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September 06, 1984 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984- Page 15

New ruling

It's a whole new ball game for college foot-
ball - at least on television.
When the Supreme Court last July ruled in
favor of a lower court decision that said the
National Collegiate Athletic Association's
monopoly over the rights to televise college
football was a violation of federal anti-trust
laws, it put the NCAA out of the football
televising business.
IN ITS PLACE have emerged two separate
organizations - the College Football
Association and the Big Ten-Pac 10 coalition.
Though major college powers, like the Univer-
sity legally could have negotiated their own
deals, they chose instead to join one of the two
The Big Ten-Pac 10 was the first to strike a
TV deal. Within three weeks of the Supreme
Court decision, it signed an $8 million contract
with CBS to televise 14 Big Ten and Pac 10

games. Shortly thereafter, the CFA reached a
$15 million deal with ABC. The NCAA contract
struck down by the courts was worth $34.5
million for one season.
Other ramifications of the Supreme Court's
decision include:
" A loss of disciplinary power by the NCAA.
No longer can the NCAA penalize rule violators
with the withdrawal of TV appearances. The
University of Southern California, which had
been on probation, may now appear on national
" Unlimited TV appearances. Under the
NCAA schools could only appear on television
five times every two years. Now a school can
theoretically be on TV every week.
" Local TV appearances. Schools may now
sign TV contracts with local or regional net-
works, in addition to any national deals.
. No more sharing of television revenue. In
the past the NCAA shared its TV bonanza with

smaller schools - those designated I-A, II and
III. But none of these schools are included in
the new contracts.
Though the University's athletic department
should earn about the same money as last year
under the Big Ten-Pac 10 deal, Athletic Direc-
tor Don Canham was not particularly pleased
by the outcome of the courtroom decisions.
Canham pushed strongly for NCAA unity, but
a last-ditch effort to keep the conference
together as a single negotiating body was
rejected by representatives of the major foot-
ball powers.
THE NCAA then split into two groups - the
CFA and the Big Ten-Pac 10 coaltion. The CFA
represents 63 schools - virtually every major
football school outside of the Big Ten and Pac
Apparently the split was engineered for the
purpose of preventing continuing anti-trust
suits. According to Canham, if the Big Ten and

Pac Ten had joined the CFA, any TV deal it
came up with would have wound up in court
under the same dispute that junked the NCAA
"The first thing that prevented us from
joining the CFA, was the legality of it," said the
16-year University AD. "If the Big Ten and Pac
Ten joined the CFA you'd have another
monopoly like the NCAA was."
CANHAM ADDED that though many
changes may yet emerge from the realign-
ment, he is confident things will stay about the
same at the University.
He said only "three or four" Michigan foot-
ball games would be seen on the airways.
"We take in a million dollars of revenue at
the gate every home game," said Canham.
"We can't jeopardize that. If the weather's
bad, people might stay home 'cause they know
the game will be on TV." Canham also ruled
out a local TV deal.

Engineers set off for N.


Who says the University acts hastily?
When Engineering Building I is com-
pleted sometime in 1987 the engineering
school's 34-year-long move to North
Campus will finally be completed.
THE MOVE to North Campus began
in 1953 under the direction of George
Brown, engineering school dean. Over
the years, the move stalled until it was
resurrected by Dean James Duder-
It is Duderstadt who is responsible
for the new $30 million Engineering
Building I which is funded completely
by the state. He is also responsible for
the renovation of the empty basement
of the Dow Building which will serve as
a media center.
"Duderstadt's big accomplishment.
was pointing out that the need was
evident, so it would be high on the
priority list," said assistant dean
Leland Quackenbush.
ACCORDING TO Quackenbush, the,
building is in "the best interests of the
college, the University, and the state."
He pointed out that the new facilities
would "attract top students and top
faculty" as well as high tech companies
which could boost the state's economy.
Quackenbush added that the current
facilities are just too old. West
Engineering was built in 1904, East
* Engineering in 1923.
According to Harold Harvey,
assistant to the dean, the concentration
of facilities on North Campus will make
the college much more productive
"We were scattered all over hell's half
acre, at least now we're on one cam-
pus," he said. "This gives us a chance
to work effectively as a college ... we

