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March 16, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-16

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Page 2 - Th(
Souse guard
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surrounding t
last night, the
"The Pres
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The intrude
'Secret Servic
:of Williamspo
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Ann Gordon!
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"As the off
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e Michigan Daily - Friday, March 16, 1984
ruder shot
White House
TON (AP) - A White Ms. Gordon said. "The officer fired one
shot a man carrying a shot, striking the individual in the right
iotgun along the fence forearm."
he White House grounds She said that after the shooting,
Secret Service reported. Mahonski dropped his weapon, "which
ident's all right," said has been identified as a sawed-off
se spokesman Larry shotgun."
Speakes said that Reagan had been
er was identified by the informed of the shooting, but Speakes
e as David Mahonski, 25, did not say where the President was at
rt, Pa. the time of the incident, which occurred
ice spokeswoman Mary at the fence along the south lawn of the
said that about 7:15 p.m. White House about7:30 p.m. EST.
Service uniform division Mahonski, who was hit in the right
rol on the sidewalk outside forearm, "is the intruder" and "I saw
unds of the White House five police officers...questioning him"
n individual acting in a while the man was undergoing X-rays
anner. at D.C. General Hospital, said Andrew
Ficer approached, he ob- McCoy a hospital spokesman. Mahon-
ject reach for a weapon," ski was listed in fair condition.
"We are going to admit him Mahon-
ski," said the attending physician at the
hospital, Dr. Frantz Chery; "He has a
fractured arm and a fever and he can't
go home."
Tke An administration official who spoke
on condition he not be identified said no
White House staff mempers were in-
volved in the shooting.
Ms. Gordon said the case was being
nvestigated by the Secret Service and
the Park Police and that charges were
pending a review by the U.S. attorney.




Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Senate defeats school prayer bill
WASHINGTON - After 10 days of emotionally charged debate, the Senate'
voted yesterday against a watered-down version of President Reagan's
proposal for a school prayer constitutional amendment, one permitting only:
silent organized prayer in the nation's classrooms.
The 81-15 vote set the stage for a showdown on the president's original
proposal for a constitutional amendment to allow organized spoken prayer:
in public schools. Key senators on both sides of the issue have expressed:
doubt that Reagan's proposal could attract the necessary two-thirds vote.
Reagan opposed the silent-prayer proposal by Sen. Alan Dixon, (D-Ill.),:
said Senate Majority Leader Howard H. Baker (R-Tenn.), Dixon's measure
also would have permitted equal access to public facilities by students:
meeting after regular school hours for religious purposes.
Both advocates and opponents of the silent-prayer version said the vote
was not a true test of sentiment on the shool prayer issue. Many senators:
wanted to let Reagan have an unencumbered vote on the measure he favors.
The vote was on whether to table Dixon's proposal, and required only a
majority vote, whereas a constitutional amendment takes a two-thirds vote
in both houses of Congress - or 67 votes in the Senate. '
New hearings set for Meese
WASHINGTON - A fractious Senate Judiciary Committee, whose chair-
man promised that "there will be no cover-up," agreed yesterday to open
new hearing next week- on Edwin Meese III's nomination to be attorney*
The committee's plans to vote on the Meese nomination were sidetracked,
after President Reagan's top policy adviser said he had "inadvertently
failed" to tell the committee about a $15,000 interest-free loan from a former;
White House aide.
Democrats also had further questions to ask Meese about Carter cam-:
paign documents that were found i his files and about government appoin-;
tments for men who had helped Meese get out of financial difficulties.
"There will be no cover-up," pledged the committee chairman, Strom,
Thurmond, (R-S.C.), "We want the truth, and the full truth, but we also want
no undue delay" in getting a vote on whether to confirm Meese.
It was unclear exactly when Meese would testify again before the panel,
when the new round of bearings begins Tuesday. It appeared that' he might:
not be summoned to answer questions until as much as a week later.
IRA head says plot was known
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - The IRA's wounded political leader Gerry:
Adams charged yesterday that British intelligence knew of a Protestant plot
to kill him and let it go ahead.
Adams, 35, the head of the IRA's legal political wing Sinn Fein, was shot
along with three companions when his car was ambushed Wednesday.
A Protestant group claimed responsibility.
Protestant militant leader John McMichael, meanwhile, said Protestants
will keep trying to kill leaders of the outlawed IRA.
"There is no future for Ulster Protestants unless they take things into their
own hands," said McMichael, a key figure in the Ulster Defense Association,
a legal Protestant organization.
Adams, interviewed on Belfast's Downtown Radio at the hospital where he
was recovering from three bullet wounds, said the three gunmen who am-
bushed him in Belfast were "set up."
Adams' ambush was claimed by the outlawed Ulster Freedom Fighters, a
shadowy Protestant death squad that security chiefs have linked to the
Ulster Defense Assocation.
Train crash kills 1,inures1 70
.1-- -


