The Michigan Daily - Snday, October 21,184- Page 3
Kremlin accuses $U.S.of
blocking weapons talks
MOSCOW (AP)-In the third major statement in four days
on arms control, the Kremlin accused the United States
yesterday of at least eight treaty violations and dismissed
similar U.S. charges as "political forgery" intended to block
nuclear weapons talks.
The formal, strongly worded government comment
followed a Foreign Ministry news briefing Friday that in-
cluded many of the same allegations, and the first interview
granted by President Konstantin Chernenko to an American
The forceful and highly public nature of the Soviet
statements, especially Wednesday's face-to-face meeting
between Chernenko and the Washington Post bureau chief in
Moscow, were seen as indications of the priority attached by
the Kremlin to arms control.
Yesterday's commentary ran an unusually long 1,000-plus
words and was identical in many parts to the statement read
by Foreign Ministry spokesman Vladimir Lomeiko on
Issuing the formal "Tass statement," reserved for major
government pronouncements, one day later may have been
intended to add emphasis to Lomeiko's comments and also to
keep up interest by foreign news media in the Soviet
Some Western diplomats believe the Soviets want to main-
tain the offensive in the public debate over nuclear weapons,
and also hope to keep the issue alive during the U.S. presiden-
tial campaign.
(Continued from Page 1)
about 35 people from AnnI
cluding 18 University studen
came from several local g
cluding the Campaign fora
Free Ann Arbor, United Can
Prevent Nuclear War (UC
Progressive Student Networ
and New Jewish Agenda.
Local organizer Gwynne S
the demonstration proved t
people are concerned about
race. "I think particularly i
bor because of the nuclear1
proposal that people have bec
aware," she said.
The protesters were connec
the line by a yellow ribbon. TI
hands at noon and stood tha
eight minutes to symbolize
minutes it would take for anE
cruise missile to travel from
Europe to Moscow. After,
minutes the group sang "
chain protests
Although there were not enough
ERS were people to form one continuous chain,
Arbor, in- supporters labelled the event a success.
nts. They THE PROTEST WAS "something
roups, in- that everyone can participate in and a
a Nuclear very simple thing to do," said Kathy
mpuses to Plattie, a first-year graduate student in
AM), the social work who is part of the nuclear
rk (PSN), free zone campaign and the effort to re-
elect Sen. Carl Levin. The event was "a
iegel said way to raise consciousness without tur-
hat many ning people off," she said.
the arms "It is great to see so many people in
n Ann Ar- one place for the same thing," said
free zone Mark Glazer, an LSA senior and UCAM
ome more member.
PSN member White thought that the
cted along protest was a "statement that needed to
hey joined be made" and that it provided needed
t way for visibility for many causes.
churches were also present. Father
Bob Kotlarz, from a Detroit parish, was
there to make a statement of people's
needs. "We have a lot of unemployed
and needy people in the community and
money is being used for arms, not
human services or peace," he said.
There were very few counter-
protesters. Two men carried a sign
that said "The peace movement is the
Red surrender movement." A few cars
drove by with signs saying "Peace
through strength" and "America must
be strong."
The police were present at all points
along the chain. A police spokesman
said protesters moved to allow traffic to
pass and there were no arrests or major
The Shadow knows
Several shadowy figures stand outside the business school yesterday.
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
the eight
n Western
the eight
We Shall
Chi Alpha and the Creation Science Club sponsor Dr. Jerry Bergman's lec-
ture "Evolutionary Contribution to Racism and Nazism," at 3 p.m. at 2203,
Angell Hall.
Hill St. Cinema - The Fifth Horseman is Fear, 10 p.m., 1429 Hill St.
U-Club-All That Jazz, 7 p.m., Union.
AAFC - A Taste of Honey, 7 p.m., The Sporting Life, 9 p.m., Angell Hall,
t:Aud A..
MED - The Big Store, 7 p.m., Go West, 9 p.m., MLB Aud 4.
' Cinema Guild - Crime and Punishment, 7 & 8:45 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Canterbury House Friends - Revolutionary Ghosts, 3 p.m., Mendelssohn
Performance Network -American Buffalo, 3 p.m., 408 W. Walsh.
School of Music - Dance Department Faculty Recital, 8 p.m., Dance
Building, Studio A.
Musical Society - Atlanta Symphony, 4 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
First Church of Christian Scientists - Ann Stewart, "You Can't Be Cut Off
From God," 4 p.m., 1833 Washtenaw Avenue.
Ecumenical Community of Taize Fronces - 10 a.m., 1236 Washtenaw
His House Christian Fellowship - Dinner, 6 p.m., Bible Study, 7 p.m., 925
E. Ann Street.
Lutheran Campus Ministry - Worship, 10:30 a.m., Student Supper, 6 p.m.,
Inclusive Community Study, 7 p.m., Lord of Light, Hill & Forest.
Ark - DocWatson,7 :30 & 9:30 p.m., 637S. Main.
Washtenaw County Parks Naturalists - Walk through Park Lyndon
South, 10 a.m., Southeast Parking Lot, N. Territorial Rd.
