GM board
to approve
NEW YORK (UPI) - General
Motors Corp. Chairman Roger Smith
and President F. James McDonald said
late yesterday they planned a news con-
ference amid speculation the firm's
board had approved a. major
reorganization plan.
The announcement of today's af-
ternoon session at the GM Technical
Center in suburban Warren followed a
meeting in New York of the GM Board
of Directors.
The action lead to widespread
speculation the board had given its ap-
proval to a plan grouping GM's five car-
building division in large and small car
units. The proposal has been described
as one of the most significant in the No.
1 automaker's 75-year history.
Under the plan, delivered to the
board last month, the five divisions will
keep their current nameplates and
general managers, but the two new
groupings each will be headed by
another executive.
Proponents of the plan say it will
streamline the company and increase
competition between the divisions. Op-
ponents say it merely adds another
layer of bureaucracy to the already
massive automaker.
The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 10, 1984 -Page 3
USIA chief
admits guilt,
WASHINGTON (AP) - USIA chief parties. But it is ill
Charles Wick surrendered his including Florida,
telephone tapes and transcripts to when he taped his
Congress yesterday, apologized to Florida's attorney;
those he secretly recorded and admit- to the matter.
ted he had put out wrong information The transcripts a
about the whole affair. the Senate Foreign
"I now understand that taping of tee and the Hou:
others without their consent is unfair, Committee are ofc
invades their privacy and can lead to ded between July 8,:
other, more dangerous, practices," he The agency also
said. notes made by Wi
WICK turned over 81 transcripts and listened in on some
four tape cassettes to two congressional between May 27, 191
committees which oversee the United President Reagar
States Information Agency. Wick did Wick as an honoral
not disclose who the conversations were would stay on the jo
USIA runs the Voice of America and
is charges with promoting the U.S. LIBERAL ARTS MA
image overseas.
"I used the recording equipment in You're N
the way others use written notes - to Over A
help me make more fully informed
decisions and to convey these decisions Ask Peace Corps vo
to associates more effectively," Wick genuity and flexibil
said, degrees. They'll tell
"MY PURPOSE was always to ex- tiency s Tesoorest
tend the reach of my own memory, energy conservotic
never to threaten or humiliate others." nomic developmen
The USIA chief, a close personal And they'll tell youc
friend of Ronald Reagan since his hands on career e
Hollywood days, also disclosed that un- Iheyll tell you its th
til just before Christmas secretaries ever love.
listened in on some of his conversations
and made stenographic notes of what r ! !- -
was said. Those notes were among the............
materials sent to Capitol Hill.
When the taping incidents first came
to light in The New York Times on Dec. .:*'*:....
27, Wick denied ever having recorded ----
anyone without first informing him. He; )
also denied that he had taped conver-
sations with James Baker, the White
House chief of staff..-.
LATER, both statements were....-...-..-.. -
proven wrong.
During the first days of this con-
troversy, the public received a goodI
deal of information, not all of which was
accurate," Wick said in a Thtmet rree ean
dictated to new s agencies by his office."wah
from my anxiety and faulty recollc I c ad
tion. I regret this."
To anyone harmed or embarrassed
by the taping, he said, "I freely coupon void afte2pm
apologize." while supplies ldst
FEDERAL LAW does not prohibit Wet expires 1-17-89
taping telephone conversations so long
as the recording is done by one of the
legal in some states,
, where Wick was
s talk with Baker.
general is looking in-
nd cassettes sent to
Relations Commit-
se Foreign Affairs
conversations recor-
1981, and Sept. 6, 1983.
o sent stenographic
ck's secretaries who
of his conversations
82, and Dec. 23, 1983.
r last week defended
ble man and said he
leded All
to Woad.
olunteers why their in-
ily are as vital as their
you they are helping
eoples attain self suf-
)s of food production,
on, education, eco-
nt and health services.
about the rewords of
experience overseas.
he roughest job you'll
m -
: : UNION .
. - . "Ground Floor:
AP Photo
Secretary of State George Schultz greets Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang of China upon his arrival yesterday at Andrews
Air Force Base in Maryland. Ziyang meets with Reagan today.
