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January 12, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-12

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Ninetyfour Years
Editorial Freedom


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Cloudy, cold, and uncomfortable
today with a high of about 20 and
light snow beginning near evening.

oI. XCIV-No. 84 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, January 12, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

State uses
aid as lever
in running
Detroit college
Wayne County Community College has one year to
straighten out its financial and administrative troubles or
face losing its state funding under a law that went into effect
kst week.
The law, passed last month by the Michigan Legislature,
gives State Superintendant of Schools Phillip Runkel direct
control of the college's $16 million state subsidy.
programs, and budget problems prompted the law, which
would allow Runkel to withhold the aid - 53 percent of the
school's budget - if the board of trustees fail to carry out his
Without that state aid the school would collapse.
At the University the move has raised questions among
ome officials who fear similar state intervention. But it
would be unlikely for such measures to be taken against
larger state schools which are in better administrative and
financial shape.
THE COLLEGE, which has five campuses in Detroit and
its suburbs, has had six presidents in the past three years.
The board of trustees has also been politically divided.
Runkel ordered a financial audit of the college to look into
charges that trustees made business deals from which they
could have personally profited.
Enrollment at the school has dropped from 21,000 to 17,000
ince 1981 while other community colleges have had record
increases in the same period. Academic programs at the
r school are also below state standards.
Ron Root, state budget analyst of community colleges, said
the state has a right to police its funds and use aid as a lever
for influencing policy changes in public schools.
If such action would be taken against the University it
See STATE, Page 3

Congress split
on Kissinger
panel report

WASHINGTON (AP) - Members of
Congress squared off yesterday overthe
Kissinger Commission report on Cen-
tral America, with some saying the
document offers a positive plan for ad-
vancing U.S. interests and others
arguing that it adds "fuel to the war
fires" sweeping the region.
As soon as the report was submitted
to President Reagan, supporters and
critics hurriedly held news conferences
and issued press releases to give their
interpretations of its conclusions.
THE BIPARTISAN panel, appointed
by President Reagan and headed by
former Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, endorsed broadly based
political, economic and social reforms
for the region, backed by a five-year, $8
billion economic aid plan and increased
U.S. military assistance.
Most senators and representatives
praised the commission for its attempt
to forge a consensus on U.S. policy
toward Central America, but they were
divided on whether Congress would be
willing to finance the panel's ambitious
Rep. Jack Kemp (R-N.Y.) a coun-
selor to the commission, said the report
was a "milestone in the effort to forge a
bipartisan foreign policy for Central

America." He said the recommen-
dations were "critical to America's
security . . . in an area critical to our
trade and our prosperity."
BUT KEMP, a fiscal conservative,
said the commission proposed offering
"more foreign aid than is eventually
going to be necessary ..."
Sen. Alan Cranston of California, a
contender for the Democratic presiden-
tial nomination, said the proposal for
boosting military aid was "adding fuel
to the war fires in Central America by
endorsing President Reagan's dreams
of military victory."
Cranston said he favored economic
aid to combat poverty, hunger and in-
ANOTHER presidential contender,
Sen. Gary Hart (D-Colo.) said the
commission deserves credit for
challenging the president on human
rights progress in El Salvador. But
overall, he said, the report offers little
hope for permanent peace n the region
because it emphasizes military aid,
supports covert supprt for Nicaraguan
rebels and fails to recognize "poverty,
not communism," as the enemy in Cen-
tral America.

AP Photo
Making tracks
Five Cleveland boys tread through the snow yesterday after a custodian walkout at their school
brought about an unexpected holiday.


gets tough on alcohol
By KAREN TENSA Heidke said. " groups must register all parties with ap- non-dr
,.,L ___- _ __ . .. w .. .., t..- . w .....-drinkinj

inkers" and promote responsible
g for others. The aim of the guidelines is

In a move that University administrators
maintain is not a change in policy the housing
office has issued an expanded statement of
rules on the consumption of alcohol in the dor-
John Heidke, associate housing director has
circulated a memo to all resident staff mem-
bers with seven points outlining "responsible
Ouse" of alcohol by residents.
THE GUIDELINES are part of an attempt to
make drinking policies more uniform
throughout the dormitories and to educate
students in more responsible drinking habits,

