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April 08, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-04-08

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Sunny, with highs in the mid-50s.


OVoI. XCIV--No. 151

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, April 8, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Eight Pages

into lime
While most of Ann Arbor spent
yesterday afternoon relaxing in the
sun, one group of University studen-
ts decided to get a jump on summery
by going for a swim - in a tub full of%
lime Jello.
Members of P} Beta Phi sorority
and Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
took turns diving into an 800 gallon
vat of cold, green gelatin in order to"
retrieve numbered golf balls at the
third annual Jello Jump to raise
money for the Muscular Dystrophy
The golf balls represented prizes
that were raffled off at the event. Af-
ter a name was drawn, one of the
fraternity or sorority members
jumped into the Jello to find out what,
prize the winner would receive.
One of the organizers of the event,:
Sharri Odenheimer, described ther
Jello as "gross" after being throwrt
into the vat, but said she felt they
immersion was worthwhile because
itwas benefiting a good cause. f
Although the first two Jello Jumps
were held in snow and twenty degreef
temperatures, the weather was
favorable for this year's event.
"Last year you couldn't feel a
thing once you got out of the Jello," $
said Pi Beta Phi member Starr Cor-
In spite of the warm weather,
most of the onlookers had little
desire to join the fun. One skeptical Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
spectator wondered "why civilized LSA junior Kirk Hudson emerges from a vat of green Jello yesterday during the third annual Jello Jump at the corner
people would do such a thing." of South University and East University. The jump, a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association, was co-
See STUDENTS, Page 2 sponsored by Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and Pi Beta Phi sorority.

gains big win



From the Associated Press
Wisconsin Democrats, caucusing to ap-
portion 78 national convention delegates,
gave Walter Mondale a big victory yester-
day while the former vice president was in
Pennsylvania blasting Sen. Gary Hart for
sponsoring "bail out" legislation for a
Colorado firm.
All three candidates for the Democratic
presidential nomination were campaigning
in Pennsylvania, where 172 delegates are at
stake in Tuesday's primary.
WINDING UP his day in Pittsburgh,
Mondale said he was "obviously very
pleased" with the victory in Wisconsin
where "we had anticipated a very close con-
test." But he said he didn't think it would
have much impact in Pennsylvania because
"I believe that voters jealously guard the
right" to make their-own choices.
In the Wisconsin presidential preference
vote last Tuesday, Hart received 46 percent,
Mondale 43 percent and Jackson 10 percent:
But Republicans could vote in that contest
and the result was far different yesterday
when only Democrats could participate.
WITH 98 percent of the raw votes counted,
the totals were: Mondale 17,020 or 57 per-
cent; Hart 9,138 or 11 percent; Jackson 3,271
or 11 percent. In Pennsylvania, Hart told a
rally at a Scranton train station that Mon-
dale and President Reagan both "are deaf
to the lessons of the past and blind to the
possibilities of the future."
He said both the Reagan administration
and the. Carter administration, in which
Mondale served as vice president, are
responsible for Pennsylvania's high unem-
ployment and sagging steel industry.
"BOTH THE Carter-Mondale and Reagan
programs have failed Pennsylvania and our

whole country," Hart said. "The old leader-
ship of both parties offers no hope for ou;
future and for our children's future."
Pennsylvania's overall unemployment
rate fell from 9.8 percent to 8.9 percent from
February to March, but that is still well
above the national seasonally adjusted rate
of 7.8 percent.
Mondale, addressing students at Bryn
Mawr College, said it is absurd that Reagan
has "dredged up that astounding,
discredited notion that a president should
not be subject to criticism in the conduct of
foreign affairs."
"I INTEND to continue my criticisms
where they're valid," he said. "The idea
that somehow the public process should be
suspended and paralyzed in the most impor-
tant issue of our time is a total absurdity.
Foreign policy belongs to everybody."
He was commenting on Reagan's spech
Friday in which the president said Congress
was guilty of "second guessing" his peace
efforts in the Middle East and that
congressional critics had "severely un-
demined" the administration in that part of
the world.
Mondale said he would not react that way
in the White House. 'As president of the
United States, I expect Congress to be heard
from and I expect the American people to be
heard from,'' he said.
Mondale's speech to the college audience
dealt almost exclusively with foreign policy,
including another dig at Hart on arms con-
He reiterated his assertion that Hart "has
not passed the threshold of credibility on the
nuclear freeze. It is impossible to follow
these twists and turns on the critical issue of
arms control."

