Svetlana telephoned him Oct. 22 to say she was
going back to Moscow. He said Olga failed to return from a mid-term break.
In a brief dispatch, Tass said the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet "has
,considered and complied with a request made by S.I. Alliluyeva, who has
returning to Moscow, for restoring her to the citizenship of the U.S.S.R. as well
as for granting Soviet citizenship to Alliluyeva's daughter Olga."
Unemployment rate holds steady
WASHINGTON - Civilian unemployment, the last major economic in-
dicator released before Election Day, held steady last month at 7.4 percent,
a notch below the rate President Reagan inherited, the government said
Amid other signals of a business slowdown, some 350,000 Americans found
work. New hiring by business was strong enough to offset a surge in the
number of job-seekers without forcing the unemployment rate up.
White House spokesman Larry Speakes, accompanying Reagan on a cam-
paign swing through Michigan, said the latest Labor Department report
showed that "the economy is still expanding and creating new jobs."
On Capitol Hill; the Democratic Policy Committee maintained that Reagan's
record on job-creation was inferior to that of the Carter administration and.
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) told the Joint Economic Committee "there
is a stall in the economy. There is no improvement."
Labor and civil rights groups also weighed in with criticism of Reagan,
saying the unemployment rate masked lost opportunities for too many
Mourners clog Warsaw streets
WARSAW, Poland - Thousands of mourners clogged railways and roads
leading to Warsaw on the eve of the funeral of a slain pro-Solidarity priest as
his body was carried across the nation for burial in his church.
The government was believed to be on alert for any trouble arising from
public outrage over the 37-year-old Rev. Jerry Popieluszko's death at the
hands of three members of the secret police.
The government has suspended an Interior Ministry general and arrested
two colonels in the ministry in connection with the slaying, official reports
said yesterday.
The reports indicated that the investigation into the death of the pro-
Solidarity priest had reached the higher ranks of Poland's police hierarchy.
Three lower-ranking officers have already been arrested in the case.
Scottish researcher develops
first prenatal cystic firosis test
TORONTO -s A researcher from Scotland has developed what he says is
the first accurate prenatal test for cystic fibrosis, an inherited illness that af-
flicts 30,000 people in the United States.
David Brock of the University of Edinburgh said yesterday that studies
with about 100 patients have shown the test can correctly identify 90 percent
of the fetuses carrying the illness and 92 percent of 95 percent of normal
In an interview during the annual meeting of the American Society of
Human Genetics, where he presented his findings, he emphasized that the
test is intended only for families that have already given birth to a child with
the illness and subsequently decide to have another child.
"You're dealing with pregnancies that have a risk of being affected of one
in four," Brock said. "In a very high risk group like that, we're picking up
a substantial number of the affected cases."
There is no known cure for the disease, which primarily affects tw
respiratory and digestive systems. Of patients diagnosed in early infancy
and given specialized care, about 50 percent reach young adulthood.

(Continued from I age 1)
That may not be all bad, said
Schnaufer, since MSA's involvement in
a wave of opposition prevents ad-
ministrators from dismissing the
protests of different smaller groups as
not representing the entire student
Even MSA has had its problems
organizing local opposition to the code.
A rally held at the University's
Homecoming game last month drew
few participants. And although the
assembly passed a resolution in Sep-
tember calling for a rally before the
regents meeting in October, the protest
never materialized.
PANHEL, ICC, and IFC leaders look
to MSA for direction. They distribute
literature MSA provides and publicize
code meetings.
But they prefer to push responsibility
for stronger actons or a more vocal
stance down the hierarchy to house
leaders and residents.
Ironically, those students said they
are waiting for their respective councils
to organize something.
Several co-op and Greek house
leaders and members said they would
probably participate in a rally - as
long as someone else organized it.
.A RALLY held by one individual co-
op would not attract the attention of
University officials, said Mike O'Neill,
house manager of Lester Co-op. But a
rally organized by the whole ICC might,
he said.
He said, however that "the ICC (is)
afflicted with apathy just as much as

