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March 01, 1984 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-01

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Bertolt Brecht's 1930 play St. Joan of the Stockyards opens tonight at the
Residential College Auditorium, 701 East University. The show, which
begins at 8 p.m. tonight will play for the next two weekends.
UAC - Soundstage, 8:30 p.m., U-Club, Union.
The Ark - Deborah Silverstein, 8 p.m., 1421 Hill.
4 Union Arts Program - Music at Midday, Judy Tsou, Harpsichord 12:15,
Pendleton Rm., Union.
School of Music - Eric Johnson, viola recital, 8 p.m., Recital Hall, School
of Music.
Museum of Anthropology - Olivier de Montmollin, "Settlement Patterns
in the Rosario Valley, Chiapas, Mexico," noon, 2009 Museums. -
English - Colloquium on Critical Theory, Michelle Gellrich, "Aristotle &
Tragic Conflict," 7:30 p.m., W. Conf. Rm., Rackham.
Industrial Technology Institute - Michael Brady, "Artificial Intelligence
& Robotics," 3:30p.m., Chrysler Ctr. Aud., 2121 Bonisteel Blvd.
Alice Lloyd Hall - Rep. Perry Bullard will meet with students at 8:30 p.m.
in the main lobby at Alice Lloyd Hall.
Computing Ctr. - Chalk Talk, CC Consulting Staff, "Handy Editor Pat-
terns," 12:10 p.m., 1011 NUBS; Forrest Hartman, "Intro to Textforms II:
How to Use Macros," 3:30 p.m.,,165 Bus. Ad.
CLRT - Faculty Workshop, George Williams, "Beginning Darkroom
Techniques," 2:30-6 p.m. To register, call 763-2367.
Interdepartmental Program in Medicinal Chemistry -Henry Lau, 4 p.m.,
3554 C.C. Little.
Lutheran Campus Ministry - Kauper Lecture, Kay Baerwald, 4 p.m.,
Michigan Rm., League.
Rackham, LSA; W. European Studies; Victorian Semester '84 - Peter
Brimblecombe, "London Fog: Fin-de-Siecle Nightmare," 4 p.m., W. Conf.
Rm., Rackham.
Human Resource Department - "Effective Business Writing," 10:30
a.m.; "Grammer: A Modern Review," 1p.m., Rm. 4051.
* CEW - "Women in Science: Resume Writing for Science Majors," noon,
at CEW.
Statistics - Elizabeth Stasny, "Estimating Gross Flows in Labor Force
Participation Using Information from Individuals with Incomplete
Classifications," 4 p.m., 451 Mason Hall.
Center for Japanese Studies - Donna Winkelman & Lori Sobson, "Where
SDo We Go From Here? Career Opportunities in Japanese Studies," noon,
Lane Hall Commons.
Macromolecular Research Center - Dragutin Fles, "Alternating
Copolymers prepared by Charge-Transre Complex Monomers
Copolymerization," 3 p.m., Rm. 4403, Chem. Bldg.
Chemistry - C.E. Nordman, "Symmetry in Biological Macromolecules as
a Source of Crystallographic Phase Information," 4 p.m., Rm. 1200, Chem
Medical Center Bible Study -12:30 p.m., Rm. F2230 Mott Hosp.
Fencing Club - Practice, 8-10 p.m., Coliseum, Hill & Fifth.
Psychiatry - Ankiety Disorders Support Group, 7:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Conf.
Rm., Children's Psych. Hosp.
College of Engineering - Michael Brady, "Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics," 3:30 p.m., Carroll Auditorium, Chrysler Ctr.
Ann Arbor Support Group for the Farm Labor Organization Committee -
7 p.m., Rm. 4318, Union.
Baptist Student Union - Open Bible Study, 7 p.m., Rm. C, 3rd Floor,
Graduate Christian Fellowship - John Sonego speaking, 7 p.m., Rm. D,
Michigan Alliance for Disarmament - Nuclear Free Zone Campaign,
Mass meeting, 7:30 p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State.
McGovern at Michigan - 7:30 p.m., Michigan Rm., Union.
Michigan League - Michigan vs. Korea, 5-7:15 p.m., Cafeteria.
Scottish Country Dancers - Beginners, 7 p.m.; Intermediate, 8 p.m.,
Forest Hills Community Ctr., 2351 Shadowood.
Students Wood & Crafts Shop - Advanced Power Tools Safety, 6-8 p.m.,
Basketball - Michigan vs. Wisconsin, 8 p.m., Crisler Arena.
Student Alumni Council; Residence Hall Association - Li'l Sibs Weekend
Registration, outside dorm cafeterias.
Free University - forum, "Military Research at the University," 8 p.m.,
South Quad.
To submit items for the Happenings Column, send them in care of
Happenings The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Malicious Intent

