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October 05, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-10-05

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom




Cloudy with a slight chance of
rain and a high near 70.

o. XCV, No. 26 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 5, 1984 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages
This WSeekurve studies sex habits
By SUE BARTO tions to the survey. "Say one really screwed up person comes to an RA
The last time you got a survey questionnaire did The other survey, stuffed in all freshpersons' at 2:00 in the morning and says 'I was molested as a
you: 1) fill it out; 2) wrap garbage in it; 3) ignore it; mailboxes by the School of Public Health and Health child." What do you tell them to do, call (76)GUIDE?"
or 4) none of the above. Services, inquires about students' weight, stress said one Markley resident advisor who asked not to
'inEU U cThe reaction this week to two surveys circulating in levels, and possible eating disorders such as bulimia be identified.
the University dormitories is almost that varied - and anorexia nervosa. Rene Filiatraut, an RA in Stockwell, said that
some people are ignoring them, others are irate. THE SEXUAL relations survey, which resident although she was comfortable with the survey
THE FIRST survey, created by sub-committee of advisors began passing out to residents this week, overall, it did thrust RA's into dealing with situations
the Task Force on Sexual Harrassment, includes ex- started by asking students if they had ever dated, they are not prepared for.
pllicit questions about residents' previous and held hands, kissed, or had sexual intercourse. "If it's something residents still need to confront
current sexual experiences. Being distributed by It concluded with questions asking if students were and this makes them do it, then this is a positive
S e e Wek e n d ntendd to gnerat discssionsand eucatinal rped. srveysweredassedsomresdentsdurindtheirpercusionsibutiIcouldreferthem.
resident advisors this week, housing officials say it is "sexually molested as a child" or had ever been thing," she said. "I don't feel equipped to deal with
intended to .generate discussions and educational raped. the repercussions, but I could refer them."
programs to help students deal with sexual relation- The surveys were passed out to residents durg THEY especially felt that the timing for passing
ships. hall meetings and residents were urged to comment out the survey - at the end of sorority and fraternity
Some resident advisors, however, have lashed out on their feelings about the survey after filling it out. rush and major testing periods - might cause prob
at housing officials for forcing them to pass out the SOME RESIDENT advisors, however, feared the lems.
survey. Some say the survey is too intrusive, others survey would trigger emotions in residents which
fear they are not trained to handle residents' reac- staff members are not trained to deal with. See STUDENT, Page 2

Officia s
eek cause



of South
Quad RA


Housing officials and Ann Arbor
police said they were baffled yesterday
as they searched for the cause of a
South Quad resident advisor's suicide
early Wednesday' in Nichols Ar-
They said, however, that there was no
indication that the cause was closely
related to the RA's job or school.
KAREN DUFFY, an eighth floor
hronson House advisor, died of a gun-
shot wound to the head early Wed-
nesday morning. The county coroner
ruled that the wound was self inflicted.
Arboretum groundskeepers
discovered her body and a handgun_
Wednesday morning near) the Huron
River. Duffy had been missing since
Sunday, housing officials said.'
Ann Arbor Police Detective Dave
Jaehalke said yesterday that Duffy had
purchased the gun from an Ann Arbor'
etailer sometime in the last several
AFTER SPEAKING with friends and
relatives of Duffy, housing officials said
they were unable to discover a clear
reason for the death.
"It is my understanding that as late;

MSA still
split on cd

Ed Hewett, senior fellow of the Brookings Institution, talks about Soviet economic affairs at Rackham Auditorium
yesterday. Looking to the future, he said, increasing oil prices due to a rise in production costs will worsen the already
depressed Soviet economy.
Experts discuss Soviet instability

A closed meeting yesterday between
student leaders and top University of-
ficials failed to resolve any of the con-
flicts dividing the two groups over the
proposed student code for nonacademic
conduct, according to Scott Page,
president of the Michigan Student
MSA leaders remained steadfast in
their conviction that they will not
negotiate on the proposed guidelines
unless administrators agree not to
revoke MSA's veto power over the code.
MSA also asked that it be allowed to
approve the code and its judicial
system as one document.
BUT administrators, while not giving
in to any of those conditions, planned
to present a formal proposal for
negotiations at next Tuesday's MSA
"They couldn't accept our restric-
tions and we said we would not enter
negotiations without them," Page said.
President Harold Shapiro last night

said administrators have not discussed
what they will say Tuesday and that he
has not decided how he would like to
handle the process.
BUT HE added that there is no way-
the University administration can
guarantee that the Board of Regents
will not bypass MSA.
"And I personally don't want to go in-
to negotiations and close down any op-
tions for actions," he said, reiterating
his statements in a response to MSA's
But the meeting "kept alive" the
possibility that negotiations can begin,
Page said. MSA would like to analyze
the need for a code as well as assess
faculty, student, and administration in-
terests in the guidelines, Page said.
THE LAST two student assemblies
have refused to discuss the code. Next
Tuesday's proposal will be the ad-
ministration's first formal offer to
negotiate with this year's MSA.
Virginia Nordby, director of Affir-
See MSA, Page 3