Parents discuss gay children

Barbara's daughter, a University
student, will probably never wear the
wedding dress her mother has kept for
years. Her daughter is a lesbian, and
Barbara says she accepts that lifestyle.
"The child who has come out (of the
closet) is the child you've always had,"
Barbara told a group of homosexuals
and parents of gays yesterday during
the third annual Exploring Gay Issues
Conference in Hutchins Hall yesterday.
(Directors of the conference asked
that participants' full names not be
ACCORDING to most gay students on
campus, telling family members of
their homosexuality can be a difficult,
heart-wrenching experience. Many
times, it leaves brothers, sisters, and
parents feeling bitter, frustrated, and
"My first thought was, what's wrong

If you have a lousy relationship with
(parents), telling them you're gay isn't
going to help.'
-Homosexual male

with my son, what did we do wrong,"
said Joyce, whose son is gay. "Six
years ago, I hated him for telling us,"
she said. But today, Joyce says she has
come to accept her son's
homosexuality. "If I had to (go
through) it again, I wish he would have
told me 10 years sooner so I could have
helped him more," she said.
Often times, parents' reactions are
diverse. "I remember in my case there
was a feeling of relief," said Jack,
Joyce's husband, explaining that their
son had been difficult to get along with
before he came out to them.

"I ALWAYS thought that he was gay,
but if he wasn't going to talk about it, I
wasn't," said one woman of her gay
son. "We just all accepted it like we ac-
cept breathing in and out," she added.
According to Barbara, one thing that
assisted her in coping with her
daughter's coming out was the fact that
her- daughter didn't alienate her or
frown upon her for being straight. "It
helped me a lot to know that (my
daughter) still enjoyed the fact that I'm
heterosexual," she said.
However, many parents have not
come to grips with their child's

homosexuality and cannot be suppor-
tive of them.
"I'M GLAD that my son came out.
He's relieved and I'm relieved," said
one man whose son is gay. But, he ad-
ded, "Should I be happy that I am the
father of a gay son? I don't know if I'll
ever be happy that I'm the father of a
gay," he said.
"(My father) now feels he is losing a
son," said one gay male, adding that his
father has urged him to seek psychiatric
counseling in an effort to change his
sexual preference. 'No, I don't expect
my parents to be happy and pick up the
banner and say 'Yay, (he'd) gay," he
"The first thing my mother said to
me is 'why are you doing this to me? My
whole world is falling apart,' " said one
gay male.
See PARENTS, Page 3

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Challenger's 14 million seeds, some only involve exposing large
astronauts tossed a bus-size bundle of experiments numbers of coating materials to space, others study
overboard yesterday to be smacked by meteors, cosmic rays. Many materials are being tested as
pelted by cosmic rays and corroded by oxygen atoms possible space station components.
until hauled in by another crew in 10 months. ABOUT 12 million tomato seeds and 2 million other
The development of the Long Duration Exposure vegetable, herb and flower seeds - including squash,
Facility (LDEF) made room in the shuttle's cargo eggplant, basil, oregano, and petunias - were sealed
bay for today's daredevil attempt to retrieve a crip- in plastic bags and stored layers in eight aluminum
pled satellite for repair. canisters aboard the satellite.
1""THAT WORKED just like they said it was going As the satellite orbits Earth, the seeds will be ex-
O n d to," shuttle commander Robert Crippen said after posed to the radiation and vacuum of space. Scien-
LDEF, an 11-ton smorgasbord of experiments, was tists want to know how this harsh environment affec-
cast adrift nearly 300 miles above Hawaii. ts the germination and mutation rates of the seeds.
i"It was steady as the rock of Gibraltar and just Once the seeds are returned from space, the
s teabout as big," Crippen said. Television showed the George Park Seed Co. will divide them into 130,000
a aluminum cylinder, 30 feet long and 15 feet wide, packets. They will distribute those packets along with
floating away, one end pointing toward Earth. See ASTRONAUTS, Page 2
'Some are as simple as checking the survivability of SeATOATPg

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON
Haagen dogz
This man shares an ice cream cone with his poodle Peanut yesterday on the
corner of South University and East University.

Pick up that crap!
TS A DIRTY job, but Steve Dannenberg has to do it.
By night, Dannenberg is a 20-year-old student in a
Nehraska nmminito enll . hut by dav. he's the dog

__ _

because they want their yard to be neat," he said. "With a
service like this, they don't have to get rid of their dog."
Dannenberg charges $9.95 a month to service one dog, an
additional $3 for a second dog, and $2 for each additional
dog. . I
Fans file suit
A. MARRIED COUPLE in Townson, Md. claiming they

of the night last week. Local officials were not warned
about the Colts' nighttime departure which the suit charges
was designed "to humiliate and degrade" fans. The
Sachses said the move has caused them "to suffer severe
depression, severe physical and emotional disability,
severe disturbance of mental and emotional tranquility and
mental distress of a very serious kind." The suit, believed
to be the first filed by fans against National Football
League franchise, seeks $5 million in compensatory
damages and $25 million in punitive damages. Asked
whether she expected to win the suit, Mrs. Sachse said "Not
ran 1., Dn.. a .., aka n., .a n4t nanran- .... ainrc.9

" 1936 - Two fraternities petitioned the Inferfraternity
Council's executive committee to reinstate Hell Week.
" 1968 - 200 students marched from the Diag to the
National Guard Armory to protest the planned deployment
of troops from the armory to control riots in Detroit.
* 1980 - A Second Chance bouncer was arraigned for
assault after allegedly kicking and punching a customer
with four other bouncers on March 29. 2
On the inside...





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