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March 10, 1984 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-10

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, March 10, 1984
MSU, Broncos
win in CCHA

DETROIT (UPI) - Junior center Gord
Flegel scored two goals last night to
advance Michigan State to the CCHA
finals with an easy 8-1 playoff victory

a ~"-
notches pair for MSU

over Ohio State.
Michigan State led 8-0 in the third V V
period before Ohio State's John Mowat
broke up a shutout bid by Spartan
goalie Norm Foster at 9:59.
MICHIGAN State freshman Bill a
Shibicky collected three assists in the
game, all on power play goals. The
Spartans got four power play goals
during the first game of the night.
Western 4, BG 3
DETROIT - It took longer than any
CCHA game played this year, but
finally Western Michigan knocked off
Bowling Green when defenseman
Glenn Johannsen netted a shot from the
left face-off circle at 16:49 of overtime
to give the Broncos a 4-3 victory.
Western took a 3-2 lead with ten
minutes remaining in the third period
when Stuart Burnie put in a rebound of
a Dan Dorian shot.
But BG tied it up with 3:02 left and a k,
two-man advantage as Dave Ellett
fired a shot from the blueline through a
crowd and into the net.
BG led 2-0 after one period, but
Western countered with two of their
own in the second.
Western meets MSU in the finals MSU's Kelly Mill
tonight. - MIKE MCGRAW John Dougan an
R, in the CCHA se
Special to the Daily
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. - Star matman Joe Mc-
Farland reached the finals in the NCAA wrestling champion-
ship here last night.
McFarland, a two-time All-American for the Wolverines,
decisively beat Rich Santoro of Lehigh, by an overwhelming
19-4 tally. McFarland's victory in last night's semi-finals
allows him to go for the national accolade in the 126-lb weight
class against Iowa's Kevin Darkus. Darkus gained his final
berth by defeating Iowa State's Marc Torrizino by a 5-3
Presently Michigan is in 12th place overall. The squad can
move up in the team standings if either Kirk Trost (190 lbs.)
or Walt Dunayczan (Heavyweight) advances in tomorrow's
Sabres 7, Kings 3
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) = Buffalo's Gilles Hamel and Lindy

AP Photo
ler (10) eyes the puck as it slides in front of Ohio State goalie
d defenseman Mike Rousseau. The Spartans topped OSU, 8--
mi-final contest.
Ruff each scored second period goals 1:44 apart to break a 2-2
tie and spark the Sabres to a 7-3 National Hockey League vic-
tory over the Los Angeles Kings last night.
Hamel had two goals and Mike Ramsey, Steve Patrick,
Phil Housley and Mike Foligno also scored for Buffalo. Jim
Fox and Brian Maclellan each tallied once and Marcel Dion-
ne scored on a penalty shot for the Kings.
G-inasts in fifth
Special to the Daily
EAST LANSING - Paced by the performance of captain
Merrick Horn, the men's gymnastics team maintained its fif-
th-place position in the Big Ten during last night's
preliminaries of the Big Ten Championships.
Horn and freshman Brock Orwig will represent Michigan
in today's finals. Orwig scored 9.5 on the high bar and Horn
9.25 on the parallel bars. In addition, Horn will be competing
in the all-around finals.

