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October 10, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-10

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Page2 - TheMichigan Daily -Wednesday, October 10, 1984
'U' patient care


Kidney patients at University
Hospital couldn't get television sets to
watch during hemodialysis. Patients at
the Children's Psychiatric Hospital
didn't have a playground. And an in-
digent patient couldn't afford a winter
The TV sets, playground, and winter
coat weren't in the massive hospital
budget, but they were purchasedby
FRIENDS, a volunteer organization
which supports the hospital.
"OUR FUNDS are raised for the pur-
pose of providing things - things that
fall through the cracks, for the U of M
Hospital that are unfunded," said
FRIENDS President Sue Gikas.
Created in 1978 out of what was then
called the Volunteer Services Guild,
FRIENDS is a 900-member auxiliary
group which raises most of its funds by
running the gift shops in the Main
Hospital and the C.S. Mott Children's
Hospital and through benefit functions.
The group's main purpose is to
'enhance patient care,' according to
Linda Bennett, assistant director of the
hospitals' financial development office.
That office strongly supports the group
because it is "a very important and
worthwhile organization," she said.
ranging from $5 a year for students and
senior citizens to $100 for patrons. Most
of the group's activities are done by

volunteers, although the gift shops have
some paid staff members.
The group supports a variety of
programs each year, Gikas said, but
their largest recent expenditure is a
$500,000 donation to the Replacement
Hospital Project, a donation which is
being paid in $100,000 installments each
year until 1986.
In addition to the donation to the new
hospital, some $40,000 is allotted each
year to other projects. The 'group is
giving $10,000 to the Ronald McDonald
House, a facility which will house
families of children in Mott Hospital.
They are also helping to find a new burn
unit, a housing program for elderly
patients, and audiovisual equipment
which will help "reduce the fear for a
child" facing surgery, Gikas said.
Another FRIENDS project provides
hotel rooms to families of patients who
are unexpectedly forced to stay at the
hospital overnight.
In addition to its other fundraising ac-
tivities, FRIENDS sponsors benefits,
such as an upcoming cooking demon-
stration by the well-known chef Jacque
Pepin, to raise money.
The group is currently trying to
decide where the money for the new
hospital will be used. FRIENDS would
like to fund programs "directly related
to helping (patients)," Gikas said,
rather than purchasing large ad-
ministrative items such as computers.

Associated Press
Tally ho
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II chats with her host William Farish at his farm
outside of Lexington, Kentucky yesterday. The Queen is visiting horse farms
in the Bluegrass area during her five and a half day stay in Kentucky.

Technloogy -In

I AIDS virus detected

ota Clara, California is a fast grow
convergent Technologies of Shat builds workstations a
ng entrepreneurial company t all
to medium computers.sawnin
The company grOWS via nterl ovnvre. panI wcommitteda
tions to create a continuing feom of tv prUss Our
products ae created b small teamo taleroducts,e and gtte
computer roes nals who know an vau b sies s wll s
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We have achieved our success a ent standards exceptoand
ment largely by keeping our empope-the most talent
high. We look only for the best po te
the most responsible. ufacturinEngineers and Computer
S re Hardware, ally couraged to find out more about
Software, arwae campnouagus interviews
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Covergent Ithncareer panning and tosee youon
October10th inWding e hope to s
StUde"lt ACtIVItIC 15tji-l.
campuS Octobe .1:Sth

in -hgh-ris
WASHINGTON (AP) - The virus
believed to cause AIDS has been found
in the saliva of people with the greatest
risk of getting the deadly disease, but
federal health authorities said yester-
day it is unlikely that anyone could get
AIDS through contact with saliva.
Research at New England Deaconess
Hospital in Boston and the National
Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Md., con-
firm a previous suspicion that AIDS
might be transmitted through saliva.
BUT DR. Edward Brandt, Jr.,
assistant secretary for health in the
Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices, said it is "very unlikely" that the
disease can be transmitted through
"Although we have been able to
isolate the virus from the saliva of
people with a pre-AIDS condition and
others at high risk of contracting
AIDS," Brandt said in a statement, "all
evidence indicates AIDS is transmitted
only through blood, blood products, and
There is no reason for the public to be
concerned about everyday contact with
those at high risk of getting AIDS, in-
cluding male homosexuals and
hemophiliacs who use blood products to
treat their blood-clotting deficiences,
said federal health authorities. Of the
more than 6,000 cases of acquired im-

