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November 03, 1984 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-03

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Code: More apathy than anger

One resident of Minnies; Co-op said
she vehemently opposes everything
about the proposed student code for
non-academic conduct.
She said the judicial system was un-
fair. She didn't like the fact that
students couldn't have lawyers. And
she was especially angered that her co-
op, or any other student organization
could be punished for violations of its
YET SHE hasn't raised her objec-
tions at co-op meetings, or expressed
her concerns to University ad-
ministrators. She hasn't spoke at the
regents' public comments session, or
written letters to the members of the
board. She didn't even want her name
used in this story.
After homework and other academic
commitments she said she has little
time left to fight the code. Besides, she
a~iA hnrn;an' mllh ch nr thr

students can do to make the University
"You know, I don't think of myself as
apathetic," she said, reflecting on her
comments. "But I really sound like it. I
care a lot about the code, but I just can't
make another commitment."
SHE IS not alone. Across the campus,
there have been plenty of students and
organizations who say they are opposed
to the code, but very few who are
willing to back their words with actions.
Members of fraternities, sororities,
and co-operativessay they are willing
for their organizations' leaders to head
a fight against the code.
But those leaders - who banded
together last spring to oppose the code
- are keeping a low profile, claiming
their groups are resource centers, not
vehicles for mass dissent.
LAST SPRING, the Michigan Student
Assembly asked the Inter-Fraternity
Council, Panhellenic Association, and

'I don't think of myself as apathetic ... I care a
lot about the code, but I just can't make
another commitment.'
- an anonymous student

the Inter-Cooperative Council to take a
stand on the code and publicize their
Representatives for the groups
decided they were opposed to the code.
ICC and Panhel sent letters to
President Harold Shapiro and the
regents outlining their objections to the
proposed code. Leaders of the groups
made public statements opposing the
But neither ICC nor Panhel has
checked back with administrators to

see whether their suggestions are being
considered. And neither group feels
that stronger moves are appropriate.
"I CAN'T tell you what Panhel will be
doing," said Panhel vice president
Gretchen Matz.
Matz and IFC president Harry Walter
said that any move is up to the council's
representatives. Walter said the IFC of-
ficers can offer alternatives to
representatives, but he added that he
was "not sure what those options are."
ICC received sharp criticism from its

members after co-op leaders rejected
the code last year. Some co-op residents
complained that everyone in the system
was not included in the decision, while
others said ICC was innappropriately
intervening in political issues.
EARLIER THIS week, one of the
council's committees decided against
holding workshops and calling for a
system-wide referendum on the code.
Instead, the committee said ICC should
spend its time on parties and other
social programs to boost the popularity
of co-ops which are having trouble
filling vacancies, according to Dana
Donohoe, the committee chairperson.
"We just don't have the time (for the
code) right now,' she said. Donohoe
said she hadn't read the code.
Eric Schnaufer, chairman of MSA's
code committee and a vocal opponent of
the proposed code, complained about
the "frustrating" lack of commitment
student leaders show toward protesting

the code.
THE'BURDEN of organizing rallies,
a forum, and distributing literature all
falls on his shoulders and those of about
15 others, although the committee's
phone list has 50 to 75 names, he said.
"They will come out and sit at a table
(distributing literature) but they won't
organize a rally," he said. "We have a
lot of people, but few who are willing to
spend 20 hours a week organizing."
Schnaufer pointed to a meeting this
fall where he expected to discuss the
code with about 14 representatives
from co-ops on the southern part of
campus. Only two members showed up.
ALTHOUGH MSA strongly urges
groups to examine the code in light of
their various activities, Schnaufer said
that in the end "MSA is going to have to
organize the mass dissent, the
See STUDENTS, Page 2

Ninety -five Years iI 1 4 Nippy
iin the evening. Highs in the low
Editorial Freedom 5 sO.

Vol. XCV, No. 51

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan --Saturday, November 3, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

" - " v v s

500 killed 1


From AP and UPI
NEW DELHI, India - India's
millions, deeply shocked by the
assassination of Indira Gandhi and the
carnage of revenge that followed, were
warned by her son and successor yeste-
rday to halt the violence or "communal
madness will destroy us."
Belated police reports from rural
areas raised the death toll to more than
500 from three days of mob violence,
the worst since 1947 when the subcon-
tinent was partitioned into India and
Pakistan. A 24-hour curfew was in force
in more than 80 cities across the coun-
MOST OF the violence has been directed
at the Sikhs - an influential religious
minority that constitutes 2 percent of
India's 730 million people - because
Gandhi's two assassins were identified
as Sikh security guards. But about 80 of
the 300 bodies overflowing the storage
rooms of the Delhi morgue were those
of Hindus.
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Mrs.
Gandhi's son, was elected prime
minister by an emergency session of

the ruling Congress Party yesterday,
ratifying his appointment Wednesday
within hours of his mother's death.
In an emotional nationwide radio
appeal for calm, Gandhi said the
violence "is only helping the subversive
forces to achieve their ends." He did
not refer directly to the Sikh extremists
who for three years have campaigned
for autonomy.

"Communal madness will destroy
us," Gandhi said. "It will destroy
everything India stands for. As prime
minister. . .. I cannot and will not allow
"Indira Gandhi gave her life so that a
united India should live and prosper,"
he said, quoting a saying of his mother:
"Do not shed blood, shed hatred."

