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March 01, 1984 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-03-01

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 1, 1984
City objects to high fire costs

Ann Arbor city officials filed an ap-
peal in the state Supreme Court last
week to try to overturn a lower court
decision that would require the city to
foot a nearly $500,000 bill for the
University's fire protection costs.
Since 1977 the state of Michigan has
reimbursed the city's fire protection

costs for public universities, but Gov.
William Milliken cut those funds for
that year in 1980.
AND ALTHOUGH Washtenaw Coun-
ty Circuit Court Judge Ross Campbell
ordered the state to reimburse Ann Ar-
bor $468,000 for 1980 fire costs to the
University, that decision was overtur-
ned this month by the Michigan Court of

The city's appeal to the Supreme
Court is based on a tax amendment ap-
proved by voters in 1978 that prohibits
the state from reducing funds from
existing municipal services.
It will probably take .at least nine
months before the Suprememe Court
will decide whether to consider the ap-

peal, said City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw.
The state has paid the University's
fire protections costs since Miliken's
1980 veto, said Laidlaw.
Jack Weidenbach, the University's
director of Business Operations said he
supports the city's appeal because the
state should pay fire protection costs
for public universities.

Two drop out as .Hart triumphs

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Sen. Gary Hart's
triumph in the New Hampshire
presidential primary throws the
political spotlight onto a self-
proclaimed "new ideas" candidate
from the West who wants the Navy to
buy smaller ships, urges overhauling
Medicare, and supports busing but op-
poses quotas for racial balance.
"The ideal of the Democratic Party is
new ideas," Hart said at a victory rally
in Manchester, N.H., after Tuesday's
balloting. "FDR proved it with the New
Deal, JFK proved it with the New Fron-
tier. We will prove it with a New
Democracy in 1984."
HART'S UPSET victory in the New
Hampshire primary may have changed
the outlook in Michigan, which
previously had been viewed as locked
up for Walter Mondale.
Mark Blumenthal, a University
student who is coordinating Hart's
Michigan campaign, said the big vic-
tory has fired up the senator's backers

here. But he said Michigan still may not
be a high priority.
U.S. Sen. John Glenn (D-Ohio) pulled
all of his paid staff out of Michigan
about three weeks ago due to money
problems, that decision may not be at
least partially reversed, Rep. Richard
Fitzpatrick said.
coordinator in Michigan, said she still
expects to do "very well." She said the
Hart upset may rally complacent Mon-
dale backers in this state.
Zolton Ferency, who is supporting
Jackson, said the Qutcome "augurs
well" for his man.
Former Sen. George McGovern said
he would follow the election calendar
into Massachusetts. Former Florida
Gov. Reubin Askew finished last and
said he would decide by today whether
to stay in the race.
The first-in-the-nation New Ham-
pshire primary was the last hurrah for
Sen. Alan Cranston of California who

dropped out of the race yesterday.
Telling a news conference in Concord,
N.H., "I know the difference between
reality and dreams.'
"I can not hide my disappointment
that I won't be the Democratic nominee
for president," the 69-year-old Cranston
South Carolina Sen. Ernest Hollings,
who finished sixth in the New Hapshire
South Carolina Sen. Ernest Holling,
who finished sixth in the New Ham-
pshire primary, plans to announce
today he is withdrawing from the race
for the Democratic president
nomination, a campaign aide said
The campaign official, who spoke on
the condition he not be identified, said
money was the main reason for the
decision. Hollings sank most of his
financial resources into the New Ham-
pshire primary, there he received 4
percent of the vote in the eight-man

