Ninety-five Years.
Editorial Freedom
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bVol. XCV, No. 21
Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan -Saturday, September 29, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Eight Pages
IV -
gets second
liquor sale
The state Liquor Control Commission
has officially cited the Union's Univer-
sity Club bar with a second violation of
its liquor license.
Officials from the University Club
r and the Liquor Commission have been
expecting the citation for several
The violation occured Sept. 8, when
a club employee served a drink to a
customer who was-not a member. After
a review by the state attorney general,
the club was cited on Wednesday.
THE BAR owns a "private club"
liquor license which allows it to sell
alcohol to club members only. Univer-
sity students, staff, and alumni are
automatically members and may spon-
sor guests.
Liquor control officials began in-
vestigating the U-Club this summer af-
ter a local bar owner complained that
the bar was selling alcohol to non-
Penalties for the violation range from
a fine of less than $300 or revocation of
the club's license, a spokesman for the
Liquor Control Commission said.
THE U-CLUB received its first
citation August 28 after a liquor control
official was served a drink on July 18.
The citation was mailed to U-Club of-
ficials Sept. 14.
The Liquor Control Commission has
not determined what penalty, if any,
the club will receive for the first
The second violation could result in a
more severe punishment for the U-
Club, said Walter Keck, deputy director
of the Liquor Control Commission's en-
forcement division.
"IT IS conceivable that (the penalty)
will be more severe," Keck said. "If
somebody does something once, they
probably made a mistake ... (but) we
normally assume when you get caught
doing something, you're not going to do
it again."
U-Club officials said they were con-
cerned about the violations and doing
everything they could to prevent fur-
ther problems.
See U-CLUB, Page 3
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan
conducted nearly four hours of "very strong and
useful" talks yesterday with Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko, covering a range of
topics from nuclear arms to Middle Eastern af-
fairs. No breakthroughs or agreements were an-
The men conferred without aides or inter-
preters at one point during a meeting that began
with a cascade of White House photo oppor-
tunities that seemed to annoy Gromyko.
When asked whether Reagan and Gromyko
had agreed on anything during their talks,
Secretary of State George Shultz told reporters:
"They agreed to keep in touch."
"There's lots of distress, there's lots of ap-
prehension, there are lots of differences of
opinion and I don't think one discussion is going
to clear the air completely but I think it undoub-
tedly made some progress in that direction," Sh-
ultz said.
"It was a very strong and useful interchange
and Gromyko expressed his views very power-
fully and aggressively, as he always does, and
the president listened to him very carefully,"
Shultz said.
Reagan and Gromyko spent a considerable
amount of time discussing "the problems of
nuclear weapons and what could be done about
them," but Shultz made a point of saying they
were not negotiating.
REAGAN's campaign opponent, Democrat
Walter Mondale, met with Gromyko Thursday
and won words of praise from the official Soviet
news agency. Yesterday Mondale said in a
statement: "Today, Secretary of State Shultz
gave a brief description of President Reagan's
first meeting with a high Soviet official in four
years. I hope that we are going to hear more
about what was accomplished than what we
heard from Secretary Shultz earlier this after-
noon, and I hope they make progress in their
meeting tomorrow."
Shortly after Gromyko left the White House, it
was announced that he would meet today with
Shultz, their second meeting this week.
During his first-ever official session with a
senior Kremlin leader, the president pulled
Gromyko aside for an eight-minute chat without
any aides to deliver a personal message, accor-
ding to Shultz.
"HE HAD SOME points that he wanted to
make to Gromyko alone and he did it that way
because he felt that just two individuals all by
themselves in a room. . . there's something
about a close one-to-one statement that perhaps
carries special weight," said Shultz.
Shultz refused to divulge details of the private
meeting, but described the overall session as in-
tense, useful, forceful and direct.
U.S. officials had said in advance that one ob-
jective of the meeting would be to clear the air in
the wake of the growing hostility between the
superpowers, but Shultz said only a step in that
direction had been taken.
See REAGAN, Page 2
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Jaw s IV Associate ress
Eight-year-old Jon Dodrill of Moorhead City, North Carolina looks into the jaws of a 15-foot, 10-inch
great white shark caught Thursday of Cape Lookout. His father was one of the crew who caught the
2.080-pound creature.
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SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - The rhetorical
broadsides that Ronald Reagan and Walter Mon-
dale trade on the campaign trail hardly seem like
politics to Australians who see their politicians;
savage each other almost daily.
"Politics in Australia tend to be a blood sport,"
said Michael Sexton, a political and legal expert at
the University of New South Wales.
