Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
Morning fog with clearing skies
by afternoon, and a high around
'Vo. XCV, No
. 30
Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 10, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Ten Pages
in Detroit
Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Walter Mondale rolled
into Detroit yesterday afternoon with
some predictably harsh words for his
Republican opponent.
-In a brief campaign appearance at
Detroit's Kennedy Square, Mondale
charged that President Reagan and the
Republicans pretend that problems
don't exist and pointed to the tax issue
as an example.
THE FORMER vice president scof-
fed at Reagan's claim that he would not
raise taxes, admitting that if he were
elected he would, but they would "be
fair to the average American."
"In short, America doesn't need a
cheerleader, it needs a quarterback,"
Mondale said.
Fresh from an appearance in Cincin-
nati, Mondale went on to accuse the
Republicans of robbing the graves of
such Democratic heroes as Harry
Truman, Hubert Humphrey and
Eleanor Roosevelt.
See MONDALE, Page 5
Tigers winl
Morris notches game 1
From UPI
SAN DIEGO , - Larry Herndon
provided the muscle with a two-run
homer and Jack Morris the heart with a
gritty pitching performance last night
to lead the Detroit Tigers to a 3-2 vic-
tory over the San Diego Padres.
SAN DIEGO (AP) - Lou Whitaker
opened the first game of the World
Series last night by drilling a 3-2 pitch
from Mark Thurmond on one bounce to
the base of the left-center field fence for
a double. Alan Trammell failed to bunt
him ahead on a 1-0 pitch, then, at 3-2,
Trammell lined a single to left, scoring
Whitaker to put Detroit on top 1-0.
Trammell then was picked off first
base, Thurmond to Steve Garvey to
shortstop Garry Templeton applying
the tag at second base. It turned out to
be a costly mistake because, after Kirk
Gibson flied to right for the second out,
Lance Parrish and Larry Herndon beat
out slow bouncers to Nettles for infield
Barbaro Garbey, the Tigers'
designated hitter, grounded to Nettles,
who beat Parrish to third base for the
inning-ending force out.
THE PADRES roared back with a
pair of runs in the bottom of the inning
after Jack Morris got the first two bat-
ters, Alan Wiggins on a strikeout and
Tony Gwynn on a liner to Gibson in
Garvey then singled to right, Nettles
sent him to second with a single to left
center and both runners scored on'
Terry Kennedy's double into the right
field corner. Kennedy took third on the
throw home but was stranded there
when Bobby Brown grounded out to fir-
Chet Lemon, the second batter in the
top of the fourth, looped a drive to left.
Martinez tried for a shoestring catch
but the ball bounced past him for a two-
base error. Lemon then took third on
Evans' grounder to Wiggins and stayed
there when Kennedy, the catcher,
blocked a Thurmond plitch in the dirt.
Marty Castillo then walked, bringing
Sherry to the mound again as Dave
Dravecky and Andy Hawkins began
warming up in the San Diego bullpen.
Thurmond escaped when Whitaker
flied to left. Morris retired the Padres
in order in the bottom of the fourth.
Herndon put the Tigers on top 3-2 with
a two-out, two-run homer in the fifth in-
Associated rress
Detroit Tigers Lou Whitaker slides safely across the plate on a first-inning single by teammate Alan Trammell while San
Diego catcher Terry Kennedy awaits the late throw in the opening game of the World Series yesterday in San Diego.
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, ode changes
offer no real
gains, says
MSA leader
Though the University's top officials have
outlined changes that could be made in the
latest draft of the proposed student code for
non-academic conduct, few would translate in-
to real gains for students, a student leader said
MSA leaders tentatively reject President Shapiro's
blest offer to ngotiate over e code. See sty, page 5.
A few of the changes under consideration
would make significant modifications to the
guidelines for governing student behavior out-
side the classroom, but the lion's share are at-
tempts to reword controversial parts of the
code in order to silence dissent without altering
content, said Eric Schnaufer, a member of the
Michigan Student Assembly.
"WHAT (ADMINISTRATORS) are trying to
do is make the code sound better," said
Schnaufer, who also chairs No Code, a student
group opposed to the code.
"Until now there have been many revisions
but there has been no substantive movement by
the administration to strike from the code the
truly objectionable sections," he added.