Women cagers sinking .. .
... just tip of the iceberg?
THE SHIP is sinking fast, and there may not be too much the captain can
do about it. The ship is the Michigan women's basketball program. The
captain is seventh-year head coach Gloria Soluk.
The Wolverines' 71-54 loss to Iowa Wednesday left them with a record of 4-
21, 2-15 in the Big Ten. A loss to Northwestern today would enable the cagers to
match their 2-16 conference record of a year ago. They've won a total of 8
games in two years, and only four in the Big Ten. Their last conference win at
Crisler arena was February 20, 1983. Man the lifeboats!
As is the case with any 4-21 team, fan interest has been declining. There
were 210 people at Wednesday's game - can you name them?
What are the steps which have to be taken to get the ship sailing again? The
program needs more of a commitment from the athletic department. The last
couple of years Michigan has had one of the lowest budgets among the Big Ten
teams. In most cases, no money means no talent.
Purdue head coach Ruth Jones stressed the importance of abudget: "It
takes money to win. They're not going to draw a (prize recruit) here until
word gets out that there's going to be money put into the program."
According to Soluk, money has just recently been put in. "Mr, Canham has
made a commitment and we have had a good (recruiting) year. We are get-
ting more (money) than we ever did."
One recruit Michigan is still after is Marva
Fuller, a 6'5" center from Holly, Michigan.
Unfortunately, Iowa is after her, too.
Fuller was in attendance during Iowa's
thrashing of Michigan. Now put yourself in
her shoes. Iowa has a rejuvenated
program with a strong head coach, an ex-
cellent coaching staff, and a much more
talented team than Michigan. At Iowa she
would be part of a team. At Michigan she
might be the team.
The first step towards resurrecting the
program is to sign home-grown prospects.
This has been a problem for Michigan
recently. Soluk
"There are certainly a lot of fine athletes that are leaving (the state of)
Michigan, said Iowa head coach Vivian Stringer. "Recruiting is the name of
the game.'
If this is the case, then in the past two years Michigan's name has been mud.
Stringer made reference to the McGee twins (Pamela and Paula) who played
high school ball for Flint Northern, but took their dynamic act to USC. Now it
appears that Fuller will be wooed away from Michigan and worse yet by a Big
Ten rival.
What do these out-of-state programs have to offer that Michigan doesn't? A
commitment from their athletic department. Iowa is an extreme example of
such a commitment. Christine Grant, Iowa's women's athletic director, lan-
ded a fine coach in Stringer, but it wasn't cheap. Stringer's salary is 35,000
dollars a year. She earns more than any Michigan head coach save Bo
Schembechler and Bill Frieder. She earns another 12,000 bucks for running
summer basketball camps. Stringer's two full time assistants make 16,000
dollars each. Soluk earns just under 20,000.
But dividends have already arrived in Iowa City. The Hawks lead the Big
Ten in attendance, and have had crowds significantly larger ,than those at
Michigan hockey or baseball games. The Hawkeyes had their game vs. In-
diana broadcast on a local television station. This is women's basketball we're
talking about!
Of course different schools have different priorities. Iowa does not have a
hockey team. The Hawkeyes have just recently put an emphasis on women's
hoops, and this in time may change. But nevertheless it is impressive.
The ball is in Michigan's court. If the program doesn't turn around soon, it
may never. Michigan women's basketball may soon be regarded in the same
way Northwestern football is. Northwestern didn't finish last in the Big Ten
this year, but when you think of weak football teams, Northwestern comes to
mind first. The same fate may await the women cagers.
inls-nip Nets





National Pastime.

. .

.goes worldwide
B EGINNING ON JULY 31 of this year, the world will
get a good look at America's "national pastime" -
Forget the major leagues, folks, the Olympics are
coming to town. The 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los
Angeles will feature an unprecedented 16-game tour-
nament. Six countries will send teams to compete in the
eight consecutive days of doubleheaders. Though still
labeled an "exhibition,"-the tournament is a vast im-
provement over the one-game shows of previous Olym-
"Millions worldwide have not seen baseball," said
United States Olympic baseball coach, Rod Dedeaux.
"Now, they will see it through Olympic television
This worldwide exposure to our national pastime is
already getting a lot of attention at the box office. The
50,000 seats of Dodger Stadium were sold out last
November for the Olympic baseball finals.
According to Charles Cale, vice-president in charge of
sports for the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Commit-
tee, between 260,000 and 280,000 advance tickets have
been sold. Over 350,000 fans are expected to see Olympic
baseball action at the Los Angeles stadium.
"It (the 1984 Olympics) will be the greatest single
event to promote the sport of baseball," said Dedeaux.
Michigan baseball coach and regional Olympic scout
Bud Middaugh agrees with Dedeaux. "We can't avoid
the international exposure that the Olympics will bring
to baseball," he stated.
But Middaugh is quick to point out the changes and dif-
ficulties that will affect baseball in the United States as a

