Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom
Lit1v 3Uf
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Partly sunny, 60 degrees today.
Vol. XCV, No. 18 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 26, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
Dueling candidates
Vice President George Bush holds up a fish head after helping filet a trout in
the making of gefiltefish at a Chicago market yesterday while Democratic*
Associated Press
Vice President candidate Geraldine Ferraro holds up a jersey presented to
her at Stevenson High School in Sterling Hights. See story, page 2.
From AP and UPI
MOSCOW - The official Soviet news
agency yesterday rejected President
Reagan's assurances of a U.S. desire
for arms cuts as "absolutely groun-
dless," and the top Kremlin leader said
the White House has no real desire for
better ties with Moscow.
"The president tried to present in a
somewhat modified form the self-same
policy aimed at further aggravating in-
ternational tension, achieving military
superiority and interfering in the inter-
nal affairs of other states," the news
agency Tass said.
THE TASS report and a speech by
President Konstantin Chernenko made
clear the Soviets are not retreating on
major East-West disputes, despite
milder U.S. rhetoric and Reagan's
scheduled meeting Friday with Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko.
In a speech to the jubilee meeting of
the 50-year-old Soviet Writers Union,
Chernenko renewed charges that the
Reagan administration is responsible
for what the Kremlin calls an increased
nuclear war threat.
In Washington, Reagan brushed off
the Soviet criticism of his speech to the
United Nations on Monday, when he
assured Moscow that the White House
seeks an end to the nuclear arms race.
"I never get good reviews from the of-
ficial Soviet news agency., Tass," he
DEPUTY WHITE House press
secretary Larry Speakes, appeared to
dismiss the critical comments. Speakes
said the White House looked forward to
"the substantive Soviet response"
during diplomatic talks in the coming
weeks and months.
In his first major speech since last
spring, Chernenko said the world could
not hide from the nuclear threat or
"turn it into a joke," apparently
referring to Reagan's joke in August
that he had signed legislation outlawing
the Soviet Union and was about to begin
MSA p lans action against code
.. nuclear threat great
The Michigan Student Assembly last
night spoke out against the proposed
student code for nonacademic conduct,
passing three resolutions to organize
student opposition.
The assembly actions ranged from
calling for University President Harold
Shapiro's participation in a public
forum on the code to planning a rally
before the public comments' session
during the Board of Regents' October
meeting and a "No Code Show" during
the Homecoming football game Oc-
tober 13.
"WE SHOULD have at least a little
bit of say (about the code) with 35,000
tudents and eight regents," MSA
President Scott Page told the assembly.
Steve Kaplan, MSA vice president,
said the assembly's actions will "show
the students and the administration
Assembly calls for
rally, forum, show
that MSA is serious in its attempt to
work on a code and to protect its rights
under the regents bylaw 7.02."
Student leaders fear that the regents
may -change .the bylaw which gives
MSA veto power over the code in order
to approve the set of guidelines despite
student opposition.
"WE MUST ,be sure that the ad-
ministration doesn't suspend our veto
power," said LSA representative .Ben
The assembly voted to organize, fund
and promote a public forum on the code
and ask Shapiro in a letter to attend.
Page said Shapiro is "completely
sheltered" from student opinion.
"We want Shapiro to prove he is in-
formed about the code, concerned, and
show his beliefs," Page said.
MSA ALSO passed a resolution'
asking the administration to give the
assembly the right to approve the
proposed code and its accompanying
judicial system.
Under the regents' bylaws, the
judicial system could be passed without
MSA approval, Henry Johnson, vice
president for student services, said last
week. MSA has veto power only over a
change in conduct rules, not the judicial
system, he said.
But MSA also asked that students
have the right to approve or reject any
conduct code, whether it is for students
or other members of the University
In another attempt to unify student
opposition to the code, MSA approved
plans for a "No Code Show" during the
University's Homecoming football
game on Oct. 13. The show will include
balloons, banners, "No Code" cheers,
and a "big surprise" according to Eric
Schnaufer, head of MSA's code com-
Law scholar's death
called a 'tragic loss'
"The grim truth of the present inter-
national situition is such that the
nuclear threat is, regrettably,,great,"
Chernenko told the Soviet writers'
union, according to a summary carried
by Tass. "One cannot hide from it, nor
turn it into a joke."