Kerrytown Concert House - Brunch, 11 a.m.
LSA will hold a mass meeting about elections for the college's student
government at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Cinema Guild - Al Andalus & Moslems in Spain, 7 p.m., Lorch Hall.
Nectarine Ballroom - "The Dance Thing," 9 p.m.- 2 a.m., 510 E.Liberty.
Theatre and Drama - Antigone, 8 pm., Trueblood. School of Music and
center for Chinese Studies - Program of Traditional Chinese string music, 8
p.m., Rackham Auditorium.
Ecumenical Campus Center - Richard Cleaver, Jerrold Greene, Len
Suransky, "Modern State of Israel:'Arabs & Jews: Conflict & Hope," 8
p.m., 921 Church St.
Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies - Paul Dresch, "The
Institution of Hijra in Upper Yeman," noon, Lane Hall Commons.
School of Business Administration - Seminar, "Advanced Professional
Development Program for Human Resource Executives," "Meeting the
Japanese Challenge," "Strategic Market Planning," "Executive Com-
munication," "Management of Managers," 8:30 a.m., Marriott Inn, 3600
Guild House -Poetry Reading, 8 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Chemistry - Seminar, William Horrocks, "Lanthanide Ion Luninescence
Probes of Biomolecular Struture," 4 p.m., Chemistry Building.
CEW - Dottie Gilvin, "Planning for the Unexpected," Cleo Howard, "Ex-
pected and Unexpected Costs and Resources," noon, 350 S. Thayer.
Asian American Association -6 p.m., Trotter House.
ACS/Stud. Affil. - Free Tutoring in 100 or 200 level chemistry courses. 6.
Maryland students
We're celebrating
support th
(Continued from Page 1)
Last year, 14 students were suspen-
ded and two expelled for non-academic
violations of the code, according to
Of the 603 cases which the judicial
system handled, two students were ex-
pelled, 52 suspended, 110 took part in
mandatory service projects, and 26
paid fines to local charities, Pavela
said. The rest of the students were
either found innocent or given war-
SANCTIONS FROM the code paid
local charities $700, while another
$2,000 was paid as restitution for
property damage, he said.
Since the judicial boards were
established, they have heard over 2,500
cases ranging from aggravated assault
and major theft to minor academic
cheating offenses, Pavela said.
Maryland's code reads very much
like the code administrators in Ann Ar-
bor are pushing, reflecting the extent to
which it was used as a model for the
code here.
from sexual assault and possession of
weapons to interfering with the
freedom of speech of another person.
Punishments run from expulsion to a
warning that a second offense would
draw a stiffer penalty.
There are, however, significant dif-
ferences between Maryland's judicial
system and the hearing procedures of-
ficials in Ann Arbor have proposed.
Perhaps the biggest difference is that
Maryland's judicial boards are com-
posed entirely of students, while
Michigan's proposed boards would
leave students in the minority.
Michigan's boards would be made up
of two students, two professors, an ad-
ministrative staff member, and a
hearing officer to preside over the case.
Maryland is you (are) judged by your
peers," Bishop said. "Professors
might help when it comes to procedural
problems. . . but having them on the
board is terribly bad when it comes to
deliberations. Students would tend not
to be as open. The professor would
have excessive influence."
Another major difference, which
especially seems to have affected
students' positive attitude toward the
eir code
code, is that the non-academic parts
are tied closely to academic violations.
Pavela and Bishop said the major
push for Maryland's code came from
professors and students who were con-
cerned about rampant cheating and
academic violations.
"MARYLAND IS in the process of
trying to improve its standing (among
colleges)," Bishop said. "One of the
ways it wants to do that is to insist on
academic integrity."
The school's code and judicial
process is effective in catching and
punishing academic cheaters. Last
year, 38 students were suspended for
"academic dishonesty," Pavela said.
There were no expulsions for academic
A third major difference is that
Maryland's code allows attorneys to
argue cases and ask questions during
hearings for non-academic offenses,
although they cannot answer questions
for accused students.
Michigan's proposed code allows
lawyers only at the discretion of a
hearing officer.
Although these differences all give
Maryland's students more protection of
their rights than Michigan's proposed
code would, there are several parts of
Michigan's code which favor accused
For example, Maryland's code in-
forms students that hearing boards
might "draw negative inferences" if
students refuse to answer questions.
Michigan's code protects a student's
right to remain silent by stating that
refusal to answer "may not be con-
sidered in any finding, decision, or
Maryland's code requires only a
"preponderance of evidence" to prove
a student is guilty, while Michigan's
code would require "clear and con-
vincing evidence" of guilt.
Ted Mondale, the son of Democratic
presidential candidate Walter Mondale,
said recently that Michigan is one of
five key states in the campaign. That
remark was incorrectly attributed in
yesterday's Daily to Tom Howlett of the
state Mondale/Ferraro campaign of-
Ground Floor
Help New Students or Their Parents
Discover the Diversity of Michigan
Pick up applications at the
Orientation Office, (3000 Michigan Union) or call
764-6290 for further information.
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