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November 02, 1984 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-11-02
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C 0 U N T Y
Sallade challenges 21-year i.
B Laura Bischoff trouble with the law. the career criminals behind bars and what happens when the code is applied
"The victims shouldn't be made to making best use of the "limited bed and when a victim of a student's
T HE PERFORMANCE of any public feel like the defendant" in sex crimes or space in the prison system," he said, misconduct wants to press changes.
official should be judged on the spouse abuse, according to Sallade. A driver improvement program for According to Sallade, "The code is
bis officias d ejde d ond e- Sallade also believes that the staffing of drunk drivers established by Delhey is absurd. It is not necessary for the
basis of new ideas, leadership, and ef- the prosecuting attorney's office should used in dealing with first offenders. And protection of the lives of the students...
fective administration, be more integrated. He pointed out that a delayed sentence program allows it is an interference in individual liber-
1Based on these three standards, the out of 19 assistants to the current misdemeanor offenders to "perform ties," says Sallade. "If the object is to
Washtenaw County Prosecuting Attor- prosecuting attorney "there is not one community service first and then they make everyone feel like a kindergar-
ney scores dismally low," said black" among them. are allowed to withdraw their guilty tener, it'll be effective."
Democratic candidate for Prosecuting Sallade wants to set up a plea," says Delhey. Delhey runs into very few problems
Attorney George Sallade. rehabilitation and restitution center for Added to Delhey's list of accom- with University students and if
William Delhey, the Republican in- victims of sexual assault. This program plishments is a victim/witness anything its "only misdemeanors." In
cumbent of 21 years, is seeking re- would include requiring a woman to be assistance program and support of a most cases, when students are involved
election because he believes he is doing present at the interviews of sexual dispute resolution center and an assault in an investigation it is because they
a good job and is capable of continuing assault victims to make the victim feel crisis center. are the victims, as in sexual assaults,
to do so. more comfortable. Neither Delhey nor Sallade are sup- he said.
Delhey has been in the prosecuting He also thinks a "family crime unit is portive of the University's proposed "If I sit there (in the prosecuting at-
attorney's office since 1957 and has necessary." Sallade's plan includes the student code of non-academic conduct torney's office) there will be fewer
been the prosecuting attorney since establishment of a Civil Dispute Center as it is now. "I have problems with it." students in trouble," claims Sallade. He
1964. Sallade claims that Delhey con- for conflict resolution before it reaches Delhey said. It "needs to be spelled out says students should have a right to
tinues to use methods of the 1950s1when the courtroom and a Family Court for very clearly." His concern is that it is protest without being harrassed. "The
it p ese incumbent has failed domestic relations cases which Sallade not clear on how students will be dealt Prosecuting Attorney protects the
Theprenbelieves should not be made public. with, through the University or the rights to political activity... the current
to produce any innovative approaches Sallade also wants to work on the prosecuting attorney's office. Also, ac- prosecuting attorney doesn't respect
to his job for which he can claim sole current situation of spouse abuse. "The cording to Delhey, it is unclear as to that," he maintains.
credit in his more than twenty years in
office. His record lacks any accom- area is neglected... wives are treated as
plishment which has had a lasting im- second class citizens, says the
pact on law enforcement," Sallade Democratic candidate. pn ,
said. Despite his opponent's opinion,
Sallade says the prosecuting attorney Willliam Delhey says he has accom-
should be making use of the battery of pished a great dealn his 21 years in of- n too#l co mm1ssio
psychologists and social workers unit.orrepeatbsed a career criminal Jf
available to help those w ho are in unit for repeat offenders, says D elhey. In h r nxet o y a s on t e b a d
This unit has been effective in putting By Dov Cohen In her next two years on the board,
one of Murrays goals is to "assure
Thinking Games for the Macintosh'M from McCarron-Dial Systems T his year's election for Washtenaw projects, particularly human services,
PlayHelpCounty Commissioners could bring are maintained (despite) cuts in
about a marked change in the board federal and state funding."
af 1which manages the county budget and Murray would also like to make the
Time 9:00 Hello, frien If ye click oversees the county government. county government more efficient by
the 'Help' menu, I'll tell The panel is currently made up of centralizing the county administration
ye how to play. seven Democrats and two Republicans, in Ann Arbor and bringing in "in-
but incumbent Commissioner Donald dividuals in private business to help
Duquette (D-District 8) says the elec- train people for positions in county
tion could create a strong conservative government."
force on the board. "If two of three Murray feels she can do this because
Republican candidates-Collene of her previous accomplishments as a
Conrad (District 7), Roy Smith commissioner, including the
t Play Help (District 3), or Richard Chesbrough establishment of a parks commission,
(District 8)- win, the board will shift renovation of the post office, and exten-
Haf lsharply to the right," Duquette said. sion of bus service between Ann Arbor
Time 9:00 Two new conservatives, coupled with and Ypsilanti.
incumbent conservatives Martin
Straub (R-District 2) and Dillard District 7
McTrivia Craiger (D-District 4) and unopposed Ray Shoultz
Republican District 1 candidate Ellis
Pratt, would result in "a lot more con- Collene Conrad
P'pservative voting this year," Pratt said,
although he's "not sure on what This year's District 7 election offers
issues.". voters a clear choice, according to
:ISPont ueion Follwing are summaries of the four Republican challenger Collene Conrad.
Which world language is commission races in the districts which "The issues speak for themselves.
spoken most often? comprise Ann Arbor. To determine My opponent (Democratic incumbent
which district you are in check your Ray Shoultz) and I do not share any
E-- hvoter registration card or call 994-2725. philosophies which are compatible,"
Latin District 6 said Conrad.
