Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, October 21, 1984
Penta on can censor ournalists
WASHINGTON (AP) - The next
time American troops go into battle,
they may have company - a "pool" of
journalists operating under rules that
are a legacy of press-military hostility
which crested during the Grenada in-
Journalists were banned from
Grenada for the first 48 hours after the
U.S.-led invasion began Oct. 25, 1983.
The move brought widespread media
protests but public praise for the
Defense Department's position.
IT WAS THE first time in U.S. history
that the press had been barred from
covering a large-scale military action.
The ban gave the press and the Pen-
tagon occasion to examine why
relations had deteriorated.
After Grenada, a special Pentagon
commission proposed creation of a
national pool of selected journalists
who would accompany U.S. troops in
the early phases of any action and
make their notes, film and pictures
available to other journalists.
That panel, headed by retired Army
Maj. Gen. Winant Sidle, also called for
maximum news coverage "consistent
with the military security and safety of
U.S. forces."
press could be barred again from
covering a U.S. military operation.
Pentagon spokesman Michael Burch
said decisions on whether to permit the
12-person pool to accompany military
operations would be made on a case-by-
case basis.
Burch said the "most important thing
is the safety of our forces and the
security of the mission."
Even the composition of the pool, an-
nounced recently, prompted controver-
sy. The original proposal for an 11-
member pool did not include a
representative from a daily newspaper,
but the Pentagon expanded the pool to
include one after newspapers and in-
dustry groups complained.
THE OTHER pool members include
four television network correspondents,
a two-person sound and camera crew, a
magazine reporter, a news
photographer, a radio reporter and two
wire service reporters.
Proposed Pentagon guidelines for
coverage by pool members reported
give wide-ranging latitude to field
commanders to restrict what can be
reported, including information about
casualty figures, weaknesses, current
or future operations, or information
about the effectiveness of enemy ac-
The decision to keep the media out of
Grenada was made because comman-
ders could not assure the safety of
reporters, according to Burch and
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger.
Skeptical journalists noted that
reporters and photographers have long
shared the dangers of combat with U.S.
forces. Some journalists said the main
reason for the ban was to help the Pen-
tagon avoid close scrutiny of its actions.
The ban eventually was upheld by a
federal judge in Washington who ruled
that the press had no legal right to ac-
company troops, and that the decision
should be up to local commanders.
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WASHINGTON.(AP)-Nobody said a word about Reagan's friend and ca
President Reagan's age during his leadoff debate with Nev.) said the president
Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale-but it debate with Mondale, c
became the issue. That is in keeping with the great tradition figures that he talked nun
of the Great Debates. For all the preparation
sh o C Se aOver the 24 years since nationally televised debates became presidential campaign d
a sometime part of presidential campaigning, the most ticipated image, or the w
telling issues they have generated have been matters of lasting imprint on the ca
i-i image, style, things that were not spoken, or were spoken by
S e mistake. Great debates have no
SIX MEN-three Republicans, three Democrats-have breakthroughs on majori
debated their rival presidential nominees over those years. as nationally televised su
g Libraries of briefing books have been prepared for those didates describe daily.
i-9 debaters to study in cram courses and rehearsal sessions distilling the torrent of w
designed to anticipate questions and opposition points, campaign.
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Profs predict presidential debate
(Continuedfrom Page 1) During the 1980 debate Reagan at- European Studies, said Mondale will C
Middle East tacked the Carter Administration for its accuse Reagan of having no Middle p
Reagan is sure to be asked about his handling of the Iranian hostage crisis. East policy. gro'
policies in Lebanon, where 264 U.S. ser. Mondale could turn the ta bles on tion
vicemen have been killed in terrorist Reagan this year, Organski said. Reagan could contend, however, that B
attacks in the past 18 months. . . . Look at the position Reagan is in his policy is "first, the search for peace the
On Oct. 2, the president said he would now," 'he says. "I would be surprised if between Israel and her neighbors. - - a
not assign blame for the latest bom. Mondale did not take advantage of Secondly, the provision of security to Dua
bing. "I was responsible and no one that." Israel and the modern Arab states," cou
else for our policy and our people being PROF. WILLIAM Rosenberg, director Rosenberg said. say
there," he said. .of the Center for Russian and Eastern
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mpaign chief, Sen. Paul Laxalt (R-
was overtrained for his Louisville
rammed with so many facts and
nbers instead of philosophy.
