bears at
business school
See Weekend
~Ninety-five Years ~' Li Wet
Of Leer Morning rain will yield to after-
V o ItQ I .a l XCV ,Q$C l .,AF9noon sun and a high of 65.
Itol. XCV, No. 38 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 19, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
Regents condemn ban
Two University professors in favor of banning
nuclear weapons research, development, production.
and testing in Ann Arbor found themselves at odds
with two colleagues and members of the Boards of
Regents yesterday.
Physics Prof. Daniel Axelrod and Medical School
Prof. David Bassett took part in a heated discussion
on the controversial Nuclear Free Zone proposal on
the city's Nov. 6 ballot during the regents' meeting
FOUR OF the six regents present at the meeting
spoke out against the ballot question. Regent James
Waters (D-Muskegon) said afterward that he also
opposed the ban.
The regents did not take an official position on the
proposal yesterday, but they privately have
discussed adopting a resolution on the issue and may
Dems. or
By SEAN JACKSON next week, tl
For Democrats, it's as if Santa Claus that would n
is coming to town. "We didn'
The only difference is that santa will that this wa
be wearing a pinstripe suit and instead year law stu
of reindeer he'll have a 25-car motor- paign volur
cade and 175-member press pool with Gary Hart(
him. Tuesday aft
WHEN VOLUNTEERS at the local which orgai
Mondale/Ferraro office learned that pressive sho
Democratic Presidential candidate former vice
Walter Mondale would be on campus As word sl
do so at their meeting this morning, according to
The proposal would prohibit University scientists
and private research firms in the city from working
on nuclear weapons as well as delivery and com-
mand, control, and communications systems for such
weapons. A commission would be established to
review all contracts made between local researchers
and the U.S. Departments of Defense and Energy.
IF PASSED, the proposal would become an amen-
dment to the city charter. And Ann Arbor would be
the first city in the nation where military research is
actually conducted to enact such a ban.
The controversial issue has sharply divided faculty
members and so yesterday two supporters of the ban,
together with two opponents, took their case to the
University's top governing body.
Axelrod and Bassett argued that the University has
a moral obligation to fight the buildup of nuclear
weapons. Supporting a ban on weapons research and
development in the city, they said, would be a step
toward worldwide nuclear arms reduction.
"WE HAVE A much greater likelihood of per-
suading others to stop if we ourselves show a
willingness to stop, at least for a while, so as to see
what type of reciprocal action that elicits," Bassett
told the regents.
Opponents of the ban say it will infringe upon the
acadmic freedom of students and faculty by limiting
the types of.research they can conduct.
But Bassett countered: "Academic freedom
carries with it academic responsibility."
See REGENTS, Page 2
hey set in motion a machine
nake Santa's elves jealous.
't find out until Wednesday
as going down," said first-
udent Brian Peyton, a cam-
nteer. Mondale and Sen.
(D-Colo.) will be appearing
ernoon in the Diag in a rally
nizers hope will be an im-
ow of student support for the
pread among the volunteers
Mondale visit
' Trash fireDaily Photo by DAN HABIB
Ann Arbor firefightrers battle a blaze late last night in the alley behind the
Stop-N-Go convenience store on E. University Street. The fire in a trash
dumpster was quickly extinguished. Officials said last night the fire was
probably started through carelessness and said there would not be any fur-
ther investigation into the cause.
Wednesday morning, campaign
organizers began planning a massive
blitz designed to draw a large crowd to
the rally.
campus," Peyton said. "Today we gave
away 20,000."
In addition to the leaflets, "we're
going to plaster the campus with
posters," he said. The group will try to
make the campaign enjoyable with a
happy hour today and a poster making
party Sunday which will be followed by
a debate-watching party.
As local campaigners sprang to life to
organize the rally, Mondale's advance
team moved into town to guide them.
The team of campaign professionals is
responsible for lining up support from
local groups such as unions, teachers,
senior citizens, and women's
See DEMS, Page 5
Mondale vs. Reagan: Stands on student* aid
For just over half the college students in this
country, financial aid is as essential as books
and beer.
And when those students go to the polls on
Nov. 6, they will be asking the same two
questions the candidates have asked: Are you
Election '54
better off now than you were four years ago?
Will you be better off four years from now?
"OF COURSE there are a lot of things to con-
sider," says Thomas Butts, the University's
liason to Capitol Hill, "but a large part of what
happens will depend on who wins the election."
Observers say the difference between the two
candidates' positions on financial aid is who
pays for college: society or the student.
Democrat Walter Mondale seems to favor the
"Fritz Mondale has said that he'll increase
educational funing by $11 billion, and within
that, increase funding for financial aid by $1.5
billion," says John Vollmer, assistant national
student coordinator for the Mondale/Ferraro
WHILE HE points out that Mondale hasn't
said what programs will get what, Vollmer
says that increases will first "return programs
to where they should be, then increase funding
for each program proportionally."
President Reagan also has not yet released
his position on financial aid. "But," says Bill
Kruger, director of public affairs for the
American Council on Education, "it's safe to
say that he'll pursue pretty much the same
goals he's pursued for the last four years."
