Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
Lit an
Partly cloudy, windy, and rainy,
with temperatures in the low
Ten Pages
Vol. XCV, No. 49
Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, November 1, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Ten Pages
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Gandhi gunned
India grieves, Sikh religious sect takes credit
From AP and UPI
NEW DELHI, India-A tearful,
vengeful India mourned the
assassinated Indira Gandhi yesterday
and turned to the slain prime minister's
son to lead the huge nation through its
time of crisis. The 66-year-old Gandhi
was cut down outside her home yester-
day morning in a barrage of gunfire by
her own Sikh bodyguards, officials
reported. One of the two gunmen was
then killed and the other wounded, they
The mortally wounded prime
minister, a Hindu, died five hours later,
setting off a wave of anti-Sikh violence
across the nation.
"RETURN BLOOD with blood!"
Hindu crowds shouted in New Delhi,
where Sikh shops were set ablaze and
Sikh shrines stoned. Hundreds were
reported injured. Army troops were
reported moving into New Delhi and
Calcutta to quell the rioting.
Extremist members of the minority
Sikh religion had threatened repeatedly
to kill the prime minister, especially
since she ordered a bloody army
assault against the Sikhs' holy Golden
Temple last June to crush the Sikh
separatist movement in Punjab state.
National legislators of the governing
Congress Party met in emergency
caucus yesterday and unanimously
chose her son, Rajiv, 40, a party
general secretary, to succeed Gandhi,
prime minister for 15 of the past 18
INDIRA GANDHI, daughter of In-
dia's first prime minister, Jawaharlal
Nehru, dominated the political life of
this teeming nation for two decades.
She turned India into a nuclear power
and strengthened its role as a Third
World leader, but her governments
made little progress in relieving India's
deep poverty, or in overcoming its inter-
nal religious and ethnic conflicts.
Her son's first major challenge is ex-
pected within three months, when
national elections must be held.
Gandhi was shot at 9:15 a.m. (10:45
p.m. EST Tuesday) as she emerged
from her home on New Delhi's tree-
lined Safdarjang Road, on a bright,
clear morning, for a recorded interview
with British actor Peter Ustinov.
SHE WAS CROSSING the lawn bet-
ween the compound's two houses,
passing a gate, when one of her security
guards shot her with his service
revolver, said Gandhi's spokesman,
Sharada Prasad. After she crumpled to
the ground, a second guard opened fire
on her with is Sten submachine gun,
Prasad said.
At least 22 rounds struck Gandhi,
fired from just two yards away, UNI
said. Screaming members of the
household, including Rajiv's wife,
Sonia, rushed to the side of the prime
minister, who was clad in an orange
cotton sari, the news agency United
News of India said.
One gunman, identified as constable
Satwent Singh, was shot dead by her
See INDIA, Page 5
'U' profs fear turmoil in India
While University professors extended their sympathies
yesterday for India's murdered Prime Minister India Ghan-
di, they expressed a fear that India will soon enter a period of
Professor Karl Hutterer, director of the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies, said Ghandi's death could cause
"large scale rioting."
THE HINDU population in India did not have much sym-
pathy for the Sikh community before Gandhi was
assassinated by her Sikh guards, said Professor Rhoads
Murphey, of the history department. "The Hindu community
will probably retaliate," Murphey said.
Murphey said he is confident of a smooth transition in
political power, but said that there are no immediate or ob-
vious choices for long-term leadership.
Both critics and admirers of Ghandi's leadership said
yesterday that India's democratic system is stable compared
to other third world governments and is highly established in
its politics. However, they also said India's military may
become divided by politics.
Sikh followers comprise 10 percent of the Indian army.
PROFESSOR Thomas Trautmann, associate chairman of
the University's history department, said, "For the first time
since the British rule, the army is becoming divided by
politics and may place the future of India into jeopardy."
Trautmann also pointed out that India has been
"remarkable and unique" among Third World countries
because its military had remained outside of the gover-
Murphey said Sikh followers will undergo tough
retaliations but he said Sikh leaders will probably make
every effort to apologize for the minority who are terrorists.
He said the Sikh soldiers would have no chance if they tried to
take over the Indian government.
Prime Minister Ghandi had trouble with the Sikh com-
munity over representation. Members of the Sikh community
had demanded more representation in the Indian gover-
nment, but Ghandi had refused their demands. Sikh
terrorists had threatened to kill Ghandi after she ordered a
military takeover of the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh wor-
ship place.
Anu Taj, president of the Women from India at Michigan,
said Ghandi held her nation together. "She was a strong
leader and wanted to keep the country together," Taj said.
