English Prof. Bert Hornbeck will read the poetry of William Butler Yeats
to the accompaniment of Irish music tonight at 8 p.m. at Canterbury Loft.
Refreshments will be provided.
MED - Animal House, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
Cinema II- The Warriors, 7 & 9p.m., Aud. A.
Cinema Guild - Das Boot, 7 & 9p.m., Lorch.
AAFC - Twilight Zone - The Movie, 7 & 9:15, Nat. Sci.
CFT - A Boy and His Dog, 7:05 & 10:30 p.m., Michigan Theater; Dark
Star, 9 p.m., Michigan Theater.
" Alt. Act. - Cabaret, 7 & 9:15p.m., MLB 4.
UAC - Animal House, 3, 7 & 9 p.m., MLB 3.
The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 16, 1984 - Page 3
U' won't rule out tuition hike
Administrators at yesterday's regents meeting
refused to rule out a tuition hike as a way to balance
next year's University budget, despite pressure in the
last several months from Gov. James Blanchard's
administration to hold student fees down.
Billy Frye, University vice president for academic
affairs and provost, also told the regents that $2.5
million should be spent to boost the salaries of
professors in highly marketable fields such as
engineering, business administration, and computer
ADMINISTRATORS HAVE been warning for
several years that these professors will flee from the
University for higher paying jobs if their salaries are
not kept competitive with other colleges.
Frye said that another 5 percent faculty salary
increase will be needed to keep professors' salaries
even with inflation. The salary increases would be
distributed unequally among professors based on
Utility cost inflation and raises for staff drive the
University's total needs up to $26 million, Frye said.
THE STATE AID which administrators are
expecting would not be able to cover these expenses
without a tuition hike, University President Harold
Shapiro said.
A state House subcommittee last night passed a
budget which contains a 10 percent aid increase over
last year for the University but would cut any link the
increase would have to tuition increases.
Under Blanchard's proposed budget, which the
Republican-controlled Senate may still pass, the
University would have to hold the line on
undergraduate, in-state tuition or give up some of the
state aid for which it qualifies. For every additional
dollar the University would generate if it hiked
'As long as there remains this
kind of uncertainty, I think
we'd like to leave the option of
tuiton open.'
- Billy Frye,
Vice President for academic
affairs and provost
tuition, it would lose one dollar in state
appropriations, Shapiro said.
IF THE UNIVERSITY were to raise tuition for out-
of-state, graduate and professional students by the
rate of inflation, or 5 percent, it would receive an
addition of only $5 million, not enough to balance the
University's budget, Frye said.
The amount of aid the University will finally,4t is
still highly uncertain because the state budget still
has to be considered by the full state House and
"As long as there remains this kind of uncertaifity,
I think we'd like to leave the optino of tuition open,'
Frye said. Administrators will put off any decisidA on
next year's tuition until the summer, he said.
THE PROVOST SAID. that the budget ojuine
discussed yesterday would allow the University nly
to tread water, hoping that prestigious faculty don't
leave the University and that high tuition costs don't
drive too many low-income students away.
The budget does not include "long-delayed
equipment replacement," Frye said.
The 10 percent state aid increase sent to the HAuse
yesterday would increase the University's aide by
$14.9 million, but falls far short of the $40 million
boost the University told the state last fall it wbtuld
Since that request, administrators have trimmned
that $40 million of expenditures down to the .$26
million discussed at yesterday's meeting.
Ark - Tony Bird, 8 p.m., 1421 Hill St.
Musical Soc. -'Jury's Irish Cabaret concert, 8:36 p.m., Hill Aud.
School of Music - University Dance Co., 8 p.m., Power Center.
Oboe/English Horn recital, Marianne Daniel, 6 p.m., Recital Hall. Chamber
choir, 8 p.m., Rackham.
PTP-"Miss Julie," play, 8p.m., Trueblood Theater.
WCBN - Live broadcast of pianists Mark Braun, Joe Duskin, and William
Bolcom atthe Blind Pig, 9:30 p.m.
UAC Soundstage - Aris Novor, 9 p.m., University Club.
School of Art - U of M BFA Show, John Brinkman, Linda Kattuah, John
Hammer, Jennifer Krause, 7-10 p.m., Rackham, 3rd floor gallery.
I ................ .. ........ . -- - I
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Ed. School cuts drawn up
*(. Natural Resources - Bob Nelson, "Mead's Timberland Ownership
Program," 3-5 p.m., 1040ODana.
Museum of Art - Art Break, Ginny Caxtor, "Salon Painting vs. the New,"
Grad. Students in Transportation - G.R. Adams, "Interaction Between
Public Service Levels & Infrastructure Maintenance," 3-5 p.m., 4050 LSA.
'South & Southeast Asian Studies - Masao Nichimura, "The Ifugao Set-
tlement Systems in the Philippines," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
UM Student Affiliates of the Amer. Chem. Soc. - F.A. Cotton, "Metal-
Metal Bonds in Theory & Practice," 4 p.m., Rm. 1210 Chem.
Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship - Winter retreat, Gordon Fee, "On Fin-
ding a Christian Alternative," Fa-Ho-Lo Park, Grass Lake, call 769-4157.
Psi Chi - Barbara Forisha, "Power and Love in Professional and Per-
sonal Life," 4:30 p.m., Henderson Room, League.
" Anthropology; Center for Japanese Studies - William Kelly, "Tax Revolt
or World Renewal? Conventions and Inventions of Protest on a Japanese
9 Rice Plain," 4 p.m,, East Lecture Room, 3rd floor Rackham.
Regents --9 a.m., Regents Room, Fleming Building.