President Reagan proposals suggest a
change in the philosphy behind student aid. In
proposing his budget to Congress last year,
Reagan called for "some new initiatives to
strengthen American education." This in-
cluded "reorientating student aid programs to
insure that students and families meet their
responsibilities for financing higher
"THE PRESIDENT just wants to restore
government and families back to their
traditional roles in meeting college costs,"
Secretary of Education Terence Bell said at the
This year, Reagan has proposed to reshape
Pell grants into a new Pell Self-Help
The program would be run with the same
funding next year as this year, but students
would now be expected to contribute a
minimum of $500 or 40% of their total college
costs before being eligible for grants.
REAGAN HAS -also proposed to cut Sup-
plemental Educational Grants, National Direct
Student Loans, and State Student Incentive
To pick up the slack, from these losses,
Reagan proposes to increase College Work
Study by $555 million, increasing the number of
awards by 235,000 and raising maximum gran-
ts to $800.
University Assistant Director of Financial
Aid Lynn Borset says this would reduce the
University flexibility in administering grants.
"PELL LETS us make adjustments in aid if
there's a death in the family, or if the family
loses a source of income," says Borset. "But
that's it. SEOG and the other programs Reagan
wants to eliminate gave us the flexibility in
case something else happens. We do a couple of
hundred of these adjustments every year."
Judging from history, Kruger predicts that
"Reagan will propose cuts like he has every
year in office."
"What happened," explains Kruger, "is that
in his first year Reagan asked for cuts of 50% in
financial aid spending. Congress didn't go
along fully with this, but financial aid growth
See MONDALE, Page 6
Students get rich quick
selling sperm and plasma
Most students work in dorm cafeterias, State Street shops
and city restaurants to earn spending money.
ut some students are more creative in finding jobs. They
11 plasma and sperm. And they say it's a simple way to
earn cash.
"IT'S AN easy way to make money," said Eric Weber, an
Eastern Michigan University student who donated plasma at
the Ypsilanti Plasma Center. "It's relatively painless," he
It's difficult to tell how many students donate plasma, but
the going rate for plasma is $8 for .860 liters.
The procedure is relatively simple. One intravenous tube is
inserted into each arm. Trained attendants separate the
plasma from red blood cells. The second tube is used to
turn the red blood cells.
"We try to put everything up front - problems that might
happen etcetera," said Steve Hartley, the center's manager.
The consent forms donors are required to sign spell out the
risks that range from a needle bruise to transfusion reaction.
Because the body regenerates 98 percent of its plasma in 48
hours, donors can give twice in a seven day period.
But don't panic if you're afraid of needles. The Human Per-
formance Center's subject pool gives students the oppor-
tunity to make money by participating in research without
The pool which has been around for about 10 years consists
of 400 people this term. It provides experimenters with a list
of students - mostly undergraduates - willing to participate
in research.
"Some of them are paper and pencil experiments, said
John Jonides, the pool's director. Most involve research con-
cerning perception and cognition. Sessions usually last a half
hour to an hour and students usually pocket $3 or $4 an hour.
Some projects call for a series of experiments and students
who participate in long-term experiments make more
Another opportunity is open only to about one-half the
The Imuno-fertility and Andrology Lab at the University
Hospitals offers students the possibility of making money by
selling sperm.
The sperm is used for immunologic testing and reproduc-
tive biology.
However, the lab is selective about what types of sperm it
takes. The lab checks the sample's composition, and criteria
like sperm count, color and volume are studied.
"The average person screened cannot be used," said a lab
See STUDENTS, Page 5
How 'bout that Tiger? Daily Photo by CAROL L. FRANCAVILLA
Tiger fans play with the real thing as they await several Detroit Tigers for a World Series celebration at the Nectarine
Ballroom on Liberty St. last night.
their dogs to get the paper or retrieve their shoes," Putnam
said this week. "I taught mine to do something useful for
me." He said he has shown off 9-year-old Tiba's trick to
hunting buddies, who "tell me to just name my price, but I
couldn't sell her." Putnam said he sent Stroh Brewery Co.
the movie of Tiba's stunt a few months before its ad,
suggesting-but not showing-a dog fetching beers from a
refrigerator, went on the air. "She can also get one of out
the refrigerator," he said. "She's the best dog I've ever
had. If she'd just mix drinks, she would be perfect."
designed as a fun way to test knowledge of the Judeo-
Christian holy book, he said. The questions are divided into
seven categories, including the Old and New Testaments,
biblical quotations, the life of Christ and biblical figures.
"It's designed to be fun as well as teach you something,"
said Phil Quist, who has played the game with his family
and with other members of Eastern Avenue Christian
Reformed Church.
"There were some questions that people with seminary
backgrounds couldn't answer and others they just whizzed
him," he said. But apes they were, as Detwiler learned
when the driver gave him a peek at the chimps inside the
eight-wheeler. "They were gigantic," the officer said.
"The guy said they went up to 185 pounds." But the apes
were not happy. They were going bananas. "They were
screaming. They were pounding on the sides. The truck was
shaking," Detwiler said. "They were aggravated." The
chimpanzees and a truckload of deer and goats - were part
of the Burger Chimpanzee Show, which had just ended its
summer season at the Long Island Game Farm in Manor-