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March 29, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-29

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom




Morning clouds will give way to
afternoon sunshine as the tem-
perature hits the mid-40s.


Vol. XUIV-No. 142

Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 29, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Ten Pane

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MSA ends
The Michigan Student Assembly elections came to a
relatively quiet, and smooth conclusion yesterday after a
disorganized and hectic opening day on Tuesday.
All scheduled polling booths were open yesterday and
students reported few difficulties in voting.
"IT'S BEEN A long election," said director Dave
Surovell, referring to a long series of snags in Tuesday's
fvoting. "I'm not happy with the way it went (Tuesday), but
it went real well today."
He estimated that 5,500 to 6,000 students voted in this
year's election, a slight jump from last year's total of 5,000.
On the opening day of the election, MSA found itself shor-
thanded and was not able to open several booths which were
supposed to be operating.
SEVERAL CANDIDATES charged that the election was
being conducted improperly. Scott Page of-the SMART par-
ty called the election "a farce," while mark Weinstein, a
candidate for IOU, said it was "very incompetently run."
Yesterday, however, most of the candidates had toned
* down their complaints as they waited for the results to te
"The elections were not as bad as yesterday," said the
YOU! party candidate Ron Senkowski, who said yesterday
that Tuesday's problems were indicative of "how screwed
up MSA is right now.
"All the polls opened on time and it went a lot smoother,"
he said.
Drew Plevin, a candidate under the LMNOP party and
banner, echoed Senkowski.
"The day went pretty well," Plevin said. "I don't think
there is any reason to contest the elections unless they are.
extremely close."

Notre Dame
demolished by
Blue, 83-63

Special to the Daily
NEW YORK - So what if they won
the wrong tournament. The Michigan
Wolverines are NIT champions and
proud of it.
The Wolverines captured the college
basketball's oldest tournament last
night with an 83-63 crushing of Notre
Dame at Madison Square Garden.
Michigan would have preferred to play
in the NCAA championship but the con-
solation prize thrilled coach Bill
"WE'RE REALLY happy to win this
honor," Frieder said. "Our guys had a
great game, a great tournament and a
great season."
Michigan broke a 28-28 second-half
deadlock with a 20-2 burst that put the
trophy in Ann Arbor. All-NIT center
Roy Tarpley scored eight points during
the spree. The Fighting Irish con-
tributed to their own misery with six
"We were disappointed that we didn't
jump out to a bigger lead earlier," said
NIT-MVP Tim McCormick. "When we
got that little spurt we showed that we
have the potential to be an explosive
AP Photo team."
ght's 83-63 McoCORMICK LED Michigan with 28
ground is points, while Tarpley added 18, Eric
Turner 16. Antoine Joubert chipped in

12 points and some nifty ballhandling.
Notre Dame s Ken Barlow and Tom
Sluby scored 18 and 19 points, respec-
tively, in a losing cause. The Irish duo
joined Tarpley, Southwestern
Louisiana's Alonza Allen, and Virginia
Tech's Dell Curry on. the All-
Tournament team.
The second-half outburst began after
Notre Dame's Tim Kempton tied the
score at 28 with a pair of free throws.
McCormick then'buried a 17-foot jum-
per and took a Kempton offensive foul
at the other end of the court.
MICHIGAN took. the ball and gunned
home 16 straight points before Kempton
broke the South Bend ice with a tip-in
that made the score 48-32.
The Wolverines came right back with
a pair of Turner free throw and a Rich
Rellford break away slam.
Barlow and Sluby then canned two
free throws each and, after McCormick
hit a foul shot of his own, Sluby dropped
home a jumper from the free throw line
to make the score 53-38.
THE TWO teams traded scores on the
next few possessions until Kempton hit
a pair of free throws and Sluby another
jumper to pull Notre Dame to within 11,
But Joubert and McCormick an-
See MVP, Page 9

Notre' Dame's Tom Sluby moves the ball past Michiga guard Antoine Joubert in last nig
Wolverine victory in the NIT championship game at Madison Square Garden. In the back
tournament MVP Tim McCormick.

a s fig hting

From AP and UPI
BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hundreds of ar-
tillery shells and rockets crashed into
Christian and Moslem neighborhoods of
Beirut yesterday, killing at least 37
people. President Amin Gemayel con-
vened a meeting of factional leaders in
an attempt to avert further bloodshed.
The "higher political-security com-
mittee" began its first meeting late in
the evening at the Presidential Palace
in suburban Baabda, following the wor-
st day of violence since a cease-fire was
declared March 13 by participants at a
Lebanese reconciliation conference in
Lausanne, Switzerland.
BEIRUT WAS not the only site of

violence. In the southern Lebanese
- vilage of Jibchit, at least three civilians
were killed and 10 wounded in a con-
frontation at a mosque.
Lebanese reports said Israeli forces
killed six Shiite Moslem villagers who
had thrown stones at the soldiers, but
military sources in Tel Aviv said the
forces involved were Israeli-supported
Lebanese Christians. The Tel Aviv
sources also put the death toll in Jibchit
at three instead of six.
The political-security committee was
created during the Lausanne conferen-
ce, and was designed to help enforce the
cease-fire and disengage Lebanon's
See FIGHTING, Page 2

