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January 10, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-10

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

St Wan

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Snow flurries expected this mor-
ning, but the sun should begin
peeking through by noon. Two to
four inches of snow expected, with
temperatures in the mid-teens.

I. XCIV-No. 82 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 10, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages

Jackson stresses
minority voters
at Detroit rally

halt a


Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Attacking big business
and boosting his voter registration
drive, The Rev. Jesse Jackson rolled
his two-month old presidential cam-
paign in to town Sunday to the greetings
of more than 6,500 supporters.
Although the crowd at The University
of Detroit's Calihan Hall was the
largest his campaign has seen, Jackson
appeared tired and at times uncharac-
teristically subdued - due to a hectic
schedule following his recent trip to
THAT, however, did not stop an en-
thusiastic crowd from erupting into a
standing ovation at almost every point
Jackson made.
Jackson focused much of his speech
on the "rainbow coalition" of blacks,
Hispanics, and women he hopes will
push Reagan out of office, even if it
doesn't propel him to the presidency.
Voter registration is the key to suc-
cess, he said.
"WHEN YOU consider that Reagan

won, in 1981, eight southern states by
182,000 votes when there were three
million unregistered blacks, the boats
at the bottom can make a difference,"
Jackson said referring to the minorities
and poor who do not vote.
"If we change our minds, we can
retire the oppressive Reagan regime,"
Jackson told the spirited crowd. "We
have the power."
AND TO prove the point, Jackson
asked unregistered voters to come forth
and register. 100 people complied at the
close of the meeting.
Jackson assailed Reagan's corporate
tax reductions and blamed the national
deficit on large companies who he said
don't pay their fair share of taxes.
"Ronald Reagan gave corporations
another $750 billion tax break,"
Jackson said. "Rather than take the
profits and reinvest in our community,
reindustrialize our economy, and
reclaim our work force, they replaced
people with machines.
"We can no longer allow corporate
America to tell us we're unemployed
See WEARY, Page 5


Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson embraces a singer who performed
during his rally Sunday at the University of Detroit's Calihan Hall. Jackson
enjoyed the music despite being worn out after his journey to Syria.

'U' m ay change p hone system

A new telephone system the University hopes to in-
stall by 1986 won't free students from trudging
through the snow to classes, but it'll come close.
If the regents approve the proposed $34 million -
telephone system at this month's meeting, the
University will get much more than high-quality
voice transmission, call waiting, and call forwarding.
The new phone lines could also carry data and even
video signals, according to Samuel Plice, director of
University administrative systems and financial
SINCE THE new wiring includes a computer jack
in every University office and dorm room, students
could set up computer terminals in their own rooms
and plug into the University computer center's data
base and other University buildings with computer
Students could also complete homework assign-
ments with the aid of the new system or use their own
computers plugged into the system to communicate
with their professor's computer bases,Plice said. And
students might even be able to talk through com-

puters to their professors face-to-face - each dorm
will have the equipment to receive and transmit two-
way video signals.
University administrators would benefit from the
new system, because it can increase office com-
munication and data sharing, said Paul Brandon,
president of the California-based Systems Telecom-
munications Corporation (STC), which the Univer-

sity hired last June to study the benefits of a new
phone system. Microwave technology would link the
Ann Arbor campus to campuses in Flint and Dear-
born, while another part of the system would permit
computer monitoring of University heating and
cooling systems, Brandon said.
THE NEED FOR this more complicated
See NEW PHONE, Page 6

From AP and UPI
- BEIRUT, Lebanon - Gunmen fired a
rocket-propelled grenade and
automatic rifles at a guard post outside
the French military headquarters
yesterday, killing one French
paratrooper and wounding two others.
French spokesman Lt. Col. Philipe de
Longeaux said the gunmen fired from a
side street at the post in front of the
Residence de Pins, once home to Fran-
ce's ambassadors and now headquar-
ters of the 2,000-man French contingent
of the multinational force in Lebanon.
NO GROUP immediately claimed
DeLongeaux said the attackers opened
fire at 12:30 p.m. EST with a B-7 rocket-
propelled grenade and automatic rifles.
He refused to say if French troops fired
The death was the 83rd French
fatality in Beirut since the deployment
of the four-nation multinational force in
September 1982.
THE ATTACK came one day after
the American contingent suffered its
258th death in a grenade and small ar-
ms attack on U.S. Marines as they
disembarked from a helicopter at a
seafront landing pad in west Beirut.
Only five minutes after the assault on
the French post, another blast rocked
predominantly Moslem west Beirut.-
Police said a rocket-propelled grenade
exploded near a clinic in the Sanayea
neighborhood about 300 yards from
Prime MinisteraShafik Wazzan's office,
but caused no damage or casualties.
Meanwhile, the foreign ministers of
Syria, Lebanon and Saudia Arabia
broke off a two-day conference in
Riyadh without announcing the fate of
the Saudi-mediated security plan to