CHERNENKO added, "But they in
the United States, as all signs indicate,
either do not want, or are not yet ready,
to understand that there is no sensible
alternative to" the principles of mutual
respect and equality.
Chernenko offered no new openings
for resuming the stalled U.S.-Soviet
arms negotiations process.
The Soviets used the "equaiiiy acau
mutual respect" formula to reject
U.S.negotiating positions at the
suspended talks - including Moscow's
firm refusal to resume discussuion
while NATO continues deploying new
missiles in Western Europe.
See SOVIETS, Page 5
Follett's Michigan Book store, one of
the oldest commercial pillars on the
University campus, Saturday closed
their doors for the last time in Ann Ar-
Windows have been papered over,
and a sign'taped to the front door an-
nounces that the store is closed "for
good," but officials from Follett's
Chicago headquarters could not be
reached for comment aobut why the
company pulled out of Ann Arbor.
IN APRIL, 1983, Follett's terminated
their textbook sales leaving only two
bookstores in that market.
Tom Musser, manager of Ulrich's
Books on East University, said he knew
of the imminent closing of Follett's but
was unaware that it had occurred.
Musser added he belives Follett's may
have closed because of the stiff com-
petition among Ann Arbor bookstores.
See FOLLETT'S, Page 5
Thp death of Diao Xichen, a visiting
researcher from China, was called a
"tragic loss" yesterday by fellow law'
scholars. Diao, a non-degree research
scholar in the law school was killed
Monday morning after he collided with
a University truck while riding a
"I was very saddened to learn of the
tragic loss of a promising young
Chinese legal scholar," said Randall
Edwards, a Columbia University law
professor and a member of the Com-
mittee on Legal Education Exchange
with China.
DIAO, 26, came to the United States
in August. He was one of four visiting
research scholars from the China ex-
change program. The Committee on
Legal Education Exchange, which
assists in training Chinese lawyers, is
the major exchange program between
law schools in China and the U.S., ac-
cording to Julie Bullitt, associate direc-
tor of the program.
Diao had just started his first
semester at the University. "The fact
that he was in the distinguished ex-
change program shows that he was a
bright and industrious student," said
Professor Michael Oksenberg of the
University's Center for Chinese
While pedalling his bicycle Monday
west across State Street toward East
Madison at 11 a.m. Monday, Diao hit
the side of the truck with the front
wheel of the bike, according to Ann Ar-
bor Police Sgt. Arthur Hughes. The in-
cident is still under investigation.
See DIAO's, Page 2
U '~ 'C~4,4,S
Associated Press
Mouseketeer march
Pickets march outside the gates to Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif. yesterday. More than 1,800 of the Magic Kingdom's
5,000 employees went on strike after a contract offer was rejected. See story, page 2.
. . . dies in bike collision
Watt revisited
T O GET to-the political nerve of a student body,
you have to hit where it hurts - in the concert
schedule. That's what administration officials at
North Carolina State University in Raleigh found
Kenny Rodgers, N.C. State's political spirit, so long dor-
mant,came to life. Letters to the editor poured in to the
student newspaper, the Technician, as well as to the
athletic office. Talk of censorship rocked the campus and
the administration was forced to negotiate with the
student government. The two groups have agreed that
future rock concerts must be cleared through a four-
student committee, which will give the OK for concerts
largely attended by students. Included in the plan is a
clause that says students have first rights to buy concert
tinh~tc Mi-rining the first onnert of the fall is the
town". Where is Mr. Mutual of Omaha, Marlin Perkins,
when you need him? An ad circulated nationally by
Ramada suggest that at other guest houses, it's hard to
find one's room as it is to find Omaha." Gretchen Reeder,
the chamber's manager of communications, wrote to
Ramada's advertising director that "Omaha is not
remote. It is not a 'hick' town." Reeder noted that the
bottom line of the ad urged callers to dial Ramada for in-
formation. The number includes an 800 prefix. "Do you
know where you call when you dial that 800 number?"
Reeder asked. "Omaha!" We are a telecommunications-
burst into tears. In between sobs she explained that she
had only done it to pay doctor bills for her son. That didn't
stop her from posing again recently, this time without
even shedding a tear. Why pose again after all these
years, a meteoric rise to become one of dopey television's
biggest stars? What do you think? $$$$$.