Judith James Wood for
Probate (Juvenile) Judge
J Senior Assistant Public Defender * Assistant Attorney
General-Department of Mental Health - Instructor of
Juvenile Law o Extensive Juvenile Court practice
" Junior High School Teacher* Nursery School Teacher*
Foster Parent * Mother of three children, ages 10-17
J State of Michigan Family Living Council " Board of
Directors, Perry Nursery School " Judiciary Committee--
Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association 9 Lecturer, State
Police Academy--"Prosecution of Child Abuse"
-Preferred Candidate"--Washtenaw County Bar Asso-
ciation Poll " Endorsed as "the standout in this field"-
Ann Arbor News, July 31,1984 - Endorsed by the Michi-
gan Education Association, the National Organization for
Women, AFSCME, UAW and the Huron Valley Labor
Council o First in the primary election

any one else."
Although the general sentiment is
that members of fraternities,
sororities, and co-ops oppose the code,
few of the houses have taken a formal
vote on the issue or debated it at house
meetings. And many house officers
haven't even read the code.
The president of one co-op, who asked
not to be named, said that if her house
was to discuss the code, "I would have
to go and get a copy." Asked whether
she thought it was her responsibility to
stay informed on such issues, she said
residents should read the flyers posted
around the house.
STEVE SHAPIRO, president of
Sigma Alpha Mu, said many house
leaders, "don't know why (the code is
bad) and you're not going to get people
to go out and make waves without
knowing anything about it."
The apathy sifts down to house mem-
bers as well. House officers gave
.several reasons why their residents
haven't learned about the details of the
code: they are too busy with
schoolwork and national political
issues; many are upperclassmen who
don't care if the code is implemented
after they gradaute; and that no matter
what students do, the administration
won't listen.
"Just the way it is, nobody has seen a
clear cut route to beat this thing," said
Steve Helm, treasurer of Zeta Psi.
Another co-op resident said, "I think
most people feel MSA's opinion doesn't
matter all that much, that the regents
could care less."
That student, who spoke only if her
name wasn't used, said discussing the
code at house meetings would make the
meeting so long that members would
stop coming.
STUDENTS NEED an emotional ap-
peal to force them to look at the code's
impact, said Sigma Alpha Mu's
Shapiro. He said the articles and
editorials printed in the Daily this fall
haven't provided that appeal.
Shapiro says he explains the code to
his house members in the most radical
terms he can think of: that if it were
passed, the administration might be
able to reprimand the fraternity for
serving beer to underage students at a
party. (MSA would like to see a frater-
nity or sorority sponsor a "Bash the
Code Bash," but hasn't got any offers
And not all houses oppose the code. A
spokesman for Triangle Fraternity said
members are split over the code, while
the steward of Nakamura Co-op, David
Finkelstein, prefers that members
focus their attention on filling up
vacancies in the house and completing
their chores.
Although most of the residents of
Nakamura are graduate students in
their late 20s, Finkelstein criticized the
more radical students a decade ago
who probably would have rallied
around the code.
"Their causes were more important
than getting thehouse clean, things
which are important to me, like how I
live," he said.
THE GROUP No Code has only eight
steady members, an increase from
when it was formed last spring. The
group held rallies and tied blue yarn
around the Diag to force a boycott of
classes to protest the code. But so far
this fall, the group's acitvity has been
limited to handing out flyers andcopies
of the code in the Fishbowl.
MSA is planning a rally against the
code on Regents Plaza before the
University's top governing board meets
on Nov. 15. But Schnaufer said he isn't
sure what the turnout will be like


Il. trick-or-treaters found slain.
DECATUR, Ill. - Two girls who disappeared while trick-or-treating
Halloween night were found slain yesterday in an abandoned building near 4
their home, police said, but a third girl who went with them was found
unharmed, hiding in a closet.
Police Chief Patrick Vaughan said authorities believed the two had been
strangled. He would not say if they had been sexually assaulted.
Police were searching for an elderly man after receiving a tip from a
motorist who might have seen him with the girls.
The survivor, Patricia Hall, 7, was in good condition, physically unhar-
med, Bill Homoky, a spolesman at Decatur Memorial Hospital, said Friday.
Dead were Sherry Gordon, 12, and her cousin, Theresa Hall, 10, Patricia's
Before they went trick-or-treating, the girls had been taught Halloween
safety measures such as avoiding strangers and the proper time to trick-or-
treat. The mother of two of the girls said she hadn't been afraid to let the
.children go out alone because "they know the people around here."
~1wqtr tg nUt1tl
Vol. XCV -No. 51
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and'College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.

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