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September 13, 1984 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-09-13

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Kickoff time for Saturday's
Michigan-Washington game has
been changed to 12:10 p.m.


Intramural tennis
Entries due Friday
Register at IM building

he Michigan Daily

Thursday, September 13, 1984

Page 7

Merriott bronzed at summer games


As a three-meter springboard diver,
Ron Merriott made a big splash at the
1984 Olympics. The former Wolverine
captured a bronze medal this summer
in Los Angeles after more than six years
f training.
In his four years at Michigan
Merriott proved himself no fluke by
amassing an impressive list of creden-
tials. The Rockford, Illinois native won
the 1980 Big Ten championship for the
one-meter springboard, earning All-
American honors in that event. The
following two years, Merriott went un-
defeated in the one-meter as Well as the
three-meter board and was named All-
American in both categories.
DESPITE his overwhelming success,
Merriott did not begin diving until his
senior year in high school. The one-

time champion trampolinist switched
over to diving when interest in his first
love went down in this country due to a
barrage of law suits and insurance
"I had no place to go when tram-
polines went down," said Merriott,

ball, his coach at Michigan and in the
Olympics, with much of his success.
"HE MADE me what I was,"
Merriott said. "He'd been there before
and he put in so much time with us."
Kimball agreed that having his own
college coach with him at the Games
was indeed an advantage for Merriott.
-"The best thing for any kid is to have
his own personal coach there. You know
your own kids better than anyone else
does. I know what it took to get him
there and I can pick out the subtle
physical techniques better than anyone
else because I've worked with him
a number of years."
KIMBALL refused to take all the
credit, however, as he noted the talent
and commitment of Merriott.
"Ron was a great prospect in high
school," Kimball said. "He had been to

my camp and had started to show that,
with continued improvement, he had a
good chance to make it (to the Olym-
pics). But it took years of dedicaton and
perserverence to become an Olym-
Merriott admits that he made a great
deal of sacrifices along the way, but
feels that a chance to be in the Olym-
pics was worth every bit of what he
gave up.
"The Olympics were everything I
thought they'd be and more," Merriott
said. "It wasda great moment. I was
able to share it with my family and
friends - they were all there in the
stands. There's nothing like it."

"but diving was very similar so I gave
it a try. It was hard at first to make the
transition, but I put the goal into my
head that I was going to go for the
Olympics in diving."
The former captain of the Michigan
swim team, Merriott credits Dick Kim-

The innocent and the damned
New York Jets Ken O'Brien and Mark Gastineau step out of the New York
court room where Gastineau was convicted of misdemeanor assault and
O'Brien was cleared of similar charges. See story on page 8.


Stickers face Mass. test

Get away and get a free T-shirt.

The new term may be just beginning, but exams have
lready started for head coach Karen Collins and the
ichigan field hockey team.
The stickers open their season, as well as a tough east coast
road trip, today at Massachusetts against the No. 5 ranked
Minutemen. And Collins is hopeful that her squad will be up
to the test.
"THIS GAME IS going to set the tone for the whole
season," said the first-year head coach. "This is probably
going to be the toughest team we'll play. If we hold our own,
it will be a big lift."
Michigan will face Springfield College and Brown Univer-
ity Saturday and Sunday as part of the east coast swing.

Helping the Wolverines to hold their own will be the team's
tri-captains-goalie Jonnie Terry, halfback Alison Johnson
and forward Lisa Schofield.
TERRY, A SENIOR from Dearborn, is considered one of
the best college goaltenders around. Last season, she turned
away 95 shots and kept Michigan in many games. The same
is expected from her this year.
"We count on Jonnie a lot," said Collins. "She's probably
one of the best goalies in the country. There's a lot of
pressure on her to maintain that and she handles it well."
But you can't win on defense alone-you've got to do some
scoring as well. Although the Wolverines lost last season's
top scorer, Kay McCarthy, to graduation, Collins is hopeful
that Schofield will be able to fill the scoring void.

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