Soviet artists compare,
Russian, American culture

"I don't expect anything from this
country, but I'm going to give it
everything I have just to be a part of
it,'" world-famous dancer and
choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov
told a packed audience at Rackham

Auditorium last night.
Baryshnikov, along with fellow
Russian emigres poet Josef Brod-
sky, novelist Sasha Sokolov, jour-
nalist Serge Dovlatov, painter David
Miretsky, and novelist Yuz
Aleshkovsky, discussed Russian and

American politics and freedom at a
forum entitled, "Russian Culture
and America."
THE DISCUSSION offered each of
the artists the opportunity to answer

Sit-in assault reports dropped

A member of the Progressive Student
Network said yesterday he will not pur-
sue an assault report against the
University stemming from a March 7
sit-in, and the University has agreed to
drop its assault reports against him:
Tom Marx, who was arrested with 10
other PSN members in the protest, said
yesterday he will not pursue his case
against a University security official he
said "tackled (him) to the ground."
A SOURCE involved in negotiations;
between police, the University, and the
demonstrators, said "there were other
allegations by one or more PSN mem-
bers of assault, but it looks as if none
will come to anything."
The source said University security
officials, in turn, have agreed not to
pursue their assault reports against
several PSN members.
The 11 protesters still face
trespassing charges from the sit-in at
the laboratory of George Haddad,
chairman of the Electrical and Com-
puter Engineering Department.
PSN CONTENDS that Haddad's work
for the Pentagon is weapons-related
and does not belong on campus. They
say his research on solid state diodes
and transistors, which has been spon-

'I think it's a fallacy that's been
perpetrated by the media that we're
attacking engineers and the engineering
- Chris Hill
PSN member

sored by such groups as the U.S. Naval
Weapons Center, is being used to help
guide the Phoenix missile.
Haddad has said his research could
be used to help in the guidance systems,
but that it has civilian applications as
At a Campus Meet the Press session
yesterday in the Michigan Union, six
PSN members talked about defense
research on campus, civil disobedien-
ce, conflicts with engineering students,
and their upcoming trial.
"I PERSONALLY wasn't aware of
the time involved," said LSA senior
Julia Gittleman, "the legal system
works very slowly." Gittleman who will
graduate in April, said she now expects
to have to stay in Ann Arbor this sum-
mer for the trial.

Responding to questions as to why
PSN always makes demands in their
sit-ins rather than negotiating, Git-
tleman said two years of working
within the system to get guidelines for
non-classified research on campus
proved futile when the regents turned
down the proposal. Both the ad-
ministration and faculty had endorsed
the guidelines.
"The peaceful democratic processes
of this University, otherwise known as
the Michigan Student Assembly and the
faculty were pretty much ignored. The
regents basically decided they wouldn't
be listened to,'! said LSA senior Chris
HILL SAID the regents' vote made
a return to purely legislative efforts
See PSN, Page 5

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON

Russian ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov takes time out to talk with his excited fans last night at Rackham Auditorium.
He appeared in a panel discussion entitled "Russian Culture and America: A n Open Forum."

Tornado test
WHEN THE city's emergency tornado sirens sound
this afternoon don't grab Toto and head for Oz, it's
only a test. As part of Governor James Blanchard's third

Be a leader
A PPLICATIONS to lead, Women Studies 100 are being
accepted today and tomorrow in Rm. 354 Lorch Hall.
To qualify students must have taken Women Studies 100 or
240 and one additional course in the department. Ap-
plications are available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.1

are footprints, hair samples, eyewitness stories, and some
shaky, unbelievable photographs," he said. Keller declined
to pinpoint the area he will be searching with Vince
Thomas, 21, of Sacramento, and james Wyatt, 27, of
Gasquet. But Hal Mefford of the State Department of Fish
and Game said Keller's expedition may be illegal. He said
California law names the animals that hunters may kill and
it is illegal to kill anything not on the list. Bigfoot is not
listed. -1

Ballroom featuring such athletes as Inca Peru, El Scorpio,
and Malcom "Mr. Soul" Monroe.
Also on this date in history:
*1910 - Several students said they planned to "walk the
rails" to Chicago for spring break.
* 1933 - A Daily editorial said the University may go
from a first class to a fourth class institution due to a
proposed cut of almost $3 million.in state aid.
" 1970 - Members of the Black Action Movement (BAM)
urged supporters to "close the University down" as
negotiations between the University and BAM leaders

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