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March 10, 1984 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-10

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Women's Basketball
vs. Northwestern
Today, 2 p.m.
Crisler Arena


Men's Swimming
Wolverine Invitational
Mar. 11-12, 3 p.m.
Matt Mann Pool
Page 7

The Michigan Daily

Saturday, March 10, 1984

Cagers aim at


Special to the Daily
EVANSTON - With the NCAA tour-
nament berth carrot dangling in front
of their hungry mouth, the Michigan
Wolverines seek a victory here tonight
against the last place Northwestern
Wildcats. If the Wolverines (18-9, 10-7
in the Big Ten) beat the Wildcats (11-6,
4-13), they virtually will clinch a spot in
college basketball's national cham-
pionship tourney.
"WE THINK this is the most impor-
tant game of the season," said
Michigan guard Eric Turner. "This is
the one that's going to determine
whether we go (to the NCAAs). We're
going to go for it.""
Wolverine coach Bill Frieder said his
team should be in the tournament
regardless of who wins the North-
western game.
"It will be a shame if our kids don't
get in," he said, "Even if we lose, I think
we should be in, but that might give the
selection committee a reason not to
take us, if that's what they're looking
"IF WE WIN but don't get in, it would
be an injustice because there would be
a lot of teams with records not as good
as ours who played weaker schedules.
"If we lost and didn't get in, we'd be
disappointed. But it would be easier to

The Lineups,
Northwestern (11-11, 4-13) Michigan (18-9,10-))
(44) Andre God... (-1) 44) Tim M rmk.. (6-11)
X(23) Paul Schltz ...(6M7) F (40) Richx Rellford ...("
(21) CoinMuray .... (7) C (42) Roy Tarpey . .(6-10)
(20) Shaw Wtts.. ,.. "(6-1) G (2 ) Erek' urner.. j. (6-)
(24) Art Aarn!R. Y Yi {$ -8) (\1) AntolneVJoub rt ! f6-5)
SIT: Welsh-Ryanx Arena
'RAIO: OM (91.7 FM), WAAM ( 60M AM), WWJ(95f0 AM),
PA (107FM)
TV: WGN (Channel E), W(GRP (Channel 62)
LAST MEJETING: Michigan 68, Northwestern 51 (at.Crister
SERIES RECORD : Michigan lea~ds 664

LA bid
scoring in 20 of their 27 games.
PAUL SCHULTZ, a 6-7 center, is Nor-
thwestern's top percentage shooter at
.552. The senior has his problems,
however, at the freethrow line where he
has hit .490 of his attempts.
Colin Murray is the other senior.
Murray normally sits on the bench but
Falk said he probably would start the 7-
0 senior center. Multi-talented forward
Andre Goode and freshman guard
Shawn Watts round out the Wildcat
starting five.
Michigan counters with the same
starting lineup it has used during its
ongoing four-game winning streak. Tim
McCormick, 6-11, and Roy Tarpley, 6-
10, will man the posts. Rich Rellford
and Antoine Joubert will begin the
game at the wings, while Eric Turner
will play the point.
Immediately following the game, the
Wolverines will return to Ann Arbor
and wait in front of their television sets
for tomorrow's announcement of the
NCAA tournament pairings, after 5:30
p.m. With a victory tonight, they
can eliminate the suspense.

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Michigan forward Butch Wade gets a closer look at the ball he just jammed
in last week's Wisconsin game. Wade and crew battle Northwestern in
Evanston tonight, hoping for a NCAA berth.

Sooners bounce Bison

Northwestern coach Rick Falk said a
Michigan victory tonight would enhance
the Wolverine's tournament
possibilities. He added that Michigan
deserves an NCAA berth regardless of
the outcome of tonight's 9:00 p.m. EST
clash at the McGaw arena.
"IF THEY finish fourth and beat us,
they have an excellent chance," Falk
said Thursday night after his Wildcats
dropped a 63-55 decision to Michigan
State. "I've always said that anybody
who finishes in the first division in the
Big Ten is a legitimate tournament
Falk's team,however, could knock
the Wolverines out of the limelight.
Despite Northwestern's four-game
losing streak and poor record, the Wild-
cats remain capable of an upset.
Already this year they have surprised
Indiana and Ohio State at McGaw.
Frieder is well aware of this fact.
"Northwestern always comes up with
the unexpected," Frieder said. "They
always win four or five games in
McGaw Hall. We have to make sure we
aren't one of them.
"YOU CAN GO back year after year
and find big upsets in there including
this year. Back a few years ago when
we had (Phil) Hubbard and (Ricky)
Green they beat us. When Michigan
State had Magic (Johnson) and won it
all, Northwestern beat them."
Falk hopes his team has enough left
in it to pull off another ambush. He said
his team will play for pride, and nothing
more. "At this level you always hope
your players give their all" Falk said.

"Everybody wants to do their best."
Northwestern starts three seniors in
what will be their last home game. Art
Aaron, a 6-8 forward, highlights the
group. Aaron currently holds seventh
place on Northwestern's all-time
scoring list. He averages 16.5 points per
game and has led the Wildcats in

KANSAS CITY (AP) - All-American Wayman Tisdale
scored 36 points and keyed a second-half surge that allowed
sixth-ranked Oklahoma to pull away from upset-minded
Colorado, 90-78, last night in the semi-finals of the Big Eight
postseason basketball tournament.
The Sooners who set the conference record with their 29th
victory of the season, will meet the winner of the other semi-
final between Kansas and Kansas State in a title game
Mariland 69, N.C. State 63
GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) - Freshman Keith Gatlin
responded to the pressure of his first Atlantic Coast Con-
ference basketball tournament by sinking seven of nine free
throws in the last two minutes to lead 14th-rankedhMaryland
"to a 69-63 victory over North Carolina State last night.
Maryland's first-round triumph places the Terrapins in

Saturday's semifinals against either No. 19 Wake' Forest or
Virginia, both of whom met in the final first-round contest.
S-racuse 66, Villanoa 65
NEW YORK (AP) - Freshman guard Dwayne "Pearl"
Washington scored a career-high 30 points, including the
winning shot with 1:15 remaining, to lead Syracuse to a 66-65
victory over Villanova last night and a berth in today's Big
East Conference tournament final.
Syracuse will meet the winner of the other semifinal
featuring No. 2 Georgetown and defending Big East cham-
pion St. John's.
Washington, who had had his previous two best scoring
games against Villanova, scored on an assortment of drives
and. short jumpers to dazzle a sellout crowd at Madison
Square Garden. His game-winning basket followed a furious
second-half Villanova comeback.

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Michigan guard Dan Pelekoudas handles the ball against Minnesota's Marc
Wilson last week at Crisler Arena. The senior will be playing in his last Big
Ten game tonight against NorthWestern.

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1. Who was Miss America in 1970? _
* 2. What is Alan Alda's real name?
! .3. Who was golf's first $1,000,000 winner? !
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4. Who is Ireland's Head of State? !
! 5. Who lost the 1977 Super Bowl? _
6. What song won Best Record in the i
* 1968 Grammy Awards? !
i 7. What was Harry Truman's wife's name? __
8. Who is the present Attorney General of the U.S.? !
r !
1. How many years has Weber's been open in Ann Arbor? _
U 1
2. Pick a number from 1 - 1000. 1
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