The Soviet Union's strength can not be measured ac-
curately, a representative from the Department of State said
Speaking before an audience of about 200 people at
Rackham Auditorium, Paul Globe told the audience not to
underestimate the power of the Soviet Union.
"THE SOVIET Union is never as strong or as weak as it'
appears, he said. "We must be careful not to project onto the
Soviet Union the way they would react according to the way

we would react," he added.
Goble and other experts on the Soviet Union participated in
the Michigan Briefing on Soviet Affairs, a forum which
examined topics ranging from the current political climate to
U.S.-Soviet trade.
And throughout the conference, experts maintained that
the Soviet Union's political climate, controlled by elderly
leaders, is one of uncertainty and fearfulness.
ACCORDING TO Goble, these leaders "are unlikely to put
young men in power because they would be announcing their
political deaths."
See EXPERTS, Page 3


1,000 students protest'

on Illinois State

F. 5.
D erby Day d Daily Photo by CAROL L. FRANCAVtLLA
Sorority members sit atop the Sigma Chi fraternity house yesterday looking down on the annual Derby Days activities.
Sororities compete in beer chugging and other contests to benefit the Special Olympics.

In a scene reminiscent of the 1960s,
police officers dressed in riot gear and
carrying canisters of tear gas charged
into a crowd of about 1000 protesters -
mostly Illinois State University Studen-
ts - yesterday morning in Normal, Ill.
Three protesters were arrested.
Five were hospitalized, but their in-
juries were not. serious and city of--
ficials estimated that $10,000 in
damages was done to public property in
the city of Normal.
peacefully around 7:30 a.m. Wednesday
evening when about 100 students mar-
ched to city hall to protest city ordinan-
ces restricting public gatherings and
the sale of beer.
Normal's City Council passed an or-
dinance in June requiring a permit for
any gathering of over 300 people where
beer is served. The ordinance also
called for one security guard for every
100 students.
THE COUNCIL also passed another

ordinance which barred the transpor-
tation and sale of beer kegs after 10
"There was nothing violent at this
point, said Tony Parker, an IS'U
student. "People were chanting things
like 'fuck (Normal police chief John)
Lehr. We want beer.' But everyone was
pretty much behaving themselves," he
And by about 9 p.m., the crowd
dispersed and the protest appeared to
be over.
BUT ACCORDING to Parker, a
group of students bought a keg of beer
and staged a sit in which blocked traffic
on Interstate 51. Other students were
then lured to the protest.
The excitement of the protest was
fueled by a live broadcast by a Peoria
television station.
"Shortly after they went off the air,
about a dozen students began throwing
beer bottles at the police and at City
Hall," Parker said.

THIRTY STATE police officers were
then called lh to reinforce the 50 local
officers already cn the scene. After an
appeal by university president Lloyd
Watkins to end the protest, police began
driving the students back to campus
with billy clubs.
Police fired tear gas cannisters from
on top of City Hall as students chanted
."Kent State, Kent State" and pelted the
police with rocks.
Most of the protesters left, said state
police officer John Manning, "although
some stayed behind and threw the can-
nisters back at the police," he said.
Later, at about 2 a.m. 50 students
staged a sit-in which blocked traffic in
front of Normal Theater..
They were driven back by police.
Yesterday morning's demonstration
was the result of tensions which have
grown throughout this school year.
"About 20 students were arrested every
weekend for carrying cups of beer in
public," said Parker. "The police were
really cracking down on the law."


On the map

munities like Willard - with a population of 1,275 - are on1
the map, so Roy - population 20,744 - should be too, says
Russell, postmaster of Roy for over 20 years. "Just give me
the ammunition, and I'll go down to the governor's office
and find out" why Roy's not on the maps, she told City
Council. "Somewhere, somehow, we've got to get to
someone and tell them that Roy exists and has since 1873,"
said Russell.

said. "This guy is a con artist, the best I've ever seen. He
was very convincing." Authorities said the furlough was
granted after a man claiming to be Thomas' father made
several calls to the jail to say his daughter had been injured
in an auto accident. The man left daily messages about her
condition and asked jail officials to tell Thomas his sister
had died. Quinn said Thomas broke down when he was
given the news. On Sept. 18, when Thomas failed to return,
jail officials learned that Thomas' sisters were all fine and
his father had not talked to his son since he was imprisoned
last June. Thomas was eligible for work release and was

show later this month appeared in the Cleveland Plain
Dealer. She was somg 1,000 people in line when the ticketts
went on sale Wednesday. Lathy, 16, was given a detention
period when she returned to Mentor High School on Wed-
nesday, said James Jackson, 11th grade principal at the
school. "I don't care what school officials do to me," Kathy
had said while standing in line with her mother and 5-year-
old sister."I'd dp anything to get a ticket." "She felt it was
worth it," said her principal.






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