Gandhi assassination
frustrates 'U' Sikhs

Despite resentment for Indira Gan-
dhi's political policies, local members
of the Sikh religious sect criticized the
terrorists who assassinated the Indian
ruler. They abhorred the violence
which now engulfs the country.
Many, however, expressed a deep
feeling of unfairness that Gandhi's.

death has attracted so much world
sympathy when- the-deaths of 2,000
Sikhs at the hand of the Indian gover-
nment went nearly unnoticed.
"I HAD respect for her strong leader-
ship," said Minti Sindu, senior in the
College of Engineering, "but I was in
India around the time the Golden Tem-
See LOCAL, Page 3

Workers walk above the rubble of a completely destroyed house in New Delhi yesterday to extinguish still burning par-
ts. Several houses were burned down by rioting Indians following the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi by
her Sikh security guards.
New form of hepatitis
strikes Mass. drug users

WORCESTER, Mass. (AP)-They
call themselves "Weekend Warriors,"
young people whose heroin and cocaine
habits are limited to party nights. But
for the past year, the tips of their
syringes have carried the risk of
virulent disease and possible death.
Since September 1983 seven people
have died from the ravages of a par-
ticularly dangerous combination of
germs known as delta hepatitis. All
contracted the disease through drug
use or sexual contact with a drug user.
MORE THAN 84 cases have been linked to
the outbreak, making Worcester the
first U.S. city to be hit with a major
siege of the new and little understood
form of the disease.
"It's the first outbreak of hepatitis B
in the United States where the severity
could be attributed to the delta virus,"

says Dr. Ludwig Lettau, an
epidemiologist with the federal Centers
for Disease Control in Atlanta.
The delta virus is widespread in
southern Italy and has been found in the
Middle East, South America, and
Africa. There have been deaths at-
tributed to the disease in Kentucky;
sporadic cases have been reported in
the Los Angeles area.
DRUG users and their sexual partners
have always faced the risk of hepatitis
B, a virus that attacks the human liver.
Transmitted via blood or body fluids,
the disease can bring nausea, fatigue,
painful joints, rash, and jaundice. But it
is rarely fatal; only one in 500 cases
results in death.
Most patients recover within a few
months, receiving immunity to the
disease for their trouble. But some 5 to
10 percent become carriers, capable of

passing the disease to others.
In delta hepatitis, a second virus is
present with the hepatitis B virus,
prolonging and worsening the illness.
The incidence of liver failure and
resulting death among sufferers is 10 to
20 times higher.
"The mortality rate in Worcester has
been exceptional," said Walter Irvine,
the city's health director.
The city has held free clinics and has
advertised on radio and in the
newspapers in an attempt to identify
those with hepatitis, those carrying the
disease and those vulnerable to it.
Some 150 people were screened and
received innoculations in the first round
of clinics. Seventy returned for the
second of three innoculations last month
But health officials said they don't
know whether they are reaching their

The University Club Bar yesterday
hosted a combination happy hour-
presidential debate. But as hard as
the bar tried, it just wasn't Kansas
President Reagan or Walter Mon-
dale wasn't there. Nor was George
Bush or Geraldine Ferraro. Instead,
students sipped their happy hour
drinks and looked on as College
Republican officers Mark Leachman
and Cheryl Collins debated domestic
and foreign affairs with Andrew Har-
tman and Cheryl Goldfarb of the
College Democrats.
QUESTIONS came from a panel not
of the the top journalists in the coun-
try, but Neil Chase, managing editor
of the Daily, Michigan Student
Assembly President Scott Page, and
See U-CLUB, Page 2

Doily Photo by MATT PETRiE
Andrew Hartman, president of the College Democrats, speaks at a debate
last night at the University Club. The event attracted quite a few people who
were more interested in their gin and tonics than the discussion.


Rock 'n' roll high school
NSTEAD OF nagging children to stay in school, the
Jefferson Parish school system has found a new
medium for the message: a rock video. A local band, Gypsy
Savage, performs in the video, "Never Drop Out," which
was shnt at Homedale Elementarv in Harvev It cost only

to MTV, the popular cable video channel, but got no respon-
se. Local radio stations have played the record, and more
than 500 copies have been sold. Robison said he knows of no
other school system that has made a rock video. "We're
revolutionary," he said.
Debates are a joke
SOME SAY THAT debates are nothing but a show, but
this show was more than just a debate. U.S. Senate can-
didate John Kerry won a landslide victory Friday, in
Boston, garnering more chuckles than his Republican op-
nnanR aunechmiin in a rrlmn ctatinn's "Great Jnke-Off"

joke was a quip about Oliver Cromwell's skull. Kerry and
Shamie are running for the seat being vacated by
Sen. Paul Tsongas due to illness.
Church swap
THE NEW Fox River Baptist Church looks suspiciously
like the old Church of the Nazarene. The reverse can
be said for the new Church of the Nazarene. Two Appleton
ministers decided it was easier to swap churches than to

dition or a new church seemed out of the question. The
ministers said the legal transaction took some time
because it had few precedents. The buildings were ap-
praised, the congregations polled for their opinions and,
finally, the names went on the dotted line.
Because the Nazarene church was appraised at a higher
value, the Baptists turned over an undisclosed amount of
cash in the transaction.




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