AMERICAN politicians generally steer clear of
naPoh tics r
persona attacks. But Australian politicians try to
rip each other apart and Parliament often resem-
bles a verbal brawl.
Australian politicians have been continuing a
long and vivid tradition in recent months by ac-
cusing each other of such things as robbing
graves, having face lifts and being crooks. One
opposition legislator in Queensland expressed
concern for the health of a dog that had bitten
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state Premier John Bejelke-Peterson.
Many Australians were startled when Prime
Minister Bob Hawke broke down and cried at a
press conferenct ;it September while being asked
about opposition claims that he was protecting
OPPOSITION leader Andrew Peacock charged
that Hawke had blunted a probe of organized
crime to protect elements of his party. Peacock
us cycle
called Hawke "a little crook" who "associates
with criminals and takes his orders from those
who direct those criminals."
Hawke denied the accusation and his wife said
later the prime minister wept because he had just
found out his youngest daughter had a heroin
problem. But the sight of the popular leader
reduced to tears made some Australians wonder if
See EVEN, Page 3
Civil Liberties chairman
supports MSA veto power
Regents' by-law 7.02, which gives the
Michigan Student Assembly veto power
over the proposed code of non-
academic conduct, represents an impor-
tant civil rights principle which must be
upheld, said the chairman of the
University's faculty Civil Liberties
"People in our society ought to be
governed by their consent," said Prof.
Martin Gold, the board's chairman, at
Campus Meet the Press in the Pond
Room of the Union.
SEVERAL of the University's regents
have said that they. may by-pass the
MSA vote on the code which would
apply to all students whether they live
in University residence halls, frater-
nities., sororities, off-campus housing or
The code is an attempt to crack down
on student misbehavior. Faculty and
staff members are bound by separate
conduct codes.
Although Gold said he recognized the
'People in our society ought to be governed
by their consent.'
- Prof. Martin Gold
Chairman of Faculty Civil Liberties Board
general need for a code to make the
campus safer, he said the code should
apply to staff members as well as stud-
BUT HE cautioned against over-
extending the grounds for punishment.
In some cases, students could be
punished by both the University and
civil courts. And although Gold said
that this was a civil liberties issue, the
concern that the punishments could
constitute double jeopardy is
technically unfounded.
Gold, however, did say the University
should be able to take some sorts of
unilateral actions to maintain campus
order and safety.
Recent action by the housing office to
inform several fraternities that they
needed a city permit to sell alcohol
would probably be justified, he said.
The cancellation of the event earlier
this month was not a violation of
anyone's civil liberties, Gold said, ad-
ding that the University was justified in
asserting its responsibilites to help
protect the community against un-
derage drinkers.
Hot wheels
Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Greg Huber, a senior in the art school, zooms by Crisler Arena in the third annual National Collegiate Driving Cham-
pionships. The winner of the race, to be completed today, will receive $5,000 and the use of a Dodge Daytona Turbo for a
Bacon bash
Every football game has a pigskin. But today's
Michigan-Indiana game will have the whole
pig - over 1000 pounds worth, to be exact. The
occasion is Pork Day, a pre-game party in the
narking lot of Memorial Stadium in Bloomington that is
Town for sale
For a mere $950,000, Gorda, Calif., can be yours. One of
only four communities along the splendid Big Sur
Coastline, it's all for sale - 22 prime acres, seven homes, a
general store, a gas station, a restaurantand a jade shop.
But while Gorda's magnificent vistas and peaceful at-
mosphere make it about as close to paradise as you can get
on earth, the town is far away from just about everything
about 50 miles north in Oak Hills. At 72, he says he's tired of
keeping the town in shape long-distance. The town's han-
dful of residents love being "a million miles from
nowhere," and they are hopeful the new owner will love it
too. "Gorda's a very attractive place," said Steve
Wolfinger, who works in the general store. "It's got a lot of
potential.'No, it's not necessarily Vacationland USA, but
it's got great depth to it." "I came here four years ago to
visit a friend, and they needed a waitress," recalls Heather
McDanal. "I loved it here. I didn't even decide to stay. I just
stayed." "It's real, just like every other place, except it's
smaller. Instead of 10,000 people, you have 10," she added.
County Prosecutor Jack Crawford earlier this week, saying
women deputy prosecutors should wear dresses or skirts
and blouses in his court, not pantsuits and slacks. One
woman appeared in Clement's court the next day in a pan-
tsuit. The judge took no action. On Thursday, he told
Crawford: "I don't want to come off the wall with
something unreasonable, especially in light of the reaction.
Perhaps I've been cloistered too long here in my cham-