h Katie'Blackwell
result of the imminent movement to make baseball an
official Olympic event.
"The biggest problem in the U.S. is the pros," warned
Middaugh. "The Russians and other foreign teams don't
have the professional element to deal with."
The "would be" professional athletes in these coun-
tries are instead the Olympic teams, as is true of almost
any Olympic competition. Cuba, for instance, is a
favorite in the tournament. Dedeaux claims that the
Cubans have 10-12 players who would be at the class
AAA level, at least, in the United States. Dedeaux will
field a 20-man team comprised mainly of collegians.
Middaugh proposed a solution to this stumbling block.
"We need the older kids - the juniors and seniors," said
the fifth-year Wolverine coach, citing the youth of the
1984 U.S. hockey team as a major factor for its poor
showing in the Winter Olympics.
Often the most talented upperclassmen are lured from
finishing their college careers by lucrative professional
contracts. Remember Chris Sabo and Rich Stoll,
Wolverines who signed last summer through only juniors?
Currently, there is no rule that prevents the professional
teams from drafting players before their eligibility is
up. Hence, the problem.
If more players delayed signing professional contrac-
ts, instead representing America in the Olympics, the
United States could enter an amazing team. Maybe, one
day, we could field another "wonder team" like the 1980
Olympic hockey team. It would seem only fitting that the
next national hero be a team representing America's
national pastime.

College Basketball
North Carolina 78, Clemson 63
Duke 67, Georgia Tech 63
Virginia Tech 69. Louisville 61
West Virginia 67. Temple 65
Auburn 60. Tennessee 58
Texas A&M 5.SMU 57
Richmond 65, James Madison 57
Toledo 73, Northern Illinois 68
Xavier 70, Loyola 69
Eastern Michigan 64, Bowling Green 58 (OT)
Bucknell 46, Lafayette 44
Special to the IDaily
PONTIAC - Forget the San Diego
Chicken. It's the New Jersey Beef that
gave the Pistons problems last night -
for thirty-one minutes anyway.
Detroit was content to coast for three-
and-a-half quarters before an 18-1
Piston burst in the fourth period carried
them to a 122-118 victory before 20,308
fans and the Chicken - at the Silver-
dome last night.
USING THE muscle of 6-11, 251-
pound Darryl Dawkins and the strength
of 6-8, 215-pound center Buck Williams
the Nets wore down Detroit and built a
103-96 lead early in the fourth quarter.
But the Pistons' fourth quarter burst
gave them a 114-104 lead and let them
halt the Nets seven-game winning
The Chicken, who brought his zany
routine to Pontiac for the first of a two-
night stand, did his best to hex the
visiting Nets. It must have worked
because New Jersey fell asleep in the
final stanza.
BUT AT least one Net found the
Chicken's antics amusing.
"Hey, the Chicken's my man," said
the unpredictable Dawkins.
"Everybody thinks you got to have a
dead serious look on your face during
the game. I'll smile at the Chicken and
wave anytime. I'm out there to have fun
and do my job."



Dawkins, who finished with 18 points,
was doing serious business with Piston
center Bill Laimbeer all night. The pair
of hoop behemoths pushed, shoved and
eventually exchanged words, Dawkins
thrusting a menacing finger in Laim-,
beer's direction.
"WE WERE going for rebounds,"
said Laimbeer, "and he punched me
twice in the back. He was yelling and
screaming at everybody all night."

Said Dawkins, "He (Laimbeer)
always bumps and bangs. We both bang
each other - it's nothing new. The only
difference is he hits me and it's no big
deal. I hit him and he goes flying. "Bill
Laimbeer definitely has a future in
Hollywood." Laimbeer managed to
bang his way to 22 points and 12
rebounds. Isiah Thomas led the Pistons
with 24 points and 16 assists.


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Piston guard Isiah Thomas swipes at the ball held by New.
guard Kelvin Ransey in last night's game at the Silverdome.

Jersey point




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