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Bear hugs AP Photo
An orphaned bear cub meets his new family yesterday in Bradford, Maine,
after being abandoned by his natural mother last week. Wildlife biologist
James Connolly holds the bears outside their den.
Lebanese leaders agree
to release prisoner's


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(Continued from Page 1)
in foreign affiars, defense, economic
and development policy.
THE OPPOSITION views that plan
as the first step toward partition of the
Mediterranean nation.
Former Lebanese president
Suleiman Franjieh, a member of the
Syrian-backed opposition, walked out of
the conference hall yesterday after an
argument with Christian leaders Pierre
Gemayel and Camille Chamoun over
Lebanon's future ties to Israel.
In Washington, a statement by Jor-
dan's King Hussein said that an Arab-
Israeli peace is hopeless as long as the
United States sides with Israel.
HUSSEIN SAID in a New York Times
interview published yesterday that
Americans "have made your choice,
and your choice is Israel and support of
Israel. that being the case, there is no
hope of achieving anything."
He said the Reagan initiative, first
proposed on Sept. 1, 1982, "is hopeless."
John Hughes, the State Department
spokesman, said the Hussein interview
was "a disappointing setback - of
course it is." He said the ad-
ministration "regrets the timing" of the
statements, although it will continue to
push planned weapons sales to Jordan.

HUGHES ALSO said Hussein's
statements would make it more dif-
ficult, if not impossible, to get Congress
to go along with plans to sell Stinger an-
ti-aircraft missiles to Jordan and to
spend $22 million to create a Jordanian
strike for for the Persian Gulf.
Privately, officials said chances of
making progress this year had been
eliminated and some changes would be
needed if the plan is to be revived.
The king's remarks constituted the
second blow .to the administation's
Middle East diplomacy in the past mon-
th. A defeat for American policy in
Lebanon led to the withdrawal of
Marine peacekeeping forces and the
scrapping of the U.S.-brokered 1983
Lebanese-Israeli troop withdrawal
THE ARGUMENT was touched off
when Syrian Vice President Abdul-
Halim Khaddam asked Chamoun and
Gemayel to clarify their positions
toward an anti-Syrian, pro-Israeli
statement issed in Beirut by Christian
groups not represented at the conferen-
ce in Lausanne.
The statement was issued in Beirut
by Fadi Frem, head of the "Lebanese
Forces" militia.


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Judith Dow will be appearing in the role of Dolly

PAINVILLE, Mont. - Amtrak's westbound Empire Builder passenger
train plowed into a loaded gravel truck at a northeastern Montana crossing
yesterday, and authorities said the truck driver was killed and scores of
passengers injured.
Dennis Kleppe, batallion chief for the Williston, N.D., fire department,
said 60 to 70 people suffered injuries, and most were taken to hospitals in the
He said 10 of the injuries were considered critical.
Randy Gilbert, an Amtrak spokesman in Washington, D.C., said the two
locomotives and nine cars derailed about 10:50 a.m. west of Bainveille. Four
cars came to rest on their sides and four other cars were perpendicular to
the tracks.
Medical expert says, rape victimn
'clncally poisoned with alcohol'
FALL RIVER, Mass. - A medical expert testified that a young woman
had at least eight drinks and was "clinically poisoned with alcohol" the night
she said she was raped on a barroom pool table.
Charles Winek, chief toxicologist for the Allegheny, Pa., coroner's office,
said a blood test taken from the woman indicated she had a .198 blood alcohol
Asked to explain the reading, Winek said the woman "would be clinically
poisoned with alcohol" during and after the time she said she was attacked.
Based on the woman's weight, Winek said the reading indicated she had
been drinking heavily.
"It would take eight drinks all at once," he said. "If you're spreading it
over more time it has to be more than eight drinks. It could be 10 to 11.
Winek, a professor of toxicology at Duquesne University and the Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, said that amount of alcohol could af-
feet a person's normal inhibitions and memory.
The blood test was taken in the early-morning hours of March 7, 1983, shor-
tly after the woman said she was attacked and raped in Big Dan's tavern in
New Bedford.
Six men are on trial for aggravated rape.
Friday, March 16, 1984
Vol. XCIV-No. 131
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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Editor-in-Chief ...................BILL SPINDLE SPORTS STAFF: Randy Berger, Sue Broser, Joe
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