The latest draft of the code, released March
5, drew sharp criticism from students activists
and members of the University's Civil Liber-
ties Board who said the code could violate
students' civil rights. Both groups, along with
the American Civil Liberties Union, submitted
formal critiques of the draft to the ad-
THE MICHIGAN Student Assembly never
formally recommended any changes to the
draft in order to show that such guidelines are
not needed and to uphold its right to veto them.
Under the bylaws of the University's Board
of Regents, MSA and the faculty Senate
Assembly must approve a code before it can be
placed on the University's books.
Based on the recommendations which were
made, administrators planned to write a
revised draft of the code this month. But those
plans were put on hold last week when MSA
asked administrators to make a proposal for
negotiating with MSA student leaders on the
AT LEAST one of the proposed changes
would undercut MSA's efforts to unite student
opposition to the code, Schnaufer said. That
change would eliminate the code's jurisdiction
over fraternities, sororities, co-operatives, and
other teams and organizations on campus.
Last spring the Panhellenic Association, the
governing board of sororities, sent a letter to
the University Council and Virginia Nordby,
director of Affirmative Action, protesting the
code. The letter also said the guidelines un-
dermine the Greek system's policy of self-
Leaders of other campus groups also openly
opposed the code, which would punish students
for acts such as arson, theft, vandalism,
assault, and some types of civil disobedience.
IN A RECENT interview Nordby said the
section extending the code's jurisdiction to
campus groups might go because "there is not
a felt need right now."
See 'U', Page 3
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Homecominga festivities
mix the old and the newv
When members of the Phi
Delta Theta and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternities take to the
mud at 10 a.m. Saturday, they
will be sustaining a 50-year-old
When the "bestest, wildest,
craziest" Michigan fan is named
at the Pep Rally Friday night, he
,or she will be the first
Michimaniac ever.
THIS MIX of new and old is all
part of the festivities planned for
the upcoming homecoming
weekend. It will be a weekend
filled with a variety of events so
that it will appeal to as many
people as possible, according to Dale Karp, homecoming
chairperson for the University Activities Center.
New activities this year include the Michimaniac contest, a
battle to find the "bestest, wildest, craziest Michigan fan,"
cording to Rob Markus of UAC. He said contestants will
march in the homecoming parade and then perform at the
post-parade pep rally. The contest winner will receive a field
pass and join the cheerleaders at Satur'day's Michigan-
Northwestern football game.
Another event which may become a homecoming tradition.
is the Delta Royale casino night, a Las Vegas-style evening in
the Union Ballroom. There will be a $3 entrance fee, for
which participants will receive $2,000 worth of chips. Once a
"gambler" makes $500 to add to
the original sum, $2,500 worth of
chips can be exchanged for a raf-
fle ticket.
THE GRAND prize in the raffle
will be a spring break week for
two in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Other
prizes include dinners and gift
The entire event is perfectly
legal, according to Pete Lipson, a
member of the Delta Tau Delta
fraternity, the sponsor of the
casino. He said the proceeds wil
be given to the hospital,
presuming the event makes
money. "We hope to make it a
homecoming tradition," he ad-
This weekend will feature many events which are already
tradition, including the half-century-old Mudbowl football
game. It was in 1934 that Phi Delt E. Reed Lowe challenged
the SAE house to a football game on homecoming morning.
They played the game in spite of a steady rain, and the Mud-
bowl tradition was born.
FRIDAY NIGHT will feature the traditional parade and
pep rally.Zeta Psi fraternity, whose float was the winning en-
try in therparade for seven years until they lost last year, is
intent on regaining-its crown.
"We were embarrassed taking second place last year, and
Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Looking up
Bob Duffy and Lou Catallo are distracted by a passer-by as they work on water pipes below the intersection of E.
William and Maynard Streets.
Shapiro meets the press
r T+ 3y N ~
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managed to set a new world record Monday by stuffing
themselves into a phone booth. Unlike many attempts at
record setting, however, this was more than just a publicity
' stunt for a fundraiser. The St. Mary's students were
marking the 25th anniversary of phone booth stuffin,
which they claim began on the St Mary's campus.
Monkeying around
the weekend sojourn. All he had was a parka and a hat. The
contest began in 1968, when Thomas Carey, his sister and
two friends climbed the trees in front of his family home
and stayed there overnight. Nearly 10,000 people paraded
through the front yard to watch them.
On the inside ...
The Oninion Page nntinues its sriec nf ngood hard nncr