k people
mune deficiency syndrome reported in
the United States since 1981, none has
been linked directly to transmission
through saliva.
BUT MORE than 100 cases of the in-
curable disease are linked to tran-
sfusions of blood an blood products
from donors who had the disease or an
immune system problem known as pre-
AIDS that shares some of the disease's
AIDS, A progressive disease that
destroys the body's infection-fighting
immune system, has been fatal in 45
percent of cases. A virus isolated by
U.S. and French researchers, and
referred to as human T-cell leukemia-
lymphoma virus or HTLV-3, is believed
to cause the disease or play a major
role in it.
Shellie Lengel, a spokeswoman for
the U.S. Public Health Service, said no
one was surprised about finding HTLV-
3 in saliva. Cross-infection seems
unlikely from casual contact, or han-
dling dishes and utensils used for
meals, she said.,
Drs. Jerome Groopman of Deaconess
Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
and Robert Gallo of the National Can-
cer Institute, were reported to have
found HTLV-3 in the saliva of eight of 18
people with pre-AIDS syndrome.

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Congress stuck in stalemate
WASHINGTON - House and Senate negotiators trying to reach
agreement on legislation to keep most of the government operating
deadlocked yesterday over key military spending items, delaying even fur-
ther the adjournment of the 98th Congress.
"We are essentially in a state of gridlock," said Sen. Warren Pudmen, (R-'
From prayer to backroom politics, Congress was trying everything to
break the impasse, but no end was in sight to the stalemate that left,
legislators, anxious to campaign for re-election, grumbling about having to"
remain in town past their expected adjournment for the year.
Congressional negotiators have been trying since last week - when
leaders had hoped to adjourn - to work out a compromise spending package
to provide about $470 billion for the remainder of the fiscal year that began
Oct. 1.
But disputes over politically popular water projects the White House op-
poses, space weapons the Pentagon wants and aid to Nicaraguan rebels has
help up final action on the package.
Hurricane threatens shuttle
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Tropical storm Josephine turned into a
hurricane yesterday and threatened to divert space shuttle Challenger's
landing at Kennedy Space Center later in the week.
At noon EDT, the storm's center has located near latitude 25.5 north,
longitude 72.0 west or about 350 miles east of Nassau. Gale winds extended
up to 200 miles from the center.
Maximum sustained winds were 60 mph. The storm was expected to
strengthen gradually and then begin drifting on a north-to northwest course
by today.
"It's not going anywhere very far very fast," said Bob Sheets, a forecaster'
at the National Hurricane Center in Miami.
"There are a lot of conflicting elements in the environment out there in the
Atlantic this late in the year, just like there are in the spring so we don't ex-
pect any rapid development," Sheets said.
The astronauts could see the storm's progress as they whirled around Ear-
th on their fifth day. Paul Scully-Power, an oceanographer, was asked to
examine the circular cloud formation and make pictures of it.
Salvador rebels agree to talk
SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - After five months of secret exploratory
moves, El Salvador's leftist rebels dramatically agreed yesterday to talk
with the government about ways of ending the five-year-old civil war.
The guerrilla acceptance of President Jose Napoleon Duarte's proposed'
Oct. 15 meeting was the most substantive move toward resolving the bloody
conflict that has claimed some 59,000 lives.
In a seven-point communique, the coalition of the Farabundo Marti"
National Liberation Front and the Democratic Revolutionary Front accep-
ted and expanded upon Duarte's proposal, suggesting Colombian President
Belisario Betancur mediate in arranging next week's peace talks.
Duarte was able to drop preconditions and seek peace talks with leftist in-
surgents because his negotiating position has been strengthened both
politically and militarily since taking office, U.S. officials said yesterday.
While delighted by the prospects of a peace process getting under way in a
country that has been a political problem for President Reagan, the officials
said there is no assurance Duarte's initiative will lead to serious'
U.S. may ease Israeli inflation
WASHINGTON - President Reagan told Israeli Prime Minister Shimon.
Peres yesterday that the United States will consider increasing
U.S. aid to help Israel cope with the economic havoc caused by soaring in-'
"We made clear our willingness to continue our dialogue and to cooperate
the best way we can," Reagan said after a two-hour meeting with the Israeli
prime minister at the White House. However, the president made no specific,
public commitment to any new aid level.
Peres, who lavished Reagan with praise, repeated his pledge to withdraw
Israeli forces from southern Lebanon if ways can be found to guarantee the
security of northern Israel. A pullout from Lebanon would ease the financial
burdens on the Israeli government.
A senior U.S. official, who briefed reporters only on condition he not be
identified, said there are "some indications" thatSyria, a key to any Israeli
withdrawal, may be interested in cooperating in some kind of arrangement
to guarantee the security of the Israeli border.
"But much remains to be seen, much remains to be put to the test the of-
Egyptian president visits Jordan
AMMAN, Jordan - King Hussein greeted President Hosni Mubarak of
Egypt with an embrace, a red carpet, and a cannon salute yesterday, two
weeks after Jordan broke ranks with Arab hardliners and restored
diplomatic relations with Egypt.
It is the first trip to Jordan by an Egyptian president since the late Anwar
Sadat signed a 1979 peace treaty with Israel and Mubarak's first official
state visit to an Arab country since he became president three years ago
when Sadat was assassinated.
The meeting is an attempt to seal a rapproachment between the desert
kingdom of Jordan and the largest Arab state, and perhaps will include
discussions on negotiations toward a Middle East peace.
Hard-line Arab countries such as Syria and Libya have assailed Jordan's