Associated Press
Rajiv Gandhi, son of assassinated Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, is sworn in
as the new Prime Minister of India by President Zail Singh in New Delhi
Budget priorities key to
elections, Levin says
With only a few days left until the
election, incumbent Democrat Carl
Levin brought his campaign for the
U.S. Senate to Ann Arbor yesterday, at-
tacking Republican challenger Jack
0 Lousma's record and telling a Univer-
sity political science class that elec-
tions are a matter of priorities.
"Elections are about priorities bet-
ween how much we spend on defense,
and how much we spend on other
items," Levin said.
Lousma, an ex-Marine and astronaut,
has recently aired advertisements
pointing out Levin's lack of military
service. Yesterday the former Detroit
City Councilman stressed his
knowledge of defense related issues
during the 45-minute campaign stop.
The candidate spoke to Prof. Greg
Markus' political science class.
Markus said the class, a study of
American politics and current events,
is often used as a forum for students to
meet political figures.
Markus said he also invited Levin's
'Elections are about priorities between how
much.we spend on defense, and how much
we spend on other items.'
- Sen. Carl Levin
Republican opponent, Jack Lousma to
appear sometime during the year, but
scheduling conflicts prohibited his
LEVIN ALSO attacked President
Ronald Reagan for his large defense
budgets, saying that these budgets are
causing social programs to suffer. He
said he supports a strong, but better
managed military.
"This president has asked for,
typically, 12 or 13 percent real growth
in the defense budget, Levin said. 'I
favor a 3 percent growth in the defense
budget," he said.
"Nonetheless, it is a legitimate
growth rate, if we spend it well. And
that's the big 'if.' "
SOCIAL SECURITY benefits for
children whose parents have died are
among the services discontinued to
make room for an. increase in the
defense budget, Levin said. "That, to
me, was one of the real injustices of the
past few years.Ng
See LEVIN, Page 2
Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Senator Carl Levin tejls University political science students that he favors a strong but better managed military
yesterday during a visit to campus.
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but stays
alive here
At Universities across the country, the popularity of elec-
ting courses on a pass or fail basis is dying out as ad-
ministrators see student performance levels slipping and
students reject the option in favor of competing for grades.
Many colleges are abandoning the option altogether or
decreasing the number of courses which may be taken
pass/fail, according to a survey of over 1600 colleges using
the system.
BUT AT THE University of Michigan - the first institution
to substitute pass/fail for conventional grading - the option.
remains popular.
"Many institutions are beginning to realize students per-
form on a lower level with pass/fail systems, said James
Quann, registrar at Washington State University, who
authored the survey.
"Students come to class late, skip classes, don't do
assignments and hold other students back. Performance is
below par in many cases," he said.
UNDER THE pass/fail option fewer students do high
quality work, and more tend to turn in assignments that just
keep them above the failing margin, according to Quann.
The pass/fail option was dropped at Michigan at the turn of
the century, but was reinstated in the early '70s because faculty
members thought students were discouraged from ex-
perimenting in different courses, said Charles Morris,
associate chairman of the psychology department.
But assistant registrar Edward Loyer said the original
purpose was to help students fulfill their requirements for
language courses, sometimes the toughest clases for studen-
ts to get through.
STUDENTS CAN take 30 of their 120 required credit hours
on a pass/fail basis, but the courses cannot be part of their
concentration requirements. Faculty assign students lower
grades which are then changed to nass or fail in the
registrar's office. Grades of C- or better translate into
passing grade. Students can convert that evaluation back to a
grade on an unofficial transcript after graduation.
See PASS/FAIL, Page 2
Scientists isolate gene
from immune system
NEW YORK (AP) - Scientists have
isolated a gene that plays a crucial role
in the body's immune system, marking
an important step toward manipulation
of the immune system to fight disease
or prevent organ rejection, according
to reports to be published today.
The gene is one of at least three that
enable white blood cells called T lym-
phocytes to identify and attack disease
organisms, cancer cells, or foreign
tissue, reseachers said.
THE GENES provide the blueprint
for molecules called receptors that T
cells use to scan other cells and look for
intruders, said Susumu Tonegawa, a
biologist at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and leader of one of two
groups that independently isolated the
The discovery of the genes will allow
researchers for the first time to
examine how T cell receptor molecules
perform their immune surveillance and
to determine how that surveillance
might be enhanced to destroy cancer
tumors, for example, or blocked to
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Free flight
HE FIRST 99 people in three Florida cities "who
get known. They won't let me go on TV. We don't have the
money." The 99-cent fares will be good for one-way flights
from one of the three cities to either of the others.
Cash or treat
-.... .
two hours after the holdup, police arrested three teen-
agers. They recovered $19 of the $60 to $145 taken in the
Bubble bubble ...
BRITAIN'S 65,000 witches, most of them good in contrast
to those who practice black magic, are hoping for
mild weather Halloween night because their rites are bet-
stockbrokers, dance in the flickering flames hoping,
among other things, that the body heat their gyrations
generate will counteract the damp shill of a British
On the inside ...