-- I Spanish Calling herself a "traditional
-) None o the above.Men Lou Murray Republican," Conrad said, "My major
Referred to by Duquette as "the only concern is the projected use of county
unopposed candidate every to run as tax dollars... versus the accelerated
an unoerdg," cand er to uas growth of the administration of county
an underdog," Meri Lou Murray is
""campaigning door-to-door even though government. We've got to
no one is running against her. take a look at the area and
"I enjoy going door-to-door. I enjoy reset our priorities."
Ieyi2-3 tituent . I noyrWhile Conrad stresses programs of
203 meeting my constituents. It's an oppor- fiscal responsibility like less use of con-
-- tunity to listen to their concerns," said sultants and studies into the cost effec-
Challenging over 2000 Questions! Only $30the 12-year incumbent. tiveness of the county's computer
Multple hoic, bu you Orde Mc~lviTM Today "After all these years, every 2 years tiessoth cunysom tr
Exciting Multiple choice, but you Order McTrivi d something happens to my body system, her opponent Shoultz em-
have only 15 seconds! (800) 521-7900 chemistry and I begin to worry about phasizes programs of human services.
Fun Both one and two player games! nc/vISA/COD losing. So I get out and begin cam- "Since the Reagan administration's
MoTrivia is a trademark of MoCarron-Dial Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark icensed to Apple Computer, Inc paigning," she said. See COMMISSION, Page 22
20 Wiekend/ridaNoven} r1 8

Third parties.Not the lesser of two
B D nS asnnearly 7 million Americans voted for anlIC' transfor.
y an wanson alternative presidential candidate. housewif
John Anderson, who ran as an in- demonstr
Some call it a choice between dependent candidate that year, cap- the White
tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, ho-ho tured the lion's share with 6.6 percent of outside ti
and a ho-hum, and the proverbial lesser all votes. The Libertarians also faired tempt to
of two evils. well but barely topped one percent. Rights Ai
Whatever you call it, look again. This "None of the Above," which has Runnin:
year there will be 16 candidates running remained consistently popular, polled journalisi
for president and vice president on 4,193 votes in 1980. study of 1
Michigan's ballot, in addition the four Following are profiles of the eight :qx6eign p
running as Democrats or Republicans, alternative presidential candidates and The C
Advocating everything from total their running mates: years ag
government involvement to near-total vironme
government dissolution, the candidates Libertarian Party be on the
are united on one front: the two-partyr tion the
system. is a political dinasour. David Bergland wide-th
Besides being violently excluded from bsalots c
debates, the alternative candidates James Lewis
operate within a system that they say Often associated with the right-wing, JohnsonC ]
discriminates against them for mat- the Libertarian candidates are trying to front of the Citizens Party platform.
ching funds, media attention and most broaden their appeal in 1984, calling for Stressing non-violence, cooperation,
importantly, proportional represen- liberals as well as conservatives to nurturance and spirituality, Johnson
tation. support their platform of "mutual in- and her running mate, Richard Walton,
They are not, however, completely terest": cutting the defense budget, en- are campaigning for the right to sexual ToutinE
locked-out of the game. They receive ding draft registration, and curtailing preference, an end to capital punish- central t
attention from the press-mainly the the U.S. commitment abroad as the ment, and the conversion of weapons modifie
print media- and are eligible for "world policeman". industries to peaceful production such disassoc
federal matching funds if they can raise Characteristically, the Libertarians as housing, transportation, health care Republic
enough money on their own. advocate a repeal of minimum wage and alternative forms of energy. he would
Most importantly, the candidates are laws, major reductions in social spen- Insisting that many U.S. laws are number a
visible which helps legitimize their ding, and a return to gold or other discriminatory, Johnson asserts that would ke
causes and provides support and en- valuable metals as commodity money. the Supreme Court indirectly con- a war.
couragement from their constituents. They view all taxes as a government tributes to the 2000 rapes per day by In their
According to Jim Chapman, violation of individual rights and allowing the giant pornography in- vocate
specialist at the state elections com- propose selling government lands and dustry to thrive. struggle.
mission, the third-party candidates assets to pay present beneficiaries of In the last five years, Johnson has
play a major role in the political Social Security until a private,
process. volunary alternative system (or non-
"Historically, the minor parties have system) can be arranged.
been useful," he said. "They've fed David Bergland, a California lawyer,
ideas into the mainstream that were has been active in the party since 1972.
slowly adopted and eventually tran- He was the vice presidential candidate
sformed to become a part of our current in 1980 when the Libertarians drew
policy." 920,000 votes-one percent of the voting DEMOCRAT
Third party candidates have always electorate.
espoused what were considered off- Jim Lewis, vice presidential can- County Cormissioner
center positions. Abolishing slavery didate, ran on the Libertarian ticket in
was once a heretical idea, said Citizens 1982 for the U.S. Senate. The 50 year-old
Party candidate Sonia Johnson, until an sales representative also founded the
alternative third party called Connecticut Institute, a public policy
The Republicans changed that notion. organization promoting free market
Public works, social security and solutions to state and local problems.
food stamps were also considered sub-
versive ideas until economic hard times Citizens Paty Spe
led politicians to take a closer look at Sonia Johnson w-teac
proposals that had been kicked around
in radical wings for years. Richard Walton MC u
As the only woman presidential can-
ained supprt natronwide.pIni1s80,edidate on the Michigan ballot, Sonia 0I
gained support nationwide. In 1980, Johnson has carried feminism to the
A YAs..,. .,...y. ...:
, Mea
A Vct
" Cha
"When students
FOR vote, politicians E
are more sensitive
to their needs."
Paid for by the Re-Elect Ray Shoultz C
Glynn Barnett, Treasurer, 3046 BI
213 MAIN STREET " ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN " 313-769-6555 Ann Arbor, MI 48105
,r tWpekwwi/5r day

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