can begin to act in a collegiate way for
the first time in a long time."
KENSALL WISE, professor of elec-
trical engineering and computer scien-
ce, is optimistic about the potential con-
tribution of the research facilities -
especially a solid state laboratory
stocked with $8 million worth of equip-
ment. "We expect to make major con-
tributions in the (areas of high speed
device technology and integrated solid
state sensors)," Wise said.
Wise added that the improved
facilities would give students "a lot
more hands on work."
The move is generally regarded as a
plus for students, faculty, and staff.
"We're happy to be out here and in one
home," Quackenbush said.
The engineering school will occupy 11
According to Harger, the
arrangement was "good, yes. Perfect,
no. Ideally there would be more large
buildings than small ones.
"I would put them in three buildings
instead of the 11," he said referring to
the 11 buildings which will make up the
college. "When you've got that kind of
scatter, you don't have the ideal
physical configuration."
Many engineering students also ex-
press ambivalence about the move. "In-
some sense it's good, in some sense it's
not. It's too far from the main campus.
The university has transportation, but
it's so exhausting," said Hafidz Erif-
fein, an engineering school senior.
Others agree that the school is far from
central campus.
"We're kind of isolated out here (on
North Campus)," said a graduate
student, Greg Keoleian. "Book stores,
restaurants-there's nothing out

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An architect's rendering of the proposed Engineering Building I scheduled
to be completed in 1987 at a cost to the state of $30 million.
there. "However," he added, "I'm
enthusiastic about the facilities, and
that's the most important thing to the
student." Subscribe to
"I like it better not being in the city.
It's more of a campus atmosphere," T h
said Doug Poland, a senior.
But being secluded may have its M c i a
drawbacks though, as recent graduate
Jim Carlson said, "The move is goingM.g
to isolate a great deal . . . (it) doesn't Daily
allow them to interact with people
they're going to have to deal with in the
real world."

.. _.

pOmbudsman fields stu

You've been dating your TA for six
weeks and decide it's time to call it
quits. You do, but at the end of the term
you get an 'E' in that class. You believe
your rights have been violated and you
are being harrassed. What can you do
about it?
You can take your complaint to the
university Ombudsman's Office.
SO WHAT exactly is an ombudsman?
The dictionary defines an ombud
sman as "one that investigates repor-
ted complaints as from students, repor
ti findings, and helps to achieve
equitable settlements."
According to University Ombudsmar
Ikon Perigo, he has "only the power of
persuasion and information." Yet, he
b'andles approximately 300 questions
and complaints from students annually
lAost of them concern discrimination
academic requirements, financial aid
and misunderstandings over cultura
&lfferences between students.
THE OMBUDSMAN'S Office acts a
q grievance board for students afte
their complaint has been brought to the
attention of those at the most basic
lpvel. For example, in the case of ai
qcademic problem, the student mus
frst go to the department chairman of
in the case of a problem in the dorm
one must first contact the Housing Of.
Although he lacks the power to over
turn or modify any decisions made by
other offices within the University,
Perigo reviews decisions made by other
administrators to check their con.
sistency with previous similar cases
the office keeps copies of procedures
for all of the University's schools ant
colleges for this purpose.
According to Perigo, most of tht
cases are "not flagrant violations, bu
pisunderstandings to be worked out.'
Ierigo and his assistant, Mona Stolz, a
social worker, address academic and
qon-academic problems between all
Mpembers of the University community;
students, staff and faculty.
WORKING FROM their office on th
third floor of the Michigan Union
tegri and Stolz trv to sol~ve theszt

and try to keep them from developing
into formal procedures outside the
University, such as lawsuits.
Other University offices assist the
t Ombudsman's Office in certain
n cases-such as those involving sexual
e harrassment, which are handled by the
i Office of Affirmative Action. Perigo
D said that his office must be sensitive
when dealing with cases like those. "It
e is not that we don't believe them, but we
carefully check it out ourselves," said
- Perigo's duties as Ombudsman are

dent gripes
only part time. He also acts as Director
of the Campus Information Center and
has been Director of Orientation for 13
years. He began working as Ombud-
sman in 1981.
The Ombudsman's Office is
primarily for students, but has other
specific functions such as collecting
feedback on the University and
suggesting ways to improve relations
between students and the University.
This story originally appeared in
the Daily's summer edition.

Oinly A
to go...

..- ,.
\ \
\ /

Whether it's a hot shopping trip for a new pair of shades, or an evening
away at the movies to cool the burned-out brain, think The Ride
for all the right connections. And go in style.

...and you'll have all your books., 0
Just a little more fighting through
crowds, searching shelves, and DO p
running around, and you'll be done.
Of course, the people who went to Ulrich's are home drinking coffee. An Ulrich's
helper took their class lists, got their books, and handed them over to them.
And it didn't cost them a penney more.
IIA,.,M . .... ,..,..1~ a..: II.:..L j ..

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