and practice that went into the nine
bates, it usually has been the unan-
nintended slip, 'that made the most
mpaigns and elections that followed.
t produced great oratory or great
issues. They have served, instead,
ummations of the positions the can-
Those summaries are valuable,
ords that flows from a presidential
entral America
rofessors say Mondale could decry
wing American military interven-
in the region.
ut Reagan could credit the U.S. for
initiation of efforts between
vadoran President Jose Napoleon
arte and guerilla leaders to end the
ntry's five-year civil war, Organski
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GOP plans quiet protest
(Continued from Page 1)
Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Plane crash on San Salvador:
Volcano kills CIA employees
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - A plane crash that killed foi'
American CIA employees aboard occurred on the San Salvador Volcan:
just west of the capital, not many miles further north as sources at the U.S
Embassy had reported, soldiers at the scene said yesterday.
A Salvadoran officer, who only identified himself as Lt. Villeda, and :
group of soldiers at the site of the crash told reporters the plane went down
Friday in a deep crevice on El Picacho, one of two 6,000-foot peaks that make
up San Salvador Volcano, five miles from the capital.
U.S. Embassy sources had told reporters Friday night the plane went:
down on the slopes of Guazapa Volcano, 20 miles north of San Salvador. El
Picacho, five miles west of San Salvador, is the site of dozens of commercial
and government radio and other transmission antennas, including
microwave dishes.
The U.S. Embassy was mum on the report of the crash outside the city.;
Spokesman Jim Williams said, "I cannot provide any further information."
Pressed to confirm if the crash was on San Salvador Volcano, he answered,
"I cannot say," and refused further comment.
U.S. diplomats leave Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon - The Christian-controlled Voice of Lebanon radio
station reported that a number of "essential" U.S. diplomats left Lebanon on
An embassy official said he could not confirm the report. But in
Washington, State Department spokesman Brian Carlson said yesterday
when asked about the report, "It has been decided to reduce the number of
personnel still further" at the Beirut embassy.
Carlson said the number of Americans at the embassy had already been
cut from 99 to 45 following the Sept. 20 truck bombing.
Those leaving included six embassy officials who flew by helicopter to.
Cyprus and who would be away for "at least two weeks," the Voice of
Lebanon reported. It said it could not be determined if their departure was
related to reported threats of a renewed terrorist attack on U.S. installations
in Beirut before the Nov. 6 elections in the United States.
The U.S. Embassy official in Beirut, who spoke on condition of not being;
identified, said he was not sure if embassy employees were evacuated:
Saturday. "People come and go every day. I can't say that some have left today
today," he said.
Abductors kidnap Polish priest
WARSAW, Poland - A Roman Catholic priest who was one of the most
vocal supporters of the outlawed Solidarity labor union has been kidnapped,
the official news agency PAP reported yesterday.
It said the Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko was abducted Friday night from an
automobile near Torun, about 125 miles west of Warsaw.
A report on state-run television said, "Unkown perpetrators, one of whom
was dressed in a traffic police uniform, stopped the car under the pretext of
checking the driver's sobriety. The Priest Popieluszko was taken away in an
unknown direction."
Both PAP and the televison report said the driver of the car escaped and
informed police. Neither report said how many people were involved in the
kidnapping nor gave a possible motive.
An officer on duty at the Torun provincial police station said, "The in-
vestigation is under way, the prosecutor is questioning witnesses and I can't
tell you anything more." The officer was contacted by telephone and refused
to give his name.
Congress campaign funds rise
WASHINGTON - Propelled by donations from political action commit-
tees, House and Senate candidates raised a record $213 million by mid-year,
up 21 percent from the 1982 level, the Federal Election Commission said
The 2,019 candidates seeking the 435 House and 33 Senate seats at stake
this year had spent $162 million by June 30, also a 21 percent increase over
what the politicians had shelled out at the same point in the 1982 campaign..
Political action committees - formed by corporations, unions or other
special interests to maximize their clout - had provided $50.7 million of the
contributions for this year's elections. That's about 23 percent.