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The Michigan Daily --Thursday, March 1, 1984 - Page 3
Black colleges
n i

On the last day of Black History Mon-
th yesterday, 30 students and faculty at
the School of Education looked at one of
black America's most troubled in-
stitutions - black colleges.
Timothy Donaldson, chairman of the
board of trustees of Fisk University
admitted the school faces problems, but
said "Fisk will survive."
OVER THE last five years, the Ten-
nessee school's enrollment has dropped
from 1,200 students to 700 students, and
students have even asked for money on
street corners to help pay heating bills.
"Money is always a problem for
black colleges," Donaldson said. He
said Fisk faces "outstanding bills of $2
Despite its current problems,
Donaldson said "Fisk will survive
(and) . . . continue its mission . . . to
educate people of color."
deeply hurt by the recession, according
to Donaldson, and they do not have the
same financial resources to draw on as
white schools. He said an average white
family who sends a child to college has
an income of $26,800 a year, while their
black counterpart only makes $12,000 a
This disparity forces about 60 percent
of the students at a school like Fisk to
seek financial aid, which drains a
college financially.
But Donaldson said that Fisk, which

was one of the first to "dare to give,
blacks an education in Greek and,
literature" and other liberal arts
topics, will survive.
HE POINTED to a Carnegie Foun-
dation study which says "black-
colleges, even with fewer resources,
educate black students better 'than
white colleges do."
Fisk is also far ahead in the number
of students who go on to graduate
school, according to Donaldson. He said
75 percent of Fisk students go on to
graduate school compared to 43 percent
of undergraduates nationwide.
Donaldson criticized suggestions that.
black colleges such .as Fisk practice
segregation. He said Fisk's charger
prohibits "anything that smacks of
racial discrimination," adding that
the school is willing to accept white
students. Such attacks on black
colleges are unfair, Donaldson said,
when all-women schools such as
Wellesley College, and religious schools
such as Notre Dame are not included.
"FISK IS a valuable asset," Donald-
son said and the school will not give up
its uniqueness to merge into Ten-
nessee's public university system to
solve its current problems.
Tuesday night, black students from,
the School of Music made their con-
tribution to Fisk by playing a benefit;
concert at Hale Auditorium to raise
money for the school.

Daily Photo by DOUG McMAHON

Timothy Donaldson, chairman of the board of trustees of Fisk University
says at the School of Education yesterday that black colleges educate black
students better than white colleges do.
Bartender testifies
in alleged gang rape,

From AP and UPI
FALL RIVER, Mass. - A New Bed-
ford bartender testified yesterday he
tried to get help for a young woman
being gang raped on his tavern's pool
table, but one of her attackers blocked
his path to a telephone.
The woman said she had gone to Big
Dan's bar to buy cigarettes and stopped
to talk to a woman. She bought a drink,
played a tune on the jukebox and wat-
ched two men play pool while she
showed pictures of her two daughters to
the woman.
WHEN SHE got up to leave, someone
grabbed her from behind. Someone
grabbed her legs. She was dragged to
the pool table in the back of the bar,
stripped from the waist down and raped
by one man while another man held her.
down, she said.
The 0,06traded places and, she said,
she was raked again: Two men tried to
force her to perform oral sex. There
were others in the bar, she said but no
one helped.
"I was begging for help. I was
pleading," she said.
Machado, whose remarks were tran-
slated from Portuguese into English by

a courtroom interpreter, characterized
the attack as a "dirty thing" and
testified how he had tried to leave Big
Dan's Tavern to call police.
But, he told the Bristol Superior Court
jury, defendant Virgilio Medeiros
blocked his way, saying: " 'Where are
you going? You're not going
Machado said he gave another bar-
tender a dime for a pay phone, but the
man told him he was afraid of the
woman's alleged attackers. He never
made the call, Machado said.

You're Needed All Over
the World.
Ask Peace Corps volunteers why they are using their Science major,
minor, or aptitude in health clinics and classrooms in Malaysia. Why do
they use them in fish pond culture projects and experimental forms in
Western Samoa? They'll tell you their ingenuity and flexibility are as
important as their degrees. Ask them why Peace Corps is the toughest
job you'll ever love.












Air Force
jet hits



Iic a t ions


hills, 1

7 die

Infor mation
- 1320

(Continued from Page 1)


Lt. Col. William Johnson, spokesman
at the U.S. Air Force's European
headquarters at Ramstein, West Ger-
many, said rescue workers recovered
the bodies of the 17 American and one
Spanish victim from the weckage of the
U.S. officials in West Germany said
they would not know the cause of the
crash until an official investigation was






ic at ion

March 12,






C Eric Taylor-Andy Hill The Michigan Daily

You're Needed All Over

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