decision to restore relations with Egypt. Jordan in 1979 followed 17 other
Arab nations in breaking ties to Egypt after the Egypt-Israeli peace treaty.
But on Sept. 25 Hussein announced Jordan would resume relations. The
action was considered a breakthrough in Egypt's efforts to rejoin the Arab
fold, and Egyptian officials hope other countries such as Iraq will follow
Jordan's lead.
Vol. XCV - No. 30
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: September through April - $16.50 in Ann Arbor; $29.00
outside the city; May through August - $4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00 outside the
city. Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Senda
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate and'College Press Service, and United Students Press Service.






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CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - After in-
vestigating for possible violations of
wiretapping and privacy laws, the state
has decided not to prosecute a Dar-
tmouth College student who secretly
tape-recorded a meeting of gay studen-
ts and published excerpts of their
Reporter Teresa Polenz was told of
the decision last week, said Douglas


Fulton, president of the Dartmouth
Review, a conservative unofficial
weekly campus paper.
The college Monday refused to say
whether the school would reopen the
The Gay Students Association com-
plained its members' rights to privacy
were violated.

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Friday, October 12
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Auditorium #3

Editor in chief ........................ BILL SPINDLE
Managing Editors ..........E.......CHERYL BACK
Associate News Editors ............ LAURIE DELATER
Personnel Editor ...................... SUE BARTO
Opinion Page Editors ................. JAMES BOYD
NEWS STAFF: Laura Bischoff, Dov Cohen, Stephanie
DeGroote, Lily Eng, March Fleisher, Bob Gordon,
Rachel Gottlieb, Thomas Hrach, Gregory Hutton, Sean
Jackson, Carrie Levine, Jerry Markon, Eric Mattson,
Curtis MaxwellbeTracey Miller, Kery Murakomi, Lisa
Powers, Elizabeth Reiskin. Charles SewelDan
Swanson, Allison Zousmer.

Sports Editor .. .. . .... , . . . ... .. . . .. MIKE MCGRAW .
Associate Sports Editors ...:......... JEFF BERGIDA
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretho. Mark Borowski, Joe
Ewing. Chris Gerbasi, Jim Gindin, Skip Goodman.
Steve Herz, Rick Kaplan. Tom Keoney, Tim Makinen,
Adam Martin, Scott McKinioy, Barb McQuade, Brad
Morgan, Jerry Muth, Phil Nussel. Mike Redstone.
Scott Salowich, Randy Schwartz. Susan Warner.
Business Manager ...............STEVEN BLOOM
Advertising Manager.........MICHAEL MANASTER
Display Manager ............ I CARSON


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