- P
The Classic Film Theater is holding a special 20th anniversary showing of
Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick's famous dark comedy about learning to
love nuclear weapons. Admission is only 50 and the theater will be giving
out free popcorn. Rumor also has it that Dr. Strangelove himself may attend
the show. The fun starts at 7 p.m.
AAFC - Two or Three Things I know About Her, 7 p.m., Made in the
U.S.A., 8:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Alice Lloyd Library - Jim Gehlhar, "Learn about Study Abroad," 8:30
p.m., Alice Lloyd Red Lounge.
Ann Arbor Public Library - Ejner Jensen, "Nineteen Eighty-four/1984:
Orwell's and Ours," 12:10 p.m., Main Library meeting room.
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering - "Lotsizing in
Closed Job-shops," 4 p.m., 241 IOE building.
Center for Chinese studies - Harold Stevens, "The New Child Develop-
ment Center of China," Lane Hall Commons.
Ecumenical Campus Center - Otto Sellinger, "Some Aspects of
Nicaragua Today," International Center.
Center for Russian and East European Studies - Elena Semeka-
Pankratrov, "The Sun and the Moon in Bulgakov's, The Master and
Margarita: Life, Death, and Resurrection," 4:00 p.m., Rackham East Con-
ference Room.
National Organization for Women, Ann Arbor-Washtenaw chapter - Jean
Campbell, "Getting your Life in Perspective: Upward and Onward on the
Education Front," 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Church, 917 Washtenaw Ave.
Arts Choral - 3 p.m., Angell Aud. A.
Hands-on Museum - Training session for new volunteers, 7:30 p.m., Han-
ds-on Museum.
Baptist Student Union -7 p.m., 2439 Mason Hall.
Ann Arbor Go Club -7 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall.
Fencing Club -8 p.m., Coliseum.
Union Arts - Concert of the Month, Toni Marie Montgomery, 8 p.m., Pen-
dleton Room, Union.
The Performance Network - auditions for Murphy's Cat, 7:30 p.m., The
Performance Network, 408 W. Washington St.
Recreation Sports - Registration for Sports-O-Rama and Sports Spec-
trum, 8:30 a.m., NCRB.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent
101 01.j
Chinese leader opens
meetings with Reagan
Zhao Ziyang of China arrived late
yesterday for talks which the Reagan
administration hopes will spark new
momentum and good will after months
of disputes over trade and security
Controversy over the size and
duration of continued U.S. arms sales to
Taiwan remains at the heart of the
"I WOULD BY no means want to say
that such differences have disap-
peared," a senior U.S. official told
reporters at the White House. "But we
will let the premier know that differen-
ces should not obscure the mutual
benefits both nations have from this
The Chinese premier flew to nearby
Andrews Air Force Base, Md., and then
went to a downtown Washington hotel
after touring the restored Colonial city
of Williamsburg, Va., earlier in the day.
After completing his round of official
talks with President Reagan and his
Cabinet, Zhao is to go on to San Fran-
cisco and New York, then continue his
North American tour in Canada.
REAGAN, who is to meet with Zhao
today, is scheduled to return the visit by
traveling to Peking in April.
A senior U.S. official said Reagan will
try to consolidate ties between the
United States and China after a year
marked first by almost constant
quarrels and then by "a period which
has restored momentum and a positive
tone to our relationship."
U.S. officials recite a long series of
statistics, ranging from the more than
10,000 Chinese students now enrolled in
American universities to the estimated
$1.5 billion in U.S. high technology ex-
ports now predicted for this year, to
make the point that relations are
growing closer.
"THE UNITED States has made
good on the president's policy to treat
China as a friendly, non-aligned coun-
try," the official said.
U.S. officials now tend to play down
previous expectations that a strategic
alliance can soon be forged between
Peking and Washington against the
Soviet Union.
The note China has made clear it
would be uneasy over any perceived
alignment against Moscow.
On the other hand, he said the United
States is interested in building a long-
term and stable relationship with China
and its more than 1 billion people.
"I won't deny that in dealing with the
Soviet Union that it is helpful for them
to see China and the United States
cooperating, especially on the problem
of Soviet expansionism," the official
He made clear the United States in-
tends to ask China to use its influence to
help moderate the behavior of North
Korea, and close Chinese ally, and
assure that the Korean peninsula
remains peaceful.
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