The PAC total is $15 million more than such committees had given by the
same juncture of the 1982 race.
The FEC said PAC contributions have risen 143 percent in four years. FEC
books on the 1982 election show candidates wound up raising $355 million. If
they continue this year at the pace of the first 18 months, the candidates will
raise almost $420 million.
EPA, army to detoxify arsenal
DENVER - The Army and the Environmental Protection Agency have
agreed on a $500 million plan to detoxify the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, which
some call the "most contaminated piece of ground in the free world," Rep.
Ken Kramer (R-Colo.) said yesterday.
Kramer said the plan is subject to approval by Gov. Richard Lamm, who
an aide said will be briefed tomorrow on the plan to eliminate the residue of
nerve gas and pesticide production at the 42-year-old facility northeast of
The arsenal was used to manufacture nerve gas bombs during World War
II and pesticides since then.
The plan appears to pave the way for decontamination of the arsenal's
southern tier, which Denver is seeking for expansion of Stapleton Inter-
national Airport. The Army has never agreed to release control of any ar-
senal land.
1w L.trijigan tI
Vol. XCV - No.40
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.
Staffers of both campus campaigns
have accused the other side of ripping
down campaign posters.
Some Mondale/Ferraro stickers on
kiosks and buildings around campus
have been torn off, revealing
Reagan/Bush signssunderneath. And
some Democratic stickers have been
ripped apart.
''Every night we put our signs up'"
Moffit said, "and every night they tear
them down as fast as we put them up.
Like the other night, there were three
men walking around with a milk crate,
tearing our posters down."
"I'M NOT SAYING that the College
Republicans are doing it," Heyman
said. "Let's just say I wouldn't put it
past them."
AT A STAFF meeting Friday night,
Mondale advance crew public relations
officer Brian Cloherty asked cam-
paigners to watch out for people tearing
down signs advertising the rally.
But Leachman said his group has
only done what they (Mondale
workers) have done. We've only torn
down the signs that they've stuck over
Ripping down rally posters is the
biggest concern worrying campaign
staffers. John Austin, coordinator of the
advance crew, said he is not concerned
about possible heckling during Mon-
dale's talk.
"I've made a lot of stops in this cam-
paign," Austin said, "and while we do
get some heckling sometimes, they
usually don't cause much of a distur-
bance. The only exception would be
"What usually happens is that even
when there are a couple of hundred
hecklers, they'll be shushed down, and
it'll die out on it's own," he added.
Grads publish speeches
TtI THOM~AS M. For information, write:
COOLEY Thomas M. Cooley Law School
LAX n S(Admissions Office
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(Continued from Page 1)
"A lot of the summer I took the bus
into Detroit, and very often I
would be sitting on the bus with piles of
Reagan speeches in my lap," Arca
said. "I think there were some strange
looks from people who sat down and
saw those speeches on my lap."
PAMEL SAID the two hope the book
will be a good reference tool "not only
for historians but also for people in the
fields of economics, political science,
and social sciences."
"It's the sort of thing that someone in
the Mondale campaign would want,
too," Area added. "They could do
things like quote Reagan in context for
a change."
The book is organized topically on
such subjects as foreign affairs,
economic policy and social issues.
Because Reagan expressed similar
ideas on similar occasions, Arca said
they chose the best formulation of each
position. "From there, we had to avoid
repetition and cut out passages that
would be of interest only to the audience
SINCE THE book is hitting the streets
only three weeks before the election,
Pamel said he didn't think it would
change the minds of any voters.
"If we're talking about literally in-
fluencing votes or drastically influen-
cing people's perceptions, I don't think
even television will do that at this
point, let alone a modest project like we
have going here," Arca added.
Although he would like to be suc-
cessful, Pamel said it is hard to tell how
well the book will do. "It's not the type
of book that will be a smashing best
seller," he said. "It's the type of book
some people will find useful to have as
sort of a synopsis of Reagan's first
"We're not counting on Holiday Inn
buying a million copies and replacing
Gideon's Bible," Arca said. "That
would be nice, though. We do think
there's almost as much wisdom
distilled in these pages - at least
political wisdom.
(Second offsix addresses)
Topic. 8:00 P.M.I
Editor in chief............ ........SBILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors...............CHERYL BAACKE
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