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September 06, 1984 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-06

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Page 14 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 6, 1984

Museums display art,


This fall when you're looking for
an escape from your textbooks and lec-
ture notes, check out the Univesity's
museums. The museums offer a wide
range of exhibits to help you get your
mind off your homework. All the
museums are free and are open to
students, faculty, and the public.
The art museum
Over the years the art museum has
assembled large and diverse holdings
which now include between 150,000 and
200,000 pieces of art. The museum

directors are particularly proud of their
prints and drawings, which they feel
are one of the outstanding collections in
the museum.
The museum is continually rotating its
displays from amongst the many works
it owns. In addition, there is almost
always a special exhibit in one of the
upstairs galleries which are intended to
highlight both the museum's own works
and also introduce the public to art on
loan from other museums.
The art museum is located in the old
Alumni Hall at the corner of State and
S. University and is open from 11 a.m.

to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 1
- to 4p.m. on weekends.
The Clements Library
Although primarily a research
facility, The Clements Library also
serves as a museum of early
Americana. The collection includes
books, pamphlets, posters, manuscrip-
ts, musical scores, maps, prints, and
newspapers, most of which are from
the 18th and 19th centuries.
Throughout the year the Clements'
librarians organize special exhibits
designed to show off parts of the
library's extensive holdings.
The librarians at Clements en-
courage students to make use of the
collection. They say some great fresh-
man writing projects have been based'
on documents in the museum. Fur-
thermore, the librarians caution that
.students should not be put off by the
library's imposing exterior and main
hall. And indeed, while the building and
its holdings may be intimidating, the
people who work inside are very frien-
dly and helpful.
The Clements Library is located at
909 S. University and is open Monday

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through Friday from 10:30 a.m. to
noon, and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The exhibit museum
The exhibit museum houses the Un-
iversity's natural science collection.
One enters the museum through the fir-
st floor rotunda which has special
displays that are changed regularly. On
the second floor you'll find a survey of
prehistoric life presented through
dioramas, fossils, models, and
pictures. One can expect to see
everyting from the tiniest snail to an
immense mastodon.
The third floor of the Exhibit museum
features plant and animal life of
Michigan. Amongst the animals stuffed
and preserved on this floor is a
Michigan wolverine.
The fourth floor has a wide variety of
displays ranging from North American
Indians to human physiology. This floor
also has the exhibit museum gift shop
and the planetarium theater.
The planetarium theater uses a
multi-media projection system to cast
images of the night sky onto the
theater's domed ceiling. Here students
can experience an evening in Ann Ar-
bor from sunset to sunrise in the com-
fort of a theater seat in the middle of the
There are three showings in the
planetarium theater on Saturdays, and
two showings on Sundays. The sky
shows change every few months.
Tickets cost one dollar.
The exhibit museum is located at the
intersection of Geddes and N. Univer-
sity. Its hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-
day through Saturday and 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. on Sundays.
The Kelsey Museum of Archeology
This museum contains artifacts that
have been obtained through University
excavations in the Near East and Med-
iterranean.fUsually two of the
museum's five galleries feature the
museum's strongest areas - Graeco-
Roman art and Egyptian-Near Eastern
art. The other three galleries are
devoted to special exhibits.
For this fall a show called
"Napolean's Legacy: The European
Exploration of Egypt" is planned. The
show will include statues, glass ware,
textiles, stone reliefs, jewelry, death
masks, and coins from ancient Egypt.
During the course of the special exhibit,
talks will be given in the museum lec-
ture room on Sunday afternoons at 2


Newberry Hall, the location of the Kelsey Museum of Archeology, houses
artifacts from the Near East and Mediterranean cultures.

p.m. The talks will focus on various
aspects of the special exhibit.
The Kelsey Museum is open to all
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through
Friday, and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on
Saturdays and Sundays. Guided tours
can be arranged for small groups by
calling ahead. There is a fee of 50t per
person for the guided tours. The
museum is at 434 S. State, across from
Angell Hall,
The rare books exhibit room.
The Exhibit Room of the Rare Books
and Special Collections Department
was designed to make the Graduate
Library's rarest holdings more ac-
cessible to the public. Amongst these

rare holdings are photographs, postets,
prints, letters, papyrus scrolls, musical
scores, and theater promptbooks. ;.
The displays in the exhibit room
always follow a theme and the shows
change every couple months. On per-
manent display, however, is the
Library's first acquisition - first
edition volumes of John Audobon's1
The Birds of America,. purchased in
The Exhibit Room of the Rare Books
and Special Collections Department is
on the seventh floor of the Hatcher
Library and is open from 1 p.m. to 5,
p.m. Monday through Friday, and
from 10 a.m. to-noon on Saturdays. 1

for the UM
University Cellar, Main Campus
341 East Liberty, at Division St.
Open 7d4ys a week. 769-7940
Calculators & Computers
Second Floor
Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, Casio,
Sharp, NEC,Sanyo and Zenith.
Selected video modules and accessories,
quality cassette recorders.
Professional Books
Second Floor
Professional and technical texts, and references
for law, medical, dental, art & architecture,
business, chemistry, computer, earth science,
economics, engineering, life science, mathe-
matics, physics, psychology & sociology,
statistics courses and more.
Quality medical instruments and bags.
Language & Writing
References Third Floor
English and foreign language dictionaries, flash-
cards and cassettes. Style manuals, term paper
and professional writing guides.



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