... bows out

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press International reports
Trade deficit hits record high
WASHINGTON - The U.S. trade deficit hit a record $9.5 billion in January
in what one analyst called an "economic disaster" as a flood of foreign im-
ports and increased demand for oil darkened an already gloomy trading
Both government and private economists said yesterday's bad news
blostered their fears that this year's red ink will easily top $100 billion, sur-
passing last year's trade deficit of $69.4 billion.
The poor foreign trade situation, which is sure to lend support to growing
protectionist moves in Congress, contrasted with some bright economics
news as the government's main gauge of future economic activity showed a
strong increase..
The Index of Leading Economic Indicators rose 1.1 percent in its best
showing in three months, prompting presidential spokesman Larry Speakes
to predict "hearty economic growth in the months ahead."
But economists said the U.S. recovery from the 1981-82 recession was
being held down more and more by the foreign trade deficit. David Ernst, a
trade analyst with Evans Economics, said the deteriorating trade picture
cost the United States between 1.2 million and 1.5 million jobs last year.
Gemayel meets Assad in Syria
BEIRUT, Lebanon - President Amin Gemayel met in Damascus yester-
day with President Hafez Assad of Syria for talks that could determine the
future of Gemayel's government, which is facing a strong challenge from
Syrian-supported rebels in Lebanon.
Gemayel immediately had a private meeting with Assad and the Syrian.
president then gave a banquet for Gemayel at the Presidential Palace. No
statements were issued on the progress of the talks.
Beirut newspapers said Gemayel's hurried trip to Syria underscored his
resolve to scrap Lebanaon's troop withdrawal pact with Israel in exchange
for a settlement with Syrian-backed Druse and Shiite Moslem opponents of
his regime.
U.S. Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger, meanwhile, visited American
warships off Beirut, as a new round of shelling hit the Lebanese capital.
In New York, the United Nations Security Council was scheduled to meet
to discuss the situation in Lebanon and consider a French resolution for a
U.N. peacekeeping force in Beirut following the-withdrawal of American,
Mtalian and British troops from the Lebanese capital.
Iran-Iraq clash kills hundreds
NICOSIA, Cyprus - Iran-claimed it beat back an Iraqi counterattack
aimed at recapturing Majnoon Island in the marshes of southern Iraq
yesterday, leaving "hundreds of Iraqi dead and wounded."
An Iraqi commander said the island was under Iranian control, but said he
believed Iran's military supply line had been cut off. Iraqi military com-
muniques made no mention of fighting near Majnoon.
Iran also issued two separate statements warning the United States to stay
away from the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, through which 20 percent
of the non-communist world's oil passes. One statement called U.S. military
presence in the gulf "an act of aggression and blackmail."
In fighting in the southern sector, Iran said it shelled Iraq's second largest
city of Basra and four small border towns, killing seven Iraqi civilians. Iraq
said its helicopter gunships destroyed 5 Iranian boats in rivers and marshes
in the same area.
Navy officials worried about
Libya's remote-controlled boats
WASHINGTON - Libya has obtained a fleet of small, remotely controlled
boats that could be packed with explosives and sent at high speeds against
targets such as U.S. warships, the Navy's intelligence chief says.
Rear Adm. John Butts reported that the boats, although short in range,
have "potential for use in situations like we face in Lebanon," where the
United States has massed more than 20 ships close to that country's coast.
U.S. officials have been on alert for some time to the possibility of some
form of attack against those ships by anti-U.S. Moslems.
Although Butss did not mention it in his report to the House Armed Ser-
vices Committee on Tuesday. such drone boats also could represent a threat
to U.S. warships that sail into the gulf of Sidra, an area on the Mediterranean
Sea that has been confrontations between the United States and Libya.
In his discussion of the growth of Libya's sea power, Butts said the North
African Arab country has "obtained a remotely controlled explosive boat
system consisting of 30-knot drone boats packed with high explosives con-
trolled from a cabin cruiser-type craft." He added that they have obtained
"more than 50" of these boats.
Killer storm buries cities
A superstorm that buried some cities under almost 3 feet of snow and
killed 49 people fired another broadside at the Northeast as it headed out of
the country yesterday, leaving new snowfall records even in the Snow Belt.
A dozen Deep South cities from San Angelo, Texas, to Mobile, Ala., repor-
ted record low temperatures for the date and light snow fell in Atlanta for a
second day.
Across the Midwest into western New York, many travelers remained
stranded as snowplow operators jousted with snow blown into drifts as high
as 10 feet in Illinois. In western New York, State Trooper W.M. Ryan said a
plow would open a road and an hour later it would be covered again with

deep snow.
"It's a little like pushing an ocean back with a teaspoon," Ryan said
Up to 31.4 inches of snow had collected in the Buffalo, N.Y., suburb of north
Tonawanda, with 26.9 inches at Buffalo International Airport and more on
the way. Ashtabula, Ohio, got 26 inches from the storm.
Thursday, March 1, 1984
Vol: XCIV-No. 118
(ISSN 0745-967X)
The Michigan Daily is edited and managed by students at The University
of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday mornings during the
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scription rates: $15.50 September through April (2 semesters); $19.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tuesday through Satur-
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