seperate Lebanon's warring factions.
IN RIYADH, Saudi Foreign Minister
Saud Al Faisal said the meetings would
be resumed at the Jan. 16 Islamic Con-
ference Organization meetings in
Morocco, Saudi radio said.
"Ministers will brief their gover-
nments on the ,outcome of the talks in
Riyadh," Saud Al Faisal said without
further comment, Saudi radio said.
Beirut radio termed the outcome "con-
The state radio said "the talks were
blocked by the May 17 agreement that
Israel and America refuse to change."
Israel has demanded implementation
of the agreement it signed with
Lebanon, while Syria demands its can-
THE SECURITY plan called for a
disengagement of warring Christian
and Moslem militias in and around
Beirut, to be replaced in some areas by
police and army patrols.
During the day, Lebanese soldiers
fought sporadically with Syrian-backed
Druze Moslem rebels in the mountains
just southeast of the capital and the
Kharoub region 24 miles south of
In other violence, a stick of dynamite
was thrown at a store in the commer-
cial heart of west Beirut and sporadic
sectarian fighting flared in the moun-
tains outside the capital.
An Israeli soldier was wounded in an
ambush in the south Lebanese city of
Sidon, the latest in a series of nearly
daily attacks on the Jewish state's oc-
cupation army.
In the capital, American forces took
extra precautions after suffering their
first death of 1984 - the 258th U.S.
peacekeeper killed since the Marines
arrived in Lebanon in September 1982.

SEmergency phones planned

When the regents consider plans for a new Univer-
sity telephone system this month, they'll also hear
about some new phones that may cut crime on cam-
Under the plan, the University would install 50
emergency telephones on Central Campus, North
Campus, the hill area, the athletic facilities, and the
Medical Center that can be used to report assaults or
other emergencies to campus security, said David

Foulke, assistant housing director.
FOULKE AND a committee of students and
University staff members have estimated that the
outdoor pole-mounted telephones will cost between
$60,000 and $100,000 to install.
In the past, the University has rejected several
student proposals for an emergency phone system.
While some administrators worried that the
telephones would be vandalized, others rejected the
See 'U', Page 6

Council rejects
Ann Arbor City Council steered clear of international
politics last night by ignoring one proposal to take a stand on
the Middle East conflict and voting down a second.
With no support from. any member of the council, a
resolution sponsored by People for the Reassessment of Aid
to Israel (PRAI) practically lost its bid to appear on the city
election ballot in April.
PRAI member Irene Rasmussen announced at last night's
meeting that the group had collected 5,005 signatures in sup-
port of the resolution - enough to place it on the ballot as a
charter amendment without the approval of the council.
: PRAI officials last week said they would rather work
through the council because they would prefer to see the
proposal on the ballot in ordinance form, which only the
council can do.
The proposal reads: "The people of the city of Ann Arbor
urge the United States Government to withhold foreign
economic aid designated for Israel by an amount equivalent
to that which Israel spends to retain, settle and administer
the Arab territories occupied in and after 1967."
MEMBERS OF the council have shied away from the
proposal, many sharing the sentiments of Mayor Louis
Belcher, who said, "It is not our job as the Ann Arbor City
VCouncil to sort out problems in the Middle East. This body is
not able and it is not our charge."
PRAI members declined comment on the future of the
Councilman Raphael Ezekiel (D-3rd Ward) proposed his
own resolution addressing the Mideast issue, but council
defeated the measure 6-4.
EZEKIEL'S PROPOSAL stated that the Middle Past crisis

lideast proposal
"is a conflict between Israel and the Arab communities"
which was caused by more than one thing. Ezekiel listed
several factors contributing to the conflict and said "violence
should not be a means to end it:"
Ezekial's proposal would have been put in letter form and
sent to the Secretary of State of the United States if passed.
Although the issue of the city's homeless shelter was taken
off the agenda of the meeting, many members of St.
Nicholas's Church appeared to support their president,
Nicholas Raphael.
ST NICHOLAS, which recently opposed the location of the
proposed shelter, which is located directly behind the church
at 415 N. Fourth Avenue, expressed concern for their
parishoner's safety.
"What you're dealing with is bad planning," Raphael said.
"It is obvious that they (the commission for finding a city
homeless shelter) have done no work."
Councilman Larry Hunter (D-1st Ward), a commission
member, responded that "A lot of people are operating off
their guts instead of their brains."
HUNTER DID acknowledge that there may be an added
problem of security at the church and said "the decision
regarding the shelter would be made with the approval of the
entire community. "If everything is approved," added Hun-
ter, "it's possible that the shelter would open by March 31."
Street person Chris Eggleston-said the shelter is "simply a
start at making street people a part of society."
The council also approved new liquor licenses for The
Moveable Feast located at 326 W. Liberty, the Raja Rani at
400 S. Division, and the Kerrytown Restaurants at 407 N. Fif-

Snow w onderDaily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER
University employee Jim Martin cleans the snow off his car yesterday after leaving work at the Law Quad.

Horse sense
TRUE TO HER character of Miss Kitty on the television
series Gunsmoke, Actress Amanda Blake is asking for

Bad habits made good
THE KEY TO quitting smoking may be to get your
nicotine by chewing gum, a group of British scientists
has found. Smokers given nicotine gum by their doctors
were twice as likely to stop smoking than those who were
just advised to quit. Aemricans, however, can't get their
hands on the wondercure because the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration has not vet finished assessing its safety or ef-

smoking. So in the near future your doctor could be
promoting the same habit your dentist has been trying to
rid you of.
ThP Onilr nlm nnqao

berating the "pernicious habit" of women's smoking with a
stamp of disapproval.
* 1979 - A report submitted to Housing Director Robert
Hughes by a group of students and administrators recom-
mended that housing rates for single students increase an
average of 6.89 percent of $141.21 per student.
" 1982 - Because of a "severe" cash shortage, Gov.
James Blanchard said that $500 million in January and
February aid payments to state schools - including $26
million to the University - would be held to keep the state
deficit from growing.




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