The seven points emphasize that:
" the legal Michigan age for purchase and
consumption of alcohol is 21, and most dorm
residents are underage;
" no drinking is allowed in public places such as
lounges, corridors, janitors' closets, and lob-
" no collection of money to pay for alcohol is to
take place at the entrance to a party;
" no advertising for a party may contain
reference to alcohol being served;
. no house council or house funds may be used
to purchase alcohol;

prpriate housing authorities;
" destruction of property and public disturban-
ces are the responsibility of the residents in-
volved regardless of whether they are in-
toxicated, and penalties can include paying
repair costs and possible termination of leases.
THE OLD policy, three sentences long,
stated only that dorm residents must observe
Michigan laws, and that they could not drink
alcoholic beverages in public areas, including
dorm cafeterias.
Heidke said he hopes the expanded
guidelines will provide a "support network for

not to eliminate drinking, he said.
"I don't see this as a major change," said
Heidke, who has only worked for the University
a few months. "It is reiterating what has been
in place for a long time."
DUE TO THE ambiguity of present policy
printed in the housing division's current han-
dbook, Heidke said there has been "confusion
on how the policy has been interpreted.
"Now the staff and residents will have a
clear understanding of the rules and there will
be consistency between all the buildings on

campus," Heidke said.
The guidelines are partly a result of the
alcohol task force that was formed last spring
by Housing Director Robert Hughes to examine
drinking on campus. Hughes assigned the
commission to examine patterns, attitudes,
and consequences of student drinking. The
main goal of the task force is to teach students
about alcohol and to encourage them to make
responsible decisions about drinking.
ALTHOUGH Heidke doesn't believe that the
guidelines are a change in policy, West Quad
Building Director Alan Levy, member of the
See 'U', Page 2

'U' department



to test employees

University Plant Operations depart-
ment employees who drink on the job
now face not only possible disciplinary
action, but also a breathalyzer test,
University officials said yesterday.
The department put the breathalyzer
test rule into effect Jan. 3 to test em-
ployees suspected of being under the
influence of alcohol while working, said
Patrick Cunningham, plant operations
personnel director,
IF A supervisor suspects that an em-
ployee is intoxicated, Cunningham will
ask the employee to breathe into the
breathalyzer machine. If the employee
shows a blood alcohol content of .1 per-
cent, the department could take action,
Cunningham said.
In Michigan, a person found driving a
vehicle with a blood alcohol content of
.1 percent is considered to be under the
influence of alcohol, although a person

can be arrested with a blood alcohol
content of.08 percent.
The action the department takes will
depend upon the situation, Cunningham
said, and could range from dismissal to
an order to seek counseling.
HE SAID that the test is "purely
voluntary," but added that employees
who refuse to consent to the
examination may find themselves
suspended or even fired.
Cunningham stressed that the depar-
tment installed the device only as a
deterrent to drinking on the job, and
that the action was not in response to any
specific problem. "We have had
relatively few problems with em-
ployees drinking on the job," he said.
The breathalyzer was installed
primarily to prevent accidents among
plant department employees, who often
must operate machinery and vehicles
on the job, Cunningham said.
See 'U', Page 2

key issues
with AP reports
University representatives returned
home last night from the NCAA conven-
tion in Dallas with what they con-
sidered partial victories in the major
The convention Tuesday passed a
University-supported proposal which
created a commission of university
presidents with limited powers over the
NCAA. The proposition was a watered-
down version of an earlierUniversity-
backed proposal that, if passed, would
have given the presidential commission
substantial control over college
UNDER THE accepted proposal, the
presidential commission may place any
matter it wishes before the NCAA's an-
nual convention.
"The proposition gives the presidents
See NCAA, Page 8

Daily Photo by DOUG MCMAHON

Angel lies
The thick layer of snow that frosts the Law Quadrangle contains the lasting impression of a bell-bottomed snow angel.

Soreheads unite
NY RESIDENT OF WAYNE, Ohio can qualify for the
the position, but it helps to be a mean sort who
wouldn't think twice about taking candy from a

are nominated and can even spend a few dollars on their
campaigns if they choose. The only requirement for elec-
tion is "you have to be a human being. You have to be
alive," Barndt said. But the sorehead tradition has literally
begun to fade: The paint on the sign, which rests on a bar-
bershop wall, began to fade last year.rC
College cow

they have no theory on how the animal got to Seattle, but
Wilson said he heard rumors that it had been an attraction
at college parties across the state. The store had received
as many as two dozen calls of sightings a week after Wilson
posted a sign on a busy street that read, "We miss her.
Please return our cow." The cow was first reported missing
April 1 in what employees thought was an April Fool's
prank. Once the $1,000 cow is repaired it will be returned to
its perch, securely bolted and wired down. ED

Also in this date in history:
* 1970 - State Rep. Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit) said he
would propose an amendment to add a student to the
University's Board of Regents. One guess what happened to
that one.
* 1971 - The Faculty Senate Assembly completed a
report calling for sanctions on classified research which is
funded by industry.
* 1974 - Two hundred Indians from 24 tribes across the
nation streamed into Ann Arbor to celebrate their heritage




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