Huron Valley Quilting Society - 7:30 p.m., Tappan Intermediate School,
221 E. Jefferson.
Korean Christian Fellowship - Bible Study, 9 p.m., Campus Chapel.
Ann Arbor Chinese Bible Class -7:30 p.m., University Reformed Church.
'Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - fellowship and Bible Study, 8
p.m., 3rd floor, Trotter House.
, Muslirn:Students Assoc. -Arabic CircIe, disussion of latest events in the
M1islifii World, 9p .i., MUtslim House, 407 N. Ingalls.
Michigan Gay Undergrads - St. Patrick's Day Party, Law Club Pub, call
l Tae Kwon Do Club - practice, 5-7 p.m., CCRB Martial Arts room.
Duplicate Bridge Club - pairs contest, 7:15 p.m., League.
# Guild House - Conversations on How Women Grow & Change series,
Kathy Modigliani, noon,802 Monroe.
Cont. Medical Ed.; Medical School - "Basic Cardiac Life Support" cour-
'se, Townsley Center, call 763-1400.
HRD - "Purchasing & Accounts Payable" course, 8:30-11:30.a.m., rm.
130 LSA; "Intro to Text Edit" course, taught by Pat Smith, 2-2:30 p.m., rm.
1439 Mason Hall.
Women's Gymnastics - Michigan Invitational, Crisler Arena..
UM Folk Dance Club - International folk dancing, teaching 8-9:30 p.m.;
request dancing, 9:30-midnight, 3rd floor dance studio, corner of State and
Engineering - nuclear engineering seminar, 3:45 p.m., White Aud.,
Cooley Building.
South Quad - Spring Formal, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Pendelton Room, Michigan
Union, sponsored by Bush House.
University Duplicate Bridge Club - pairs PAR contest, 7:15 p.m.,
Michigan Room, League.
Ann Arbor-Baranovichi Pairing Project - pot luck dinner, documentary
film on Byelorussia, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Fridns Meeting House.
WCBN -news report, 5:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor Train and Trolley Watchers - John Bjorklund, "Cascade," and
Doug Leffler, "Night Train," 8 p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 306 N.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
At the start of today's University
regent's meeting, School of Education
Dean Carl Berger will announce the
school's budget cuts that were ordered
by the Univesity administration last
Berger will orally present the report
of the education school transition team
which drew up'plans to reduce the
school's budget by 40 percent. The $1.9
million cut will be implemented over
the next five years beginning, with the
University's new fiscal year in July.
THE BUDGET cuts, according to
Berger, will include:
BLosing' 3professors from the
current staff of 75 faculty members
through retirement, early retirement,
and transfers to professorial and ad-
ministrative positions elsewhere in the
* Cutting the Program in Guidance
and Counseling;
* Eliminating international and com-
parative education from the program in
adult and continuing education;
" Slashing the audiology program
from the Special Education program in
Speech and Hearing sciences;
" Reducing the number of staff in
administrative offices; and
Cutting down the number of
programs available at the school
through combining of units. There will
he a reduction from 13 to 4 instructional
units for undergraduates, 63 to 13 for
masters students, and 54 to 15 for doc-
toral candidates.
WHILE implementing these cuts, the
school was ordered by the Office of
Academic Affairs to aggressively
recruit students in order to maintain
current enrollment levels, said Berger.
Berger said he is presenting the
report exactly six months after being
appointed dean. "In just'months we've
created literally, a new school of
education," he said.
The budget cuts are part of a five
year plan to reallocate University funds
to high-priority areas of the University.
The Schools of Natural Resources and
Arts have received budget cuts of 25
percent and 18 percent respectively.
- Karen Tensa
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Regent questions
gay rights policy
(continued from Page 1)
S. University at Forest
offer expires 51/84
semca & coupons void with this offer.
public judgment that homosexuality is
acceptable on campus," he said.
In an interview after the meeting,
Baker said that the regents must ap-
prove any changes in the University's
non-discrimination policy.
Shapiro declined to comment on
Baker's statement.
THE UNIVERSITY bylaws currently
prohibit discrimination on the basis of
race, sex, color, religion, creed,
national origin, or ancestry, age,
marital status, handicap, or Vietnam-
era status.
Although Shapiro's statement this
week appears to prohibit
discrimination against ' gays,
homosexuality will not be added to the
list of protected groups in the bylaws.
One regent, however, said that the
current University policy protects
"Our policy already guarantees non-
discrimination," said Robert
Nederlander (D-Detroit). "But if the
president wants to issue a statement,
that's fine with me."
Baker, however, said it would have
been better if Shapiro had remained
silent and not issued the statement.
"We should remain silent," Baker
said. "I object to the methods used."
Also at yesterday's meeting the
board approved the appointment of
June Osborn as the new dean of the
School of Public Health. Osborn will
YUJI A NDO, from Japan, 27 years old, attended
English Language Institute.(from Sept. 1 982 to Feb. 1983) and
Michigan Language Academy (March-April 1983) has been mis-
sing since September 1983. Anyone who knows his whereabouts,
please contact:
.. . statement under fire
replace interim Dean John Kirscht on
July 1.
In a break from their usual routine,
the regents convened at 10 a.m. yester-
day and immediately voted 6-0 to close
the session as allowed under the state's
Open Meetings Act which closes the
meeting to the public in order to con-
sider information obtained in con-
sultation with the University's external
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